Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 289: Prosperity

"It is not an ordinary soul transfer, but a Taoist method of one gasification and three clearings. It turned out that Zhou Mengxian would not only be the Changchun Gong."

Li Mo looked at Zhou Mengxian's body and waved it with his palm. The body immediately turned into smoke and dissipated.

In the universe, there are many ways to create "incarnations outside the body", but to say the most powerful, except for the "genius" of the major races, the first is "Five Qi Chaoyuan", followed by "one gasification three clear" .

It can be clearly seen from the figures that the difference between Wuqi and Sanqing, except for the difference in quantity, there is no difference in the ability of the avatars produced by Yiqi Sanqing and Wuqi Chaoyuan.

"If you can know the method of one gasification and three cleansing, my five-qi Chaoyuan should be able to perfect it."

Li Mo murmured to himself, his figure wobbled and disappeared in situ.


There was a burst of laughter at Monkey Mountain, and the sound was so loud that the birds and beasts of Monkey Mountain walked away.

The two hundred and twenty million monkeys lie weakly on the stone, and in front of him sits a female monkey holding the newly born baby monkey in his arms. The baby monkey is golden all over, and there is a vertical eye in the forehead. These characteristics are positive. It is the phenomenon of'return to ancestor' of the giant monkey family.

The monkey's $200 million ‘effort’ was not in vain, and finally a descendant with the bloodline of the ‘tongming spirit monkey’ appeared, and from the appearance, this ‘tongming spirit monkey’ seems to be in perfect condition.

"If the blood curse of the giant monkey family can be interrupted in its hands, then I am willing to die even if I die."

Li Mo appeared next to the two hundred and twenty two monkeys, and the two hundred and two hundred two monkeys closed their eyes and issued a heavy breath in their mouths: "The Tongming spirit monkey is not suitable for living in the world, it can be born, all thanks to you, and you, you will It’s the responsibility of education..."

"Educate it for me..."

The two hundred and twenty-two-year-old monkey reached out his hand, grabbed the "Tongming Spirit Monkey", gently stroked it for a long time, and suddenly threw it at Li Mo.

"I can't do it anymore, take me back to Aguxing."

The Tongming Spirit Monkey is extremely quiet, letting Li Mo hug him and staying still.

Li Mo nodded, just about to open the domain gate leading to Aguxing, and suddenly a golden light erupted in the woods, followed by the squeak of the monkey cub.

Another baby monkey with the blood veins of a bright spirit monkey was born!

The monkey stayed 200 million one hundred twenty-one, suddenly sat up, and ran quickly in that direction.

In the woods, the newly-born baby monkey is golden, not only has a strong eye in the forehead, but also a monkey pattern with three heads and six arms appears on the monkey's back. When the monkey two or two found this monkey figure, he was dumbfounded for more than ten seconds. Suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly.


Two hundred and twenty two monkeys laughed until they were breathless. When they fell to the ground, there was still a smile on the monkey's face.

Li Mo stepped forward, hugged the little monkey with the ‘monkey picture’ on his back, opened the domain gate, and took the corpse of the monkey 200 million to Aguxing.

Two little monkeys with the bloodline of ‘Tongming Spirit Monkey’ were extremely quietly held by Li Mo. They did not cry or scream, but stared at their rolling eyes and looked around curiously.

Li Mo brought the 200 million monkey corpses to the giant monkey tribe. Without stopping, he took two monkeys to the ancient battlefield.

"Your father died to lift the curse of the giant monkey family, and your life gave it hope, from more to less, to the end, there should be no reincarnation."

"From today on, you will be called Monkey Breaking Sky, and you will be called Monkey proud Sky."

The two little monkeys looked at Li Mo with blinking curious eyes.

Li Mo glanced down at their hips, and they were all happy, and it seemed that the name was perfect.

In the ancient battlefield, the giant panda has reached the ninth level of the yellow level, and is now attacking the ancient battlefield of the Xuan level, while Du Fei and Mrs. Ning have begun to attack the ancient battlefield of the ground level.

Whether it is Du Fei or Mrs. Ning, their talents are rare in the world, so it is not surprising to have such an entry.

On the other hand, Li Mo baptized the two little monkeys personally in the way of reiki initiation. His method can further stimulate their blood.

The two little monkeys grow at an amazing speed. After ten days, they can walk on their own. After a month, they can already hold weapons and follow Li Mo in practice.

They have the bloodline of ‘Tongming Spirit Monkey’, and they are better than humans in intelligence, so they learn everything fast, and Li Mo teaches them what they can learn immediately.

In terms of learning speed, the monkey Aotian with the ‘monkey picture’ behind it is obviously faster than the monkey without the ‘monkey picture’. It only takes a few days to open a huge distance.

The more pure the bloodline of the spirit monkey, the more obvious the performance. How many bloodlines of the "Tongming Spirit Monkey" have been inherited by the monkey Aotian with the "Monkey Picture", Li Mo is not clear. It only knows that the potential of this monkey will be infinite huge.

As expected, Monkey Aotian started to challenge the ancient battlefield of the Huang class just three months ago. As a result, the giant panda was deeply hit. Monkey Aotian was invincible. It took only three days to reach the yellow level. Order nine!

When the panda saw this scene, he was so angry that he hit the wall with his head.

How big is the difference between cats and monkeys?

"I don't accept it!"

The giant panda pounded his chest with his claws and rushed into the ancient battlefield.

The other monkey, "Monkey Breaking the Sky", although not as good as the monkey Aotian, can also kill back and forth in the ancient battlefield of the yellow level. At this speed, it can rule in less than a month. Yellow level ancient battlefield.

The panda is going crazy...

During the training of the two little monkeys, Li Mo was not idle, and on Aguxing, he successfully broke through the sixth level and advanced to the seventh level.

When Li Mo returned to the world of Fengshen, another year had passed. Ye Xiaolu lived up to expectations, and was promoted to the top ten again, and Li Mo was surprised that both Ma Tiehan and Qian Wenxin returned. They were also promoted to the top ten again.

"We did not come back this time to thrill the company's mission, but to repay you to the benefactor."

Ma Tiehan found Li Mo and explained the purpose of his return with Qian Wenxin.

Li Mo nodded.

Although the potential of Ye Xiaolu ~ ~ there are no problems in taking the top 10 ten times, but Ma Tiehan and Qian Wenxin's progress is much faster than Ye Xiaolu, they are willing to help, can save a lot of time.

"What about your family?"

"It's all placed in the world of Gods."

"You hold these two exercises."

Li Mo took out two exercises and gave them to Ma Tiehan.

The power gained by Ma Tiehan and Qian Wenxin in the world of Fengshen cannot be brought to reality at all. They are still ordinary people in the real world, and if they practice the exercises given by Li Mo, there will be no such defects. Too.

Ma Tiehan was grateful.

Kyoto, the headquarters of the Alien Alliance.

Li Mo stood in front of the stage, holding the ‘President’s Waist Card’ in his hand.

Today, he wants to completely control the alien alliance!

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