Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 944: 5 poison tribes come

It may be that there was a previous lesson, Jin Dazhuang arranged this time, and the guard of the tribe was doubled before! But Jin Dazhuang knew that these guards were not Li Mo's opponents at all. Jin Dazhuang may also want to block the gentleman from the villain. If Li Mo is a gentleman, there are reminders of these guards. With Jin Qiaoxin, Li Mo will not go.

But if Li Mo is a villain and rushes out, Jin Dazhuang should only be a strong twist.

Li Mo paced back and forth in the room, although it was night at the moment. But Li Mo could see the blazing fire through the window, and a team of patrolling soldiers passed by in Li Mo's room, holding a torch. Li Mo doesn't know what to do now, and reason tells Li Mo that he should go. But Li Mo found out that he was so worried about Jin Qiaoxin now. If he left like this, would Jin Qiaoxin torture himself like that, or do something stupid?

Li Mo didn't sleep much this night, and when the sky lit up, Li Mo finally fell asleep. But Li Mo only slept for an hour, and there was a bang of firecrackers outside. The sound of firecrackers awakened Li Mo, who looked down the window. At this moment his room was full of tribes of the Jinniu tribe.

Li Mo was sleepy and walked out of the room at a loss. I saw Jin Dazhuang, who was burly, was here, and when Li Mo appeared, Jin Dazhuang said with satisfaction

"The people of the tribe have counted, and today is a good day. Since you did not leave last night, it means that you still have a mentality. You also have a mentality. You are married today."

"Come new! Change clothes!"


For a time, the tribe of Jinniu tribe pushed Li Mo into the room enthusiastically. Li Mo didn't have time to say a word and was pressed on the stone bed by everyone. Then the man took out a brand new fox fur coat, and the man took out a brand new animal skin pants. Another person took out a brand new leather hide boots.

There are also a few old men who wipe something on Li Mo's face with something they don't know. For a time, Li Mo's face was smeared.

Packed up for Li Mo, everyone pushed Li Mo out. The outside was very lively, Jin Dazhuang, who was standing at the door, looked up and down at Li Mo, and said with satisfaction

"Go! Pick up the bride! Hahaha..."

When her girl is married, the person she marries is still the one she likes. The most important thing is that this person is still so excellent. At a young age, he is already a strong man in the late stage of the Spiritual Realm, that is, the powerful Five Poison Tribe, and there are not many such young handsomes? So Jin Dazhuang was very satisfied.

But Jin Dazhuang didn't know, just when he remembered the Wudu tribe. The powerful of the five poisonous tribes are coming to their golden bull tribes. This team of horses and horses is full of hundreds of people.

And in the team of hundreds of people, each person has a skin in their hands. Looking at it myself, I can see that there is only a portrait of a person on these skins. The person on the picture is similar to Li Mo.

Don't look at the Jinniu tribe is not small, there are four or five thousand people. However, the hundreds of people dispatched by the Five Poison Tribes, including the three strong leaders of the team, were all cultivated in the Dandan Realm. In addition, there are more than 30 powerful men who lead the spirit realm, and the remaining more than 70 people are also the strong men in the eighth and nineth layers of the quenched body. Such strength is fully capable of destroying the four or five thousand people of the Golden Bull tribe.

Besides Li Mo, Li Mo was pushed into Jin Qiaoxin's house by everyone. At the moment, Jin Qiaoxin was also wrapped in a brand-new fox fur coat, wearing a feathered hat that Li Mo would never forget in his life! Li Mo remembered that Jin Qiaoxin had said that this feather is a sentimental feather. At the time of the women's adulthood ceremony, the man pulled out the feathers of marriage and proposed marriage. Now married, we also want to witness the love feather.

Jin Qiaoxin's face is also painted with different colors, but these things are still difficult to cover up Jin Qiaoxin's excellent appearance.

Jin Qiaoxin looked at Li Mo who came in and couldn't help but bowed his head, his face shy.

"Coincidence, cough..."

Li Mo approached Jin Qiaoxin and didn't know what to say. Li Mo hasn't decided to marry Jin Qiaoxin, how can he get married with Jin Qiaoxin?

Li Mo paused for a long time, only squeezing out three words


Jin Qiaoxin's eyes stunned when he heard Li Mo's words. Then Jin Qiaoxin suddenly looked up at Li Mo and asked

"You don't want to marry me?"

"what's up!"

"Stinky boy!"


Crowded at the door and watching the two people in the room, the Golden Cow tribes were screaming at Li Mo, and some men wished to demolish Li Mo at the moment. Even Jin Dazhuang had a bad complexion. When he said this at this time, how would Jin Qiaoxin still live?

"Sister coincidence, I'm sorry. I also have my unspeakable secret..."

Li Mo lowered his head and dared not look at Jin Qiaoxin. But Li Mo could feel that Jin Qiaoxin must be crying at the moment.

"What...difficult, hidden?"

Jin Qiao gently asked Li Mo with a choked voice, and listening to the haggard voice of Jin Qiaoxin, Li Mo felt another pain in his heart. Immediately Li Mo couldn't help laughing at himself, muttering to himself

"Is this what you like? Li Mo also likes ingenuity, but since you like it, don't hurt her..."

After a night of thinking, Li Mo finally came to a conclusion that he really liked Jin Qiaoxin. But marrying Jin Qiaoxin is to harm Jin Qiaoxin and their Jinniu tribe.

Li Mo himself has caused the Wudu tribe, so he can leave. But what about the Golden Bull Tribe? Can a large tribe of four or five thousand follow Li Mo and leave?

Li Mo didn't know how to say it, he was silent...


At this time, a guard ran to Jin Dazhuang, shouting pale.

"what happened!"

Jin Dazhuang was originally in a bad mood because of Li Mo's Now seeing the panic-like appearance of his subordinates, Jin Dazhuang immediately yelled.

"There are more than one hundred masters from the Five Poison Tribe! Let's hand over the person in the portrait..."

With that said, the clan handed over the hide in his hand.

Hearing the five poisonous tribes, Jin Dazhuang also tightened his eyes. What are the five poisonous tribes in their southern county? That's God! Therefore, the Wudu tribe came to such an inspiring teacher, and a bad hunch was born in Jin Dazhuang's heart.

Sure enough, as Jin Dazhuang saw the portrait on the hide, Jin Dazhuang's eyes suddenly glared round. Although the people in this portrait are similar to Li Mo in seven or eight points, Jin Dazhuang still recognized Li Mo at a glance.

Then Jin Dazhuang put down the hide, turned to look deeply at Li Mo, and asked

"Your unspeakable secret is the grudge between you and the Wudu tribe?"

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