Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 778: The strategy succeeded


As the low trumpet sound echoed throughout the arena, the finals of the contest officially kicked off.

"Li Mo, be careful!"

Wang Zixuan sipped, his right hand flashed a golden light around his waist, and the golden scepter was already in his hand.

"Quickly frozen!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Mo immediately felt a sudden drop in the temperature of the ground under his feet, and he could move a bit of chill through the shoes.

"Shadow escape!"


Li Mo used his strange body skills to jump a dozen meters away. Looking back, there was a thick layer of ice in the place where he had just stood.

"Wow! Wang Zixuan, you are really unrelenting. Use such ruthless skills as soon as you come up!"

"Haha... How can you beat you without using powerful skills? But your speed is so impressive that few of your opponents at the same level can easily avoid my rapid and frozen attacks. !"

"As you say, Li Mo's strength is still acceptable?"

"Eh! Don't be arrogant. Your strength is more than okay, it is simply okay! You try my skill again, Ice Blade!"

After the golden scepter was pointed at Li Mo again.

Uh, uh...

A gleam of crystal clear, flashing Hanmang stab directly at Li Mo.

Watching Wang Zixuan's intensive offensive, Li Mo dare not take the dragon scale Chijian in his hand. With the movement of the steps under his feet, the moon-cutting skills were released by him!

The red golden half-moon shape mixed with the high-temperature light collided with the dense ice skates in the air.


A huge explosion sounded, and both Li Mo and Wang Zixuan were affected. Although they were not injured, the shock wave formed by the explosion pushed a distance of several meters to stabilize the figure!

"Haha...happy! Li Mo both of us can be regarded as opponents!"

"Haha... Wang Zixuan, this is a bad word. You are just a tentative attack until now. If I guess right, your strongest attack hasn't come out yet! And the skills of your two attacks are not powerful. Vulgar, it should be all inherited skills of monsters and beasts!"

"Yes, there is nothing to hide from you, Li Mo, and Wang Zixuan. All four of my skills are now acquired when hunting monsters, but I think you are the same as me!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience in the stands would not be calm.

"What? Have you heard their conversation? The skills of these two people are actually obtained by hunting monsters! This... this is incredible!"

"Isn't it? These two guys are really lucky! I'm now at level 53, and I only have one kind of monster beast inheritance skills! People are more dead than people, and now young people are really Amazing!"

"Eh! You're wrong. Let me say ah. Li Mo from the deceased town guild is lucky! Who is Wang Zixuan? That is Wang Sun's nobility. Even when he was at level 80, his skills were all monsters. I won’t be surprised by the beast heritage skills. After all, the strength of others is there. He is not comparable to us ordinary people!"

"Uh... you say it seems so reasonable!"


Hearing a lot of discussion around, Zi Lingwei couldn't sit still. I finally know why Li Mo said that he might not be able to defeat Wang Zixuan.

"Li Mo, it's meaningless for both of us to compete evenly. It's nothing more than to consume each other's energy. How about giving me a suggestion?"

"Oh? Okay! Do you have any good suggestions to listen to."

Li Mo looked at Wang Zixuan with great interest and wanted to know what medicine was sold in the boy's gourd.

"The two of us each release our strongest skills. A master match is enough to determine the outcome, how?"

"Okay! As I thought, I also save time here!"

The two reached a consensus with great understanding, but the audience in the stands heard dissatisfaction.

"What's going on! A move will determine the outcome? We still have enough fun to watch!"

"That is, this is the final of the contest, how can you be so hasty?"

"Hey! It seems that the finals of this conference are really nothing to watch, I really don't know how those who are higher than them are eliminated!"


At this time, Wang Zixuan and Li Mo were not affected by these dissatisfied voices and still stared at each other.

In the end, Wang Zixuan shot first.

I saw his body flew into the air, the golden scepter in his hand was bright!

"Flying snow!"

With a soft drink, the clouds over the closed gladiasis surging, and then the snow fell down. And their goals are locked in Li Mo's body!

As soon as this skill came out, both Han Tianyu and Lan Jingyuan sitting in the stands were surprised.

"Oops, the snowflakes transformed by this skill are all lethal. Each snowflake is like a blade. If Xiaomo can't dodge it, he will probably lose because of it!"

"You're right, but are there any ways for us? Do both of us go up to help Xiaomo resist this attack? We still sit down and watch the game honestly, maybe Xiaomo has a way to deal with it! "


"I rely on, Wang Zixuan's trick is really amazing! If I can't dodge it, won't he be punished by him?"

The dignified color of Li Mo's face, Ying Dun's skills and deboning were released at the same time, and his figure quickly disappeared on the playing field.

Although this skill of Wang Zixuan is powerful, it covers a wide range. But it also has its drawbacks, that is, it is slower. In the process of falling snowflakes, there is enough time to dodge and attack at the speed of Li Mo!

Seeing that Li Mo disappeared, Wang Zixuan was not in a directly waved the scepter in his hand, and those falling snowflakes floated to himself as if he had been ordered, forming a circle around his body Layers of protection.

"Li Mo, I see how you attacked me!"

After doing all this, Wang Zixuan glanced around proudly, capturing Li Mo's figure. He knows that Li Mo's skills cannot last for too long. As long as a certain period of time expires, his skills will automatically end.

But something unexpected happened to him, and Li Mo's figure did show up after a while. But it did not appear in the few places he guessed, but in the place where he disappeared just now. In other words, Li Mo did not move half a step from beginning to end.

Looking at Li Mo with a smile on his face, Wang Zixuan called himself fooled. But when he was about to command the snowflakes around him again to attack Li Mo, Li Mo's hands had shot a blue arc and ran directly to himself. Then Wang Zixuan thought he could not dodge at all!

"Stop! I admit defeat!"

(End of this chapter)

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