A king who kills others, a god who kills himself – 17

I explained everything to the regressor and Tyr. He tried to convince Hwang Geum-gyeong, but his anger was directed elsewhere. Peru stepped in to stop him from killing all the wildcats.

I was waiting with the determination to be grabbed by the collar one more time, but surprisingly, the regressor nodded and sympathized.

“Well, you can.”

“Yes? Can you?”

“Not everything goes as expected. Especially when it comes to unknown beings like the Golden Goblet.”

‘I also messed around with this and that and completely broke it once, well. In an attempt to stop the army, I borrowed the power of Seonghwangcheong and defined it as an axis of evil, which caused a global war.’

It’s strange. When Peru or Hilde looked at me and said something, I was okay, but since the regressor sympathized with me, I felt that something was wrong. I’m a regressor class? No way. I’m more normal than him! Just do it!

The regressor took a breather and supported me.

“Anyway, good job. For now, the war has been stopped.”

“The nations look ruined because of me?”

“You are not destroying it. Isn’t that what the golden mirror is trying to do? I have no reason to blame you.”

‘It’s even weirder if you can control the Golden Sutra at will. Because that’s possible with the king of sin. Anyway, it’s clear that Hughes has the ability to communicate with mysteries…. He said he was from a military country, but could his parents be princes abandoned in the empire? Well, it doesn’t really matter where you’re from.’

Why are you doing this? Not to adapt. If that’s the case, I’m trash.

Observing the general situation, the regressor immediately stood up.

“Come on. Then let’s go.”

“Yes? Where?”

“Should we go to block the Golden Sutra? You can’t let the nations perish, can you?”

The regressor said it as if it were natural. Of course, this is not an obvious problem. Hilde questioned her, doubting her ears.

“Apart from why the nations should not perish, how do I stop the Golden Sutra?”

“I’ll have to go and see that. We can’t stop it alone, but with Jannokhoeju, it might be possible.”

“Peru didn’t even help ‘us’? It’s unfortunate, but is it necessary to risk your life to block the Golden Sutra?”

“You can’t just leave it alone, can you?”

“Leave it alone! Why are you touching that!”

Ignoring Hilde who was running around, the regressor warmed up with the intention of going.

He calmed himself down for a while, and only roughly decided what to do. The regressor took care of Cheon-Ang and Ji-Zan again and averted his eyes.

“Let’s go. Guidance….”

The regressor who was looking around saw the road that started in the middle of the corn field and muttered.

“You won’t need it separately.”

It wasn’t difficult to find traces of the golden mirror. It was because the road toward him, no, he was making it, was straight in the middle of the cornfield.

Hilde borrowed a carriage from a nearby jackal (she claimed). She was a cart without a horse, only a body on her wheels, but that was enough. When the wind was blown up with a single sail, her power was replaced by speed and pushed her cart away.

There are no curves on the road created by Hwanggeumgyeong, and air resistance is overcome with the power of the cherry blossoms. We quickly escaped the cornfield and found a golden mirror that entered the city from afar.

And then everyone was speechless.

“Do, run away!”

“My God… !”

What can I say about that?

The Golden Sutra… Yeah, it was like a rag. Not in the sense of being dirty, but in the sense of wiping off the dirt to reveal the invisible sight.

In the city next to the cornfields, wildcats were staying. The wolves, who will leave someday, did not treat the city sparingly. All the locks and door hinges on the windows were torn off and sold, the trash was thrown away, and if necessary, walls or pillars were knocked down to secure their own space. So the city was lively and messy.

Wipe the messiness with a rag called the golden mirror and pass by.

Every time the Golden Goblet marches, the stains of nations are peeled off. Brilliant gold chrysanthemum hidden under one layer regains its color. Scattered debris rises up again and is reborn as a bustling street.

A 500m radius is covered with gold all at once. The golden mirror, it was a huge national cleaning tool with a size of 500m.

“Ugh, ah….”

… Eliminating even humans.

You can see a human being crushed. Some of the seungnyangs’ bodies are filled with the crops made by the golden mirror. It is a high-quality alchemical substance, and as soon as it touches the sphere of influence of the golden mirror, it can be decomposed and used as a material.

So far, the Golden Jing has not actively reaped them. The oppressive lord prevented them from approaching, but even the golden mirror didn’t show any interest in them.

But now it’s different. Hwang Geum-gyeong is indiscriminately attacking seungnyangs.

The city moves. The seungnyangs who were running away stopped because their path was blocked. As time passes, the Homunculus of the Golden Temple indiscriminately attacks Seung Nyang.

There is no way to escape from the Homunculus of the Lord. The whole city is crushed by the overwhelming power of the Seungnyang. In the meantime, the city returns to a cleaner appearance than before. Because the golden mirror was restored more beautifully while excluding humans.

“Everybody! Move this way! Get on the mount ASAP!”

Hekto, the oppressor, announced it to everyone while amplifying his voice with a wide iron plate. The seungnyangi made the most of their mobility and ran away. There were sacrifices, but many were still alive.

