Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 930: Little God and Demon

"You bastard!"

Looking at Li Mo's unhurried manner, the little **** demon sucked milk with milk. At this moment, the big mouth of Hualong's blood basin had already fallen on Li Mo's body, and the desperate little demon suddenly became furious. I saw that the demon rushed directly into the air, the front of the wings, and a pair of immature fists hit the head of Hualong.

Of course, the flower dragon in the Jiedan Realm also noticed the fist of the little demon, but this fist is too small in the eyes of the huge dragon. So Hualong didn't mean to hide, and slammed into the fist of the little demon.


All of a sudden, the blood spattered, but this was not the blood of the little demon, but the unlucky flower dragon. The hard skin of Hualong's forehead was smashed directly by the fierce punch of the little demon, and then Hualong's body flew backwards for nearly twenty battles. Along the way, Hualong's body did not know how many boulders and big trees had been smashed.


On the top of the mountain, the old man of Hualong Master saw all of them. Immediately, the old man yelled furiously, and there was a flesh of pain on his face. Then the old man even left his feet and flew in the direction of Li Mo!


In the jungle chapter, Hualong roared, as if he had been humiliated. As Hualong opened his mouth, endless black gas radiated out of Hualong's mouth and merged with the dense fog around him. Seeing these black qi, the little demon could not help but light his eyes and said

"It turns out that the poison gas in your body has aura. I absorbed your aura and finally saved enough power to rush out. The spirit beast like you in the early stage of the knotty kingdom should have a lot of aura in the body? Just right? , Absorbed your inner dan, and improved my cultivation!"

The voice fell, and the little demon rushed towards Hualong again. Don't look at the huge size of Hualong, but in front of this little demon, the power is still not as good as the little demon. Moreover, in the face of the young and flexible figure of Xiao Shenmo, Hualong's speed is also a big shortcoming, which can't withstand the attack of Xiao Shenmo.

I saw that the little demon fist was raining, and in a short time, he smashed the dragon with blood and lay on the ground dying.

But even so, the little demon does not mean to close. I saw that the sharp nails of Xiao Shen Mo were scratched on Hualong's abdomen, and Xiao Shen Mo was scratched all the way, as if to see Hua Dan's inner pledge.

Soon, the little demon stopped the offensive, because at the moment a slap size, red crimson Nedan appeared in front of the little demon. This Neidan carried **** air, but away from the old, Li Mo could also feel how rich the spirit was in Neidan.

This is the inner dan of the spirit beast in the Dandan Realm, and it is conceivable how much aura it contains.

"Sinner! You dare!"

But at this time, Skyrim heard a rage. Then an old man stepped into the sky and looked at the dying flower dragon lying on the ground. The old man's eyes were angry! That is the pet that I have worked hard to grow into a big one, and I am going to die now?

Li Mo staggered in the distance, Li Mo, who had just got up, could not help but grow his mouth when he saw the old man, saying

"Can fly! This is another strong man in the Dandan Realm!"

The biggest difference between the Dandan Realm and the Spiritual Realm is that the strong ones in the Dandan Realm can fly. However, in the early stage of the formation of the Dandan Realm, the cultivation practice of the early stage of the formation of the Dandan Realm can only glide at a low altitude. If you can really fly in the sky like the old man, you can only do it in the later stage of the Dandan Realm! And even the strong in the late stage of the Dandan Realm, the aura in the body is not enough to support them to fly high altitude for a long time.

However, in the face of the screams of the old man, even the little devil didn't make sense. I saw the little **** demon staring at Huanlong's inner pill with dim eyes, and then the little **** demon's young palm grasped Neidan and pulled it out fiercely.


The dying flower dragon suddenly roared with pain in the sky, as if suffering severe pain. However, as the little demon took out the inner dragon of Hualong, Li Mo stopped calling. The huge snake head of Hualong dragged to the ground, and the dead could not die.

"you you!"

Seeing this scene, the old man in the air was so angry that he pointed directly at the little demon. But the angry old man didn't say a word for a long time, but his eyes seemed to be eating a little demon.

"Oh, so pick it up, this Neidan first borrowed me to make up for it, and it will be a big deal. I will return you to a spirit beast in the early stage of the Dandan Realm."

The little demon said carelessly, and then the little demon threw Neidan to Li Mo, saying

"First put it in your storage bag."

Li Mo took Neidan and took a closer look. Although there is a strong aura on Neidan, the blood is still there. People can't take it. If they get Neidan, they can only make alchemy with other herbs. In alchemy, the blood can burn the flames. But looking at the look of the little demon, it seems that it can directly absorb it.

Li Mo wiped the blood on Neidan, and then retrieved the eggshells of Neidan and the Little Devil into the storage bag. The eggshell of the demon is of course unusual, and it can be forged by those who can forge weapons, maybe a forge can be forged.

"You, you, you killed my Hualong! You will be my pet in the future, otherwise I will kill you and pay for Hualong!"

The old man roared angrily, the old man was so angry that the little **** was so angry that he even struggled to speak. However, after hearing the old man's words, the little devil glanced at the old man and said immediately.

"Let my lord God be your pet? I called you master, dare you agree?"


The former old man was really mad, and he forgot to think about what race this little demon is. So after hearing the words of the little demon, a flash of light flashed in front of the old man, and only the old man said

"Are you a **** and demon? Hahaha... That's great! I can't afford to be an adult **** and demon, can't I still make you an early **** demon cub? Now we have a blood contract, do you think that Lord, I will not kill you!"

To make a divine demon become his spiritual favor, blood contract must be carried out. Otherwise, when the gods and demons grow up and are not bound by the blood contract, will they eat the master without a bite?

Li Mo was also surprised when he heard the old man's This little demon was born in the early days of the Dandan Realm. The blood of the gods is really strong.

"Establish a blood contract with me? But I have already established a blood contract with Li Mo. Should you ask him?"

The little demon embraced his shoulders with both hands, a grin on his face, and said.

However, Li Mo in the distance heard the words of the little demon, and could not help but growl in his heart, "What a special!"

This is too hacky. With the personality of the little demon, how can he be the spiritual pet of the old man? The little demon asked him to reject this old man, but when he remembered the old man's cultivation practice in the later stage of Dandan Realm, what did Li Mo refuse to do?

But when the old man heard the words of the little demon, he believed it, and then the old man frowned, and a chill spread out on the old man. The old man looked at Li Mo and asked

"You have a blood contract with him?"

(End of this chapter)

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