The returner observed Shiati closely and said:

“It’s black magic.”

The regressor's assessment was accurate.

Synchronize your gun barrel with your fingers. And breaks her finger. Then the barrel is also broken.

Similar to the Voodoo Doll's Curse, but different.

Voodoo dolls sympathize with dolls who sacrificed themselves to inflict harm on the opponent's body, but in the case of Shiati, conversely, they sacrificed their own bodies and used them to destroy the enemy's weapons or equipment.

It has a fatal drawback that it can only be used 10 times in total since it is once per finger… .

Unbelievable. I just realized Shiati is one-armed, so she can only use it five times! Black magic also discriminates against people with disabilities. That's so unfair!

'I know that some of the Resistance have mastered black magic, but… All of a sudden, this makes me suspicious again. It's kind of suspicious though.'

The returner looked at me suspiciously.

“Hey, your friend seems to have mastered black magic. did you tell me?”

“What nonsense is this? Do you have a chin to tell me? That’s something I learned on my own.”


“I don’t know where. But there is nothing strange, right?”

I muttered as I continued driving carefreely.

“The magic placenta used by the military is kind of like that.”

“… That’s it.”

I'm glad I don't need to explain. As a returnee who has experienced all kinds of things, he easily agreed with my words.

The white horse carrying Shiati and the princess returned in a majestic manner. It was the appearance of the triumphal general.

Unlike the princess who couldn't smile because she cared about her friend's wounds, Shiati was smiling. It seemed that the joy of breaking the enemy's barrel was several times greater than the pain of breaking her finger. How did the scales in your heart become?

Well, since the scale weight is broken, you can use black magic, and you must use black magic.

However, Historia's expression, who was still tied up, was not good. As soon as her white horse returned, she jumped out of her hold and strode over the wagon.

These people walk like bare ground in a wagon that is going at full speed. Especially you, Historia. A man tied to a rope is not walking like that. The rope is sad.

In any case, Historia grimaced and stared at Shiati's left glove and the little finger that must have been horribly swollen inside.

“Siati. your fingers.”

“Oh, you got it!”

With a full smile on her face, Xiati proudly answered by holding out her gloved left hand.

“What do you think. history? Am I of any use now? I'm not what I used to be Even with this wretched body, if you use it like this, you can do even a little damage to the enemy. I am not as helpless as I was then.”

“It’s black magic. stop. It will hurt you.”

At Historia's appropriate advice, Shiati shook her head from laughter and tilted her head.

“Can those words come out of your mouth? Who is the equivalent of six generals in the military?”

“… It doesn't matter if I'm a genus or not.”

“It has nothing to do with it. The military is not in a position to curse black magic, is it? The magic taught by the military and ritual magic is a kind of black magic, right?”

Looking at Historia with her mouth shut, Shiati narrowed her eyes.

“Are you going to say you didn’t know, Historia?”

A magic system created by a mage, a ritual magic.

However, this raises some questions. Even before the appearance of the military commander, the magician was a sorceress so ignorant that he could not handle even one of his own magic.

How could such a mage create ceremonial magic?

An explanation of him came out of Shiati's mouth.

“If you use ritual magic, your body will pay the price. Fire magic burns it, water magic freezes it or blows it. At the very least, even light magic has the problem of tanned skin. To prevent this, use only a very weak amount of magic that you can afford… I have no choice but to pass the price on to a sacrifice that is worth it.”

The mage, who used all kinds of knowledge to overcome the limits, found the answer in black magic. To be precise, he combined the tricks of black magic, which paid the price for magic, with his own magic.

In the process, the ritual magic emerged.

something special in the ordinary. One of the seven great inventions that laid the foundation for this country.

“I use my body in exchange for magic. The ceremonial magic created by the military… Ritual magic prepared for those without talent and used as a sacrifice. It was processed in such a way that the power and cost were extremely reduced, but anyway, it is a kind of black magic that allows miracles that are impossible for ordinary people, and body damage at the cost.”

'Thanks to you, it was easy to learn this black magic. Kick, the military gave me something.'

