Yerien Grandiomor was born as a princess, but grew up as an ordinary military citizen. At a time when the military was in full swing to arrest the remnants of the party and the lords from all over the country continued to resist sporadically, the princess was too young to become their focal point.

The young guardian knight and the stubborn nanny wandered around the kingdom looking for someone to help them, but strangely, the local lord knights only wanted to use the royal blood. Even strangely, there was an attempt to form an arranged marriage with the princess, who was still only a baby.

Unlike the central, local lords have their own territory and rule like a king. That is why blind loyalty to the royal family was rare.

The guardian knight trembled and fled with the princess. Without the help and devotion of some loyal knights who never forgot chivalry, the young guardian knights alone would not have been able to protect the princess… .

The princess and the guardian knight, who became nomads, risked the blasphemy and returned to the land controlled by the Legion, disguised as their brother and sister. At that time, the military was a collection of soldiers who suddenly succeeded in the revolution, and had no administrative power. Amidst the chaos, the guardian knight and the princess pretended to be ordinary military citizens.

Those who knew their identities appeared, but most of them were people who would not open their mouths even if they risked their lives. The princess grew up in the near-peaceful peace.

The princess grew up under the rule of the military. Surrounded by suspiciously friendly adults, with her older brother who seems to have lost even her heart for her younger sister, and an elderly mother who sometimes cries. She received plenty of love and attention and grew up without lack.

But at some point, the princess realized.

That this kind world around him was not given without any reward.

At first I wandered. Conflicted in a harsh fate. I wanted to run away, knowing that I had to sacrifice my life to fight for a country that was already destroyed.

Even if she runs away… Her guardian knight will respect her. Some vassals may agree.

But there's only one reason they're generous with her. She was because she was her princess. Even if she runs away, her princess' bondage continues.

The princess accepted the duty as a sense of duty. From birth he wore the crown of thorns he was given and offered himself on the altar. Let her remnants burn her even more with her sacrifice.

Then when.

As the representative of the Resistance, he was investigating a strange incident that took place in Hameln. The Resistance received a strange visit. her boys and girls her age. She faces the children of her age, who are broken somewhere and burn with her hatred.

The sacrifice was raised by the hand of the forsaken friend, and walked on its own.

There was a brief commotion, but the princess had a strong attitude to hide her inner feelings. The princess adjusted her expression and posture and looked at the returnee.

“Then, now that we have officially finished greetings, let’s talk… ?”

My heart was shaking infinitely, but I would say that she is a princess. Apart from his clumsy attitude, his attitude is straightforward.

However, our returnee… This is a good attitude… .

“I don’t have anything to talk about. I'll just tell you what's going on quickly. Listen.”

Showing attitude… after. I can't say anything… .

“We didn’t trust you or contact you to find an escape route.”

“Is that so?”

“We are going to hit the headquarters. To be honest, there is very little you can do to help.”

The regressor simply cut off the business and said. It was so cut that question marks appeared on the princess's face, but the regressor continued talking as if it was too much to explain.

“The power is full and overflowing. There's the Sijo here, there's me, and there's the Piper of Hamelin. Even the king of the beasts will follow us for a little while.”

why am i on

“We’re going to hit and fall quickly, but it’s difficult when weak guys swear at us, and it’s only difficult when we grab our ankles. If possible, I would like to choose only the elite.”

“Wait a minute, my lord. The story is a bit fast.”

'What are you talking about? damage? No matter how strong you are, you can use them to control the military headquarters… ?'

I understand. Neither did we understand why for a moment when the Returner suggested a raid on the command center, we had to smash it down. It was also bizarre.

But when I read my thoughts, to my surprise, the regressor had a plan.

“You know what we did, too. We were not disturbed in any way on the way to Amittengrad. The other side only repeated active evasion.”

“yes. Our spy told us about it.”

'Active avoidance of engagement. practically run away. We do it a lot, so I know… .'

“But as I left Amittengrad, the loose siege gradually tightened and the enemy grew bigger and bigger. The Confederate Legions united and pursued us. And in sporadic battles, they gathered east.”

“That’s great. I heard that the Six Generals had gathered, but I don't think he would have dealt with the entire Southern Legion… .”

The princess naturally praised the regressor, but it did not reach the regressor who was born with a rebellious temperament.

