The attack, not the attack, continued. Historia expressed displeasure in the tireless guerrilla war using the King of the Beasts.

“… Shit.”

gunnery squad. A multi-purpose long-distance containment unit directly led by Historia.

Having advanced ahead of time, they fortified and fired their bullets far ahead.

It was the aim of the Musketeers to engage in a delay war by repeating reconnaissance and checking and holding the opponent's feet until the main force arrived. He threw away the enemy by generously spraying the supplied salt bombs.

Even the ancestors were able to repel it, even for a brief moment.

However, the next appearance was unexpected.

'The King of Dogs?'

Rather, if a boy with an invisible sword jumps out, he can nod his head and face Historia directly.

But the king of dogs in thick armor was not to be dealt with, and it was difficult to do so. Since there was no ammunition to waste there, Historia ordered the firing to cease immediately.

So the King of Dogs walked to the center of the musketeers at regular pace without any hindrance. The musketeers glanced at the king of dogs with great tension. Even if it can't do any harm, it's a monster that can destroy a base just by struggling.

It was time for Historia to approach him directly to expel him. One of the soldiers raised a finger.

“Chief! gadfly!”

Only then did Historia realize that something was hanging from the dog's back. While contemplating whether to shoot it or not, the bag on his back suddenly swelled up.

It was tear gas.

It was a moment, but the gunners who were aiming at the container cried out in pain. It was because he had to keep aiming in the midst of Historia's chaos.

In the meantime, the dog king also rolls around the ground in pain, but anyway. It was this one that got hit.

'I'm gnawing at my nerves.'

In order to press the other side, he took an advantageous position and shot unilaterally. But the other side, far from being nervous, tormented them in all sorts of ways.

The dog king ran out and barked and went back. bullets were wasted. When Historia, who could not see him, ordered only his ancestors to shoot, the King of Dogs, wearing a black parasol, snooped around. Then, the tensed soldiers reflexively fired special bullets.

When I told him not to shoot and just wait and see, then the real Sijo appeared. People screamed.

Every time a random box that did not know what would come out was opened, the nerve cords of the gunnery band stretched and contracted like a rubber band dozens of times, eventually losing elasticity and becoming limp.

It was a familiar method. Isn't it one of the doctrines that the military mainly adopts?

'It's your job, Huey. It was your view that in the military, which is a group of people, you can wage the same psychological warfare as you do against people.'

The military doctrine of warfare was simple. When an ordinary soldier or officer consumes qigong or magical power, the generals, including the sixth general, will clean it up. That's it.

In any case, it was just a swarm of flies that were bothersome but could leave them alone. Until Historia appeared.

Historia, which shoots with qigong, was the last piece the military was looking for. With the addition of threatening gunfire to the containment fire, ordinary soldiers, who were just throwaways, have risen to a position where strategic operation is possible in the military.

'okay. Now like the king of dogs.'

Historia thought as he watched the dog king stuttering back.

'The dog king is harmless. But he doesn't know what he might have on his back, so we should be on the lookout.'

Perhaps the king of dogs himself wouldn't kill people, but what good is that? I don't know what's in the bag. Thanks to this, the musketeers were always vigilant.

While the dog king assumed to be out of power is strategically utilized, this side's power does not change. Naturally, I have to be pushed to the forefront.

'flaw. It still hurts to stab your weakness… .'

It was about the time she had finished thinking.

Through the sights, Historia was watching a container that was strangely less saturated than the other containers. A supply officer approached me with a brief salute.

“Chief. All the bullets are gone… .”

“I contacted the communicator. Pick up your supplies at the next point.”

“… I will prepare it.”

The fact that supplies were arriving soon did not bring strength back to the officer's steps. Essentially, it wasn't just ammunition that was depleted.

Even mental strength and concentration were consumed resources.

'… It's dangerous. It would be in trouble if that side jumped out now.'

At the tension that tightened her whole body, Historia smiled involuntarily. Her body heated up before her fight.


The frequency of bullets has decreased, and when Aji appears, the other side's reaction is slow. The delayed reaction may have a problem with reflexes, but there must also be a psychological reluctance to use bullets. Obviously the ammunition is depleted.

The sun must have risen enough, I got up with a defiant smile.

“The time has come. Now, Aji courier delivery will be temporarily suspended. Aji has worked hard enough.”

By the way, we're having a lot of fun now with bomb delivery puppies.

Aji can't hurt anyone. If there's a lethal bomb hanging behind your back, it'll run away from you.

But what about tear gas? A bomb that does not kill, but only causes pain. Thanks to this, I was able to strategically fully utilize Aji, who cannot attack humans. What the returner was holding was also a windmill… .


… Instead, Aji seems to be strategically hostile to me. Surprised, I put the pre-roasted meat in front of the Aji and spoke as gently as possible.

“Oh hey. you are the best! As a fighting dog, there is no other performance like this!”

“Rurtle rumble rumble rumble.”

Ugh, if it's such a compliment, I should like it.

A runny nose was dripping from his red nose even after sneezing. The tears in her eyes were also red, but it was more of a hostility than a sensitivity.

I said as I wiped Aji's eyes and nose with a wet handkerchief.

“Come on, let’s eat meat! I will never forget your hard work.”

“Ugh. share.”

“No, what the hell is the stake?”


“okay. It's like a thug! Now, I'll give you a share. okay? Take care of yourself!”

“… bruise! 10%!”

No, I already did 10% of what I did. What happens when you reach 100%?

Before I could even check, Aji with an expression on her face immediately sat down and began to chew the meat. He used to eat dog food quite tasty, but now the face he eats meat looks like he is chewing on his enemies.

