Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 667: New to the Empire

"I don't know what happened when the senior came to see me so late?"

Li Mo looked at the old man calmly.

"Hehe... people are old and can't sleep, want to chat with you!"

Li Mowen's disdain in his heart was too far-fetched. If you can't sleep, others still have to sleep, so if you want to explore me, you can tell.

"Senior please!"

Although Li Mo was not very willing, but desperately sent to the fence, he could only respectfully invite the old man to the room.

"That girl has fallen asleep, and there are only you and me here. I think you still have to tell me your secrets, maybe I can help you!"

Li Mo did not expect this old man to be so straightforward, and directly stated the purpose of looking for him.

"Senior, you are not a mortal man. The juniors dare not lie to me. In fact, I don’t belong to this world. My world is called Xuan Gu Da 6, and I was sucked into the cracks of space just because of the destruction of the foreign enemy. 6 Come to this Heavenly Wind Empire!"

Li Mo said his experience without concealment. In front of this old man, he didn't want to hide anything. After all, the identity of the old man is not simple. If he keeps concealing, the old man will certainly not be determined to pursue it in the end. By then, he was very passive.

After a moment of silence, the old man raised his head and looked at Li Mo's eyes.

"Well, although your experience is somewhat sensational, such a thing is not completely impossible. Thank you for your trust in me to tell your life. But you can rest assured that I will never let this matter happen. The two know."

The old man's reaction made Li Mo feel a little surprised. Not only did he not have any surprised expression, but he even promised to help himself hide the matter.

"Senior, I really don't understand why you must know my identity?"

"Hehe... this is my duty, so I have to come and ask. Don't be jealous! You can call me Lao Lao in the future, but our Tianfeng Empire has no such name as the predecessors!"

Li Mowen only realized why the old man always wanted to know his identity. It turned out that his identity had long been exposed in his own words.

"Yes! Lao Lao. But I just came to this world and I don't know much about some things here. Please ask Lao Lao to puzzle me!"

Li Mo all gave up his secrets, and naturally he would not miss the opportunity to understand the world so well.

"Okay, you want to know what to ask. It will be easier for you to walk in this world in the future."

"Lan Lao, please tell me something about martial arts. Although Miss Lan Xin has told me something, it is not specific. So Lao Lan is old."

"Martial arts practitioners are a highly respected profession in our Tianfeng Empire. They shoulder the responsibility of maintaining the stability of the empire and resisting foreign aggression. As long as we are young people who are at least 18 years old in our empire, we must enter the local martial arts. The guild conducts evaluation. If the talent and physique meet the requirements, it will be vigorously trained by the guild as an empire input talent."

"Ah... eighteen years old! I am now twenty-three years old, is it impossible for me to enter the guild?"

Li Mo couldn't help being anxious when he heard Lan Lao's words. If you can't enter the guild, if you practice on this strange Big 6, you still don't know what years can achieve.

" don't have to worry about this. Your kid's son and physique are already well-understood. I will arrange things for you in the guild."

Although he still does not know what identity Lao Lao is, he still feels relieved with his promise.

"Then thank you Lan old!"

"Well, you're welcome. I'm thinking of the empire."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Mo was very puzzled and did not know what the old man meant.

Lao Lao naturally knew what Li Mo thought, but he didn't make it clear. He continued to explain to him the basic knowledge of martial arts learners.

"It must have been told to you by professional and level differentiation, then I will tell you about your own equipment and weapons! Our world is a very magical world, you want to increase your level, get the best equipment and Weapons must be obtained from more monsters than our humans. Equipment and weapons are also different, and are divided into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, king according to the power of defense and attack Artifacts and holy artifacts and legendary artifacts!"

Hearing this, Li Mo couldn't help but frown, and everything in this world came out of his cognition again.

"It turned out to be this way. No wonder I didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power when I came here. And every time I killed a beast, I always felt that the strength in my body was increasing a little bit."

"Yes, that's exactly how it is. But what makes me strange is that you are only killing some ordinary beasts. The energy in their bodies is very small. How can you increase your strength to the second level?"

Lan Lao didn't understand it, and Li Mo didn't know what was going on. Suddenly the room fell silent again.

"Hey! Forget it, we still don't have to struggle with these things. Maybe your kid is very talented, and he is born with the material to cultivate. Maybe I will talk about it below, otherwise you will forget if you forget But it is a pity."

"Lao Lao, please talk!"

Hearing Lao Lao's solemn tone, Li Mo was even more concentrated, afraid of missing something.

"Each martial arts fighter of our empire can learn a skill every time it breaks through the ten-level mark. is divided into attack, defense, body style and pace. The skill book will be provided by the guild where you are, of course if you are It is possible to kill some powerful monsters with the ability to inherit the monster skills. Although it is several times more powerful than the guilds to provide skills, the chances of getting it are still very small, and there will be danger to life."

"Ah! It seems that you must be very careful when choosing skills. Otherwise, you will really regret your life."

Hearing this, Li Mo thought about everything.

"It’s not too late, so I told you so much today that you must remember that if you don’t understand something, you will come to me again tomorrow. You will follow me to the Imperial Guild of Fallen City tomorrow morning, and I prepared a suit for you."

"Lauran is old!"

Li Mo's respectful reverence, he heard everything today enough for him to digest for a while. As for other things, let me think about it later.


After leaving the old man, Li Mo couldn't sleep any more. I repeatedly pondered every sentence he just said, keeping all these things in my heart. As for why he should help himself, Li Mo has not yet wanted to understand.

However, it is better to help someone than to wander through the strange world alone. Li Mo was also very thankful for his luck. Lan Lao was also regarded as his first nobleman in the Heavenly Wind Empire. Some were like Li Mo's first meeting with Liu Changhe and others when he entered Xuan Guda 6.

Li Mo felt relieved at the thought of this, his eyes slowly closed and fell asleep!

Early the next morning, Li Mo led the Lan Lao out of the forest and walked towards the town of Luoye. What surprised him was that Lan Xin's girl didn't show up this morning and didn't know where she went. Lan Lao didn't say, and Li Mo didn't have the interest to ask.

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