An Apple Tree

Taking her horse, she picked up a steel ingot that had fallen to the ground. Through her torn sleeves, a dark red tattoo can be seen running down from her elbow. A pure white light descended on the tattoo, and she was absorbed into the ingot. Vertical geometric lines are carved into the steel ingot.

The woman concentrated her magic. A light flashes. In the blink of an eye, the steel ingot was transformed into a sturdy plow.

The power to change matter with magic. It is alchemy. It is also quite high level.

“Plow? It’s something you only use when farming, right?”

“… Huh.”

“This is strange. I heard that there are no fields in the nations, but what a plow.”

The woman who was tying the plow to her horse glanced at me and asked briefly.

“… A drifter?”

“Oh, yes. I came in recently.”

“… Field, there is The Golden Sutra is almighty.”

As soon as I mentioned the Golden Sutra, the woman’s words became longer. She went on with her words with great enthusiasm, as if she were a lawyer.

“… Hwanggeumgyeong makes fields often. When the Lord passes by, it is full of wide crops. The scale is large, and there is a separate Juggernaut harvesting the crops in the Golden Palace….”

Whoa. Well, although the main income of the nations is looting, food cannot be self-sufficient with that alone. I’m sure food is being supplied somewhere…. It was a golden palace.

Everything in the nations is the result of alchemy in the Golden Jing. However, there was no way that he would not create a field that needed more golden scenery to build a great wall alone….

Wait. As I continued my thoughts, I realized something and asked again.

“Wait a minute. Rather than growing crops in the ‘field’ created by Hwang Keum-gyeong…. Hwanggeumgyeong makes ‘crops grown in the field’?”

“… Huh.”

Hey, wait a minute.

This is very suggestive. There are rice fields, and crops are supplied little by little from there. This is quite possible.

But… What if you could make ‘crops’ to your heart’s content in the first place? If you make the grain ripe with alchemy… ?

“Oh, my God. That’s a scam. If you can produce food at will, you won’t need anything like supplies.”

“… Okay.”

“It’s great, but why are you telling me that?”

From noble mtl dot com

Meanwhile the woman whimpered to tie her plow to her horse. Making a plow with alchemy was completed in an instant, but the simple task of tying a plow took twice as much time as that. The woman said softly, wiping her sweat with her suspenders.

“… Be aware, soldier.”

I was taken aback.

How did she know that I was a member of the military? As soon as I showed a sign of wariness, the woman briefly glanced at my wrist.

One of the inventions of the military, a biological terminal. A military identification card with condensed human biometric information attached to it. I hope you realize this

‘… How great the golden mirror was, and what the military government was fighting against. Those of you who only honor Maximilien and the like as the sixth growth star won’t even know that piece.’

Pretending to be embarrassed, he hurriedly gathered his sleeves. The woman who saw my urgent movements.

‘… I have to cover it up now, the water has already been spilled. It was foolish, military man.’

You would think.

Okay. He naturally revealed his identity. Now it’s a bit fair.

Because I knew your true identity.

In countries where there is no land to settle in, there is no ruling class like a lord. But that doesn’t mean there are no classes.

Hungryans are plunderers. However, plunder alone is not enough to survive in the world. Someone has to produce something that is desperately needed.

In this place where by-products of the Golden Scenic Area are scattered everywhere, you must learn alchemy to use them as firewood to build a small bonfire that will last the day. Therefore, most of the people of the nations have a considerable skill in alchemy. Just as a farmer learns farming and a hunter learns how to hunt, alchemy is not an option but a must to live in many countries.

And among them, there are a few that stand out.

A special by-product of the Golden Sutra. A chosen alchemist who can process incomprehensible substances that cannot be decomposed by power or magic.

The woman in front of him is one of the strongest alchemists in the nations, even Maximilien looks down on him in the field of alchemy. Although she is now she is farming here.

“You have a good eye.”

“… It’s noisy. On the subject of spies.”

You need to reestablish your relationship in order to have a new conversation. It’s like that when an ordinary seungnyangi asks where the golden palace is or what the golden mirror is.

But if I reveal that I am from a military country, I can do it now.

“For some reason, only the ground here is soft and grassy. In the past, this land was a rice field created by Hwanggeumgyeong.”


“Is that why you set up camp here, not in the city? Indeed, no matter how great alchemy is, food is important.”


“By the way, I’m curious. The golden gyeong can make grain… Why doesn’t grain grow in this field?”

I patted the field with my feet and looked around.

