Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 282: Pure Yang Gong

"These two monks who are still vulgar, one practicing the dragon skills and the other training the tiger skills. If they are asked to perform at the same time, their power is twice as powerful as that of one person. If they meet others, they may lose money, but they will encounter I can only count them out of luck."

On the earth, although Li Mo's strength has been suppressed at level 5, his physical strength has already reached the level of level 8. This is not something that can be suppressed by the law. There is no difference in the abnormal physique produced by raising, and it is not limited by the law at all.

Li Mo released his breath and determined that there was no one nearby, before letting go.

He is fearless, but he cannot let A Cai in a dangerous environment.

Returning to Acai's bedroom, Acai worriedly said the latest annoyance: "In recent days, Gu Tianju has sent someone to invite me to his guest."

"You don't have to take it easy."

"My worry is that he will come to me, I can not go to him, but if he wants to come, I can't help."

Li Mo nodded.

Gutianjue is the Laozi in the ancient Han Dynasty, and the holy body in the ancient Han Dynasty is exactly from the ancient Tianjue. In terms of blood orthodoxy, the ancient Tianjue is the first generation of the holy body, and the ancient Han Dynasty is only the second generation.

The ancient holy king system, which is invaded by all means, is a terrible thing in itself.

Moreover, it is said that Gu Tianjue and the ancient Han have very different personalities. Gu Tianjue has worked very hard since childhood. He not only practiced spells, but also practiced physical exercises. If he did not retire from Yao Changsheng a few years ago, he is now a stranger in China Above the sky list, there must be him in the top three positions.

"Gu Tian is absolutely a sacred king body. If I get close to him, I have no ability to resist."

"I'll give you your charm, just stay there."

"always there."

"That's good, although Gu Tian is absolutely powerful, but I believe that with my current practice, it is not difficult to solve him."

"The strength of the host is amazing, this birdie is very convinced."

Farewell to Acai, Li Mo returned to the world of Fengshen. The first thing he did was to secretly put the'photo' in Ma Tiehan's residence.

A day later, Ma Tiehan and Qian Wenxin both disappeared.

"Boss Huang please."

In Kyoto's "First Clubhouse", Huang Tianxiong, who had a big belly, hugged Ma Tiehan's wife and walked toward the private room with a smile.

The first club in Kyoto is currently the only night club that can sit on par with Acai’s Yaochi club, and the boss behind this club is Gu Tianjue.


Just as Huang Tianxiong put Ma Tiehan's wife up and down in the box, the door was kicked open.

Huang Tianxiong was startled and turned to scold, "Who is that special? Do you know who I am?"

Looking at the dark shadow at the door, Huang Tianxiong suddenly felt a little familiar. When the light turned, he could see clearly.

"Ma Tiehan!" Huang Tianxiong stunned slightly.

"Tiehan? Are you dead?" Ma Tiehan's wife stood up in panic.

"I am dead? When am I dead? You bitch!"

"It was Huang Tianxiong who said you were dead, so I..."

Ma Tiehan's wife was pale and suddenly blamed Huang Tianxiong.

At this moment, both husband and wife understood.

"Huang Tianxiong, I will **** you M!"

Ma Tiehan rushed up and punched.


A wave of white light shone from Huang Tianxiong's hands, and hit Ma Tiehan's face, and Ma Tiehan covered his face and fell to the ground.

Don't look at Huang Tianxiong's big belly poop, like a greasy middle-aged man, but he is not an ordinary person. He is the real person in charge of the thunder company Huaxia District. If he has no strength, can he be in this position?

"Ma Tiehan, you are in a world of gods, my strength is far inferior to you, but back to the real world, you will always be just garbage!"

Huang Tianxiong flew a kick and kicked Ma Tiehan.

Ma Tiehan's wife screamed and rushed towards Huang Tianxiong like crazy, but was slapped by Huang Tianxiong and fell on the sofa.

"Are you saying that you honestly do a bad job in the world of God? Why should you come back secretly?"

"Your wife, I will take care of you, how good, this fine skin and tender meat, I haven't played enough."

Huang Tianxiong grinned and pinched the face of Ma Tiehan's wife.

"Son of a bitch!"

Ma Tiehan broke up again, and Huang Tianxiong slapped him to the ground.

"You came at the right time, just right, I was in front of you, hehe hehe hehe..."

"Huang Tianxiong, why can't I meet you? You treat me like this?" Ma Tiehan roared.

"You are worthy of me everywhere, except that I have never regarded you as a friend. You are just one of my dogs, just obedient."

"You're back, is Qian Wenxin also coming back? Hey, Qian Wenxin's daughter I haven't won after trying so hard for a long time, it is really a failure."

"You are a brute."

"Whatever you say, being a man, if I'm sorry for myself, wouldn't it be a failure?"

"Ma Tiehan, in this world, there is nothing right or wrong at all. Whoever is strong will be the one who is right. Just like me, I will call you to live, you will live, you will die, and you will die immediately."

"Do you have any way to take me?"

"No way."

Huang Tianxiong walked to Ma Tiehan's wife and took off her clothes in front of Ma Tiehan.

Ma Tiehan's wife scolded loudly, crying and yelling.

"You beast, don't die."

"People will die sooner or later, so if I live one day, I will enjoy the day."

"Do you have any way to take me?"

"No way."

Huang Tianxiong grinned and took off his pants.

"He can't take you, I might be a little bit."

There was another shadow at the door.

Huang Tianxiong sneered: "Who are you? Qian Wenxin? Did you bring your daughter?"

"I am Li Mo you are looking for."

Li Mo walked into the box.

"It's not the pure Yang body, dare to practice the pure Yang Gong, Huang Tianxiong, even if I don't kill you today, and within a year, you will die miserably."

"I'm dead miserable. I'm afraid you can't see it because you can't live today!"

A white light burst from Huang Tianxiong's hands, blasting at Li Mo.

Li Mo kept shining and greeted with a punch.

When the two fists collided, the white light in Huang Tianxiong's hands disappeared as if the fire had gone out.

Li Mo pointed out, Huang Tianxiong snorted and fell to the ground.

"Your pure Yang Gong practice is not home yet. I will help you."

Li Mo put his hand on top of Huang Tianxiong's head and instilled the spirit into it.

The pure Yang ray of Huang Tianxiong's body suddenly flourished.

Chunyang third, Chunyang fourth and Chunyang fifth!

Li Mo has been pushing Huang Tianxiong's pure Yang Gong to the sixth level before stopping.

"Ahhhhhhh—hot, so hot, so hot..."

Huang Tianxiong screamed He was red and swollen, rushed to the table, picked up a bottle of wine and drunk, followed by the second and third bottles.

He kept drinking, but his body became thinner at a rate that was visible to the naked eye. He kept drinking and kept thinning until he couldn't walk or crawl, and then stopped.

"Hot... so thirsty, give me water." Huang Tianxiong moaned.

"Your thirst is not the body, but the soul. From now on, you will endure this pain all the time until you die."

"Li Mo, you do me, my son will not let you go!"

"You still have a breath now. If I were you, I would call Huang Feng and tell him not to mess with me all my life."

"Don't be too proud, there are people in this world you can't afford!"

"This sentence should be right for me."

Li Mo turned and walked out of the box.

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