Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 799: Ao Yingxianwei

Facing the tenth-level monster Beast King Kong ape that has recovered the monster form, even with the help of Dasheng, Li Mo still did not escape his palm and was captured back into the cave.

"I still want to compete with you based on your current strength? I just don't know what to do! I have said that you humans don't have a good thing, and you don't know what rhetoric you use, even let my children make for you. The thing that betrayed me. Ben was still thinking about letting you do it for the sake of helping me once. It seems that I can't keep you today!"

After returning to the cave, the Vajra Apes turned into humanoids again, grabbing Li Mo's collar and said angrily.


Da Sheng was anxiously screaming, but helplessly, at this time, it had been imprisoned by his mother and could not move.

"Humph! Since you want to kill me, what's the use of saying so much nonsense? It's okay to kill or kill!"

As of now, Li Mo also knows that his chances of surviving are minimal, and he will no longer explain anything.

"Hey... Can't see it, is your kid still a hard bone! Yes, yes, I will give you a happy heart!"

Talking about the woman transformed by the Vajra Ape, she raised her fist and smashed it towards Li Mo.

The full blow of the tenth-level monster is not something Li Mo can compete with. Feeling a strong wind coming, Li Mo closed his eyes with a smile.

"Yan'er and Ao Ying both blame me for being incompetent, it seems there is no way to save you anymore. But we will meet at another time!"


Just as the woman's fist was about to fall on Li Mo's head, Longscale Chijian ran out of the storage belt and ran between them. Stopped the woman's attack!


With a scream, the woman's body flew out like a broken kite!

"Ah! What's going on? Dragonscale Chijian..."

Li Mo opened his eyes and heard what happened in front of the stunned king!

"Weapon protector? Boy, what quality weapon is your long sword?"

The woman's surprised expression was no less than Li Mo's, she shook her arm and asked fiercely.

Li Mowen's facial expression quickly changed from surprise to surprise.

This woman was transformed into a tenth-level monster, and her dragon-scale red sword was able to withstand its blow, which is not a king-level quality. In other words, the lowest dragon scale red sword is also a god-quality weapon.

"Huh! You don't need to ask what quality weapons. It seems that it is not easy for you to kill me today!"

Once grasping the dragon scale and red sword, Li Mo's heart ignited hope again. Anyway, this woman has already killed herself, and she doesn't need to estimate anything else. Even if he tears his face, even if he finally loses, there is no regret. After all, he is facing a tenth-level monster.

"Huh! Don't think that with this sword protecting you, I can't deal with you. Don't forget your strength, but it's only level 50! You can't exert the full power of this sword now, just right I can’t turn into a weapon that I haven’t had in my hand. This long sword is just what you gave me. After you die, I will remember your good!"

King-level equipment and weapons are relatively rare in the Tianfeng Empire. It's even more crazy weapons like dragon scales and red swords. Since women can be transformed into human bodies, there must be human greed. How can it not be bothered by such magic weapon?

"Humph! Want to take me away? It depends on whether you have that strength.

The woman's voice just fell, and Li Mo hadn't had time to answer it. Another girlish voice with some childishness sounded in the cave, followed by the dragon-scale red sword and red golden light in Li Mo's hands, illuminating the dark cave like daylight. A golden mist rose, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a form of a dragon floating in mid-air.

"Ao Ying! You..."

Looking at the familiar dragon shadow above his head, Li Mo was speechless with excitement.

"Ah! Dragon... turned out to be a dragon!"

The figure of the dragon transformed by the stunned king Ao Ying is also surprised. And there was a trace of fear in the expression!

It is just a monster of level ten, if it is absolutely terrifying in front of human beings. But in front of Ao Ying, this dragon dragon holy beast, where did it have the guts to attack Li Mo? Even if Ao Ying now appears only in the form of a soul body, it does not dare to act rashly.

"Are you going to eat my master? But a little monster of level ten, believe it or not, swallow you!"

Ao Ying waved two dragon claws and looked at the woman. The huge dragon eyes were full of cold eyes. The sound even shocked the gravel on the top of the cave!

"Master? This human being turned out to be your master? This... this is impossible! You are a holy beast, the dragon, standing tall! How could you condescend to recognize a human being as the master? Absolutely impossible... impossible! You must be What method did this kid use to transform it? None of this is true!"

The woman snarled like crazy, and her body began to swell up a little at the same time. In a blink of an eye, it turned into the form of Vajra Ape.


Boom Boom...

After howling a few times, he hit his chest violently, looking like that, it seemed to verify its own conjecture.

"Hum! Don't do it yourself!"

Ao Ying didn't panic. After glancing at it, suddenly a blue lightning bolt of bucket thickness was ejected from her mouth.



The speed didn't give the King Kong ape a chance to dodge, and hit its chest directly.


With a tragic roar, the huge body of the Vajra Apes crashed to the ground and twitched continuously!


At this time, Da Sheng didn't know when to break free, even though his mother was wrong first. But blood is thicker than water, how can it see its mother being wounded regardless of it? With a cry, he rushed towards Ao Ying quickly.

"Ao Ying! It's my friend, don't hurt it!"

Upon seeing this, Li Mo hurriedly reminded Ao Ying that she might hurt Dasheng.

For Li Mo's words, Ao Ying naturally obeyed. Just opened his mouth and blew a breath toward the Great Saint!


It immediately turned into a rolled it aside!

"Da Sheng, are you okay! I am also compelled. If it were not for your mother to kill me, my sword spirit would not appear! You can rest assured that your mother is fine!"

Li Mo hurried to Dasheng's side and checked it to see if it was injured. After all, Da Sheng didn't help himself a little. Now that Ao Ying actually wounded his mother, Li Mo was still very sorry.


Li Mo thought that Da Sheng would not forgive himself, but did not expect it to sit up and tweeted twice and patted himself on the shoulder. It seems to tell Li Mo that it can understand.

At that time, the Vajra Ape suddenly stood up, but it did not continue to attack. Instead, after a stunned glance at the dragon transformed by Ao Ying, he changed back to human form. Then the unexpected happened, and the woman even fell to her knees in front of Ao Ying.

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