A World Made of Cogs – 4

Drooling. The bullet teeth rotated violently and scratched the groove one after another. It accelerates in an instant along the groove uniformly and flies in front of my nose in the blink of an eye.

However, from what you can see, it’s not as fast as Historia’s groundbreaking bomb. However, if it is hit by a heavy gear, the amount of impact will be enormous.


But my ability is mind reading. He knew where he was aiming and avoided it one step earlier. Where my shoulder used to be, the cogs whirled past.

If it was Historia, it would hit immediately after firing, so you could never avoid it… . If you’re against Maximilian, who isn’t even a professional firing weapon, this is it.

‘One is avoiding. It’s a good skill… Then how about a hundred?’


Hundreds and hundreds of cogs climbed up Maximilian’s whole body. The spectacle looks like a worm covering the body. The cogs, which went up to the shoulder, descended along the ridge of the body. The cogs, which arrived at the wrist in line with Oh, were loaded into the bowgun one after another and accelerated along the groove as before.


Now there is nothing to aim for. I intend to scatter the cogs by swinging my arms. There was no psychological warfare, and indiscriminate shooting relied on his own power. If that’s the case, I can’t even use mind-reading.

chit. If you’re a tech job, you’ll have to fight a fierce psychological warfare and a trump card like this! Instead of fighting an unwinnable fight, I called my faithful punching bag.



The King of Dogs answered my call.

Aji, who had climbed on a steel beetle, ran towards me without even having time to catch a breath. Aji’s head, who arrived in front of me, moves quickly. It disappears like a flying gear is sucked into Aji’s mouth.

Every time Aji mumbled his cheeks, there was a squeaking sound. Sparks flew from the gaps in the teeth. Each cog that Maximilien uses is an alchemy steel of at least level 4, but in front of Aji’s teeth, it’s just a bit of hard chewing gum.

No matter how many shots were fired, Maximilian had two hands. Aji picked out the ones flying towards me like a ghost and chewed them.

The riot is over. Aji, who had spit out the last gear, raised his tail and cried out for a long time.


king of dogs. Man’s old friend still sided with me. Even if I can’t bite Maximilian, I’ll at least keep me from dying.

How are you? This is the power of a human king… .

“The half that can’t even reveal this.”

Maximilien, who muttered a little, spread his hands.

Doo doo doo doo doo. My feet tremble The steel beetle vibrates violently. Aji was terrified by the sudden earthquake.

“Wow! Wow! Earth, move! earthquake!”

“It’s not an earthquake! The steel beetle is shaking!”

“bruise? Beetles?”

“no. It’s an earthquake!”

Having roughly answered Aji’s question, I found the source of the shaking. The steel beetle did not move.

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For me, who lacks the magnitude of pure power, a gigantic mass weapon is more difficult than anything else. I haven’t tried it so far because Maximilien is negligent, but if a steel beetle rushes towards me, I must feel a huge threat to my life.

So I rode on the steel beetle and restrained Maximilian from moving.

“Obviously we are blocking it, but how… ?”

That was answered kindly by Maximilian.

“The steel beetle has a number of spare cogs in stock in case of emergencies. If you don’t reach there, it looks like you can’t control it.”

The only gears allowed for me are ‘things that are in contact’.

If two cogs are meshed together, it is in fact no different than one large cog. Because the principle of operation is the same. Therefore, I could control the gears interlocking with each other, and I even attacked Maximilian using its properties.

However, it does not reach the things that hang in disorder. Because it has nothing to do with me now.

However, Maximilien, who is unconstrained by conditions like me, can command it towards it. For example, like this.

“What kind of gears move like this!”

The identity of what caused the shaking was soon revealed.

Hundreds of thousands of cog wheels roll on the side of the steel beetle. It’s not about moving in tandem. It just ‘turns’ and rolls like a normal wheel. without any control.

A swarm of thousands of ants seems to be coming. Violence pushing numbers.

“Will the dog king be able to save you again?”

damn. If I touch it, I can stop the rotation, but it’s not just one or two, and the speed attached to it while rolling hits me as it is. We have to intercept before they come.

I cried out as if I was grabbing straw.

“Ouch! Kick them all!”

“… Mmm.”

Aji put on the stupidest expression of the world. You’re baffled by impossible demands. A dog’s intelligence won’t come up with a way to overcome it.

Here, humans can only play an active role.

Take out the card. clover. A pattern containing one-time magic. This is the last move that I cherish and cherish until the very end to protect my life.

Magic is irreversible. Unlike tools, magic once used cannot be recovered. If I use clover, it causes permanent loss of my property. Even when I decided to write it, my hands are shaking.

Still better than dying I’m not going to take it to the grave.

I swiped the card with magic. The magical power that had been sealed lit up in response to my magic. He picked up the card with two fingers, radiating a bluish magical light.


Military ritual magic is based on black magic that uses the body as a medium and sacrifice. My body takes damage, but it is quick and easy to activate. With a simple chanting, it consumes the magical power of the body to create useful phenomena.

And there is the opposite concept of white magic. This is a classic magic that draws a magic circle through an object imbued with magical powers and draws out phenomena.

As a classic, the assortment is good, but it is difficult to use it in practice, because it has to draw magic from something else, so it is slow to activate and requires a high level of skill. In addition, items with magical powers are expensive, so the word classic is just right in that it can only be enjoyed by those who have enough money and time.

But there are people in the world who value their bodies more than money, and I am one of them.