Suwon is not visible nearby. The only thing that wets her field is water from a small watering can. She puts up a small barbed wire around her, but it seems too low and fragile to block something targeting the field.

Even if you overcome all the hardships and bear fruit, the passing wolves will eat the fruit before it ripens.

Or the golden mirror could pass through one more time before that, turning the fields into something else.

But she is plowing the field.

“This land, your intellect has declined. However, a forced field on unsuitable land cannot last long.”


“Isn’t even the golden warp omnipotent? Is it just imitation?”

“… You.”

“No, maybe I was wrong. Maybe, isn’t the golden gyeong not doing it even though he can do it? If you put in a lot of effort for a long time after enough consideration, even the quality of the soil will change…. You don’t seem to be particularly interested in the nations, do you?”


The frightened horse roared and ran forward. Behind the galloping horse, the steel that was once a plow is blown away. It was crumbled black like a heap of ashes kicked by someone.

The steel, which would have been there for a thousand years if nothing else happened, quickly rusted in the woman’s hands. No, simply expressing rust is not enough.

Collapse. The very structure that makes steel to be perceived as iron has collapsed.

The woman who had disabled her plow in an instant glared at me with her cold eyes.

“… Creation is harder than destruction.”

“Sure. I know because I built a tower with cards. It’s hard to build it up, but if someone taps it, it collapses.”

“… Hwang Geum-gyeong continues that difficult task. I don’t know what the military people think of him.”

‘… Compared to me, who can only destroy things, the one who creates everything is amazing. He could even create the world if he had enough time…. It’s a supreme being.’

Sometimes there are people like this. Those who react more sensitively to attacks on the things they like or respect than when they attack themselves.

At times like this, I like it because when I touch it, an honest reaction comes out.

“… No matter what you do I don’t care.”

‘… Either wage war or attempt an assassination. It’s not my business. No matter what the armed forces do, they can’t do even a speck of harm to the golden mirror.’

I’m a bit clumsy with words. It’s a shame because I read your mind, but if it was someone else, I’d have communication problems.

“… However, if you want to insult the golden mirror.”

‘… I’ll melt it myself.’

I wasn’t bragging.

I just drained my mana, but the ground sank. It wasn’t earth magic or gong smith. Just the land that was once made into a field, the soil and gravel where the seeds breathe crumbled and collapsed. Crushed sand trickles down around her, as if an ant ghost has dug a trap for her. If she steps wrong, she feels like she’ll slip.

Even the unique magic of collapse has a difficult ability. Even if you steal it, it’s useless. It’s just a function that accelerates corrosion and disintegration, so there’s no benefit even if I use it because I rely on tools to a large extent.

So let’s put aside the conflict and build friendships.

“You seem to be misunderstanding something, but I have no particular intention of insulting the golden mirror, right?”

“… Then?”

“It’s just that they kept talking as if they had an advantage, so they pointed out their disadvantages in order to gain an advantage in negotiations.”

The magic power that gnawed everywhere has disappeared. The woman asked again, withdrawing her unique magic.

“… Negotiation?”

“Yes. We are peace envoys sent by the military headquarters.”

The woman replied with suspicious eyes.

“… A spy, isn’t it?”

“If you were a spy, you wouldn’t have walked confidently on a military mount. As I said, what kind of spy would show all his biometric terminals?”

‘… It’s just stupid.’

Talk too much. It’s true that he’s stupid because he’s a dog, but I’m not.

Hmm. I read a lot of thoughts, but I couldn’t read the location of the Golden Palace or how to find it. Even high-ranking people don’t know, how the hell did they eat the land?

Still, the opponent is the lord of the nations who visited the Golden Palace himself. You seem to know better than we do. Shall I ask you one more time?

“Anyway, that’s great. I was having a lot of trouble finding my way in a foreign country, but I never thought I would meet someone who knew the Hwanggeumgyeong. How about it, why don’t you help us contribute to world peace?”

“… World peace?”

“You said it grandiosely, but it’s nothing special. You just need to set up a negotiating table for us.”

“… Negotiation? With whom?”

“Of course, it is the golden age. If the ruler of the nations is not the golden scripture, who is it?”

“… Sincerity?”

“Why are you so anxious? Are there any problems?”

‘… An audience with the golden mirror and direct negotiations? Am I not afraid? Is there no solution?’

The woman shook her head and answered.

“… Do whatever you feel like.”

“You mean help?”

“… No.”

