A World Made of Gears – 1

Qigong and ritual magic are techniques. The characteristic of technology is universality. Although there is a difference in degree depending on the person dealing with it, learning and mastering the same thing will produce a similar effect.

On the other hand, unique magic is unique as its name suggests. The background you were born in, the environment you grew up in, the knowledge you learned, and the experiences you had. In addition to all of that, the original magic was bred with a determination to spread one’s thoughts to the world.

Just as no two people are the same under the sky, unique horses are also different.

A typical example is a telecommunication soldier. Even signalmen who have grown up in the same space for several years have different unique magic. It has the nature of ‘synchronization’, so we can only convey our thoughts to each other, but the detailed effects are very different.

In a word, unique magic is unique.

“is it… ! If you are the king of humans, can you use human magic as if it were your own? !”

how nice it would be

I am the king of men. Skills can be learned. Qigong, ritual magic, alchemy, etc. He masters all the skills given to humans and does it within the limits of what he can.

However, the unique magic is unique and I cannot learn it.

It can only be stolen.

Right now, I’m not expressing Maximilian’s own magic, I’m just creating a detour route and stealing it.

You may think they are similar, but this is a bigger difference than you think. This is because the subject who uses the unique magic is always the opponent.

If you are wary of your opponent being stolen, do you get unique magic? Then I can’t even use my own magic. Only ‘active’ unique magic can be stolen, so if your opponent responds, you will become incapacitated.

Not only that. There are types of unique magic that cause phenomena that are favorable to them. A typical example is the magic amplification of the magician Frelbjor. At that time, even if I steal the original magic, Frelbjor’s magic power goes up. I’m only doing good things.

Stealing unique magic, if found out about this fact, I would be in trouble, but the conditions were still there. Even the initiative lies with the opponent. It’s a very disappointing performance for a special move hidden by the King of Humans.

However… .

“In response to your favor, I did it too. How about now, is it fair?”

“of course! Of course! haha, thank you… ! There is no need to even doubt it now!”

‘Even if you are not the king of humans, the fact that you can use someone else’s own magic has a terrifying value in itself! The existence that distorts the premise of indigenous magic must not be the king of humans!’

Maximilian was happy, too, and I was satisfied. A warm atmosphere lingers for a while. However, Historia, who had suffered close to torture until a while ago, remained vigilant.

“… day off. I still don’t know why the director needs you. You have to be careful.”

“You have to be careful. Last time tied to a rope, this time stuck in a cogwheel. Why do you keep getting tied up? Do you like being in bondage?”

Then Historia slapped me in the back of the head. I read the thought, but it was so fast and bitter that I couldn’t avoid it. It didn’t hurt because of the medicinal energy, but it felt strange to have my head moving.

Historia looked down at the hand that struck me and murmured.

“Even the king of men can be beaten.”

“Are you sure you want to check that, and you hit the king in the back? you this child Someday I will arrest you for blasphemy.”

“If I can hit you, the director can hurt you too. There are strange rumors about the director, so even if it seems friendly now, don’t be vigilant.”

“You’re right. I was stabbed in the back by a friend I trusted a while ago.”

Aside from wanting to hit me in the head, I feel that they care for me and look after me. I said this to dispel Historia’s worries.

“And as I said before, he is not my enemy.”

“Of course! Why would you be against the king of men? Rather the opposite! There are only those who need a human king in the lord of all things! Me too! I just want to ask the king of men for permission, I have no intention of harming him!”

“Well, I don’t like torturing you, though.”

“It’s the warden’s fault. Wasn’t it too presumptuous at the time! However, since the situation has changed, I will answer the warden’s question even now!”

He seemed worried that he might be hated by me. Maximilian blunts his purpose without even asking.

“I would like to present a more convenient body to all human beings. Using cog wheels!”

Using cog wheels to present a more convenient body? No matter how much I think about it, I can only think of one.

“You want to do a human body transformation?”

“It’s a strange word to call it a remodel. Progress! With the addition of my discoveries, the human body will go one step further!”

As long as I am certain that I am the king of men, there is no need to hide any more. I’ll have to figure it out someday anyway. After finishing his judgment, Maximilien said everything.

