Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 739: Forge 1

? Looking at the foggy Li Mo, Han Tianyu smiled slightly. Then the golden light flashed a golden scepter in his hand, and the top of the scepter was inlaid with a red gem. In this non-bright building, it shines brightly.

This is the first time Li Mo saw Han Tianyu's weapon. Although the color is the same as the color of the scepter in Wang Xuan's hands, it is much larger than his.

"Sir, you are..."

Li Mo didn't understand why Han Tianyu came up with his scepter and asked curiously. However, just halfway through the question, he stopped talking and saw Han Tianyu silently chanting the spell in his eyes.

After a moment, his eyes opened, and two golden lights shot directly at the hearth.

"Phoenix Flame!"

With a loud sip, Han Tianyu's scepter shone brightly. A golden phantom of the phoenix appeared on the top of his head, and the hot flame was continuously spitting out of his mouth, and the fire inside the furnace was instantly flaming.


With a spit, Han Tianyu withdrew his skills.

"Xiao Mo, this phoenix flame skill is the inheritance skill that I have obtained by killing the seven-level monster beast fire phoenix when I practice again. It is precisely because of this skill that I have the ability to strengthen and forge!"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Mo realized that he finally knew why the number of forging masters was so scarce. It turns out that the conditions for wanting to be a blacksmith are so demanding, not only that you have to be a rare fire attribute, but also have the luck to get the inheritance skills of monsters with the same attribute, so that you can become a A blacksmith.

"Master, I understand! I want to be a forge like you!"

"Oh...Your kid is really a bit clear, maybe you really have the potential to be a blacksmith. But this kind of thing is not forced, and you need some luck. When your strength is about to break through level 50 At the time, I personally take you to find the monsters of the fire attribute to see if you can get their inheritance skills! But now it is important to select the skills of the 30th and 40th levels for you, otherwise the talents will be available. At the competition of the competition, only the level without skills is not acceptable!"

Han Tianyu didn’t know that Li Mo had acquired the monster beast inheritance skills Eviscerate and Shadow Escape. In the past two days, he is preparing to choose two powerful skills for him.

"Sir, President, you don't have to worry about the skills of level 30 and level 40. I have already acquired it in the process of killing the monster, you see!"

He said that Li Mo released two skills for Han Tianyu to watch again.

"This... this is also the inheritance skill of the monsters? Your kid's luck is too damned! It is already very rare for all the martial arts trainers of our Tianfeng Empire to obtain one or two monsters inheritance skills in their lifetime. Well, I didn’t expect your kid to get as many as four in just a few months. Oh my God! Such a thing is rare for thousands of years!"

Han Tianyu, who has always been very calm and not surprised. From the moment Li Mo came to the guild, he was completely utterly disoriented, and Li Mo brought him too many surprises.


Li Mo's light answer did not make him proud and complacent. He knew he wanted to accomplish his goal, but it was not enough to have the inheritance skills of several monsters.

"Haha... It's impossible for us at the Fall Leaf Town Guild to achieve good results at the conference! Xiao Mo, good boy! You are a blessing to the Fall Leaf Town Guild!"

Looking at the love in the eyes of Li Mo and Han Tianyu, where is the majesty of the Guild President, more like a kind grandpa looking at his grandson.

"Master President, you can rest assured, I must have a good result on the Empire's contest, and keep our deciduous town guild!"

Li Mo's unusually firm eyes are entirely due to Han Tianyu's cultivation of himself.

After Han Tianyu told Li Mo some cultivation experience and some things of the forging master, Li Mo left.

He did not allow Han Tianyu to help himself strengthen and upgrade the quality of Dragonscale Red Sword. Because Dragon Scale Red Sword was originally a magical soldier in the Xuan Ancient Continent, it must be that the grade in this world will never be low. At least it should be purple quality first, because he did not feel a stronger breath than the dragon scale red sword in the short sword given to Zi Lingwei.

In addition, there are remnants of Liu Yan and Ao Ying in the dragon scale red sword. In case of any impact on them after strengthening, Li Mo would not like to see it.

Going back to his room, he lay on the long, long soft bed. In Li Mo's mind, he repeatedly thought about how he could acquire the inheritance skill of a fire monster at level 50.

"Hey! It seems that at that time, I have to go to the Misty Forest to find Dasheng for help. I don't know how it is going now."

Thinking of this, the Great King Kong ape appeared in Li Mo's brain, and he couldn't help but fight a cold war.


Boom Boom...

For three consecutive months, the tight nerves were completely released, and Li Mo slept in a dark night. If not awakened by the rapid knocking on the door outside, maybe when will you sleep?

"Who? Noisy my good dream!"

Climbing up reluctantly, Li Mo opened the door confusedly.

"I rely on! Li Mo, if your boy doesn't open the door again, Han Zhe and I will hit the door!"

It is Ye Han and Han Zhe who are not coming.

"When did you come back?"

Rubbing his eyes, Li Mo showed an iconic smile.

"We came back last night and learned that you have rested and didn't come to disturb you. It wasn't just that the president asked us to wake you up to say something to be announced, our voices were almost shouting and your kid just got up!"

Looking at Ye Fan's complaining eyes, Li Mo was also embarrassed.

"It may be too tired to go out and practice for the past three months. After I returned to the guild and relaxed, I fell asleep. Let's talk later, let's go and see what the president wants us to do."

"What can happen, it's not the matter of the Imperial Contest. But your kid didn't say anything about it three months ago. Don't even think about it. Do you want us to have a big meal to make up for it?"

"Okay Ye Fan, the business is important. Don't let the president, they wait for a long time, let's go quickly!"

Han Zhe hurriedly stopped Ye Fan, and took Li Mo to take the lead out of the dormitory building.

"Hey! You guys wait for me..."


When Li Mo and his three men came to Han Tianyu's room, several mentors of Land Rover, Leng Yihan, and Ling Xiyu were there. Next to them stood Zi Lingwei and the ancient and strange Lan Xin. At this time, Han Tianyu was sitting at his desk, not knowing what he was watching.

Half an hour later, Han Tianyu finally stood up and glanced at everyone.

"Well! Yes, Ye Fan, Han Zhe and Lan Xin have successfully passed the 20th level after a period of experience, but you three can't be proud! Zi Lingwei has reached 28 now The strength of the strength of Li Mo has even exceeded the level of forty!"


Han Tianyu said this, not only Ye Fan and their three students, but even Land Rover and Leng Yihan were shocked. They could not have imagined that Li Mo could jump from twenty-two to forty-level strength in three months.

"Isn't it possible? Madam President, have you made a mistake, we can tolerate Zi Lingwei at the 28th level, but how can Li Mo break through to the 40th level of strength! This is too abnormal!"

Ye Fan's surprised voice sounded, expressing everyone's heart.

"Huh! You see Xiao Mo's achievements, don't you want to think about how much hardship he has suffered in it? With your qualifications, if you can have half of the efforts of Xiao Mo, it will definitely not be the current level. Okay You should think about these things by going back to yourself. Next, I want to announce the matter of the Empire Competition Conference!"

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