Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 188: 7 Fairies

Zhao Risheng stood up and stared at Mo Zifei.

   Liu Shaodao said: "The fight has also been done, the trouble has happened, Zhao Risheng, do you want to continue?"

   "I need to remind you that the background of this Yaochi club can't even provoke my family. If you annoy the owner here, I am afraid that the entire Zhao family will be implicated by you."

   Zhao Risheng froze.

  He dare to make trouble here, of course, he has confidence, but Liu Shao's words make him a little hairy.

  What is Liu Shao's identity? None of the people present were comparable. Compared with him, Mo Zifei was nothing. The words he said were by no means intimidating.

   Mo Zifei said with a smile: "I just forgot to say that although I was the guest today, it was all Liu Shao's merit to be able to book this supreme room. If I were to come, they would not appreciate my face."

   Zhao Risheng was shocked.

  Yaochi Club Supreme One-room Private Room is difficult to book, Zhao Risheng also knows that he wants to book more than once, but he has never been able to do so.

   originally thought that it was Yang Tianhou who gave the contemporary military **** a face, and now it seems that it is not the same thing at all.

   Even the **** of war is not given, what is the background of this club?

   "Is this person?"

   asked Zhao Risheng in consternation, a soft and gentle voice.

   "It's him, 嘤嘤嘤......" The sobbing sound came, but it was the fairy of the colorful butterfly who was so cruel to cry by Zhao Risheng.

   In front of the clubhouse, there are two people standing, one is a fairy with colorful butterflies, and the other is a fabulous fairy in red.

   "Xiaozi? How did you change your clothes?" Bai Wudi looked at the fairy in red with surprise.

  The appearance of this fairy in red is exactly the same as the fairy in purple last time that Bai Wudi saw, so he was surprised.

  Fairy in red said: "Guest Zhao Risheng, the mischievous fairy of my pond in Yaochi, has bad means. I was imprisoned in a sewage pond for a year according to the rules of the pond of my pond."

Zhao Risheng was silly, and then he smiled: "I said little fairy in red, don't you really think this is the mythical Yaochi? Isn't it a high-class brothel? What kind of outfit? Your family has a background, I admit, However, you want to detain me for punishment, I am afraid that you are not capable!"

   "I'm the deputy leader of the sixth group of the TS organization. If you dare to buckle me privately, you are doing the right thing with the entire TS organization!"

   "Let's talk about it, can you hold me down with you alone?"

   "Little Red Lady, Uncle Ben is very unhappy today, how about you coming with me?"

  Zhao Risheng saw the fairy in red and his soul was flying. Whatever the consequences, the background, and the background, he completely ignored it. He chuckled and walked to the fairy in red. He just wanted to catch it and get close.

   "I disrespect the fairy, increase the crime, and punish the sinkhole for two years!"

   The face of the fairy in red changed, her long sleeves flicked, and the red damask flew out like a spiritual spirit. She instantly wrapped Zhao Risheng into a firm and strong body.

   Zhao Risheng's face was frightened, but he couldn't move.

  The red damask of the fairy in red is like the legendary bundle of fairy ropes. No matter how struggling Zhao Risheng is, it is difficult to get rid of.

  The fairy in red said lightly: "Push him into the sinkhole!"

   Two maids came forward and dragged Zhao Risheng like a dog, dragging it down.

   "Don't, don't, I'm from the TS organization, you can't do this to me!"

   "I am from the Zhao family, you dare to treat me like this, the Zhao family will never let you go!"

   "Let me go, let me go!"

  Zhao Risheng's voice became smaller and smaller until he could not hear it at all.

  The fairy in the red dress moved the lotus step and greeted Mo Zifei and others.

   "To disturb the gods of the gods, the fairy in red is not here to accompany me."

   The voice of the fairy in red is soft and gentle, and it is not good to say. If you use the simplest words to describe it, just hearing her voice, the whole person is crisp.

  White invincible surprised looking at the red fairy: "Aren't you a little purple girl?"

  The fairy in red covered her mouth and smiled: "Xiaozi is my sister, Shangxian wants to find her? I will call you."

   After a while, the'Little Purple' that Bai Wudi wanted to see came.

  When the fairy in purple and the fairy in red stood together, Bai Wudi opened his mouth and didn't speak for a while.

  The two fairies are exactly the same except for their clothes, looks, and even height.

  * said: "Are you sure there are seven people?"

  The fairy in red smiles: "Nature."

   "It's weird. The last time I saw fairies in plain clothes and fairies in green clothes, they looked exactly the same."

   Ning Shao said: "I have seen a fairy in yellow and a fairy in green. The appearance of these two fairies is exactly the same."

  The fairy in red and the fairy in purple smiled at the same time, and said, "I don't deceive you, the seven of our sisters are all the same."

   When you come to this supreme room, you can only see up to two fairies at a time. Although it can be chosen by guests, there has never been more than three people at the same time.

  Mo Zifei smiled and said: "I'm afraid these two guys dressed up?"

  Twins are very common, triplets and quadruplets are barely there, but how can one believe that seven twins?

   "I get it!" Liu Shao gave a high-five and smiled: "No wonder only two people appear at a time. It turns out that the third fairy cannot appear."

  The fairy in purple clothes has big eyes and is smart: "Hey, the fairy is wrong, we are really seven sisters, not two."

   "Unbelieve it or not."

   "Absolutely not believe it."

   A group of elder brothers shook their heads one after another.

Liu Shao looked at the reactions of his friends and smiled: "It would be better to invite all the seven fairies out. As for the cost, I settled it seven times when I came Red Fairy Road: "Young Master Liu, you are a valuable guest here, and your request is not excessive. It's just that if you want seven of our sisters to play at the same time, you must ask your mother for permission. "

  Liu Shao was disappointed and shook his head: "Then forget it, even my father's face Yang Tianhou will not sell, let alone me."

   Liu Shao laughed: "Come and come, everyone will go to immortals, sit down, drink!"

  Although this young Liu Dao is distinguished, he has no shelf at all. Although Li Mo first met this person, he was quite fond of it.

   Everyone was seated, and the two fairies sat across from them, three meters apart.

  According to the regulations of the Yaochi Club, the seven fairies are different from the little fairies, and they cannot talk to ‘Shangxian’.

   Xianle played, a group of fairies danced gracefully, Mo Zifei remained very sober at first, but as Xianle and fairies danced, his eyes gradually became confused.

   The same is true of other people, dancing one by one, showing their infatuation.

  The invincible white invincible looked at the fairy in purple clothes, looking intoxicated.

Li Mo drank a few glasses of "Qion pulp", and felt his head dizzy, but just a moment, his mind was sober, Xianle, Xianwu also had no effect on him, his consciousness has always remained sober, but popular When the fairy and the purple fairy looked at him, his eyes immediately became confused.

   "Sister Red, is it almost?" Fairy Ziyi whispered.

   "Not enough, Master Bai Family and Mo Junshen are all four-level strongmen, and their resistance is far more than ordinary people. If you want to completely control them, it will take at least half an hour."

  The fairy in red stood up and toasted the crowd.

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