For the time being, I'd like to adjust to my mood. Well.

“If you pretend not to know later, don’t you?”

“… got it, hey I'll take good care of you. I hope I don’t know you.”


I think I'm feeling better, but I'm afraid because I don't know why it's good. Anyway, I have to admit that I worked really hard.

Leaving Aji to sniff and eat meat, he beckoned to the Tirna Returner, who had been holding his breath.

“Were we too shy in front of the violence of the majority? Shall we go back to revenge?”

Tyr put the parasol on his shoulder as if waiting. There was a subtle smile on her lips.

“I will. I will set the example for the prey who believed they would be safe from darkness under the sun.”

The returner, who had been slowly gathering his strength in the meantime, also finished preparations.

“Let’s get through it quickly. If you subdue the musketeers, things will be much easier.”

power is perfect. nothing wasted. On the other hand, on the other side, Aji is mentally afflicted with chaos.

The perfect opportunity has arrived. On this chessboard, there are two cards up to the regressor and Tyr. On the other hand, there is only one Historia.

ha ha ha. This battle is my victory, Historia. Have you not forgotten that I perfected your tactics? He knows all his weaknesses!

Where, look at the power of the number one you ignored! Form is temporary, but rank is permanent!

The container door slammed open, and Tyr, accompanied by a black coffin, marched alone.

Up until now, Aji ran out carrying Tyr's parasol about five times. Because of that, those who had vowed not to be deceived any longer watched the dark parasol for a moment.

However, Tyr's appearance was different from Aji from the start. The moment she appeared under her sun, the soldiers of her musketeers felt as if a mist had formed before her eyes. The sense that the darkness itself that exists on this earth was walking away made the spine of an ordinary human chill.

Bullets poured over Tyr, but Tyr today was a little different from before.

Darkness pours out from the floating tube. It was under the sun, so it was a little dark, but even that was ominous. As soon as the lid is opened, the hands of the clock turn randomly and it seems that evening has come.

The bullets that flew with a terrifying sound could not penetrate the veil of darkness. Occasionally, salt coals flashed through the darkness, but that was all. It was not enough to tear the veil because it was so consumed.

Tyr walked over as if he had been a chariot. As he swept through the space with one hand, his bullets that could not penetrate his veil were swept sideways in unison.


Then a gunshot rang out. The veil swirled and tore apart, and Tyr's head, behind him, turned.

Someone from the musketeers clenched their fists and shouted.

“It’s the warden’s bullet! How does it taste, monster… !”

But the words didn't go any further. Above Tyr's left eyebrow, the blood swirled and pushed it away as if keeping pace with the spinning bullet.

As the musketeer was swallowing his breath, Tyr murmured with his red eyes shining.

“… monster, ya. I hear it so often that there is no inspiration whatsoever.”

Tyr turned his head again. Historia's bullets bounced back, unable to stop her face any further.

“Where, shoot. Right now the sun is shining Now, when the hot light curses me, this is my only chance to weaken this body. where.”

Tyr, who counted for a moment, smiled timidly.

“If you shoot a hundred times a hundred, it might make me quite in trouble.”

As it was said, the blood scorched by the sun had turned black. If all her blood were scorched like this, even the progenitor Tirkanjakara would be in danger.

But that's just a handful from the distant sea of ​​blood.

Historia lowered the gun with sunken eyes.

'You can't win with a bullet that consumes a lot of energy every time you shoot. I'll be exhausted first. Now that the salt coal is depleted… .'

After finishing her thoughts, Historia raised her two pistols. A heavy pistol loaded with her bullets was held in her hand. She felt the cold, heavy metal feel, said Historia.

“I will face you until the main unit arrives. Form up and step back.”

“Sir, it’s dangerous! Never fight against the ancestors… !”

“Then, what do you say when you come from over there to fight?”

It was time for Historia to take a step forward.

Before she could even take a step, she felt a strange aura from above. Historia hurriedly pointed her into the air and fired her bullet.

Tang, Ting. Shortly thereafter, the sound of gunfire and bullets bouncing was heard simultaneously. Immediately after that, someone fell like a shooting star in the middle of the musketeer.

“Whoever wants! Your opponent is me!”

The returner, who flew into the sky when his eyes were focused on Tyr, landed on the ground with a huge storm. At the same time as he fell, he slammed Jizan down, and the earth and the atmosphere began to shake. At that time, everyone lost their balance for a moment in earthquakes and storms, shocks that shook people from both sides.

As if they had promised, the two warriors attacked the other the moment they fell. Without hesitation, they swung their weapons at each other.

visor. The crossed gun took the Cheon Aeng. Sparks flew from the forked steel, and the eyes of the two women collided.


At someone's call, Historia immediately shouted without looking back.

“Don't worry about me! Stop Sijo!”

“Hey, will you be alone?!”

The regressor twisted and twisted his wrists. An invisible sword, which climbed obliquely from her pistol, shot at Historia's face. Historia grinned as she looked at the tip of her waving sword clearly.

“alone? What I'm going to say is, cutie.”

Historia instantly lay down.

Bend your back and lie flat on the floor. In that state, he was barely balancing and stretched out the opposite leg. The regressor, whose center of gravity was shifted forward as he instantly disappeared from view, hurriedly raised his knee and received the kick.

A cool sound. The returner, who flew into the air, overturned her body and landed on her belt. Her musketeer strode forward in front of her, biting her tongue slightly.

“Are you really going to survive until the ancestors arrive?”

In her hands, two bladed pistols twirled.

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