A card is tossed just before the light explodes. The thrown card is a clover 5. It flies through the air and falls in the middle of a cog wheel. For a moment, the card spins like a top on the spot as if against a cog wheel.

But a thin card is too fragile to fight against steel. Especially if the numbers are different. The card, which was spinning round and round, was eventually buried in a wave of steel… .

it is now I stretched out my finger and shouted the starter.

“Acus Ritter!”

What is contained in Clover 5 is a reinforced version of the condensed magic favored by the military.

Collects water from the atmosphere in response to magic. Ordinary condensation magic is nice to collect water for a feast, but mine is a special product, so it’s somewhat compulsory. To give a rough explanation of how forced it is, even water vapor can crystallize right away.

After the flash of light, a white storm blew in. Magical power spreads in all directions like a spider’s web, and pulls the water it has caught. Ice crystals made in an instant grabbed the rolling gears.

It contains magical powers that can be turned into ice statues as it is when used on humans. It would be quite difficult since I restricted the movement of the gear wheel.

As I expected, Maximilian was pretty flustered.

“Magic?! no way… !”

… The direction was a little different.

‘Only with that?’

The sound of gnawing ice was heard from all directions. Even though it was covered in ice, the cogs that rotated on their own did not stop. The ice blocking the front is scraped off and gnawed. The shattered ice cubes sparkled.

Before long, most of the cogs broke through the ice.

The time my magic gained was about 3 seconds. Even then, the cog wheels slipped on the ice and rolled in vain.

Maximilien exclaimed, hiding his disappointment.

“Is that the number of secrets you hid? Just some magic? You must know that magic cannot defeat unique magic!”

Who doesn’t know how to use it? That’s because I can only use that! I don’t have a unique mage! There’s no way there’s anything unique about the human king!

Tsu-eup, doesn’t the leftover skill work against Yuk Jangseong? I have to be satisfied with the time I earned 3 seconds. In the meantime, I ran away. Leave the back to Aji.

“Aji, leave the back to me!”

“bruise! Crap! bruise!”

I could hear painful cries from behind, but I don’t know. He snatched the cogs like a mouse and occasionally howled at the cogs shot by Maximilien, but I can’t see what’s going on.

The most dangerous thing for me is the cogs that Maximilian shoots. Therefore, getting out of the deadlock is the top priority. After reaching the edge, he threw himself and hung on the side.

I was breathing a sigh of relief when I heard the sound of the gears turning. I looked up and saw dozens of cogs chasing me along the edge.

Oh, you useless bastard! You missed a few!

“Shit! You are so persistent!”

The cogwheels were pouring down towards me. Leaving everything under my weight and jumping towards me, even that alone is difficult for me. Not only is it painful, but even if it falls from the shock, the steel beetle is again under Maximilian’s control.

that should be stopped If Maximilien regains control of the Steel Beetle, even Ajiro will not be able to respond.

I ran along the bumps on the side. Cogs are falling behind your back. He managed to avoid it, but a few fell on their cloaks and tumbled backwards. A cog wheel rolls over it, taking advantage of the break in its posture.

I quickly raised my hand and grabbed the cog wheel.

A gear that spins fast is like a commendation. If you hold it with your bare hands, the force of the rotation will rip you apart. In fact, I wrapped up the cloak all over.

Before the cogs could tear me apart, Maximilien’s own magic used to get rid of the rotation. As soon as the cogwheels, which had been running wild while pulling the cloak, touched their hands, they calmed down and wrapped around their hands.

However, even if the rotation is offset, the previous speed cannot be offset. I felt a heavy shock in my arm. It feels like someone is grabbing a ball that has been kicked with all their might.

“How can you control rotation at will, but not inertia? Are you saying that if you follow the concept of a cog wheel, the rest doesn’t matter? Something is irrational, but… .”

It’s irrational, so it’s unique. Sheesh. Compared to the unique magic that overwrites the world with one’s own rules, mind-reading is really nothing. Who doesn’t give me a better ability… .

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For a moment. it’s a rule I could use this.

I fiddled with the gears. I thought I’d just throw it away, but if I do, it will keep chasing after me. He grunted and grabbed the cog wheel and put it in a suitable place on the wall. The cog wheel became so quiet. I fled, avoiding or catching the cogs that fell one after the other.

After running for a while, Maximilien’s thoughts came from above.

‘King of dogs, this is definitely annoying. They don’t try to attack me, but the cogs are painstakingly crushing each one. If you touch it, you will be defeated by the human king. If you don’t make contact, the dog king will block you. It’s tricky.’

It’s not just me who’s picky. a little comforting

‘If there is no steel beetle, you can’t suppress the king of beasts, but the king of humans is sealing the steel beetle… . Was the King of the Beasts so demanding? Wait, the king of beasts?’

Maybe the only piece that can help you get out of this situation. Maximilian remembered its existence belatedly.

The king of cats, the butterfly.

“The King of Cats!”

It’s too late to realize, Maximilian.

I never forgot the butterfly from the beginning.

“Butterflies don’t come.”

Tock, tock.

The sound of gunshots was heard from the concrete floor. The iron hit the dry ground, adding a slightly sagging beat.

Long braided black hair swayed backwards. With a languid and tired expression on her face, she approaches with a strangely helpless gait.

Eyes that look tired and stressed. But at this moment, she will be very happy.


It was because he had a cigar of horseradish plant in his mouth. A special product made from the leaves of the world tree, not an ordinary thing.

Historia, who exhaled a long smoke, muttered with a hazy expression.

“This is good… . My arms don’t hurt, my head is cool. I feel like my energy is coming back… .”

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