Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 786: Back to the misty deep forest

Li Mo rode to the gate of Liulicheng, looked back at the direction of the guild, and galloped away. He put his first stop in the familiar misty deep forest. Although the monsters and monsters there are not comparable to the death plains in terms of level and number, they are much safer than the uncovered and endless death plains. And he still misses the King Kong King Ape Great Sage very much in his heart. This is only a few months. He still wants to know what strength the Great Sage has reached now.

After a whole day and night, Li Mo finally came to the entrance of the misty forest in the early morning of the next day.

Here is still a strict guard, two armed soldiers standing neatly on both sides of the entrance. Moreover, since the Liulicheng Guild was annexed by the Luoye Town Guild, the number of students from other guilds who have come here to practice has gradually increased.

Seeing the students of other guilds in and out of the misty forest, Li Mo's mouth showed a smile.

"Eh! Are you not a student of the Yeye Town Guild?"

At this time, a soldier approached Li Mo.

Li Moyi seemed to be an acquaintance, and it was the soldier who was in charge when he came here.

"Oh... Brother, don't come unharmed!"

"Haha... It's really you! Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, your kid won the championship of the Empire Competition Conference. And your guild even annexed the Liulicheng guild, which is really popular!"

Li Mo couldn't help but smile awkwardly, but he didn't think of these things, even the soldiers guarding the misty forest had already known.

"Hehe...just luck, not worth mentioning!"

"Little brother, you are too humble, why do you still want to try in the misty forest this time? Are you alone?"

"Yes, I came here alone."

"Haha... It's worthy of the title of the contest, you are the first student I have seen to come to try it yourself! But since the Liulicheng Guild was annexed by your guild, other guild students come here to try more and more. Increase, you still have to be careful after you enter!"


Li Mo couldn't help but wonder, and didn't understand what the soldier said.

"Hehe... little brother, I won't delay your time so much."

The soldier returned to the entrance of the forest, but just glanced at Li Mo intently before leaving.

"Huh! What does he mean? Why did you mention the people in other guilds, let me be careful? Is it that someone here will be against me?"

Li Mo thought left and right, but he still didn't stop him from entering the misty forest.


When Li Mo entered the periphery of the misty forest, there was a stark contrast to the silence that he had when he came two times ago. Some people with more than ten levels of strength are chasing some first and second level monsters. Others are rushing to the outer area of ​​the forest under the guidance of their guild mentor.

Li Mo alone has undoubtedly become an alternative among the people.

"Huh? Did this person come here to practice by himself? It's too self-confident!"

"Hehe... you see that he is only 30 levels of strength, so he pretends to be an unfathomable look. I dare to come and experience in the misty forest alone, I really don't know what to do! I will see what happens if he encounters What about powerful monsters?"

"That is, I really don't know if he is arrogant or ignorant."

With the help of Yinxinyu, Li Mo succeeded in hiding his true strength. Hearing these people's remarks, he didn't pay much attention to it, but rushed toward the edge of the forest. Li Mo is unwilling to waste his precious time on these people.

"Eh! Boy, which guild are you from?"

At this moment, a low voice came from behind Li Mo.

Li Mo stopped his footsteps and looked back at a middle-aged man who was about thirty years old, with a huge waist, and appeared with several young people behind him. The ranks of the youths are all around 30, but Li Mo, the middle-aged man, can't see his rank strength. It must be the mentor of the youth. However, Li Mo did not panic at all. He estimated that this person's strength is at most fifty-two or three. If they want to find their own trouble, Li Mo still has the confidence to fight him.

"Oh, at the Falling Leaf Town Guild, don't you know what you have?"

"Luoye Town Guild? But the one that annexed the Liulicheng Guild?"

Hearing what Li Mo said, there was a hint of excitement in Dahan's expression.

"Exactly, is there a second deciduous town guild in the empire that fails?"

"Haha... kid, I really have nowhere to go through the iron shoes, so I have to work hard. We at the Moyuan City Guild are still looking for your people. I didn't expect that I would meet them here today."

As Dahan's eyes began to look left and right, he seemed to want to confirm whether Li Mo came alone.

"Oh! Moyuan City Guild, I have heard something about it. I heard that Gan Peng and your president have very ordinary contacts! Why, do you want to avenge Gan Peng today?"

"Huh! Boy, you're right. The president and the adult of our president are friends of life and death. He died in the hands of your guild. How can we just ignore it?"

"Joke, that his brother, who was a partner of Ganpeng, was bullying and bullying. The end of corruption is purely blameless. It has nothing to do with our guild. Moreover, he was sentenced to death by His Majesty the King, don't you fear the trouble of looking for our guild? , Will the empire cure you?"

Knowing the other party's intentions, Li Mo didn't panic, but instead asked a bit of scorn.

"Huh, if it wasn't your guild's name Li Mo, how could the president be like this? Anyway, your guild can't get rid of this matter. If you die in this misty forest~www And who would doubt the head of our guild? Boy, today, you meet me, just accept your fate!"

Li Mowen sneered twice in his heart, but he did not expect his reputation to be so great now. The Moyuan City Guild's people even pushed Gan Peng's death to himself, but the big man obviously didn't know that he was Li Mo. At the same time, Li Mo also thought of the soldier's reminder when he entered the forest.

"Haha... I didn't expect you to be the same thing as the people of the Liulicheng Guild, and you will bully people. Don't you feel so dull when so many of you deal with me alone?"

"You don't worry, kid. As a mentor of the Moyuan City Guild, I naturally do more bullying and less. I let my students deal with you enough."

Saying that the big man made a wink to the students behind him, a young man with the strength of 33 was immediately out of the crowd!

"Boy, I started quickly, and I won't make you feel any pain!"

After the young man finished speaking, his tongue even licked at the corner of his mouth. There was a hint of bloodthirsty light in his eyes!

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