Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 317: Secret of Xingqi

   The'Door Gate' in front of me, the spacetime leading to it, is a very special spacetime, that spacetime does not belong to any era on earth, and even it may not belong to reality.

   Fantasy space-time fragments.

   "Upgrade, fight monsters, drop treasures?"

   "In the beginning, it was level 0. The improvement of strength depends on the level. What is it."

   "Game world?"

   "What do you mean?"

   A group of strangers who have never been in contact with the game are stunned.

   Du Feidao: "Accurately speaking, the world inside is not a certain period of past history, but a whole new world."

   This domain gate was named "Xing Qi" by Thunder Company. It is the highest secret of Thunder Company. If Du Fei had not become the head of Thunder Company's Asia region, he did not even have the qualification to know.

   Know this secret, and lead all the people in Huaxia District to carry out secret strategy, but this matter, the headquarters is still unaware of such a bold thing, I am afraid only Du Fei can do it.

"The world behind this door is a time and space where the laws are completely different from the real world. After entering, no matter what your strength is, you are at level 0, and all your powers can’t be brought in, everything has to be restarted, even, just Even your identity."


  Du Fei thought for a while and said, "I just created an account, do you understand?"

"do not understand."

   "A group of rookies..." Du Fei was speechless.

   Indeed, to someone who has never been in contact with any game to tell him about the game, it is strange that he can understand it.

Du Fei thought for a long time before he said: "Simple, everyone will change into the world, their appearance and identity will change, just like me. After I entered, my appearance changed. I said that I am Du Fei, I am afraid neither of you I will believe that is what it means."

   "Oh, I still don't understand."


   "Forget it, it doesn't matter how much. When everyone comes in and sees it, I understand what's going on."

   "Mr. Du, what's the benefit of this copy?" someone asked.

   benefits are the source of motivation.

"There are a lot of benefits. The items inside can be brought to reality. I said a few I know, five hundred years of **** fruit. Do you know what this represents? You get one and eat it, you can live another five hundred years. ."

"real or fake……"

"of course it's true."

   "In addition to this, there are all kinds of equipment and treasures, as well as mounts. In short, there are too many. As long as you have strength, what you want to get, there is nothing in it."

   "Understood, got it!"

   When Du Fei said this, many people understood it instantly.

  Li Mo also understood.

  Before Du Fei and Li Mo said this, Li Mo knew nothing about the existence of this domain gate.

   He always felt strange before, to say that the ancient battlefield is somewhat similar to the game, and it is barely acceptable. However, there is too much difference between the virtual **** realm and the game. What is the basis for the company to name the virtual **** realm as Xingqi?

  Li Mo always wanted to understand before Du Fei talked to him about this domain gate.

   Perhaps, many things that I wanted to understand before, after entering this, I will understand all.

   At the beginning, Du Fei and Li Mo talked about this matter. He wanted to form an elite team with Li Mo and went into the strategy. He didn't dispel this idea until he watched several internal videos.

  The world inside this domain is a veritable game world. It requires a large number of ‘players’ to work together to get a strategy. It is difficult for an elite team to play a role in it.

   "Everyone should bring the information, don't lose it, it will be officially launched tomorrow morning!"

   On the second day, all the members of the alien alliance, all members of the China region of the thunder company, all entered Xingqi to start the strategy.

   Li Mo also entered it.

   Brush brush brush——

The dazzling light spread in front of him, Li Mo opened his eyes reluctantly, and saw himself in a dream void. The whole picture lasted about ten seconds, and suddenly all the scene disappeared. Li Mo stood on a beautiful angel girl with white wings. before.

   "Hello, adventurer, I'm very happy to see you. I'm the lead of Starry Sky 1024. My name is Saiya. Please tell me your name."

   "Li Mo."

   "The name cannot be used, adventurer, I suggest you still use the four-character name."

   "Panic one B."

   "Named successfully."

   "Please choose occupation."

   Saiya pointed to the back, a dozen professional images turned in front of Li Mo's eyes.

   Powerful and domineering warrior, swordsman with high skill, knight on horseback, archer, mage, warlock, druid, priest, assassin...

There are sixteen occupations in total.


  After reading the introduction, Li Mo chose his occupation.

  Assassin class moves fast, the most important thing is to sneak. This is a magical skill, whether it is a sneak attack or an escape, it is very convenient.

   "Name, career selection is completed, the next time is to decide the fate."

   Saiya appeared behind a round roulette, densely covered with writing.

  Li Mo glanced at what he saw, brave, decisive, cunning, insidious, what other kills, etc., too much, I want to finish it, at least several hours.

   "You choose destiny, but also let destiny choose you."

   "Come on, people blessed by the **** Arua, come and accept your destiny!"

   Li Mo stood in front of the roulette and saw a line of words written on it.

   Talents can be drawn 3 times.

   "Well, it turned out to be a gift."

   Li Mo suddenly.

  Cosmic peoples, in addition to the Cheby people, each race has its own unique talents. Obviously, this game is also designed according to the universe environment.

Does    draw talent?

   Li Mo click OK.

  The roulette spun quickly, and there was no trick in estimating this thing. Li Mo waited a few seconds and then clicked to stop.

   The roulette stopped slowly, and a bell rang to show that the extraction was successful.

   Level 1 talent ‘Cowardly’. Effect: Decreases attack power by 10% and increases movement speed by 10% when escaping.

  Li Mo stunned: "This talent, must not be so bad?"

   Saiya said: "Adventure, the talent you draw is cowardice, cowardice is a very useful talent, especially when running away..."

   "Give up Continue to smoke!"

  Li Mo clicks to abandon to carry out the second extraction.


   Successful extraction!

   Level 1 talent "reckless", role: attack power increased by 10%, defense power decreased by 20%.

   Increased attack power looks good, but what the **** is this defense power reduced?

  Li Mo chose the occupation as an assassin, the assassin was originally low in blood, and if it is reduced by 20%, I am afraid that it will die if I touch it

   Saiya said: "Adventure, the talent you draw is reckless, reckless is a very useful talent, especially when fighting..."

give up!

  The roulette spins again.


   Successful extraction!

   Level 0 talent ‘coward”, role: when attacking, there is a 10% chance of fear, causing the whole body to tremble and fail to move. There is a 0.01% chance that the opponent will sympathize and let go. (Not upgradeable).

   What the **** is this?

   Li Mo is speechless...

   (As an online game novel, I wrote the game after writing more than three hundred chapters, which is also a record breaking...)


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