My body doesn’t respond well

Large and long-lived creatures are supposed to have energy. Not just humans. Any beast that exists and causes change in the world gains energy. It also instinctively uses accumulated energy.

Of course, only humans can use energy technically among them.

Humans skillfully use trees, rocks, iron, and magic. It wouldn’t be surprising if he could skillfully use the energies in his body.

However, when people who live only 60 years or so use complex techniques called Qigong, they suffer chronic lack of energy. At such times, humans always looked for something outside their bodies to relieve their deficiency.

That’s the energy of another beast. It is the essence of a creature that is now called an elixir. Humans used to hunt animals to fill their stomachs and at the same time fill their lack of energy….

But do humans know now? There is in fact no difference between the stamina of animals and the stamina of humans.

And when humans were still beasts, humans were the easiest beasts to find.

Class 1 taboo, gluttony. A taboo in which a human eats the same human to obtain magic and energy….

All human beings regard it as a taboo and consider it a sin even to think of it in their head, but in fact, that taboo is still being practiced.

In my stomach.

Ha ha. Also can’t No matter what you do, it doesn’t work. The elixir is definitely in my stomach, but I don’t see any sign of any interaction taking place.

To be honest, I don’t know why. There’s no law saying you shouldn’t change if you’re the king of beasts, but something fixes my body… No, it’s a defined feeling. In this way, it wouldn’t make much of a difference whether he ate a few elixirs or ate a few hundred people with gluttony.

The energy you can get from this precious elixir is dust. Even that seems to disappear someday. However, in order to become a great mountain, you have to collect dust like this.

I was gathering a lot of energy, even if it was the size of a rat horn, when I heard a voice in my ear.

“… I heard that the elixir is dangerous. Are there any side effects?”

“There is almost no danger. Many people think that elixirs are dangerous because of the side effects, but in fact, the side effects are caused by the surge of energy inside the body stimulated by the outside energy! Like allergies!”

“Isn’t that dangerous!”

“However, my father’s energy is literally a rat’s tail! No matter how hard the rat’s tail hits it, it tickles! Therefore, my father had to have side effects to the extent of tickling the whole body! Rest assured! ‘I’ have already considered that much!”

Rat tail? Even if it’s true, the analogy is too much.

Let’s see. If I ever get stronger, I’ll hit you in the head first.

Even with Hilde’s assurances, Tyr still expressed concern.

“One, Shay had to stop in order to absorb the elixir, she said. If not because of the side effects, why did you do that?”

“That is for after eating. It absorbs energy, but if it doesn’t settle well in the body, that’s a bigger problem. Energy that is not completely digested and passes through the body is more likely to cause side effects later!”

“Aha. Then, don’t touch the body and don’t disturb the concentration means….”

“It is known that if you move your body while taking energy, you will have a hard time with a cold ball, and if your mind is disturbed, you will have difficulties with a qi ball! Well, I can’t be sure because it’s knowledge that I’ve heard without experiencing it either!”

Yes. It was a useless instruction to me unless I could digest it. If you don’t have energy, you won’t have any trouble handling it.

“By the way, in order not to harm Gong Qigong, contact with the body should be minimized!”

“Things that come into contact with the body….”

Tyr, who had been looking at me indifferently, suddenly asked.

“Wait! Hugh is not wearing clothes! A cloth that touches the body a lot!”

… No, what The clothes don’t matter. Clothes are worn every day anyway, and if you don’t have them, wind or dust will cause problems.

Well, Hilde will correct it on her own.

‘Hmm? Depending on the person, there are cases where people take off their clothes, but the clothes don’t really matter. But, it looks interesting, so let’s encourage it!’

Don’t encourage it.

“Oh, what should I do! I forgot to wear it every day! I need to take it off immediately!”

Don’t peel it off.

“Wait! Wait! How could you say that you can take off the clothes of an outsider… !”

“What? Could that be the problem?”

“Of course! That kind of thing can only be done between people who have a pact to be together for the rest of their lives!”

“But is it ‘my’ father? I’m trying to serve you with filial piety, but can’t I?”

“Ugh, that…. No! Isn’t it a real father-daughter relationship! Can not be done! Rather, even worse!”

“Then what do you do? If you keep going like this, your clothes will cling to your body and your energy will cling to you! You will be unable to take off your clothes for the rest of your life!”

It can’t be.

“Uh, how could such a terrible thing happen…. It’s a quandary. Then what should I do….”

“I have no choice but to take it off!”


“The answer is fixed, and all you need is determination! Tyrkanjaka. In case of a dilemma, be prepared! Determination to overcome difficulties and move forward!”

‘Go, resolution? That means…. To be together forever….’

Tyr gulped down his empty saliva and looked at me. Tyr cautiously stretched out his hand toward me, who was sitting still with his eyes closed. A pure white hand points to my clothes.

But Tyr soon realized something about her.

“… Although there are no seams on the clothes. Where are the buttons and laces?”

“Oops. That’s a packet of clothes, so I need to put magic into the biological terminal.”

“I can’t handle magic!”

“Or you have to tear it up. Would you like to tear it up?”

