Inheritance distribution is a major issue from time immemorial

The nations have lost the greatest mystery, the Golden Sutra. No one knows what kind of butterfly effect it will cause, but it is clear that at least the nations have weakened.

In addition, the Golden Sutra is the spiritual and economic ruler of all nations. If he disappears, the focal point that makes nations into nations disappears. As Hilde said, even if an armistice were to be reached, it would be difficult for either country or foreign country to accept it.

“… For a moment.”

Then Peru reacted. Peru, who stood by the regressor and let out a few dry coughs, wiped her mouth and spoke to Hilde.

“… Truce, I will.”

“Are you in Peru? With what qualifications?”

“… In the capacity of a Golden Lord.”

Hilde made a surprised face when she heard the unexpected words.

The Golden Lord is the one who oversees the guardians of the Golden Palace. In the first place, we did not expect to have a proper conversation with Hwanggeumgyeong, so we had set the target of negotiations as the guardians of the Golden Palace from the beginning. In fact, as much as Elric was able to present his opinion directly to the golden mirror, if Peru was the Golden State, he was qualified.

The problem was Peru’s qualifications.

“Peru is a land of green ash, isn’t it? From jannok to gold? It’s kind of romantic.”

Hilde pointed out, lowering her voice after a grin.

“In other words, unrealistic. Can’t you believe it? Why is Peru, where ‘we’ went together, the golden hour?”

“… Still, it’s true.”

“Even if it is true. The Golden Goblet to guarantee that has disappeared? In the first place, if there is no golden gyeong, what is the meaning of golden hoeju? .”

At that time, the golden bell shook with a jingle as if affirming the Peruvian language. Of course, the mere ringing of a bell is not proof, but the Demon God’s keepsakes did not simply sound a bell.

Wow. Digging through the rubble of blocks, a golden ship rose up.

It’s definitely a golden box that was ‘eaten’ by the Golden Palace and disassembled. Since the hull was changed to alchemy material and became a part of the Golden Palace, Peru also penetrated the inside of the Golden Palace only by removing it with a small rust. It must have been.

The current golden ship jumped out as it was before being eaten, and stood proudly on the ground.

Hilde was surprised to see that she had just vomited up the gold.

“What? Peru, did you become a golden state, not a golden state? If so, I should have told you sooner!”

“… Not my strength Power is a keepsake.”

“You mean using the power of the Golden Sutra? Then, isn’t it a golden mirror?”

“… With this power, I can only fix broken things. It’s not the Golden Goblet, it’s because I use it.”

Even if a tool has infinite power, there is a limit to the subject who uses it. Compared to the golden sutra, where Demo and Elric’s thoughts remained, Peru was inferior. Just like me

Actually golden hardness. Even if I could make everything in the world, I couldn’t decorate the city aesthetics well due to the limits of my imagination. There is a law that everyone lacks in the world.

“Thank you for your kind explanation. Um, what about this?”

Hilde made a troubled face.

Even if there is no clear evidence, there is no reason to doubt considering that the Golden Palace collapsed after Peru approached the Golden Temple. Especially if you use the power of the golden mirror.

However, she can only trust Hilde who saw the scene in person. At the national level, the story is different.

“Peru. In order to become the representative of a country, it is more important for the majority to recognize and follow that person as the representative rather than the individual claiming to be the representative. It’s like everyone follows the will of the general headquarters even if there is no king in the military country. No matter how much Peru is called the golden state, who will believe it?”

“… There is a suppressor.”

“He is dead. ‘I’ watched with my own two eyes, but I kept my gaze on it and moved too close to the golden mirror. I didn’t have to.”

Peru was shocked by the unexpected news. As if responding to her feelings, the golden bell also cried. Peru, who had been dazed for a while, muttered helplessly.

“… I see Hector.”

“It was a holy sacrifice. I don’t know if it’s thanks to you or not, but I’ve achieved my goal! So, what now?”

The reason Hilde is pushing Peru is not simply because she is mean.

Since Hilde still represents the interests of the military, she acts in any situation that leads to the best outcome for the military. Now she is in the position that she must extract as much as possible while Hilde agrees to a truce. She points out Peru’s weaknesses and she wants to get the upper hand.

“Self-proclaimed golden hoeju. Perhaps, he may have extinguished the golden mirror himself! Who will follow you? Even if I obey you, I can’t believe it!”

… Of course, that’s not to say that it isn’t mean.

While Hilde was pushing Peru in various ways, she felt a number of people behind her. When she turned her head, the wildcats who had followed Hekto had come late and were snooping around.

One of them, dressed much more neatly than the others, approached, catching everyone’s attention.

“Lord Jannokhoe. This is Deca, the secretary of the oppressive lord.”

It was Hekto’s subordinate whom he had seen several times in the city. Recognizing her face, Peru replied sadly.

“… The oppressor, he.”

“I know. Because I saw it myself.”

De Cara Boulin briefly closed her eyes as if sending her tribute to her beloved Lord Hui, then continued.

“I want to mourn Hoeju’s death, but I can’t even afford to because of those wild cats. The moment Hector passed away, he cowardly came right to me and demanded that I hand over his property.”

There was a distance, but his voice was loud enough that even the wildcats that followed him could hear it. At the sound of his voice, the wolves became angry and shouted.

“The oppressor said he would share his property with us if he followed him!”