“At first I thought it was because of Hameln’s Piper, but… It's actually weird. Do you face an enemy who even evaded engagement because you didn't want to take any damage? It’s absurd.”

Raising an army costs money. The military is especially so. The bullets they use, alchemy steel, clothing packets, and even food. Each one consumes a significant amount of annuity cost or resources.

I don't know if the Returner or the Progenitor had committed irreparable devastation, except for tapping a few bases and never doing any harm. The military had little reason to consume that much resources.

but consumed. In order to catch only a handful of them, an inefficiently large number of corps were mobilized.

asked the princess with a serious expression on her face.

“If you say so… Does that mean that the Legion moved not to attack you?”

“I think so.”

“Oh, then why?”

'The reason the military raised up the military is not to capture them… ? If so, why did you move the Confederate Army?'

In order to hunt, an in-depth knowledge of the prey is required. The princess, who was once a member of the military and now a hunter, understood the military more deeply than anyone in the remnants of other kingdoms.

'No, you have to change your point of view. A kingdom is not ruled by a king. There is a command, but I've never heard of them moving the military out of personal feelings. Instead of passing intentions and explaining actions, you need to infer intentions from actions.

Come on, the simplest answer is the answer. Why should the Confederates be loaded onto the meta-conveyor belt?'

Of course, it's a move. This is because the meta-conveyor belt is a means of transportation. Then a new question arises. Where?

The princess's head twisted back and forth. And in an instant, all the puzzles clicked together. The princess, who had attained enlightenment, exclaimed.

“… It's a war for the north! It must be a country!”

The returner nodded.

“right. They didn't form an army to chase us. They pretended to pursue us to organize an army.”

“Oh my gosh… !”

“Well, he probably wanted to arrest us or expel us. The existence of the progenitor Tirkanjaka will serve as an excuse for the Mist Principality to intervene. If you leave the dog king alone, the wolf king will come.”

There is no single strategic goal. And maybe, that's not the end.

Realizing the serious problem, the princess forgot about her body and jumped up.

“Wait. Our base is near the northern border! If there is a war, the first thing you will do is 'stabilize'! I need to tell you this soon… ! Heck!”

The princess, who was in a hurry, tripped on the leg of the chair and almost fell. Her guardian knight was heard hastily to catch her, but her returner was much quicker than that.

The regressor was learning the celestial mirror, and there was no psychological hesitation as she was the same woman in the eyes of others. The fact that she had met her princess in the last few episodes also played a part.

The regressor caught the princess softly and naturally, as if it had been summed up in advance. The princess, who suddenly grabbed the regressor and supported her, jumped back after her body stopped for a moment as if electricity had passed. Her pale pink hair color didn't stand out well, but the princess's face turned a little red.

“Uh, uh! Thank you, dear… ! You were so surprised that you looked ugly!”

“Be careful.”

In fact, I had no idea because the regressor was just a reflexive catch.

Surprised by the stranger's contact, the princess mumbled as she grabbed a handful of her hair and covered her mouth.

“kyung. Let everyone know. Please prepare to evacuate immediately.”

“All right.”

The guardian knight took out a piece of white stone slab that was hidden in his arms.

Rakion Great Wall. One of the miracles of Seonghwangcheong, and part of the pure white wall surrounding the Holy Land.

The inner wall of the temple built using a part of that wall is the only one. Even if it's a broken piece. When someone draws a letter on the slab, the same letter comes to mind on the inner wall of the temple.

Therefore, the temple served as a bulletin board to convey the will of the gods as well as the orders of the king. It was also a factor that allowed Seonghwangcheong to spread widely in the world due to close contact with power.

… There was no need for an army that created a moving great white wall, a signal operator.

It was when the Guardian Knight was about to reveal the Great White Wall. The princess hurriedly refused.

“kyung! not here!”

'This is the place where the Sijo resides! You must not expose the great white wall!'

The guard knight, who remembered why the large white wall was wrapped so tightly, asked for his understanding for a moment and went out of the container.

Of course, when Tyr realized his identity, he felt uncomfortable, but he wasn't a petty person enough to get angry at what he didn't reveal before his eyes. Because the princess kept the minimum courtesy.

“phew. Planting was a little uncomfortable. Come over to me for a moment so I can relax.”

is not it? They're trying to use me because I'm uncomfortable with planting.

