Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1513: 10 days

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Others can't see the sensational battle in the universe, but the powerful kings of God Realm, such as Tianshan Snow King and Dragon Eagle Clan Ancestor, can still see it. That fierce battle made the Tianshan Snow King and the Dragon Eagle clan ancestors secretly speak out.

If such battles are replaced by them, what can we do to protect the mainland of Kyushu?

Not to mention participating in this level of battle, it was Li Mo's last blow from their last blow. How many powerful kings of God Realm are enough to kill?

However, the Snow King of the Tianshan Mountains and the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle Clan firmly believed that Kyushu would be fine if the young man who rushed back in the universe!

"Hahaha, Heavenly Emperor has won! Heavenly Emperor is invincible!"

Li Mo hadn't rushed back, so the Dragon Eagle ancestors quickly told everyone of such good news.

"Emperor! Winner!"

"Emperor! Winner!"


Below, a crowd of heavenly soldiers raised their long guns above their heads and shouted excitedly.

Not long after, Li Mo's figure appeared in the palace of Tiangong.

But Li Mo at the moment, the bright dragon robe before was slightly dim. It was even covered with the dust and blood of battle.

But all the people looked at Li Mo who had returned from the war, but their eyes were even more fanatical. This is the God of Heaven! When there is God, Kyushu is here!

"Senior, after today. Kyushu Guangkai University. To enable all the world's souls to practice, and to have the opportunity to improve their cultivation, our monks in Kyushu are still weak."

Li Mo said to the Snow King of Tianshan and the ancestors of the Longying tribe, privately, Li Mo is still called the two seniors.

"Okay, after today. I will study with a few kings to ensure that there is one college in each county. The teachers, elders, and masters of the college are personally sent by the kings."

The ancestor of the Longying tribe knew what Li Mo meant, so he nodded and answered.


Li Mo responded, and quickly walked to the front of the palace steps. Looking at the millions of soldiers and the crowd of people outside the Heavenly Palace, Li Mo's voice passed with aura.

"The Heavenly Court was first built, and I am going to preach in the Tenth Temple for ten days. No matter inside or outside the Heavenly Court, all souls can come and listen! From now on, all the people in Kyushu will be cultivated!"

"Emperor Shengming!"

"Emperor Shengming!"


After another voice came, Li Mo was the strongest in Kyushu. So Li Mo preached, where is simple? So the creatures inside and outside the Tiangong Palace were so excited when they heard Li Mo's words.

The people outside the Tiangong Palace have dispersed. They must pay close attention to inform the clan of their forces, and hurriedly come within ten days to listen to the preaching of the emperor.

"It's not too early, can we have a banquet and celebrate?"

The Snow King on the side reminded with a smile.

For today's things, the Snow King of Tianshan and the ancestors of the Dragon Eagle tribe have prepared too much for several months. Even today's dishes are carefully selected. That fine wine was carefully selected throughout Kyushu.

"it is good."

Li Mo smiled, then took Jin Qiaoxin's hand and walked into the Lingxiao Baodian.

In a few moments, two rows of wine tables were prepared in the Lingxiao Hall. The strong men who can sit here are all high-ranking leaders of all major forces in Kyushu.

Needless to say, Li Mo and Jin Qiaoxin sat on the throne of the Ling Xiao Bao Dian. Plates of delicious food and wine are on the table.

"How about the soldiers?"

Looking at the crowd below, Li Mo asked.

"Return to Emperor Tian, ​​the soldiers are arranged in various palaces and lofts. The soldiers and we eat the same."

The nightmare ancestor sat down and said respectfully to Li Mo.

"That's good, let's have a seat."

Li Mo nodded and smiled.

Wine is good wine, and food is good. Everyone is also very happy, but on such occasions today, everyone is doomed not to drink too much.

Few people find Li Mo toast, after all, Li Mogui is the emperor. Standing high, it seems that everyone maintains a respectful attitude towards Li Mo.

So just one hour after the moon rose, everyone dispersed...

The next day, in the square of Tiangong. A beautiful high platform has been set up, which is more than fifty feet high. Make it visible to people in the square.

Just outside the Tiangong, those who rushed to hear the news. You can also vaguely see that after all, everyone is a monk, and his eyesight is good.

This high platform was built by the ancestors of the Dragon and Eagle tribe who brought up the heavenly court early. Obviously, these things are matters of heaven, and they are within the division of the ancestor of the Dragon and Eagle tribe.

"Please God!"

Deep inside the Lingxiao Baodian, there was a shout.

Then, Li Mo, who saw a beautiful dragon robe, stepped on the void and walked slowly to the platform.

This dragon robe is the same as yesterday's dragon robe, and the damage was repaired by the maid who didn't know how many maids worked overnight.

"Meet the God!"

Even the people outside the Tiangong Palace in the distance can vaguely see the splendid dragon robe for a time. Inside and outside Tiangong, kneel down again.

"Flat body."

Li Mo slowly sat on the high platform, and his voice spread all over the place.

"Xie Tiandi!"

The vast voice of the crowd came again before slowly getting up. Looking at Li Mo's eyes, he was full of excitement and excitement.

These creatures were present yesterday. Some of them got the news yesterday and rushed overnight.

Of course, these strong men who came here overnight stayed not far from Zhongzhou. Those clan people far away from Zhongzhou are still on the way.

But everyone heard the majestic battle of the Emperor of Heaven yesterday, and the majesty of the Heavenly Court was fought out during the battle. So when these people saw Li Mo's figure, they became even more excited.

"Sit." Li Mo said flatly.

A crowd of people sat in response, and looked at Li Mo with their eyes burning.

"The monks here are all monks who can save lives and wounds. Not only do they save their loved ones and friends, but they can also save themselves when they are injured. Today I will tell you one aspect of the drug can also save people."

Li Mo's voice came again, spreading all over the world with aura. So that people sitting on the floor in all directions can hear clearly.

"Poison Road?"

"Can the poison road save people?"


Listening to Li Mo's A group of monks couldn't help but mutter to himself.

If these words were changed to what others said, they would be 10,000 unbelievers. Even the other party should be regarded as the devil who cultivated the poisonous Tao, which might cause everyone to gather and besiege.

But now Li Mo said these words, so despite the doubts in the hearts of everyone, they still believe it. Don't believe the words of the emperor, who can still believe it?

"Poison gong can kill people, but it can also poison poison. Many injuries can also be treated with poison gong. For example, some people are good at fire Dao Gong and practice in a fire-enhanced environment, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. But if the cultivation is not enough In such an environment, it is bound to be poisoned by fire.

But at this time, if there is a toad demon cultivated by a master who practices poison, he can help you absorb the fire poison in your body. It can also detoxify fire..."

Li Mo went on to say that all these things were seen by Li Mo in the supreme devotion of the first generation of poison ancestors of the poison sect. The more he understood the poisonous road, Li Mo praised the broadness of the poisonous road more and more, and he was willing to carry it forward.

And the people who listened to it below also showed their enlightened expressions.

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