“Since we heard that and followed it, of course we should have our share!”

Deca, who had fully drawn out the clamor of the wildcats, shouted proudly.

“Did you see it? To the subject who did nothing, to the subject who did not help you to block the Golden Goblet! Simply following Hector’s heels demands a share! What kind of business is this? Even! When Lord Hui passed away, there was no one by his side!”

“You go all the way there just because you’re crazy? If you go, you will die!”

“Who would bang their head against a wall knowing they would be searched for?!”

All sorts of booing and cursing poured out on Decca.

As far as the facts are concerned, Seungnyangi is right, but now that Hekto is dead, the Seungnyangs who are shouting for their share looked like faceless demons. Deca secured legitimacy with the cries of the wildcats and then complained to Peru.

“Lord Jannokhoe. It is Lord Jannokhoe who sets out to block the Golden Sutra. He saved us from Lord Hoe, and accomplished the will of Lord Hoe of oppression. If only the Lord Jannokhoe can distribute the property and business of the Lord of Oppression.”

“… I am.”

“Lord Jannokhoe. Even though the Lord of Oppression has passed away, we, Drum Sanghoe, are responsible for the food of all countries. If it disintegrates in the air like this, the nations will starve. It can’t be, can it?”

“… Mmm.”

Deca seemed genuinely concerned about the future of the country, so Peru couldn’t answer easily and was speechless. To the troubled Peru, Decca quietly added a word.

“And, doesn’t Lord Jannokhoe need strength too? Drum Sanghoe can help Lord Jannokhoe.”

I’m implicitly suggesting that you become the owner of Drum Trading Company if you have to. I was curious about his thoughts, so I read his thoughts.

‘If we disband Gobungobun Trading and divide the property here, nothing will happen! We’re running nations. Even if Hekto is dead, we should still be Drums! We can’t make the nations roll!’

Decca was obviously sincere. He had a sense of superiority that was different from other seungnyangs, but his desire to maintain this system even if he had Peru as the new ruler was clearly genuine.

Peru already seemed to have a lot of troubles. As soon as you become the king of the nations, one side is pressuring you to sign an armistice, while the other side is arguing about inheritance issues, so you must be on the verge of death. I’m in the worst condition there.

Peru looked at me with difficulty and asked.

“… What should I do?”

“Yes? Why do you do that to me?”

“… Otherwise, there is no one to ask.”

Peru looked around and replied grimly.

That’s right. Hilde is on the military side. The regressor is in charge of the armed forces. She can’t help much, because Hector is dead.

“I don’t really have anything to answer. Wouldn’t it be better to ask someone else for help?”

“… If it’s different.”

“I need to find out the details first. Where is the oppressor’s property? No matter how many Juggernauts I had, I wouldn’t have carried them all.”

“… If the size of the property is large, it will be left to Claudia. It is also the only city… Because the Lord of Urea has trust.”

“Then it has been decided.”

You can’t do anything on a street like this anyway. Then there is only one way left.

“Let’s go to Claudia. If you meet Urehoeju there, you will be able to take on most of the problems.”

It is enough to entrust the problems that cannot be solved to those who are competent. How would you lift a log by yourself? Have to share

The response to my proposal was sharply divided.

“Wait. Is it a property? Do you really intend to share the property of the oppressor lord?”

“A. It was an opportunity to steam someone who doesn’t know anything. Whose side is your father on?”

Deca and Hilde did not welcome even greater power and power, although not as much as the Golden Ring. But others were different.

The wildcats cheered, and Peru was convinced. Even Tyr welcomed the choice.

“It’s a cloud town… It would be nice to go and check how much has changed.”

‘If I had to, I’d be able to show Hugh the Mist Principality beyond.’

The regressor who had been thinking hard also agreed.

“Okay. Decided. Our next destination is Claudia. I had to hear it at least once anyway.”

‘There are cherry blossoms and there is also Jizan. If you go to Claudia with both of them, you can enshrine the god of thunder inside. Even with Cheon-Ai and Ji-Zan, it’s too much, but it’ll be a little better if I dwell on the Thunder God.’

… I had a slightly different idea. What else is the brain god? How do you put it on? Can you get stronger here?

Some people are just miscellaneous people even if they have three demons!

“… Let’s go to Claudia. There if you have business.”

Anyway, the conclusion has been reached. Peru tried to board the golden ship. Then, Decca got in the way of her in excitement. If the regressor hadn’t glared at him with a sad expression, he might have touched Peru’s body.

“Of course you can go. But, do you intend to take them with you? They will try to extort all of the company’s money!”

“… If that’s a contract.”

“They did not fulfill their contract!”

“… Including that, I’m going to solve it in Claudia.”

“How to do the obvious!”

If Peru was alone, it might have been difficult. But now there is a regressor who specializes in cutting something by Peru’s side. When Deca persisted, the regressor cut off his words in a fit of annoyance.

“Noisy. We don’t have time right now If you intend to interfere, stay here, pack something, and leave.”

However, the survival instinct still remained. Deca closed his mouth and turned around.

‘Nonsense. It’s not like I just chased after the golden mirror and wiped my back! I can’t let our company disappear like this!’

Apparently, there are many things left to do before we finish our business in Claudia.

I nodded as I read his mind moving away.

The golden ship’s horn sounded, and the crowd headed for Claudia departed at once.

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