Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 416: Pick you up

   "Where is my mother! I want to see my mother."

   Seeing that she had never spoken, Liu Yan finally spoke.

   The maids on the side thought that Liu Yan agreed to this family matter with their persuasion and was very happy!

   "Oh! Is that right? Your mother is in the next room. Rest assured, how could the lord of the house treat his grandmother!"

   "Yes! Madam, you still have to return your clothes, or you will be unhappy if the master comes back later!"


   "I'm saying it again I want to see my mother!"

  Liu Yan threw the dress from the maid on the ground and shouted!

   "Yo! Yo! People are not bad tempered yet, you don’t want to be exalted, let our lord of the city see you as your blessing, what kind of girl do you really think you are, what to pretend, hum!"

   "If you want to see your mother, it is best to be obedient, otherwise you will never want to see her again in your life! When the old man comes back later, you better change your clothes!"

   The girls walked out of Liu Yan's room one after another.

  Briefly, Liu Yan's tears shed, and she was so humiliated there. I grew up living in the favor of my parents and my three grandpas, but now I have fallen so far.

   "Father, my daughter is not filial, I am afraid I will not be by your side anymore!"

   "Li Mo, where are you? Don't be mad at me? I didn't know Liu Ming's thing at the time, it would bring you so much psychological pressure, I am not sensible, forgive me?"

  Li Mo's figure appeared in various sections in his head, and his mouth kept muttering. Holding a pair of scissors in the hand! He is completely desperate now, even if his father can find himself and his mother in the future, but then it is too late, his innocence may be...

   Thinking of Liu Yan no longer hesitating here, he pierced his own heart with the scissors in his hand!

when! With a clear sound, the scissors in Liu Yan's hand fell to the ground, the door was pushed open, and Liu Yan opened his eyes, his eyes full of despair.

   "Beauty, what are you doing! Would you rather die than follow me?"

   The drunk Wang Hu shook his fat body into the room.

   "Follow you! Stop dreaming, you are robbing people's daughters in broad daylight. If my father knows that I am here, you will die!"

   "Hahaha... You still want to lie to me now, but you still die. My Wang Hu is not so good to cheat!"

  Gunshou daughter will dress up this way? Can flee with the people? What a joke? Which official and eunuch's children are not Jinyiyushi, satin, satin, even if there is no personal protection of the guards, you have to bring a few family members, in contrast, Liu Yan's mother and daughter, plain clothes, no difference from the people, even he was injured The same is true of Liu Jing, how can Wang Hu believe Liu Yan's words.

   "Beauty, you don't think it's too early this day. Let's take a break soon! Hahaha..."

  Wang Hu opened his big hand and stepped forward to hug Liu Yan.

   "Go away, don't come over!"

Snapped! When Liu Yan hurriedly threw the vase on the table to Wang Hu, Wang Hu's forehead was instantly hit by the vase and the blood flow continued.

   "Why don't Lao Tzu look at the beauty you are born with, you can't bear to kill flowers, do you think you can still live? Tell you the palm of your hand that you want to escape today, I want to see what other tricks you have!"

  Wang Hu continued to rush towards Liu Yan regardless of the blood shed from his forehead.


  咣! Wang Hu's fat body hit the wooden bed sturdily! The wooden bed couldn't bear his weight and collapsed to the ground with a click!

   "Yan'er, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

   A voice that was so familiar to me that I couldn't be familiar appeared in the room.

   "Is Li Mo you?"

   Liu Yan, who was already desperate, suddenly came to spirit.

   "It's me! Yaner, I'll pick you up and go home."

   At the door, Li Mo's figure appeared, looking at the haggard Liu Yan with a pity, and there was an urge to rush to hug her.

   "It's really you..." Liu Yan's tears broke the embankment again, and faced with grievances rushed to Li Mo, plunging into Li Mo's arms.

  Li Mo's body stiffened, happiness came too suddenly, his hands did not know where to put it!

   "Who, who? Dare to attack me in my house!"

  Wang Hu struggled with his obese body, and stood up to see that the beauty he had finally got was in the arms of others. That can bear it.

   "Where come the little bunny, please let go of my beauty, or I will let you die!"

   "Yan'er, please wait by the side for me first."

  Li Mo's words woke Liu Yan. When he saw that he was in Li Mo's arms, he realized that he had just lost his gaze, and immediately left after an electric shock. The haggard face can squeeze out the water!

   "What am I doing again? Shame to death!" Liu Yan murmured softly.


   "Are you the king tiger of the Bluestone City?" Li Mo's complexion instantly became somber.

   "Do you know who I am, you dare to break into my mansion, attack me, come! Come and take him down!"

   "Don't shout anymore, all your men are solved by me!"

  Li Mo's words shocked Wang Hu. How many warriors still exist in his own house? Was this young man solved it? Wang Hu didn't carefully observe Li Mo's cultivation behavior, but from the age point of view, the cultivation behavior of the youth in front of him is absolutely beyond the warrior! And looking at the clothes of young people doesn't look like ordinary people, does that girl really mean it?

   thought that Wang Hu had to look at Li Mo again.

   "Little brother, can you tell me who you are? What is the relationship with this girl?"

  Wang Hu changed his face faster than turning the book, which is why he can sit in the main position of the city, observe the words and look, flattering is his strength!

  How could Li Mo not know what he was thinking, he did not conceal it.

   "I am a disciple of Liu Shizhong, the elder of the prefectural governor, and the mother and daughter detained by you are the wife and young lady of the prefect

  嘭! Wang Hu was sitting on the ground, and he wished to draw a few of his mouth. He was really blinded by the eyes of these dogs. This is good, even if his official position is lost, even his own life may be lost.

   "Where is Wang Hu, Mrs. Junshou?"

   "Little brother, my wife is in the next room. I don't know Taishan in my right eye, and my wife and lady are not hurt. Can you let me go?"

   "Yan'er, go see your mother!"

   When Li Mo knew the whereabouts of Mrs. Junshou, Liu Yan broke away as soon as he did not want Liu Yan to see his brutal side.

   After watching Liu Yan disappear in his sight, Li Mo turned to face Wang Hu, his face even more chilled.

   "Wang Hu, think I let you go? You still die of this heart, but I Li Mo is not a killer, you can solve it yourself!"

"Li Mo? Li Mo? My God, did Li Mo, who had retired from the enemy two days ago, be the youth in front of him! It's done, it's done! What should I do? I don't want to die, I haven't lived enough , What about Li Mo, don’t think he’s better to kill me!”

  Wang Hu's heart has been stand up.

   "Li Mo, blame me for not having long eyes, offended the daughter of the governor, but if you can let me go, everything in this mansion is yours! How?"

   Wang Hu took out the final chips.

   "No need to talk, I don't want to do it, you can solve it yourself!"

   said that he turned around and stopped looking at him.

   "Li Mo, Hugh is too much to force, the rabbit is anxious and bites, anyway, it's a death, I will fight with you today!"

   clenched his fists and hit Li Mo.

what! A red light directly passed through his fat body, and suddenly a scorched smell permeated, Wang Hu's fat body turned into ashes a little bit under the hot temperature of Chi Jian!

   "There is so much oil on this fat man, this smell!"

  Li Mo withdrew Chijian, covered his nose, and jumped out of the room. It happened that Liu Yan took her mother to Li Mo.

   "Oh my god! What is this smell? What about Li Mo's dead fat man?"

"This... I accidentally ignited something just now, and the fat man knew he had done something wrong and had committed suicide! Madam, you are not injured! I think we should go back to Panyang County soon, otherwise Uncle Liu they want Crazy!"



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