Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 585: Black Dragon Pirates

  Along the way, Wang Wu has always been cautious. He looked back at Li Mo from time to time, fearing that he would change his mind and start with himself.

   Until dusk, Wang Wu stopped the carriage again.

   "Grandpa... Uncle, we are now approaching the vast Xinghai. You can see it over the mountain, you see...Can I go back?"

   The King said to Li Mo in the carriage in five wars.


  Li Mo got off the carriage and moved his legs and feet. Looking at the surrounding environment, there is indeed a salty smell in the air.

   "Okay! Now that I'm here, I'll take you home!"

   "Ah! Uncle... Didn't you say that if you take you to the place, let me go? You can't do this!"

   Wang Wu heard Li Mo's words, his face was scared. Thinking of the end of the Dahan just now, his legs began to tremble.

   "I said that, but now I regret it, no way!"

   Li Mo's face showed a hint of playfulness, and since he moved his mind about himself, Li Mo didn't want to let him go. If such a person keeps him alive, he may not know how many people will die in his hands in the future. This is also his responsibility!

   "Uncle, this is your money, I don't want it, please forgive me! Let me go, I'm old, I'm small. I..."


   Before Wang Wu finished speaking, he only felt a burning sensation coming from his body. A long golden sword has penetrated his heart.

   "The money still keeps you spending slowly on the road! Remember, be a good person in your next life!"

  After talking, Li Mo pulled out the dragon scale and the red sword.

  Wang Wu's eyes widened, watching his body become ashes one by one!


  Li Mo flew into the sky and came directly to the top of the mountain in front of him! The scene in front of him made him feel very shocked.

  The vast sea of ​​stars is endless, and the huge waves above the sea surface are tremendous. Seeing Li Mo's heart surging!

   "How can we find that island in this vast vast sea of ​​stars?"

  Li Mo took out the ancient book and looked at the three big characters of the emperor's mausoleum, looking sad!

   "It seems that I still have to ask someone to ask. If I blindly search, I don't know what year and year I will find it!"

  Attention was fixed, Li Mo walked directly down the mountain. There are often monks who go to sea to fight monsters, maybe they can get some news in their mouths!

  I have to say that Li Mo's luck is not really good, just came to the foot of the mountain. The powerful consciousness found that more than a dozen people were coming in their own direction.

   For a moment, the dozen people had already come to Li Mo. Li Mo was not worried. The dress of these people was not the pirate of the king. And the strength of these people is average, but the highest is not the strength of junior generals.

   "Brother, did you come here to hunt the monsters?"

   The middle-aged man with the highest strength in the crowd looked at Li Mo and said,

   "Oh! This elder brother, I was just here to hunt down the monsters."

  Li Mo replied very politely.

"Oh! Little brother, you are so brave. You dare to come alone to this vast sea of ​​stars. If you meet that group of pirates, you will suffer. If you are like this, since you are here to hunt monsters. , Just how about being with us. Everyone gets a share!"

  The middle-aged man was outspoken, but left a very good impression on Li Mo.

   "Then thank you big brother!"

"What's so polite? Should everyone help each other when I'm away? My name is Wang Lei, an aborigine in Haitian Town, and I live by killing monsters in the sea. These people also came here to fight monsters with me! "

   "My name is Li Mo!"

  Since everyone has reported their name, they are honest with each other. Li Mo will not hide anything!

   "Okay! Our team has an additional brother. We must work together when we stay in the sea!"

   "Relax, Pharaoh, we have been together for so many years. We haven't made any mistakes yet. Let's take a look at our luck today. Maybe we will meet a monster that is more than 100 years old, then we will get rich!"

   said a red-faced big man in the crowd, and took a gourd filled with wine and sipped into his mouth.

   "Haha... Liu Xiong borrowed your good words and left! Let's go!"

   Let's say Wang Lei led everyone to the seaside of the vast Xinghai.

   Li Mo followed at the back of the team and carefully looked at everyone in the team. Except for Wang Lei and Liu Xiong, other people should look like him in dress, they are not locals, they are all set up temporarily.

  However, an old man in the team with a small figure, but a thief's eyebrows aroused Li Mo's great interest. And the old man seemed to be avoiding his own eyes.

   "Brothers, let's board the ship!"

   With a loud shout, Liu Lei had already led the crowd to the big ship docked on the shore. The ship's length was about ten feet and a dozen people were not crowded at all. Everyone will meet everyone under the arrangement of Liu Lei, and then sail towards the choppy vast sea of ​​stars!

   Wang Lei takes care of Li Mo very much and arranges him beside him. This way of doing is even more touched by Li Mo.

   But Li Mo is always paying attention to the thin old man. I don’t know why, Li Mo always feels a familiar breath on his body, but I can’t remember it at one and a half times!

   And just as the ship was about to drive to the sea where the monsters were scheduled to be killed, a small black spot on the sea level was slowly getting bigger, and they quickly approached Li Mo and they leaned over!

   "Not good! It's a pirate, everyone be careful! This group of people is a devil that doesn't blink!"

  Sea-experienced Liu Xiong shouted. He shook his gourd filled with wine tightly, it seems that this should be his magic weapon.

   Others heard the shouts and were all tense and offered their magic weapons.

   "Don't panic, listen to my command!"

  Wang Lei rushed to the bow of the ship and looked at the black spots that were getting closer and closer to him.

   Both he and Liu Xiong were on the sea all the year round. It was also a common occurrence when they met pirates. But I didn't expect to encounter this group of brutal guys just after going to sea today.

After a short while, the pirate ship was close to the ship where Li Mo was there. At that time, a larger black ship, the skull flag hanging above the mast was very eye-catching. A group of all-in-one people in black are holding various magic weapons, and we are staring at them at the bow of the ship.

   "Haha... Brother, you see this is another litter of fat sheep! It seems that today we are not in vain!"

   "Hey, listen to the people on the opposite ship, you'd better hand over all valuable things. Then jump into the sea, our brothers save hands!"


  The arrogant voice came from the pirate, all the strength above martial arts follow me in front. Ready to fight! "

  Wang Lei's unfavorable and decisive arrangement called all the stronger monks to his side.

   "Yo! He's yours, you still want to resist! You can rely on you as a military commander, with a bunch of trash, dare to challenge our Black Dragon Pirates! Really his grandma doesn't know life and death."

   A big man on the pirate ship looked at Liu Lei contemptuously and said indifferently. A beckoning walked out of the crowd behind several strong men with the strength of generals.

   "It's over! Their strength is so strong. I think we should run away!"

  On the vessel where Li Mo was, the thin old man suddenly exclaimed and took the lead back toward the stern. In the face of these powerful pirates, everyone was terrified. After he shouted like this, the army's heart was immediately chaotic, and several people even jumped directly into the sea, swimming desperately towards the shore!

   "Don't mess with everyone, as long as we are united, we will definitely repel them!"

  Wang Lei was very annoyed and quickly stabilized everyone's emotions. If this continues, I am afraid that no one will want to go back alive today!


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