Extended Maintenance

“Please participate in the war from the military side. You don’t have to do chores, just defeat the enemy commander! Isn’t that an unreasonable demand? You recruited the musketeers and defeated the soldiers even in the military, so it’s rather a fair act! In the language of the nations, it should be said that the eyes are on the scales!”

Hilde proudly demanded it as if she were a creditor.

Anyway, he is a regressor who pointed his sword at the heart of the General Headquarters. He had a greater purpose, but he would not have chosen to attack unless he had a personal animosity towards the military. The regressor felt a sense of rejection and replied.

“To become a soldier in the military?”

“I’m not asking you to commission me, just come in as a mercenary! If your strength and the military strategy are combined, you will be able to easily defeat the corps led by the golden mirror! Wouldn’t a quick end to the war achieved with overwhelming force be true peace?”

As soon as he revealed his true colors, he was the perfect liquidator. It was different from the passive attitude he had taken so far.

Hilde has been with us from the beginning to represent the interests of the military. I came to the peace talks because I was worried that the returnees would sign an armistice and only conclude an agreement unfavorable to the military. However, the person who should be more sensitive to the interests of the military than anyone else was taking the same attitude as a bystander.

The reason was revealed only now, when the armistice agreement had gone blank.

“Did you aim for that from the beginning?”

“It’s kind of like saying you were aiming for it, isn’t it? If you’re a diplomatic envoy, you have to keep in mind the case of failure, right? ‘I’ just did ‘my duty’!”

‘Actually, I was aiming! From the point of view of the military, a certain victory is better than an ambiguous peace! Furthermore, if you capture the human king, the vampire queen will follow you? It’s so trembling!’

The king of men is treated like trash. Well, since he’s lost all his strength, he’s a normal citizen 1.

It is said in reverse, but the underlying intention is explicit. Even the regressor now recognized Hilde’s true intentions.

“Do you think I can move as you please?”

“There is also a way to run away without taking responsibility! Even if tens of thousands die, I won’t know. I tried with a good heart, but it’s a shame because I failed. Do you know what to do next? If you confiscate your face and leave, stop!”

It is said that words are methods, but in fact, they are accusing people of being irresponsible and shameless. Every time Hilde added her words, the regressor’s expression wrinkled.

Hilde, who was sarcastic until she was about to make a mistake, narrowed her eyes and asked again.

“But Shay, is that okay? Shouldn’t ‘you’ stop the war?”

The eyes of the two collide. The regressor glared at him fiercely, as if he was going to rush at it, but Hilde deflected his gaze with a sly smile.

‘No sane person would go out of their way to stop a war. If he’s not a pure mad peace idiot, what kind of mission would Shay be on? Just like the old ‘me’. Then there’s no way she’s going to work and leave irresponsibly, right?’

That’s quite right, Hilde. Is it that you have to interpret the character first in order to play it?

Look. Mind reading isn’t that useful? You can read other people’s minds to some extent just by spending a few days together.

If you stay with me a little longer, I’ll find out the other secrets of the regressor. Be careful.

‘Ego. What are you going to do? Please tell me more Will you abandon your mission, or will you come under the command of the military for the mission even if you don’t like it? I’m pretty curious!’

As Hilde watches her eyes full of anticipation. The regressor pondered with her arms crossed.

‘I hate the military. To go under the command of the military and start a war, I absolutely do not want to do it. At best, it’s just massacring ordinary soldiers. The aftertaste is disgusting.’

‘Still, I don’t want to throw everything away and run away like Yeong-Gwe said. You have to see this ending for the next episode. If we go all the way, how should we go?’

It is a characteristic of a regressor that the agony is not long. Once you’ve made your decision, move forward until it breaks. It’s possible because the next opportunity is given.

It was the same this time too. The regressor spoke before he could organize his thoughts.

“It’s not over yet.”


“Negotiating a truce. It’s not over yet.”

‘I know this is far-fetched. It won’t be easy. Maybe die but…. You may succeed. If I succeed, I’ll take another step forward.’

All you need now is determination. The regressor said to himself, holding the Cheon-Ang and Ji-Zan tightly.

“Just like you did to the military, with a knife pointed at your throat.”