Magic is the manifestation of one's own world. There is no concept of payment for the act of overlaying the world. It consumes a resource called magical power when it first sets off on the world, but once it's done, it automatically maintains itself.

On the other hand, ritual magic that demands a price every time… In a nutshell, it resembles black magic.

Well, that's all. Chimera beans produced in the southern waters, why did they have Chimera in their name? A military kingdom is a country built on taboos.

Historia passively defended the ritual magic.

“… different. Unlike ritual magic, black magic only hurts you and your opponent. There must be strong resentment and hatred, and it eats away at the heart of the user.”

“Huh! history. Are you worried about me? The one who has grown to six ranks, me, a resistance pawn? Then, what do you say to me? Would you rather break the cannons instead?”

Shiati was trying to be sarcastic, but Historia nodded her head coldly. Thanks to this, Shiati was also at a loss for words for a moment.

“The sixth general, the weapons of the military? Are you kidding me?”

“… No one will know if you take off your uniform anyway. There aren’t that many people who have seen me face to face.”

“Well, just by looking at the appearance, you would think that some pervert who likes to be tied up is doing something special. nonsense… .”

It was a time when Shiati was about to refuse. The princess, who had been listening to their conversation, hesitated, then closed her eyes tightly and said.

“Hey, Shiati! Next time I'll go with him! Shiati is resting in the back!”

'It doesn't matter if it's black magic or whatever, but you'll have to break your finger every time to get a scar… ! If there's a way that doesn't hurt, I'll do it!'

Historia's words persuaded the princess. Betrayed by her princess whom she trusted her, Shia Tee was stunned by her and pushed her away.

“Princess? that's a succulent He's a military officer. Even when tied up like that, she is a monster that can subdue the princess with her big toe and approach the enemy at a leisurely pace. What do you believe?”

“Faith must be rewarded with faith! I believe in his heart!”

“I told you. Unlike the princess, that has no interest in the weak. Would you rather believe in the military? no. You cannot leave it to the enemy.”

Shiati stubbornly refused, but the princess was not formidable with her stubbornness. The princess bowed her waist forward and pretended to listen to the white horse.

“yes? Selfie, what did you say? You don't want Shiati on your back anymore?”

The clever white horse, who realized the master's will, responded with a hi-hi-hing- weeping. Nodding his head with a groan, a moan, the princess shouted at Shiati.

“Selfido Shiati wants to stop burning! Right, selfie?”


Loyal words pinpointed the intent of the beautiful owner. In a third-rate play with Inma, Xiatti became absurd.

“for a moment. Princess… .”

“Ah, I can’t hear you! Anyway, the next order is Historia Musketeer! You will go!”

Historia nodded firmly.

Does the ability to evade hostility make stubbornness work? Against the stubborn princess, Shiati had no choice but to do so. Next time, it was decided that Historia would go out.

“Ambush on the other side of that hill!”

A returnee who went out on reconnaissance just in time discovered an ambush. He said that a larger unit and more cannons than before were aiming at our wagons at high altitudes.

She was afraid of a regressor due to her unusual size, but she is a versatile final line of defense that can respond to any attack. It's better for her to run a separate wing than for her.

It's never because I'm dangerous. cancer.

After a bit of arguing, Historia and the princess decided to mobilize. The princess smiled vaguely as she squinted at Historia, who was sitting on her back with her legs crossed behind her.

'Ahhh. Well, you're the one who really cared about Shiati's body. It won't do any harm… ! Eight, don't worry about anything, Yerien! In the first place, such beliefs must be repaid with faith!'

The princess, who was firmly determined, greeted Historia gently.

“Ah, haha. Now, please take care of me, Chief… ?”

“… Just take me to the front.”

“yes! Sure! By the way, hey, wouldn't it be dangerous to be tied up? Selfie is a gentle and docile child, but if he runs with all his might… .”

“Don’t worry, you can stand on both feet even if you are tied up.”

“If it’s uphill and it shakes… .”

“I worry a lot. Resistance leader. A person who was so worried, did you always watch Shiati break your fingers?”

The princess who was stabbed in the painful part jumped like a whip.