“Human bones and muscles move very mechanically from a fixed position. Like a cog wheel! If it does the same job, but replace it with a much stronger and more powerful cog wheel! Wouldn’t the human body get better?”

I heard it before, but I ignored it because it sounded crazy, but it still sounds crazy even now.

“Looks like you have already succeeded.”

“I have the power to handle cogs. So the cogs I put in my body are very powerful and organic. But, that’s why it’s only special for me. In order to present this technology to all humans… We need a human king who has regained his power.”

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From the moment I read the thoughts, I knew he was crazy, but he was far more insane than I expected. He seriously believed that human transformation was utilitarian better.

Historia’s face contorted. It is a face that is tired of facing madness. Maximilian’s arguments were radical and radical enough to make her mind full.

So I got a big hit.

“indeed. Humans are creatures that use tools. There is no need to limit the use of the tool outside the body. If it is a tool that works inside the body, it can be very effective.”

“Also! I thought you would understand!”

“Is it possible? Each person has a different body structure.”

“What do you think I did in the military! Through numerous trials and errors over the past 20 years, meaningful data has been obtained. Except in very unusual cases, any human can progress!”

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For now, let’s not ask who and how we repeated trial and error.

In any case, Maximilian’s argument has some truth. Instead of bones and muscles, his limbs are filled with cogs. Maximilien gained irrational movement and durability by controlling the gears with his own magic.

It is meant to be generously given to other humans.

“It sounds good to me. How did other people react?”

Maximilian murmured as if waiting.

“That is the problem. Most of the time, they reject my offer with vague rejection. Even disabled soldiers living with permanent disabilities! It will definitely get better, but finding those who are willing to accept is star-picking in the sky! How foolish it is to resist progress with unfounded fear!”

I want to give it to all humans, but I don’t have the confidence to convince humans. However, it is difficult to use a rather compulsive means because active cooperation is required in order to adjust the body with the cog wheels.

“Such. That’s too bad.”

“So we need a human king! If you awaken as a true human king, you will be able to solve it!”

Empathize with the other person and elicit a good response. It was easier because he had a huge favor for me in the first place. I conversed with Maximilian as affectionately as an old friend.

As the story progressed, a real old friend on the other side grabbed my shoulder.

“day off. Looks good not to go… .”

“Ah, little!”

Do you keep touching me from behind? don’t stand behind me It evokes an instinctive fear.

I shrugged my shoulders nervously. Historia stumbled. It’s because I didn’t know I was going to react so harshly.

“Ugh… .”

No, there is, but if Historia was in normal condition, even if I kicked him with all his might, he wouldn’t have moved. The limbs that had been tested for their elastic limit a while ago were still not normal. Just to the point of making my struggles painful.

I bowed my head toward Historia, whose limbs were trembling, and said nervously.

“You keep talking. He’s not my enemy. Even if you’re the enemy, what are you? What are you going to do when you can’t even move your limbs?”

“… .”

“At this point, why don’t you try ‘progress’?”

I put my hand on her shoulder and whispered in a sarcastic tone. Historia twitched at something deep in her chest.

Historia, unable to find the right words to say, bit her teeth and bowed her head. After a single snort, he walked over to Maximilien.

“I will accept it. Shake a hand and leave this place quickly. It seems like Shay will arrive if you keep pushing time.”

“Now that I have spoken, I ask, what is the identity of the boy? He expressed his blind hatred for the lord of all things, but he was having a hard time because there was no way to point it out.”

“Is it Alba? We met in prison.”

He reached out and walked towards Maximilian. Maximilien also reached out to face each other. As the distance decreases, I and he will join hands.

Oh right. You may not get an answer after the handshake, so I should ask you something before that.

“Oh, Maximilian. I have a question for you.”


Walk naturally and ask casually. So that he doesn’t have any trivial questions.

“I heard from Mr. Shay, do you know what the king of sin is?”

Maximilian answered without any doubt.

“The king of sin? What do you mean? Sin is a man-made illusion, not a beast, right? How can a king exist in something that does not exist?”

“Yes? I think so.”

I asked just in case.

As I read through mind-reading, there is no keyword in his memory of the king of evil. However, the sergeant Maximilian is at the level of a major executive in the lord of all things. He could come up with a new connection centering on a word he hadn’t heard of, so I stabbed it.

