Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 243: The difference between vitality and true yuan

Li Mo was teleported to an ancient fighting arena, where there were more than one opponent, but a total of ten people!

Xuan level ancient battlefield, ten-man victory.

There are four ancient battlefields in Heaven, Earth, and Xuanhuang. The rules of the ancient battlefields in the Huang level are one-to-one, and when it reaches the Xuan level, it becomes a chaos of 10 people, a chaos of 100 people at the ground level, and a chaos of 1000 people at the heaven level.

No matter how many opponents there are, only one person can win in the end, and this is the unique charm of the ancient battlefield.

When he saw Li Mo fighting with nine opponents, Du Fei's eyes widened and his mouth widened...

"What's so special?"

Du Fei really saw it. When Li Mo was besieged by five strong men, he backed off again and again, and finally escaped underground.

"This is a good move." Du Fei's eyes lit up.

Just when Du Fei made plans, when Li Mo finished the game and learned this escape technique, he saw a monster with a lower body and a human body, and he ran to the place where Li Mo escaped, and his four hoofs stepped down to the ground suddenly. .


As if it were a major earthquake, the whole arena shook.

The next second, Li Mo retreated from the fighting field.

He was beaten to death by a centaur and lost...


Du Fei laughed.

This dead one is too strange.

Li Mo did not feel embarrassed at all: "The crunch of the centaur is the nemesis of earth escape, let alone my half-hanging earth escape, even if the teacher of Tu Xingsun came by himself, this blow is also under No doubt will die."

"This guy is a sixth-level strongman, he uses True Yuan."

True Yuan's blow is much stronger than Yuanli's.

After being shot out of the fighting field, a red reading bar appeared above Li Mo's head. This was not a health bar, but a cooling time. Because he lost the game, he could not continue to participate in the game until the game was not over. .

Soon, the winner of the ten-man chaos appeared, not a centaur, but a dwarf little sister with a height of only one meter, a double pony tail, an iron hammer, and an iron shield.

The dwarf little sister is extremely cute, but he is not cute at all. It is he who solves the strong centaur with the big hammer in his hand.

Du Fei said: "It's not fair at all. If nine people besieged one, how could it win?"

"Ten people think it is unfair? The prefecture level is a battle of one hundred people, and the heaven level is a battle of one thousand people. Compared with the prefecture level and the heaven level, what is this?

"Fair? What fairness is there in this world? For example, the ten ancient beasts of ancient times, you haven't seen any other, you have seen the monkey 200 million? The blood line of his ancestors is less than one percent, but his strength What about?"

"Looking at our pair of Cheby brothers and sisters, let's practice, they also follow the practice, but they have been practicing for so long that they can't even build the foundation."

"In this world, there is no fairness in the first place, the narrow road meets, the brave wins!"

"I'll try!"

Du Fei selected the Xuan-class ancient battlefield and teleported into it.

When the ten-man chaos started, Du Fei's fighting thought was very clear. He didn't fight, he only ran. As a result, he was clever and his opponent was not stupid. Seeing that he was going to play tricks, he was united as a unit. .


A monster with a dog-headed body punched Du Fei's body with a punch, but the power of the Bright Eucharist immediately appeared and immediately reunited to restore it.


A tortoise stood on two feet, and one claw was pulled out to cut Du Fei's waist.

The Light Eucharist immediately recovered...



Take a look at the nine strong men. I will destroy Du Fei's body again and again like a ball shoot. A white tiger is impatient and swallows Du Fei whole...

Du Fei withdrew from the ancient battlefield, and his whole body was shaking.

Sometimes it is not a good thing to have a very resilient body. Although it can be reorganized and recovered every time, the pain it receives is not a little bit less.

"This mysterious ancient battlefield is too terrifying..."

Li Mo laughed: "Strength is one aspect, tactics are also one aspect, you just exposed it too early."

In a ten-person melee, in fact, everyone wants to take advantage of the fishermen, but if anyone is too obvious, it will be besieged by everyone.

"It's a deep learning..."

"By Brother Mo, can you learn the trick of arrogance?"


"Taught me!"

Du Fei is not interested in powerful attack martial arts, but is extremely interested in life-saving means.

Li Mo passed the earth escape technique to everyone, and then to everyone the wood escape, fire escape, and water escape.

"Earth escape is only one of the five elements of escape. The five types of escape from gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The most precious is the gold escape. This gold is not gold, not metal gold. If you can use the five elements escape, Complete repairs will produce new escape techniques."

"The escape technique, which can perfectly fit the body into the five elements, is very domineering. Unfortunately, I only have these four types. The golden escape technique has not yet been learned."

"If you can understand it instantly, it's stealth."

"I must find the golden escape technique!" Du Fei was tempted.

"There is a meeting on earth. That person is Zheng Wufang. He looks mediocre, but if you see him, turn around and leave immediately."

Shortly after Du Fei, Jiuwei Xiaobai also tried a Xuan-class ancient battlefield, and she actually won.

However, she can win, but it is not entirely based on her strength. Her strength is the same as Du Fei and Mrs. Ning, all of which are the fifth-level peaks, and the demon power has not yet been realized. In the realm, it is the same as the public on the Xuan-level ancient battlefield. Experts have a gap.

She was able to win because she was too charming, and her opponent couldn't bear to strike her, so she won the victory without any effort.

After the victory, Jiuwei Xiaobai also successfully promoted to the first level of Xuan level.

"If you can't turn Yuan Li into reality, playing the Xuan-class ancient battlefield is really stressful, so everyone, let's work together."

Li Mo sent it in again.

Losing in the Xuan-class ancient battlefield is not shameful at all, so Li Mo lost.

Jiuwei Xiaobai, Du Fei, and Mrs. Ning have joined the Xuan-class ancient battlefield. Their records have lost and won. Among them, Jiuwei Xiaobai has the best record, and the worst record is Li Mo.

Li Mo was unbeatable.

It’s not that he put the water, but he never hit...

After losing three more games in a row, Li Mo couldn't get in, bowing his head and thinking, it didn't take long before suddenly realized.

"So it turns out..."

Once again, Li Mo's style of play changed, neither attacking nor retreating, the performance of the squat crowd, this game, he reached the final stage, and a humanoid green hair turtle confrontation, played ten times In a few minutes, it finally lost...

Still lost...

"Mo brother, come on." Du Fei won again, and he was almost promoted.

"It's okay, you continue."

Li Mo smiled and continued to enter.


Li Mohuan disturbed the green energy of his whole body, and all of them suddenly disappeared and entered the body.

Yuanli turns it into reality and succeeds!

Li Mo punched out and threw three opponents out of the court...

This time the ten-man battle, Li Mo wins! (https://)

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