Didn’t I like that? Keumgyeong wrote the following number.

The city shook as if it were alive.

A seungnyang who ran away on two legs felt a strange sensation. He has confidence in running, but his legs keep getting heavy and his heart beats like it’s about to explode. At first, he thought it was caused by fear, and then hurried on.

The moment he fell, he realized that his fatigue wasn’t just a mood problem.

As if he had slipped down a steep hill, his body slid down the floor, scratching. He muttered, scratching the stone floor with his broken fingernails.

“A city, a city…. Tilting….”

With those words, he ‘fell’ to the golden mirror.

This city is the work of the golden mirror. Hwang Keum-gyeong used a very simple method to deal with the bugs hiding in the city.

It will ‘fold’ the city.

It’s like a giant clam shuts its mouth. Using the sloped street as a slide, the wild beasts that couldn’t escape fall down. Many survived by stepping on the wall, but a few who were less fortunate crashed into something and died before then. Or, it fell to the golden gyeong and was ‘resonated’ as it was.

A good number were still alive, but it was only a matter of time. If the city shuts up, they will have to choose one death.

Stop, or resonate.

The wild beasts shouted in terror.

“Help! I’ll give you all my money!”

“Please save me! Anyone is welcome, please get me out of here!”

No matter how much they cry, there is no way to save them. Even if they could save at least one person, what kind of wild cat would risk their own life to save them?

The seungnyang who managed to get out of the city or who were lucky enough to be outside spread their distance, fearing that they would be caught in the aftermath.


The city has stopped.

At the same time, one goes against the flow and runs into the city. It is Peru who climbed Aurea. As she approaches, she rattles as if the folding city is caught on something.

Her ability has little effect on creatures. Especially if it’s a beast with strong energy like a horse. On top of her snorting, running Aurea, Peru painted the fabric of the city with her head.

‘… The city’s rock has been turned to steel. Power? Twisted iron?’

Iron has resilience. If you hold both sides of the rebar and twist it like a twist, you will exert a strong force to return to its original state.

The golden sutra was used as a power to move the city by alchemy of ‘twisted iron’ from the beginning.

A person who has reached the realm of alchemy. Although he couldn’t make it, he could roughly interpret the design of the golden mirror just by looking at it.

‘… If so, power.’


The resilience of steel also disappears if the structure collapses. Peru’s power can’t make something that doesn’t exist, but it can destroy what already exists.

So I didn’t use it and saved it, but now is the time to use it. Peru stretched out his hand toward the image.

Things made of metal can be melted down and reused. Even the recycled items are used, and when they become worn out, they are polished, melted down, and reborn as new items. The same goes for alchemy. I rewrite it over and over again if it costs me anything.

Peru was born in a poor family, and it was a daily routine to recycle a single item dozens of times. The tin doll, a treasure of Peru, was once a spoke, and once a crowbar, and has gone through dozens of transformations since then.

In that case.

How much more could change?

Her childlike curiosity drove her. Peru used the alchemy she learned from her precious doll.

Transform. Return change the material make it out of tin again. It moves. Take a stance

Peru loved dolls and also liked alchemy. She had one and until she grew up she became attached to it and played with it. Because she was precious, she was even more together.

However, there is an end to dolls and alchemy. Just as a human who fills his body with things outside of his body continues to grow old, a doll constantly exposed to magic that changes itself ends at some point.

It doesn’t respond to alchemy, and its body can’t withstand its own weight and crumbles. The tin plate, full of impurities, became reddish as if it had rusted.

No matter how hard I try to get it back. Even if you pick up crumbs and try to form them.

That only advances the end of the doll.

At some point, the doll was completely finished.

End. One day everything will end Alchemy is perfect, but humans who handle it are imperfect.

No matter how great and wonderful magic is, as long as humans who use it have limits, alchemy has no choice but to face its limits.

Her unique magic is the infinite repetition of Alchemy. The end that can be reached by consecutively enslaved objects in a closed world. If alchemy is a journey given to an object, her ability is the destination.

Unique magic, the end of gold.



Damn it.

Rusty iron cracks. The weakened structure cannot withstand the twisting force. It collapsed by its own power and shattered like pieces of glass.

The city’s grip has weakened. The clam that had been closed opens as if it had exhausted its strength. Coogu palace. The collapsed city unfolds again. Those who tried to fall into the mouth of the golden mirror fell to the other side of the golden mirror. Those who survived a better fall risked their lives and ran out of the city.

The wall that blocked my way, and the pillar that supported it. The moment it reached Peru’s ability, it collapsed like a sand castle and opened the way. Thanks to this, the seungnyangs escaped like a flood. Even the homunculus couldn’t pursue it. If you do, you will be caught up in the power of Peru.

The rider of the apocalypse that collapses everything goes to the golden mirror with a short-term pilgrim.

No matter how much the golden mirror could not ignore it, the golden mirror glared at Peru at the end of the road made of jannok.

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