The princess, who was deeply relieved, now looked at the returnee with a look of reverence.

“Dude, you’re amazing… . You look younger than me, but with a force comparable to a spear, you have this kind of insight… . If you had led the rebellion, there would have been no need for a spear to bring down the kingdom!”

It was a compliment indeed, but given that she was the last princess, it was an ambiguous compliment as to what attitude to take.

But the regressor was awkward in another sense.

'What is Hye-an? I came to see the future, of course I should know. No, I should have known earlier than now.'

The abyss collapses

Intellect returns to the land where the curse is gone.

Several countries compete for the fertile land.

War happens. The Seven Days War, where all battles ended in 7 days.

The returnee was aware of this fact early on. Because it was like that in the previous episode.

She didn't know whether the military was trying to get rid of the abyss with that in mind, but in any case, the war itself had already been foreseen.

But in the midst of a fierce pursuit, I forgot. I thought that the military was really pursuing them, and I responded with sincerity.

'If you think about it, we fought with a little strength until we captured the speargundo and the magician. Only the Musketeers had a reason to fight us. In the case of Musketeers, they were targeting Hughes in the first place… The command doesn't seem to tell the general about the original strategy, either. Shit, Command, these bastards, what the hell are they?'

Anyway, as we fled all the way to the South, the Southern Corps gathered in the Far East along the Meta Conveyor Belt. If you just move north like this… Deployment is completed in an instant.

War begins with the military occupation of the wilderness.

'Anyway, let's stop it while we can. No reason not to. If we escape to a foreign country, it will only be an excuse for war.'

War is not what the returnee wants. To be precise, it would be better for the people not to be disturbed by war before stopping the king of sin.

So, it hits the command center.

“ear… zero?”

It must have been unintentional, but the regressor was immersed in contemplation with his very complex, sunken eyes. Seriously, as if looking into something much farther into the future and the big picture.

I don't even want to imagine how that would have been reflected in the eyes of the princess, uh, it's kind of creepy.

'… Aren't you so perfect! He has great skills and deep insight! He knows how to look out for Jungkook, and he even looks like a nobleman like a woman… ! How was such a person born!'

I hate it, but I read it. Oh, I want to turn off mind-reading. Who doesn't want to stun me?

The returner heard the princess's call and responded.

“uh… Well, it doesn't matter. Because we had access to a lot of information while fighting the military. There must be a lot more to know.”

“Excessive humility is poison.”

“I’m not particularly humble… .”

It literally meant something, but it wasn't passed on to the princess. The princess just looked at the returnee with envying eyes. Oh my god, what day comes when a returnee gets such admiration?

That's a word. Or is regression so deceptive?

As I nodded, Shiati suddenly sent me a delightful smile. Her story told so far has been a great inspiration to her.

Shiati turned around and knelt in front of the princess. Thump, her knee rumbled on the container floor.

“Princess. order.”

“Siati? Normally I would never do this, but why are you kneeling so burdensomely… ?”

When the princess looked at him curiously, Shiati bowed her head even more.

“Please give the order to attack. Only now.”

“yes? Shiati. what it is.”

Shiati continued his explanation quickly and concisely.

“If the military prepares for war, it will crack down on the country first. If you stay in the northern part of the army, you will die. I have to evacuate. However, with our troops already gathered in the Far East, even if we, including civilians, set out at a leisurely pace, we would only be pursued and defeated individually. The damage would be close to annihilation.”

The princess was smart enough to infer war with just a few clues. As Shiati continued her words, it became increasingly clear what her proposal was.

“To stop that, we also have to attack the headquarters and throw them into chaos. Making them unable to look elsewhere is their only chance of survival. Princess, make a decision.”

The princess shut her mouth.

This opinion was provided by Siati. It is a strategy proposed by the Avengers, who would burn themselves to death by burning their own bodies and inflicting burns on the military. full of lust

The problem is, that's the right way.

Suddenly, an unprepared all-out war was waged. Biting her lip, the princess asked the returnee with a feeling of apprehension.

“Please, my lord. Aiming for this from the beginning… ?”

“yes? I was just going to borrow some of your spies.”

The returner, who was not expected to this point, also waved his hand, but the dice had already been cast.

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