Song of Jannok and Yeolpok – 4

In an old story, there is a story in which three daughters-in-law were tasked with filling a room with one coin. Like an old story, several correct answers are handed down, but it is said that they are usually filled with invisible substances such as sound, light, scent, or heat.

According to the old story, the Abyss Plain was completely filled with no space to set foot on.

Bombs, explosions, deflagrations, explosions. Bombs and their by-products were everywhere. The bombs scattered by the heat blast lord exploded everywhere, regardless of time and place. The dust was blown away by the deflagration, and the ground was excavated mercilessly. Historical curves were engraved on the flat plain.

Aji barked at the tragedy.

“Doggy! Bad people! What a fuss!”

“It’s not all bad. That person is bad.”

While Aji dragged me and forced me out of the explosion range, the regressor confronted the rocket with a thousand cherry blossoms. The regressor who blocked the craze with a storm glared at the rocket and shouted.

“What are you doing!”

“This is it!”

Rowket touched the ground with his bare hands. Then the metal grew out of the ground like the roots of a tree. The magical power of alchemy is to replace soil and sand with metal.

It is fragile and weak because it was made in haste, but even such low-grade metal creates value when it touches Hoeju.

“Explode and die!!”

The metal dug deep into the ground exploded all at once.

The soil was split into strands and turned upside down. Smoke and dust raged around, making it impossible to see at all. Only the vibration transmitted through the ground can only guess the size of the explosion.

Frightened by the indiscriminate destruction, Aji cried out as he pulled the cart even more.

“Ahhhhh! Humans!”

“I’m sorry humans.”


The combination of alchemy and unique magic tricks the value. If you try alchemy on a pile of dirt, it’s just a cheap piece of iron made from a pile of dirt, but you can use it as a bomb.

Rocket, the heat-bombing master who properly utilizes unique magic and alchemy, is definitely strong.


“Do you want to die like that?”

Regressors are stronger.

The regressor broke through the storm with the cherry blossoms and cut the land with the jizan. The tremendous explosion did not burn a single hair, and it split the roots of the metal that was approaching through the ground. The regressor holding the twin swords horizontally muttered bleakly with murderous intent.

“Okay. Then I will kill you right now.”

And if you add your personality, it’s more, not less. As soon as he was convinced that the opponent was the enemy, he swung the cherry blossom.

“Cheongeomgi, Dragon Slash!”

Deflagration and dust split at an angle. The elongated cherry blossom cut through everything between the regressor and the rocket. From the shoulder to the side, Locket, cut by an invisible blade, staggered greatly.

“Keah… !”

Rocket, who had been staggering, collapsed on top of the four-wheeled vehicle. The regressor muttered with his coldly sunken eyes.

“Huh. It’s like.”

Although the direction is different from that of the military, the rulers of the nations are talented people who can be compared to the six generals. Of course, there are flaws in terms of combat compared to Jangjangseong, which only trains pure combat power. No matter how overwhelming it is.

It must be a compatibility problem. Regressors with greater mysteries than them eat half-hearted mysteries, but they are weak against pure qigong and martial arts.

Well done…. For a moment.

“Miss Shay! Stay alert!”

The moment when I read and shouted out the thoughts that were connected like threads. Dozens of bombs flew to fill the eyes of the regressor. Fortunately, before I could warn, the regressor reflexively took up a defensive posture. Chen Ban-kyung moved his body before he thought, and the angel of heaven, rising like a snake, accurately cut through the center of the explosion.

The defense was successful, but the regressor was speechless at the sight that followed.

Her smoke cleared, and her rocket floated in the sky, looking down at her. He had wings dozens of times larger than those of the dragonfly unit, but unlike the mass-produced wings, there were countless small propellers embedded in him like feathers. A large thruster spewing bright red flames from the feathers of his tail kept his body afloat, and a rocket launcher was shining brightly in his claws.

The juggernaut of heat blast, the solvent. The large four-wheeled vehicle he was riding was what Juggernaut looked like before he transformed.

He breathed heavily, spreading his flame-breathing wings wide.

The regressor twitched his eyebrows.

“What? Are you alive?”

“Hey! Did you really think I would die in that attack!”

‘It was dangerous! If it wasn’t for the anti-tank gloves, I would have died… !’

Anti-tank gloves. When I read her thoughts, it was a kind of armor that surrounded her body with directional bombs and exploded upon impact, pushing them away with repulsive force. The principle is similar to that of anti-tank qigong.

The difference is that it works even if you’re not conscious of writing it. Thanks to this, I didn’t notice it in advance even with mind reading. Plus, the impact of the explosion briefly knocked him out, so he thought he was really dead.

He had the means to protect his own life.

“Hey! You were hiding a move!”

“No, I didn’t hide it.”

“But now, don’t let your guard down! I will kill you with all my might!”

With a cry, the claws of the dragonfly spread out. Numerous bombs fell under him.

The binge drinking continued. Rocket flew through the sky at high speed and threw all sorts of bombs at the regressors. The regressor ran fast to avoid it, but Rocket quickly caught up.

“Oh, really! Annoying!”

The regressor hit the ground with his jizan. The broken ground bounced up, and the regressor jumped up, using the raised boulder as a step. The regressor, who faced the cherry tree behind, rushed towards the rocket, pushing himself away with the storm.

It was a movement close to a feat. In the blink of an eye, the regressor soared into the air.

“Ha! It’s slow and explodes!”

However, no matter how hard you try, it is slower than a rocket that flies with a thruster. By the time the regressor jumped up, the rocket had already made a large turn and was moving away.

The speed of the solvent was faster than the arrow, but it did not lag behind. It’s too far to catch up. The regressor gave up the chase and fell to the ground. Instead, she swung her angel at him as she walked away.

