Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 411: Internal worry

Above the walls of Panyang County, armed soldiers in full service are waiting in line, and even a few samurai-level strongmen have appeared. This is also the arrangement of Liu Changhe! Prevent enemy attacks! The damaged city wall has also been repaired and strengthened!

More than twenty people gathered in the council hall of Gori Prefecture, all of them are martial arts-level strongmen!

"To summon everyone today, I want to hear if you have a good way to defend your enemies! After all, there are so many people, so don't be restrained, just say whatever you want."

Liu Changhe sat in the center with a look of expectation, looking at the people in front of him.

He also has no way. They have already learned the strength of the enemy. If they fight hard, they are likely to be annihilated by their opponents. Therefore, all the martial arts-level strongmen are called together to see if there are any good suggestions!

"Master Liu! IMHO, the enemy is far more powerful than ours! Especially the two young men, fighting alone, I'm afraid that all the martial arts strongmen present are not opponents! Not to mention that the opponent's Huang Tianba has not yet Shot, although the strength of the elders is tyrannical, but it is still a level lower than that of Huang Tianba. I think we should abandon the city and save our lives! Staying in Qingshan is not afraid of burning wood!"

A strong junior martial artist said to Liu Changhe!

"Well! To Liu Che's reason!"

"I think so, it's better than going to die!"

"Do you have some courage? If you want to go, we Liu family have never fled without a fight!"


Liu Che’s words caused a lot of fluctuations among the strong, and the Liu family’s own martial arts strongmen naturally opposed it, but some martial arts come to the reinforcements have been somewhat shaken!

Liu Changhe looked at Liu Che’s eyes with a complex look. If Liu’s family dared to say this, Liu Changhe would have pulled him out and cut it, but this person was sent by the prince. If he killed him, he couldn’t tell the prince. Explained! If he doesn't kill, he will openly disturb the army's heart here, which is a great sin! ...

"Your name is Liu Che?"

Just when Liu Changhe was in trouble, the elder Liu Shizhong spoke!

"Yes, I am Liu Che, the general in the Prince's Mansion!"

"You can be guilty!"

"Haha! What a sin I am! The elders are not kidding!"

"During the war between the two armies, you openly disturbed the mind of the army, isn't that enough?"

"Great elder, it is the Lord Liu who let us speak freely, and I am a general in the royal family. If I want to leave Panyang County, you have no right to stop me!"

"Haha... This is the biggest joke the old man heard at this age of life! Since the prince sent you, you have to listen to the unified command of the Liu family. If you want to come like you, if you want to go, let's just go. Isn't it good to surrender directly? What else to fight! You have no military discipline, disturbing the military's mind, you must deal with it today!

"Dare you! I am the prince of the prince, you dare to move me to challenge the authority of the prince, believe it or not, I will sue the prince, so that you will not be able to walk around the Liu family!"

Liu Che was a little anxious. With his strength and status in Wang Ye Mansion, he was also one of the best among the many strong men who came to help Panyang County! Since the last battle with the enemy, I saw the enemy's strength, and my heart sprang back! Not just him, other strong men who came with him also retreated. Only today he spoke in front of Liu Changhe and others.

I thought the Liu family would take care of his identity and let him go, but I did not expect Liu Shizhong to actually convict him!

"Don't use the prince to press me, I will explain to the prince in the future, if you want to kill, you will deal with the prince!"

Liu Che completely broke down in his heart, then there is the style of the strong man just now! Shouted to the people behind him, "What else do you all see, don't you all think the same as me? Why are you all silent and dumb?"

"Come here, push Liu Che to me!"

The two Liu family soldiers came forward to take down Liu Che.

"Liu Shizhong you dare! If you dare to move me today, I will make you regret it!"

boom! boom! The two soldiers were punched out of the Chamber by Liu Che with two punches!

"Bold Liu Che! Actually, I still don't regret it, I dare to hurt people! Watch fist!"

Liu Changhe saw Liu Che shot and rushed straight up.

Liu Che hurriedly withdrew from the meeting room and wanted to escape! If this is caught by Liu Changhe, he will surely die!

But his strength is not as good as Liu Changhe, and Liu Changhe catches up after a few incarnations!

"Liu Changhe! Don't bully people, let me go quickly!"

"Liu Che, as long as you can repent, I will plead with the elders to make sure you don't die!"

Liu Changhe also didn't want to kill the lieutenant general at this critical moment! After all, this is a situation where there are few enemies, and if you can persuade him to look back, he will also be a powerful force on the battlefield in the future!

"Liu Changhe doesn't have to say much. I have decided to go, and no one can stop me! Rather than waiting to die with you here, it is better to go back to the happy life I went to the palace!"

He believed that as long as he escaped, even if he returned to the Wangfu to punish him, he would not have to kill him. After all, after following the prince for so many years, he would have no hard work! It’s better than death here, but it’s better to be alive!

"Hey! Then don't blame me!"

Liu Changhe no longer talks nonsense, he directly displays the'Sunburn Boxing', and his fists smash into this Liu Che with energy light waves!

Liu Che can have the strength of a junior warrior, and it is by no means an illustrious name. He sacrifices his magic weapon and fights with Liu Changhe!

This is a battle between two strong martial artists! The movement was extraordinary and alarmed the soldiers in the prefecture! Seeing that his homeowner is fighting with others, surround the two together!

Liu Shizhong led all the martial arts strongmen in the hall to the place where the two battled!

Order all the soldiers around to retreat! So as not to be affected by the martial arts of both sides!

Liu Changhe and Liu Che fought fiercely, Liu Che also completely let go, and actually told him the level of strength and strength Liu Changhe up and down!

However, with the passage of time, I gradually felt the internal force in the body, and the decline was very powerful. The move was obviously slower, and Liu Changhe did not change!

"No, I will lose sooner or later, I must leave here."

Thinking of Liu Che's heart here, after shaking a trick, he quickly took out a green ball the size of a goose egg in his arms!

"You forced me!"

Liu Che dropped the heavy green ball on the ground!

boom! The sphere exploded and a burst of green smoke came out!

"Be careful, everyone is poisonous!"

Liu Shizhong shouted, and all the powerful people around him retreated dozens of meters! After the green smoke has dispersed, where is Liu Che's figure!

"Great elder is my care, please punish you!"

Losing the trace of Liu Che, Liu Changhe came to Liu Shizhong to blame himself!

"Forget Liu Che used Wan Duo Men's Chasing Soul San. Fortunately, everyone didn't inhale, or even Da Luo Jin Xian might not be able to cure it! I didn't expect him to be in contact with Wan Duo Men. !This person must escape with resentment towards my Liu family now. It seems to be more careful in the future!"

Liu Shizhong turned back and said to the martial arts strongmen behind him: "Everyone also saw that this Liu Che not only disturbed the army's heart and escaped, but also had a connection with the evil door's crooked path and the poisonous door! I Liu Shizhong did not injustice him!"

"What is Elder Liu saying, this Liu Che should be beheaded!"

"Elder Liu, rest assured that we will do our best to help Panyang County fight the enemy in the future!"


Those strong martial artists who came with Liu Che expressed their determination to Liu Shizhong.

They did not dare to retreat in front of this just old man. Liu Che was an example. The name of the prince was moved out, and the elder Liu family was still impressed! Although he escaped with the help of chasing souls, the Liu family might not let him go in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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