Eh, no clues as well. I can’t help it. The regressor had seen it in the previous episode, and I didn’t even know it existed until I read the thoughts. To be honest, I’m still skeptical. But I can’t believe the regressor has seen it in person.

haha how do you find out Hanging out next to the regressor and digging for clues? I mean, that’s dangerous too. If I want to live long, I’ll have to separate from the regressor.

‘The king of sin, that’s a strange word. It wouldn’t be nonsense. But why would the king of men ask me that? If the king of evil exists, isn’t that the only king of humans? Do you know yourself better than anyone else?’

Did you reveal too much interesting information? Maximilian’s thoughts were complicated. Let’s shake hands quickly before he thinks harshly. It was time for me to hurry.

At that moment, Azi flashed in Maximilian’s sight. Aji, who had been hiding from the commotion, slowly appeared as the fight seemed to be over. The King of Dogs was clearly in Maximilian’s sight.

‘dog. A wolf. The king of two beasts that are the same but different. Therefore, only the king of dogs… We can find the king of men, [he] said.’

Tick, and a gear turns. The flow of thought changes. Realizing something, he calmed his excitement in an instant and looked at me with caution.

‘Why did you ask for a handshake?’

Because I have to hold your hand.

‘My body is equipped with cog wheels, and it moves with its own magic.’

So you can’t get unique magic. Your body moves with your own magic, so if you don’t have your own magic, your body will stop.

‘He can use my own magic.’

By any chance, if I run my own magic at the gears of your body… . Your body could explode.

‘danger… !’

Just before they clasped their hands, they heard the sound of the gears twisting.

Suddenly, Maximilien’s arm turned 180 degrees. It wasn’t even an extended hand, and the sight of being turned over and folded with its arms was bizarre, like a machine covered with a human shell.

hey too Maybe it’s because he’s a cogwheel crafter. judgment is quick As soon as he judged, his arm moved immediately. The sixth stature is not something different from playing cards.

Maximilian, the commander of the military branch, the commander of all things.

I also got a clue, but on the contrary, it was like giving the other person a clue.

I said, waving my hand, which was empty because I had nothing to hold on to.

“… Can I take this as a sign that you don’t want to be with me?”

Maximilien replied stiffly, staring at me.

“No. just… .”

“Just, what? A handshake is a historic sign of friendship. It means that instead of holding a weapon in my hand, I will hold the other person’s hand. Any reason for refusing it?”

“… I mean, there’s a reason. Just talk.”

“circumstances? Did you suddenly stop believing me? Otherwise, it makes no sense.”

Maximilien kept his mouth shut. There is a reason, but I can’t say it.

Because he was scared. like other ordinary people.

“Are you nervous? I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”

Squeezing through that gap, my tip pierced Maximilian’s contradiction.

“I was afraid that I could break your body, so I shook it off with a vague repulsion, right?”

Maximilien wanted all other human beings to be ‘excellent’ like him. He hoped that the cogs had been driven into his body so that he could manipulate the body much more efficiently.

As the king of men, I cannot turn away from the wishes of men. Just as the king of beasts represents the consensus of a species, I also respect the wishes of the people in front of me.

As long as there is no problem with that wind.

“Are you progressive? You are the same, how do you progress! You or those who rejected you! They’re all just one beast with a lot of fear!”

Maximiliando, a military supremacist, a sorcerer with unique magic, and an excellent alchemist.

In front of me, after all, I am an ordinary person.

Maximilian’s body trembled. The gears embedded in his body continued to idling fiercely. The overflowing power seems to burst at any moment.

In front of him trembling with shame and anger, I revealed the truth.

“I assure you, the king of men! You are never special! With just a few cogs in your body, you are a common culprit! There’s no way an ordinary person like you can change the ‘human’ species!”

Maximilien stretched out his right hand and pulled up the cloak. A body that looked like it was dressed in clothes made of cog wheels was revealed.

The cog wheels hanging from the body spin fiercely. The iron is heated by friction. The accident accelerates due to overclocking, and a hot wind like a huge exhalation comes out of his body.

“Are you happy with your drink? ha ha ha! There is no way!”

My sneer was overshadowed by the creaking of machinery. As I turned my head, a steel beetle approached and struck me with a huge saw blade.

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