Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 935: Piebald python

Seeing the egg's expression, Wu Li was in a good mood. Then Lili laughed loudly and said proudly

"How? People don't want you anymore, come and be my pet, I won't kill you!"

"Tangshen, being a pet? Ha ha..."

Egg egg smiled contemptuously, and looked at Wu Li like an idiot.

"Okay! You have guts! Then... you die!"

Wu Li saw a murderous drink in her eyes, the voice fell, and Wu Li's figure also moved. I saw that Wu Li's body actually gave birth to the ghost image of four arms. With the original two arms of Wu Li, the six arms gradually became thin and long. The centipede at this moment looks like a centipede. But these arms are still a lot less than real centipedes.

But even so, the egg's attack against the centipede is still suppressed by death. The speed of the centipede is extremely fast. Six fists are raining down, and the repair of the egg is much lower than the centipede, so the egg has been bleeding at the corner of the mouth of the attack hammer of the centipede.

"Last chance! When I'm not my pet!"

Wu Li shouted at the eggs while attacking.


Faced with the attack of the centipede, the childish double fists of the egg were all twisted and deformed. However, the egg still shouted loudly that his dignity and dignity, even if he died, could not be the pet of others.

"Dead! Centipede Claw!"

The furious centipede roared, and saw a figure of a centipede standing tall behind him. The forty-two claws of this centipede are constantly twisted, and their faces are grim.

The six arms of the centipede attacked the eggs together.

"Nightmare recipe!"

The egg screamed, and then saw the egg's eyes gleamed dimly. However, it seems that the strength of the egg makes this nightmare tactic very far-fetched. As the gloomy light intensifies in the eyes of the egg, the eyes of the egg begin to bleed! The blood flowing out of blue and black.

These few drops of blood make the gloomy light in the egg's eyes stronger and stronger, as the eyes of the egg and the eye of the eye curl up. The eyes of Wu Li started to be confused, and the figure of Wu Li's attack stopped immediately. This pause is just a breath of time, but the strong men fight, the breath of time is enough.

Wu Li's figure stopped, but the egg's figure didn't stop. I saw the egg's shape flashed, and it flashed behind Wu Li. Then the egg's sharp fingers snapped towards the back of the centipede.

For a time, Wu Li's figure returned to normal. Restoring the normal power of cold force and rapid sweat, many years of combat experience tells the force that the turn is too late, so the force of the force is rushing to the sky. This made the egg's attack did not catch the back of Wu Li, but caught Wu Li's waist.


A column of blood spewed out, screaming with pain in the force. Then Wu Li turned to look at the egg, and her eyes seemed to eat the egg directly. Now Wuli no longer has the idea of ​​accepting eggs as pets, now Wuli has only one idea, that is, the **** demon cub has been torn alive! In order to relieve the hatred!

"go to hell!"

With a loud cry, six long arms pierced the egg's body. For a time, six blood columns spurted out, and the egg looked pale, and then the egg fell down fiercely. Along the way, the egg controlled her body, so that she fell unbiasedly near the pool of water.

"Take your life!"

Where can Wu Li take care to see what is in the muddy water? Now the angry Wu Li only wants to kill the eggs. Now the centipede force is also weak and can no longer use the centipede's claws, only to see the centipede force fall next to the egg, only the remaining two arms pat on the egg. Depending on the current state of the egg, Wu Li's blow can completely kill the egg.


At this moment, Li Mo ambushing in the water moved. I saw Li Mo jumped up, holding Neidan in the piebald python in his hand, ready to throw it at Wuli.

Wu Li, who was close to the pool, found Li Mo rushing out immediately, and even Wu Li didn't look back. I saw Wu Li's eyebrows tightened, and then an aura shot out of Wu Li's back and slammed into Li Mo.

Li Mo hadn't had time to throw Nedan from the piebald python against Wuli, and he was struck by the aura suddenly shot by Wuli behind him.


This aura was like an arrow passing through Li Mo's abdomen. Li Mo coughed up a bite of blood, and his body fell hard backwards, leaving a long trace of blood on the ground.

Even now the battle between Wu Li and Dan Dan is already weak. But it's not that Li Mo, who is in the latter stage of Ling Ling Realm, can contend with it, so a spirit can still seriously hurt Li Mo.

"Huh! Don't worry, let me kill this **** demon cub first, and then kill you!"

Wu Li snorted again, grinning, revealing a bloodthirsty smile. Immediately, the centrifugal force raised the palm high again, and it was about to fall on the egg.

The egg was hit hard by the centipede, and the six huge holes in the body were still bleeding, falling to the ground and dying. The egg's sore face was a bit daunting, but the egg still opened its eyes wide and looked at the palm raised by Wu Li, gradually getting closer and closer to the egg's head.

Although the egg is the body of the demon, it is also the cub of the demon. How long does it take to hatch the egg? So the power of the flesh is not very strong, if the slap of the centipede falls on the egg, the egg will definitely die.

"go with!"

It was at this time ~ ~ Li Mo shouted, and with all his strength, he threw the piebald python Nedan in his hand. After throwing out Neidan, Li Mo fell directly to the ground, fainted, and Yin Hong's blood was still flowing.

With a whimper, Neidan flew out very fast, so the energies all focused on the egg did not find the flying Neidan for the first time. After discovering Neidan, it was too late.

Because Wu Li was facing away from Li Mo, the dandan of this piebald python directly hit the wound on the waist behind Wu Li. Suddenly, white smoke rose. I saw that Naidan quickly disappeared, and assimilated to it was the flesh on the wound of Wu Li.


Wu Li screamed in the sky, and then jumped up. Wu Li stretched out his hand and grabbed the wound behind him, but what he caught was blood.

The egg is right, the dandan of the piebald python is very corrosive to the blood. At this moment, the wound around Wu Li's waist was corroded by Neidan, and this corrosive wound was still spreading. According to the development of this situation, Wu Li fears that it will be corroded into blood by the dandan of the piebald python.

(End of this chapter)

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