Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 665: Foodie

"The bold harlot actually dared to quibble, seeing this girl will not cut your life today!"

Li Mo did not expect that this seemingly innocent girl was so fierce. I just felt a cool breath between my legs.

"Girl, you... listen to me!"

"Less nonsense, look at the sword!"

The girl no longer gave Li Mo any chance to explain, brandished his short sword in his hand, and rushed towards Li Mo!

Although Li Mo now has some strength, but in the face of this girl's superb sword skills there is no slight parrying power. Can only rely on the degree of heads and stalks, from time to time to turn back to beg the girl's men.

Yi Xiangxiang's time just passed between the two of you chasing me.


The girl never caught up with Li Mo, and finally stopped breathlessly. Seeing that his face was not red and his heart was beating, Li Mo, who was breathing smoothly, was even more angry.

"Okay! Didn't expect you to have a strong second-level thief escape ability? But today you also don't want to escape the girl's palm!"

"Level two? What level two? Girl, you really misunderstood, I'm not a liar. I told you that I was lost, and I wanted the girl to take me out of this forest!"

Li Mo didn't understand what the second grade in the girl's mouth meant, but in this case, even if he asked the girl, he would definitely not answer. His main task now is to try to make the girl believe in herself and take herself away from this ghost place.

"Humph! Little nonsense, isn't it a lewd thief, can you be so arrogant in front of me without clothes?"

Hearing the girl's words, Li Mo was really helpless. It seems that no matter how you explain it today, it is useless. In her eyes, the hat of the thief cannot be removed.



Just when the two couldn't argue, there was a sound of eagle barking suddenly behind the girl. The giant eagle broke away from the shackles of the big net and spread towards the girl while the girl was dealing with Li Mo!

"Ah... be careful!"

Seeing a flying body, Li Mo also rushed towards the girl, pushing her to the side while the dragon-scale red sword was already out of the sheath.


Just before the huge eagle claw fell on his head, a sword penetrated the eagle's throat.


Li Mo and the giant eagle both landed, but the giant eagle has completely lost its vitality. And Li Mo felt another energy fly into his body.

"This can prove that I am not a harlot!"

Li Mo had no anger to put away the dragon scales and red swords, and looked at the girl in shock.

"This... even if you saved me, you can't prove that you are not a harlot. Who knows if you are deliberately pleasing me, and want to let me relax and be alert that you have a chance!"

Li Mo was completely speechless.

"Girl! In this case, I'm still bothered. You can show me a way out of the forest. I'll leave the head office like this!"

"Humph! I'm so thin, I just leave, where is there such a good thing!"

"Girl! Where do I have to be frivolous to you. Don't you wrong me? Okay. Although Li Mo is not a good man in my life, I don't even bother to do such dirty things."

Li Mo was immediately agitated by the girl's words, and he could not bear such injustice.

"I'm not are you disheveled in front of me?"

The girl is still reluctant to spare, but the tone is relaxed a lot.

"Oh my god! How come I met you, this unreasonable guy. Forget it, I don't need you to show me the way. I'd rather die here rather than entangle with you anymore."

After all, Li Mo turned his head and left, and he was forced to go crazy by this girl.

"Eh! Stop it..."

Looking at Li Mo's back, the girl hurriedly shouted. But Li Mo, as if he didn't hear it, didn't turn his head into the tall grass.

"What are you doing so stingy? Even if I misunderstood you, the girl is always looking for some facial expressions. Besides, is it true that your clothes are not in front of me, and..."

The girl stomped her feet, muttering nonstop. In the end the voice was almost inaudible to herself. Thinking of the situation just now, Qiao's face turned crimson, and eventually chased in the direction of Li Mo's departure.

At this time, Li Mo strode to his temporary residence, and he really had no mood to hunt any monsters today. He was irritated by being hooked on the hat of an obscene thief for no reason.

I lit a fire and put a piece of meat on the fire to cook it for my own dinner.

"Who is it! I really didn't want to beat the people in this world so unreasonably. Saving her not only didn't thank you, but even saying that I was a prostitute was simply unreasonable."

Li Mo said to himself while adding some dry branches to the fire.

"I said why you are so stingy as a big man, I don't care about your unreasonableness to me anymore, how come you are still talking about it endlessly! Hey! Barbecue, so fragrant!"

Li Mo was so scared by the sudden sound that he turned back and looked at the pretty unreasonable girl.

"You... how did you get here?"

Li Mo knew that his degree was definitely not what the girl could catch up with, and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Huh! Don't look at your little thief running fast, but every girl in this mountain is very familiar with it. The best thing is to track prey, as long as you don't leave this mountain girl, you can easily find it The girl was extremely proud and sat down by the fire, looking at the scented roast eyes.

"'re chasing me here, aren't you afraid that I'm a liar?"

Li Mo's face was hateful, and he always held a grudge against the girl's previous words.

"Oh! Didn't I misunderstand you? When you rescued me, I already knew that you were not an adulterer. also know... Anyway, I'm sorry, can I just apologize to you?"

The girl's blushing face was a little red.

Hearing the girl’s apology, Li Mo’s heart halted the fire, but he still had no plans to give her a good face.

"Forget it, you go!"

"Eh! You're a real person. I've chased you here to apologize to you. Did you even chase me away? Besides, do you still want me to take you out of this mountain forest!"

Seeing that Li Mo had set down the eviction to make the girl stop, the pitch was immediately higher. But seeing Li Mo's angry expression of wanting to eat people, immediately turned down the volume again.

"Hey...that...I didn't mean it just now. Look, I walked so far, I just wanted to apologize to you, and then take you out of here. You must let me add physical strength at least, you The meat is almost roasted. Let's eat him first, otherwise it would be a pity to waste it!"

Li Mo heard the words and grinned his face, but he did not expect this fierce girl to be a foodie.

"If you don't speak, you're acquiescing, then I'm welcome!"

After all, the girl directly picked up the barbecue on the fire. As if I hadn't eaten in a few days, Li Mo watched and swallowed!

(End of this chapter)


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