“Sin, I’m sorry, I’m leaving soon!”

The princess spurred on. The white horse reached top speed in no time.

The white horse selfie was faster than the car. The only thing to compare is our wagon, but with a little exaggeration, it seemed like it would be faster than the speed at which the dusk was going down. Before we even entered the cannon's firing range, the white horse reached close to the enemy unit.

“Sir? How much more will we go?”

“that's enough.”

As they approached, Historia, who sat with her legs crossed, slipped her hips and fell to the ground. While she was running at her full speed, her figure of Historia as she sank to the ground with her even her arms tied, looked very unstable.


With both feet on the ground, Historia ran at the same speed she was running from the horse. Even her selfies that had brought her with her were her dazzling pace.

“What, what, what!”

“A bound woman is attacking us… !”

“Were you not a prisoner? Stop it!”

But even when tied, it is supreme. Historia stomped on her ground and ran out, stretching her long legs. She jumped over a high boulder and ran in a straight line towards her cannon.

Someone in an officer's uniform held out a sword. Rather than attack, it was a movement that wanted to block the approach of the enemy. Historia tapped her handle with her toe, while twisting her trajectory in the air, lightly touching her chin with her heel.

That's all, the officer's eyes dimmed and he collapsed soon after. Historia rushed forward before his head touched the ground.

“No, stop!”

As she approached the cannon in an instant, she turned around and kicked the cannon. Then something a little obvious happened to her. A roar rang out, and the cannon's barrel slipped to her side and rattled.

I said, looking at the scene calmly.

“Is it common sense to break the barrel with black magic, or is it common sense to break the barrel with a kick?”

“It is common sense for the driver to look ahead! Don’t look around, turn the steering wheel!”

The returner's answer was too common-sense to be interesting.

In the meantime, Historia neutralized the defense forces to a minimum and only destroyed the cannons. Destroy cannons with only your feet without lifting your fingers. Embarrassed soldiers turned her muzzle, but she could not keep up with her speed.

But was it because the goal was too obvious? Soldiers gathered to defend the last cannon. Among them, a skinny man in an officer's uniform stood in front of Historia.

“That’s it!”

When he blocked the movement with his body, Historia paused for a moment. The officer pointed his wide scimitar at Historia.

“It’s a great skill… ! From the outside, it seems that he is only about the age of the military commander-in-chief and musketeer-sama!”

It was the most powerful attack Historia had ever received. As Historia staggered on her hips, the officer saw it and shouted in triumph.

“But it’s okay! Compared to the undisputed genius, Historia-nim, your talent is nothing short of that! The military is not formidable! Let the military commander Zyrant tell you that you can't win with your arms tied!”

Major Girant came out with excitement.

But there was no rush. Historia personally informed her body that if her opponent was a six-strength, she could win even with her arms tied. The battle ended when he struck the sword with his foot and kicked the major in the stomach with that foot. It was a rather disappointing result.

“damn. I can't keep… sorry… !”

The officer fainted at the end of those words. The demoralized soldiers clenched their teeth as they looked after the officers.

“The Major has been hit!”

“Perverted child… ! Are you showing off that you can win even while tied up?”

“Are you underestimating us? ! Bad taste… !”

“Shit! If only we had s*x growth!”

Historia seemed to have a lot to say, but she couldn't. Swallowing her words, he bowed his head in fear that no one would recognize her, and ran to him with a cannon and kicked him in anger.

Yuk Jangseong's anger was terrific. The cannon that the officer was trying to protect was not enough to be crushed without mercy, and the barrel fell off altogether.

The soldiers lost their will to resist at the formidable majesty.

“… Hey, by the way, doesn't it look like the warden? I think I saw it from a distance long ago.”

“What kind of endless bullshit? The warden is not a pervert, and there is no way he can attack us while tied up!”


And Historia lost the will to attack. Leaving her frightened soldiers alone, Historia fled. Not from the enemy, but from shame and embarrassment.

Now, in the military, there will be a legend of a mysterious high school girl who attacked them with a shirt tied in the wind. It got a little fun.

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