Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 165: mortal artifact

   Chapter 165 The Artifact of Mortals

   Big, is diligent, diligent, is big!

   Hearing these simple and straightforward words, Xu Guangling's heart was shocked.

   At this moment, in front of his eyes, there seemed to be images of some people, that is what Zhang Lao said just now, Zhang Lao, and Zhang Lao's brothers and sisters.

  Some people have good opportunities and many opportunities, and they are proud of the spring breeze, and then fall off in the spring breeze.

Some people have good talent and strong understanding, and they abandon the basics and follow the basics, thinking that they can grasp the key and go further. As a result, those "ends" that were originally abandoned or were not paid much attention to, eventually became the "benefits". It becomes a short board for it to go higher and farther.

Some people get the moon first when they are near the water tower, and then they don't pay much attention to the "moon", thinking that it is right in front of you, right by your side, coming and going, no need to search, no need to pursue, in the end, what you get is only A phantom moon.

   These three are all "恃".

   At this moment, Xu Guangling only thought of this sentence, "But if you have anything, it will eventually become empty!"

  's strongest point, in the end, just became their short board.

What resurfaced in Xu Guangling's mind was the sentence in Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, "When misfortune depends on fortune, when fortune lies on misfortune. Who knows how extreme it is? There is no righteousness. , Shanfu becomes a demon."

   Zhengfu is amazing, Shanfu is a demon!

   Then, it is the story of "Sailing the Horse" that later generations deduced accordingly.

   The one who corresponds or contrasts with these people is Mr. Zhang Lao. Because Zhang Lao did not dare to rely on it, or had nothing to rely on, he finally became the first for everyone and the world. It's not that he walks the fastest, but that others are always walking, and they can't walk, either because their hearts are slack, or their minds are loose, or their bodies are weak, or their legs and feet are tired...

   In short, there are many reasons and only one result.

   And only this old man has been walking forward, and he has been able to move forward. Maybe he is walking slowly, but just walking like this, he has become the number one in the world, and he has become the number one in a thousand years. If the sky leaves the year, the first for a thousand years will eventually become the first for ten thousand years. - Who can stop his progress?

   This is the real bulldozer!

   Looking at the "Millennium Number One Miraculous Doctor" in front of him, Xu Guangling's heart was filled with unfathomable feelings.

   is also "big", his understanding is different from that of the old man. What he sees is the phenomenon, what the old man sees is the cause, what he sees is the result, and what the old man sees is the process, or the beginning.

  Xu Guangling remembered another sentence, "The world is afraid of the effect, and the Bodhisattva is afraid of the cause."

   In fact, it would be better to replace the word "awe" with the word "ask" -- the world asks the fruit, and the Bodhisattva asks the cause!

  If the cause is done well, there is no need to ask the effect. Just like a 2+3 math problem, the 2 is in place, and the 3 is also in place. Why is the result not a 5? In a sense, the truth revealed in this is actually the same as the story of "the heart is not the horse".

   Hearing your words is better than reading ten years of books!

   At this time, Xu Guangling just wanted to say something like this to Mr. Zhang Lao and his teacher, but he didn't say it.

  The best respect is not to praise, but to follow. Not to mention other things, but in this respect, from now on, let him follow behind the teacher and move forward slowly.

  There are not enough opportunities, not enough talents, not enough environment, and everything is not enough.

  The only thing you can rely on is "diligence"!

  Everything you have to rely on will eventually become empty. Only with diligence can the soil bloom and the flowers bear fruit. This is the only weapon in the hands of mortals that can be taken out to fight against Heaven. If the opportunity is not good, use diligence to make up for it. If the talent is not good, make up for it with diligence. If the environment is not good, make up for it with diligence.

  Anything that the sky is against, or what is weak, I will make up for it with diligence. Anything that the sky is bell, or what is thick, I will make up for it with diligence.

   This word is in the heart and will not change for life!

Like the wind blowing the clouds away, the moon shining brightly in Kyushu, with this intention, Xu Guangling felt an indescribable clarity in his whole body, inside and outside, as if he had taken a bath, but it was not his body that was cleansed this time. , but the mind.

   Next, Xu Guangling thought that Zhang Lao would turn to the word "Zong", but this was not the case. Zhang Lao's elaboration of "big" was not finished yet.

"The thing that I hate the most in my life is the people who are addicted to gambling." Zhang Lao changed the topic and said, "In the view of the teacher, people who are involved in gambling, no matter whether they are in or out of money, he will I have already lost, the place to lose is not the casino, but life, the thing that loses is not money, but will.”

"When a person is involved in gambling, he will inevitably bring such a mentality into his whole life, and as a result, he will lose the possibility of being down-to-earth. Therefore, such a person, even if he is high in the sky, is a The teacher will never give him a second glance, because sooner or later, he will fall off."

   "Betting, it's not the money that loses, but the heart."

   "Similarly, lazy, lazy is not the thing, but the heart."

"So, diligence is not only diligent in things, diligent in action, but also diligent in heart. If you are diligent, everything will be lively, and if you are lazy, everything will become rigid, and rigidity is the sign of a person's old age. In this society, you will see that many people are not old yet, but their hearts are already old.”

   Xu Guangling nodded silently.

   This is the point he knows best.

"The result of diligence is to go big, and it will eventually go big." Zhang Lao continued, "Ordinary people can just go on like this, they don't need to think more, at most, they just adjust from time to time to make themselves diligent. More correct, more accurate, more efficient.”

   "But for some people, when they get to a certain level, they need more than diligence."

"Master was like this back then. When I was walking, I found that my brothers and sisters had been left behind by me one by one. Then, my teacher was also surpassed by my teacher. Then, many medical books were read for my teacher. Come on, it's like watching a child's graffiti."

"After reaching this level, I was proud of my teacher for a period of time and wasted a while. I gained a lot for my teacher, including fame, profit, and position, but I also lost one thing for my teacher, that is time. And all those gains cannot be exchanged for the losses of that period of time.”

Zhang Lao said lightly, "Of course, I don't regret being a teacher. There is a fork in life, two roads, a straight road and a curved road. The one that I chose for my teacher back then is very circuitous. But the scenery on the road is also better, colorful and varied. Although the other road is a shortcut, the scenery on the road is indeed relatively dull. As for the right and wrong of these two roads, which is right and which is biased, so far It is difficult for teachers to draw conclusions.”

   "The choice of being a teacher in the past may be wrong, or it may be a mistake, but it is right. The specifics, you may not understand it temporarily, and you will experience it in the future, so I don't say much as a teacher."

   "When will this fork end?"

  "It was when I understood the word 'zong'."


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   (end of this chapter)

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