As if it would last forever

The troops from Claudia were not like nations. That is, it is structured and well-directed. The number of troops that could be called an army ran through the plain in front of Claudia in line with five.

Among them, only the front-most carriage was different. On the body, which looks several times larger than other automatic wagons, there are thunderbolt-infused wheels spinning fiercely. It is so fast that the bumps are invisible to the naked eye.

Standing tall on top of the wagon, one of them glared right at us.

The most impressive thing is the bright yellow hair. She tied her long hair down to her waist in a single strand. Hair also has weight, so it is normal for it to sink under the force of gravity, but for some reason, the loosely knitted hair is floating along with the wind.

If it was simply long hair, it wouldn’t have left much of an impression. However, the curious thing is at the ends of the hair.

The ends of your hair blowing in the wind, in between… Because a small spark was flickering.

As soon as she got a little closer, she kicked off her wagon and ran.

Due to the huge attraction of this land, all objects that fall from the ground move in a parabolic arc. As long as you don’t fly with the wind, the type of curve doesn’t change.

However, the movement of Woorehoeju was different.

She floated up and yanked her arm in the air. Then she snapped her new body, as if tugging her thread on her golden box. Soaring in her near-straight curve, she landed on the deck of the golden ship at once.

With a thump, the deck rang. Static electricity ripples between the soles of your feet and the deck. Tapping her hair, which had been lifted to dryness, Thunder Huiju asked the only human on deck.

“This boat belongs to Jannokhoeju. Are you a guest of Jannokhoeju?”

That was me.

With Claudia’s ruler and the strongest of the nations in front of me, I swallowed my saliva and answered.

“Yes. He is passed out in the cabin.”

“I heard from a messenger sent by the Lord of Oppression that the Golden Scenic is headed for Claudia. Where is the golden mirror?”

“Here it is.”

“What do you mean?”

To the question of the thunderstorm, I answered by pointing my finger below the deck.

“It’s long to explain, but Jannokhoeju blocked the golden mirror. However, in the process, the oppressor lord died and there was a lot of noise about the peace agreement, so I’m heading to Claudia to solve it.”


“If it was a lie, you would have been receiving the golden mirror instead of us by now.”

‘The estimated arrival time has passed, but I didn’t see the golden mirror nearby. The shape of the land remains as it was last…. Then. That must be true.’

The ruler of a city, Urehoeju, showed her ability without fail. Taking one quick look around her, she finished her judgment in an instant and opened her mouth.

“Looks good. That ghost.”

“… Yes?”

“What is the god of alchemy? Even though the specter that couldn’t even find it was just wandering around the country. Heh, now that he’s gone, it’s going to be a bit like a country.”

When it was judged that there was no attack from Hwanggeumgyeong, Woore Hoeju relieved her tension and vomited out her true heart, which she had stored deep in her heart. As she stood there, not knowing what to say, Wu Le Hoe Zhu raised her right hand. She murmured, raising her index finger and thumb together.

“Thunder Catcher.”

Tak, the moment she snapped her fingers.

A flash of lightning struck her hand. It was as if flint stones the size of houses had collided with each other. As if holding her thunder in her hand, a twig of thunderbolt surged above the thunderbolt.

“Whoa! Whoa, whoa!”


While the two beasts were running amok in a panic, Uraeju shook the thunderbolt he was holding and said.

“No surprises. It’s a hand signal sent to the subordinates.”

“It’s a hand signal, it’s scary because it’s lightning!”

“Then I can’t help it. You are patient I can’t not use my abilities, can I?”

Below decks, thunderstorm soldiers can be seen spreading in all directions. Upon receiving the signal, it stopped fighting and shifted to search. It is a one-size-fits-all situation that is not typical of nations.

After completing the order for his subordinate, Wu Le Hui-ju stretched out his hand. It wasn’t even pushed directly, but the iron door to her cabin opened wide as if against her hand. Turning her path, she strode unhinderedly down her cabin.

“Ajiya. Let us go down.”

However, Aji did not follow. She turned around to see that her son’s hair was floating in static electricity. In the sense of dog hair, it was originally dog hair, but now it has spread in all directions and is completely dog hair.