“Chit! Sky sword, single shot!”

“No way!”

I swung the cherry blossom, but it exploded as if to resist it. The regressor muttered as he grabbed the spring cherry blossoms that bounced out.


“Hey! It’s a solvent storm. Even if you explain it with your stupid brain, you won’t understand!”

What is a solvent storm? It’s iron powder It is the function of the solvent that scatters the remaining iron powder into the air.

It’s just small iron powder that’s small enough to be blown away by the wind, but thanks to Rocket’s ability, it turns into a small bomb. Small pieces of iron dust designed to explode on contact protected the rocket from regressor attacks.

Lou Kat shouted, spreading his wings even wider.

“A blade of wind? You’re holding something quite valuable! But even so, it doesn’t reach me!”

“That… ! The only thing you can do is run away!”

“It’s not about running away, it’s about being strategic!”

The rocket flew to an unreachable altitude and poured out bombs again. Since he wielded the angel, the regressor could not escape. Instead, he surrounded his entire body with anti-tank pores.

Kwaguawang. A huge explosion followed. A cloud of dust spread. Rowket saw the sight and exclaimed in satisfaction.

“hahahaha! You did it!”

“What? An explosion like this?”

However, the bomb was not a very good weapon. The energy of the regressor who grew stronger after eating all kinds of elixirs was formidable. There was some soot on his clothes, but he withstood all the explosions with pure anti-tank energy and put Jizan on his shoulders.

“The only things that fly around are buzzing like flying flies! Don’t be conceited with your incompetent abilities!”

“Unlikely abilities?! The subject of wriggling on the ground has kept its mouth shut!!”

Rocket soared even higher and shouted.

“Everybody laughed at me like you! But to win in the end! The last one standing is me!!”

The ensuing battle was noisy, but a bit boring.

Regressors threw rocks or attacked rockets with wind blades. However, most of the rockets were too fast to hit, and the only means of attack that could be hit were blocked by his anti-ballistic armor. Even if the wings were hit by any chance, the Juggernaut did not budge from the moderate attack. Unable to attack, the regressor stomped his feet.

It was the same with Rocket. Light bombs did not even scratch the regressor’s anti-bullet pore. He had no choice but to make a more powerful bomb, but when he was intercepted in the air, Low Kat was rather caught up in it. However, he did not dare to approach. Low Kat changed his strategy to drain his stamina as best he could.

‘Uselessly fast! Chit, if it was a musketeer, I would have caught it as a zero point catcher. No, it would be nothing if only a thunderbolt nestled in the cherry blossoms! Can’t there be a pointed number?’

‘Damn it. Throwing rocks and shooting wind, but still maintaining anti-tank qigong? Do I have any energy left?’

Now, without proper means for each other, time just flows. Anything that can break this balance….

Tyr is also not good against flying rockets. Now is not the time for Hilde to appear. All I can do is

Ghmm, I don’t want to steal the unique magic here…. If others knew, they wouldn’t doubt my identity.

“Ajiya. Don’t tell me where to go.”

“Bruised? What?”

Well, the dog knows what I’m doing. I stretched out my hand into the air. After the explosion, the fluttering iron powder clung heavily to my hand.

From noble mtl dot com

Maximilien’s unique magic is the power to turn gears. The cogs can move left and right freely, and they move in the opposite direction to neutralize unique magic. You can say that I got along well with him.

However, Rocket’s inherent magic is the ability to grant explosive properties to metal. Therefore, even if I steal the unique magic, there is no way to stop his explosion.

But on the other hand, he can set off the explosion he’s preparing first. At the moment he didn’t mean to.

I read Lockett’s mind.

Born with a physical disability, he had an inferiority complex from birth. The good thing is that his disability wasn’t to the extent that he couldn’t control his body, and the unfortunate thing is that he didn’t stop fighting thanks to him. If anyone mentioned deformity in front of him, he would rush at him and knock him down.

As soon as he was 10 years old, Locket, who was kicked out of Claudia, became a wildcat. However, the congenital deformity became a bigger obstacle in Seung-nyang’s life. If the mount went over a small boulder, the slight impact seemed to pound Rocket’s spine hard.

Rowket was furious. The stone on the wheel, his body, and his inability to overcome even this.

One day, an encounter that would become fate appeared to him who continued to be angry.

The Floating Castle of the Sorcery Federation.

The most outstanding juggernaut created by the golden mirror, the castle in the sky where the demon king resides. Requisitioned to repair the castle, he was given the opportunity to fly.

And he was reborn.

Flying through the air was quick and exhilarating. Best of all, he didn’t feel any of the pain in his spine that plagued him incessantly.

He strongly hoped to live in the floating castle, but it was virtually impossible for him to live in the floating castle, the backbone of the Sodo Federation. However, he listened to the advice of a certain wizard in the process.

‘Future doesn’t fly in the sky, it’s just that the land that floated long ago hasn’t fallen yet. If you don’t realize the difference, you will never stay here.’

I didn’t know if that was the literal truth or if there was some hidden meaning. But that didn’t matter. Because the magician’s words moved the locket.

Returning to the ground, Rocket made a cannon. The cannon, which presents precious steel to someone at super speed, is considered one of the most stupid weapons in the nations, but the dreamed rocket has become stupid every time it has a chance.

Looking at the cannonballs flying in the sky right before they fell, Rowett built his own image.

If the explosion continues. If you burn everything in your body and rise up.

It won’t fall forever.

It will burn up in the air before it runs out.

Goyumado, Fireworks.

I have read all of them. Obtaining an image, I stretched out my hand toward him.

Kwaaang. One wing of the rocket exploded.

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