There is nothing but admiration. I admire the fact that he calmly and wholeheartedly pursues that crazy thing. To admire

Feeling similar emotions, Hilde narrowed her eyes.

“Hey, Shay? Do you think that will work?”

“It is not impossible. I don’t know if the golden mirror is real, but the core that mediates the golden palace is sure to exist. Otherwise, the Golden Palace would not be able to move the nations while maintaining a certain range.”

“Are you going to break it?”

“Even if you can’t do it, you should at least show the ability to do so. Only then will you come to us seriously.”

The regressor’s eyes were sincere. Hilde stood there dumbfounded, with a dazed face like a mute who had eaten honey.

‘Is this weird~? I’m an apostle trying to keep my mission, but don’t you take care of my life? Was ‘my’ expectation wrong? He drank the Golden Goblet. What happens inside the Golden Palace… I can’t even see it as a foreknowledge?’

Even if you die, you will return. So they say you can hit it with all your might without worrying about anything. The regressor is right.

But that’s the story of a regressor. I can’t. No matter how much the world turns, you can’t put your head in a place where you will surely die. Even if I fight the golden mirror, I can’t participate.

Let’s tell you in advance in case there is any misunderstanding.

“Hey, Mr. Shay. I hate to come this far and step out, but I have to say this. Can I not fight the golden mirror?”


‘Why? Still colleague… Ah. That’s right. That won’t help. Rather, I have to use my own hands to save it, so it would be a loss to take it.’

That’s right. I have to be there to hold onto your ankles, what am I supposed to do…. But is it a bit unpleasant to be recognized for someone else’s opinion?

She answered as if nothing was wrong with the regressor who suppressed the overflowing disappointment with reason.

“Of course. I didn’t even expect it.”

“Don’t get me wrong. It’s true that my life is precious. But aside from that, relying on my catching skills, I won’t be able to do any damage to the golden mirror.”

“I know. I need one in the back anyway. Take Jannokhoeju and Aji and step back for a while.”

This is an accurate judgment. If it hadn’t been for the golden mirror, I would have watched the fight unconcernedly picking corn from behind. With one hand, stroking her hair.

However, it’s hard for me to miss this opportunity either.

Who, if not a regressor, would think of putting a knife in front of the golden mirror’s neck? The stronger one has power and status, the more one tends to buy one’s body. Hwanggeumgyeong, an existence similar to a natural phenomenon, even more difficult for the opponent to feel a sense of pride. Only a regressor is a madman who can endure such a suicidal charge.

If I am alone, I can never approach the essence of the golden mirror. So i won’t try I can’t do it, because if I do, I’ll die.

But if the regressor makes a gap…. Possibilities arise. The possibility of approaching the essence of the golden mirror and knowing what the king has become.

“But, if you’re not a suicide bomber, I might be able to help you out a bit.”

Unexpectedly, the regressor blinked wide. No, there is no answer because I am eager to help. You can’t hang your head while helping.

“He said he would help? Answer.”

“What is the answer, how can you help?”

“Do you remember? In the basement of the abyss, I caught Jizan.”

“I remember…. Ah!”

I replied with a nod.

“I am not properly recognized by Yupum. Even if you get it, you don’t have the power to change the world. However, it is possible if all you have to do is steal it.”

I am the king of men. Human technology, human knowledge, and human weapons. Even human beliefs. It deals with anything that humans have.

Although I lost my power and took away all of that, I couldn’t take away the possibility of approaching it. Just lack of energy. Only power runs There is nothing impossible for me, even if I cannot reach it due to the various conditions that entangle me. If you can do it, I can do it too. It will be much smaller than the original though.

Even if it’s a demon, it’s the same. If it comes from humans, then I too….

“If Shay draws attention. He’ll sneak in and steal the heart of the Golden Palace. That might be possible.”

“Do you know what the center of the Golden Palace is?”

“I can roughly predict it. It’s just my guess, but if there is a core of the golden palace, that’s the only one.”

The golden bell that hung from the waist of the young Golden Kyung. A brass bell converted into alchemy, the first gold to be changed since alchemy was discovered in the world.

The demon’s keepsake must be the golden bell. The first is unique until the next appears. Therefore, the first one has the value of representing the whole.

“Let’s try pickpocketing.”

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