“How can you be so stupid… no! If you tear it with force, it’s not even a fight! Your clothes will be pulled and your body will move!”

“hehehe. That’s right!”

“This is a big deal… ! What should I do with this!”

‘Eh-ra-ra-ra. It was said as a joke. You take it more seriously than you think. What should I do? If I say it was a joke, I might be hated.’

Just get some hate. If you lied, have the courage to be hated.

It was then. The regressor pulled back the tent and came inside with a very refreshed expression. After finding out the information, she must have been quite proud of herself. Without even asking, she told me what information she found out.

“I got all the information. They say there is a large camp a day away from here. The next goal is….”

“Shay! It came just fine. Come over here and take off Hugh’s clothes!”


It’s not an elixir anymore. I made a face and stood up.

“The bullsh*t ends there. Stop everyone.”

“Whew! You mustn’t get up!”

The regressor, who had almost undressed the stranger, still did not understand the situation.

“Huh? Why? Why can’t he wake up?”

“I swallowed the elixir! It’s dangerous to move!”

“Huh? Have you already taken the elixir? Without saying… wait for a sec!”

The regressor opened his seven-colored eyes and looked at me. The seven-color of seven-colored eyes, the self-eye that sees strength. The regressor, who was examining my body with purple eyes that vaguely felt the total amount of power, was puzzled.

“… You haven’t gained any energy at all? What. Didn’t you pretend to eat it and hide it somewhere?”

“It’s unfair that you have no energy, but now you even treat me like a thief?”

“No, he said he took the elixir! Then, who stole your energy?”

“Please let me know if you find it. I’m going to cut off your fingernails.”

The regressor looked at me in turn with seven colored eyes. The purpose of checking whether or not I hid the elixir was greater, but as a result of checking with all eyes, I realized that what I said was the truth.

“Wait a minute. This…. Other than that, I can’t explain it.”

The regressor who remembered something closed his mouth and thought. He was waiting for a while, but he hurried to answer as if he was impatient now.

“What is it?”

“… It means you have no talent.”

“Talent? Are you seriously saying that… ?”

‘Except for power and treasure, Hugh’s talents don’t seem inferior to Shay’s… ?’

Fortunately, the regressor resolved Tyr’s suspicions.

“It’s not a learning talent, it’s a physical talent that gives you energy. Just as blind people don’t know colors and deaf people can’t talk, it seems that there is a problem with the ability to accumulate energy innately. It looks like it can’t draw out anything other than the energy it originally had.”

“I think so too. I didn’t grow up eating badly, even though I couldn’t enjoy the wealth and glory. He didn’t have the spirit.”

Why taboos are taboos. A method like gluttony won’t work for me. It becomes increasingly clear.

“Grunt. Too bad…. He definitely had talent.”

“You know now? From now on, practice for me and don’t hang on the sleigh. It’s just draining your strength.”

“Does it matter now? I can’t get any stronger at this rate!”

“Or should I just weep over my unfortunate fate? What else can I do, except for Shay to pat me on the shoulder and comfort me? It makes no sense.”

“If you cry, I won’t pat you on the shoulder!”

‘I thought I could solve it with an elixir. Chit, it’s such a burden that I can’t carry it with me every time. I don’t know if it’s this episode, but the next one….’

Huh? Might not be bad? If the regressor saves me in the next round and leaves me behind, I can rather try different methods each round.

Of course, it would be of no use to me now, who is being dragged around as a lump of luggage.

“It’s like throwing an elixir on the ground. Sorry It’s okay, so why don’t you go to sleep? It will be a march from hell starting tomorrow.”

“Wait a minute. I have something to try.”

‘Let’s look at that guy’s fate through destiny. Life is precious, but… Well, it’s not like I’m going to enjoy the heavenly life. It must be worth it to see his fate.’

The regressor pretended to brush his hair and scooped out all seven colors between his fingers. The seven-colored eyes twinkled one after another and drew a small circle. You can see the bright shining eyes in the eyes.

‘Jeonryun Cheonan. Let’s see his fate…. I wonder if this is right.’

The vision of fate was opened for the most useless reason in the world.

From noble mtl dot com

My image is reflected in the eyes of the regressor. Through the past, present, and future, among my destiny that will lead to the future, I see the stage I will reach.

It is said that the eye that sees fate cuts down one’s lifespan. The reason is not as big as you think. There is a limit to the amount of information that humans can process throughout their lifetime, and if unnecessarily large information such as a person’s fate is hammered into the brain in a short period of time, health naturally deteriorates. This means that life expectancy is shortened.

I wonder if it’s worth it, but the regressor took that risk and observed my fate.

Perhaps, those eyes might know. I also read the thoughts of the regressor with a slightly pounding heart.

The result of peeking into my destiny….

‘… Doesn’t it change? In the future? This is the pinnacle that a human named Hughes can reach… ?’

I’ll make it clear. Yes? It seemed so too. I’m not disappointed anymore.

Then the regressor approached me. Then, with a benevolent expression that he rarely shows, he patted my shoulder.

“Okay, cheer up….”

He said no. You said you wouldn’t pat him on the shoulder!

This is worse than I imagined.

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