The woman who refused like her knife turned her body and looked at her feet. Looking at the land that seemed to be used for construction rather than farming, she sighed bitterly.

Is she going to start farming again? Sheesh, lack of cooperation.

“Then tell me the location of the Golden Palace.”

“… I don’t know.”

“Wait a minute! Even a way to find the Golden Palace!”

“… Normally.”

“No, what is normal? How ordinary is the mediocrity I don’t know about!”

‘… Ordinarily, reading signs on the ground and asking directions. There is no other way.’

People in this country don’t know where their palace is! No matter how much you move, you’re sure to know at least one person!

I’d rather have read and figured it out if I was in a secret, well-hidden place. Everyone doesn’t know because they walk the ground. Sheesh, do you really have only footsteps?

“Looking at the farming, it looks like there is nothing to do. Are you willing to give some guidance?”

“… Not at all.”

“No, it’s because we’re envoys of peace, right? Blood, flames and war! Let’s break this chain of terrible tragedies and get along better, but we have to help!”

“… I don’t know.”

‘… You call this land one by one, but in fact, there are only seungnyang who eat the by-products left by Hwanggeumgyeong. The Juggernaut runs wild and the company only pursues its own profit. No one listens to anyone else’s orders… I don’t know if Hwanggeumgyeong directly orders it.’

This person is skeptical about “Negotiation,” Not “Peace.” It’s not that I don’t like peace, I think there’s no way meaningful negotiations can happen.

From noble mtl dot com

Moan. I’m sorry

I have to read the thoughts of the Golden Sutra. However, if the golden palace comes out hostile from the beginning, even that thought is not easy to read. No matter how good your mind reading is, reading the past takes some time and, above all, the opportunity to get close. I don’t know what I’m going to do in the Golden Palace, but we have to approach it amicably.

A follower of the golden mirror, but also the owner of the Juggernaut, this woman would be helpful….

If you can’t convince me right away, let’s lay some ground rice.

“Well, it’s a pity, but I can’t help it. In return for the good information, can I tell you something?”

“… I do not need.”

“It’s a good farming method that nomads don’t know about. What if you don’t need it?”

The woman stopped. His words and facial expressions don’t show his emotions well, but his actions are honest. At her glance asking her to speak up, she smiled lightly and let out a word of rice cake.

“Now, listen carefully. The most important thing in farming.”

“… What’s important?”

“It is an unbreakable heart! Don’t give up and keep trying!”


“Oh, sorry. Don’t stare like that. I can’t even joke.”

Actually, I’m not kidding, but that’s the most important thing. Shrugging my shoulders, I added a little more explanation.

“All crops were once wild plants without seeds. Humans selected crops that were good to eat, and from there, they made better varieties by breeding and breeding. If humans do such a thing, they are classified as three kinds of taboos, and they come and throw stones at them, but plants are widely practiced in the name of breeding.”

“… Even a good breed?”

“You have to look for that! However, that can only be learned through trial and error. No matter how good a variety is, you don’t know how well it grows until you plant it here and bear fruit, right? I don’t know if it will fail or succeed, but first I have to sow as many kinds of seeds as possible.”

The reason for farming is probably not because there is not enough food. If you’re the ruler of the nations, you won’t run out of money.

The fact that she bears fruit is more important to her than her fruit.

“… How do you get it?”

“Near countries do not have such breeds, so neighboring countries… For example, you can find it in a country like the military! There are even companies in the military that specialize in breeding! All we have to do is sign an armistice!”

The woman’s excitement cooled as she turned around and returned to the peace agreement.

“… After all, the same thing.”

“Well, what can I do? You’re not the only one planting seeds, are you? I don’t know if it will work or not, but I have to spray it as much as possible.”

How about my build-up persuasion.

However, even such a desperate build-up did not seem to change the woman’s heart. The woman made her plow again, completely ignoring me. She called out, took the reins, put them back on, and slowly drove her horse.

Sheesh, I can’t help it. How can I turn the heart of a person who has returned to farming?

“Sheesh. Don’t hate Hey, let’s go.”

Aji jumped up and came to me.

“Bung! Meat side dishes!”

“I couldn’t even speak, what kind of meat side dish is this? Doesn’t exist. Today is bean porridge.”

“Bruise?! Liar!”

“So who can’t stand it and jump? If he had kept it still, he would have put a piece of meat in it. Doesn’t exist! From now on, don’t even dream of meat!”


“Hey! I’m not meat! Don’t bite me!”

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