Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 345: Really have GM

"I remember the master said g, he said it was the supreme existence of this world, an unmatched existence!"

Mitte was excited, and Li Mo and Du Fei reminded him that his memory in this area was also activated.

"This dark palace was originally called the reincarnation hall. In addition to the reincarnation hall, there is also a reincarnation road. My master told me that g is at the end of the reincarnation road!"

"However, it is a pity that the reincarnation road is broken. When my master was attacked by the red shadow, it was broken, and it was for this reason that the ghost in the underworld could not be reincarnated..."

Mitte walked in front of the Emperor, respectfully said: "Master, please take us to the reincarnation road."

Emperor Ming's eyes lit up, and his hand waved.


The scene has changed, and there is a dark world in front of me. There is only a white road winding forward, and I don't know where it is going. However, when I look forward, the white road suddenly breaks, and there is no road ahead. It is dark.

"If it weren't for this reincarnation, even if my master had only one obsession, he would still be able to reincarnate hundreds of millions of ghosts. Although this is incomplete, the reincarnated person will not have any previous life memories."

Mitte sighed.

Du Fei said: "The reincarnated person will not have any memory, how can he prove that he is the reincarnated person? In my opinion, this is just the unilateral vision of the Emperor."

"My master is an ancient divine emperor, how could he deceive people!"

Mitte was a little emotional: "Although the reincarnated person does not have any memory of the previous life, but all kinds of previous life, such as talents, such as deep past, will automatically trigger under certain circumstances, at that time, you can restore the memory of the previous life. !"

"Of course, even without this, the reincarnated person still has a characteristic to prove."

"What characteristics?"


"As long as it is the reincarnation of the reincarnation by my Lord, there must be a reincarnation in the soul!

"People die like lights, before my lord, the rules of life and death in this world are like this. People die, even the invincible strongman, can't escape this fate in the end!"

"But my master's reincarnation of India is to make the soul truly reborn!"

"Also, the soul with reincarnation, the stability of the soul body, beyond imagination!"

Du Fei was interested: "Prove to see if there is reincarnation in the soul?"

"Agurdurah, Araguduo..."

Mith read a spell, and the Emperor's head glowed suddenly. He heard three sounds. Li Mo, Du Fei, Mith, and the souls of the three men broke away and flew into the air.

The souls of the three are completely different. Mitt's soul is pure and white, while Li Mo's soul color reveals a touch of red and gold.

The most peculiar thing is Du Fei, whose soul is actually five colors, it looks very conspicuous.

"You are all reincarnations!" Mitt yelled.

"You were reincarnated twice, you... you, you actually reincarnated five times? Emperor Ming is on this, how... this is possible, I remember very well, Emperor Ming just created the reincarnation reincarnation, the duration is not yet In a thousand years, in such a short period of time, how did you... reincarnate five times?"

"No, no..." Mitt shook his head suddenly: "Time is not right..."

"What's going on, in the end..."

Mitte couldn't understand.

"Five reincarnations...Emperor, can you tell me, why is this?"

Mitt knelt in front of Emperor Ming, but unfortunately, Emperor Ming could not answer him at all. The spell he recited, like a TV remote control, could only arouse the magic power corresponding to Emperor Ming.


As the light above the Emperor's head faded, the souls of the three men also turned back.

Li Mo is more shocked than Du Fei. He is a person who is born again. If according to Emperor Ming, it is understandable to add a reincarnation to his soul, but what happened to the last one?

Also, how long has Emperor Ming died, if his reincarnation is really related to him, at this time, it is not right.

Du Fei shouted: "What's special, no wonder I often dream of something completely strange, sometimes a fairy, sometimes a swordsman, it turns out...I have the fifth cycle!"

Li Mo walked to the white broken road and asked, "How can this reincarnation road be repaired?"

Li Moyun made the "Eyes of Reality" look, but unfortunately, in front of the disconnection, it was still dark and could not see anything.

"Slaying lives, gathering souls into roads, and wanting to build a reincarnation road, but only paving the way for billions of living souls. Why should I design the major galaxies to kill, the purpose is to build this road.

Mitte opened his hand. He put a dozen thumb-sized soul bottles in his palm. These are huge billion-level soul bottles, which contain hundreds of millions of soul power.

Mitt pours out a soul bottle, and hundreds of millions of soul forces lead to the reincarnation road, visible to the naked eye, and the reincarnation road begins to grow forward.

"After connecting the rebirth road, the Yinling can reincarnate again."

"The people of the major galaxies have mostly the same purpose, and they all want to rule the world. Their evil behaviors are everywhere. They are evil people. What do I design to deal with them?"

Du Fei hummed: "So, is the guy who is behind you a mob, or is it out of justice?"

Miter awe-inspiring: "Of course, for my master, I am willing to give everything!"

Li Mo smiled: "Don't you say that the Chebyns have no bones? You seem to be different from other Chebyans?"

Mitter laughed: "I have been sealed by my master for a million years before I can survive to this day. Now, my life is running out. I am afraid that within a hundred years, I will die. I just want to be my master before I die. Just do something."

"What about Chebyns? What about other races? There are always some alternatives."

"You are fine, I appreciate you." Du Fei raised his thumbs.

"I did it, it was nothing at all. Without my master, I would have died long ago..."

"It was my master who gave me dignity, The dignity of a Chebyan, in the eyes of other races, is this a joke?"

"But my master, really gave it to me, he let me enjoy the taste of being respected by all races!"

Mitte spread his hands, visible to the naked eye, and the soul power continued to gather in the soul bottle.

"The war outside is still going on, two, your galaxy is not involved, and the races of other galaxies are hostile to you, right?"

"In fact, how about letting us witness together, how about the scene of the reincarnation of the reincarnation?"

Li Mo and Du Fei did not say that they defaulted.

Mitter is right, the major galaxies outside that are fighting to death are all hostile to Li Mo.

"Okay, I want to see, what is there at the end of this reincarnation road!"

Du Fei sat on the road of reincarnation.

(End of this chapter) ()

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