“Doggy. My fur! My fur!”

“Because of static electricity. It will be better if you wash it.”

“Bung! No time! Let’s go quickly, Meng!”

“You’re not even a cat, so why do you hate washing?”

I ran my hand through her hair, holding her breath, and followed the thunderstorm down to her cabin.

He went down to her cabin, checked her face, and woke her up. Although Peru has not yet fully recovered, Wu Lehuiju decided that it was more important to hear the truth from the mouth of the person concerned.

It was the same in Peru. Peru explained what she knew, even in the midst of her pain.

“… With their help, I stopped the golden mirror from running out of control.”

After hearing her story, Wu Le Hui-ju nodded her head.

“Good job, Jannok Hoeju. No, should I say the next Golden Week? All citizens of Claudia will admire your bravery. Even if the power of the wheel was exhausted, there was no chance of winning, but thanks to her, she did not lose her place.”

“… And.”

“An armistice? Well, it doesn’t matter. The Plain of the Abyss, directly opposite Claudia, is none of my business…. I follow the judgment of the Golden Rule. But.”

Uraehoeju glared at the regressor and Hilde with sharp eyes and said.

“If the military side makes excessive demands in the process, I will immediately stop them. The nations are not defeated, and even if the nations are defeated, Claudia will never be attacked. Whatever you’re aiming for As long as I am, I will not give up easily.”

As if responding to Woorehoeju’s words, strong energy lingered in her arms and legs. The remnants of her thunderbolts extending in all directions of her were an indirect indication of the power she possessed.

Elkid, Lord of Thunder, the greatest Lord of Lords and the ruler of Claudia.

The successor to the first thunderbolt who returned the lightning that was stolen by the lightning thief back to the sky.

Steel has the qualities to be a path through which lightning strikes. The more steel made through alchemy, the better its properties, and it is said that an alchemist who has reached the extreme can always carry a thunderbolt.

However, a force as great as a thunderbolt can harm oneself, so I don’t have to do that… A select few. Those who have special properties and their own magical powers are reborn as the strongest human beings with lightning.

Thunderstorm Elkid is a human chosen by lightning. An existence that can be borrowed and used with the power close to a god, limited to Claudia, who is the strongest lord of the nations and is always bombarded with lightning.

Ahead of such a thunderstorm, the regressor….

“Oh must! I’m not really on the side of the military, and I don’t intend to be hostile to you either! No, rather, I’ll give you a present!”

He showed a friendly attitude as if he wanted to get close.

Then, the one that floated was a ball of thunder, which scattered the spirit for no reason. As no one tried to resist, the futilely tousled hair gradually sank.

‘What is it? I tried my best not to look down on you. A messenger from a military country would try not to be pushed back in a battle of strength, right?’

Thunderstorm, who had calmed down with his hair, asked suspiciously.

“… Gift? Nothing is impossible for Claudia. I don’t know what you’re suggesting, but I don’t think it’s particularly necessary.”

Uraehoeju is still vigilant. However, among us, the most vigilant regressor was surprisingly completely open to Woorehoeju.

Something is unfair. Your charm is that you don’t give in to anyone. Why is Wu Lei Hui-ju not going to cut off his right arm?

‘Elkid. It’s the first time we’ve met so quickly. Until now, after obtaining the Jizan, I came to visit him to dwell with the Thunder God. This is what Elkid looked like when he was a few years young.’

Sheesh. Academic ties, regional ties, and blood ties are not enough. Is it because of previous life ties? This is why people without a relationship are sad, so how can they live? It’s sad to think of the old days when my right arm was almost cut off.

The regressor said confidently.

“No. You will need it.”

“Apart from what it is, what does it want?”

“There is nothing in particular. It’s a sign of friendship. If there is at least one thing, I hope the armistice agreement goes well.”

“A gift given without a price is more suspicious. What is it that makes you so confident?”

She was still suspicious, but her returnee, who had a close relationship with her vanishing future, had already built up a bond with her. She had always been an ally in the previous episode, and Wu Lei Hui was no longer an enemy of the regressor.

‘I still don’t relax. But it’s okay. Because this condition will never be ignored by the Lord of Thunder. I just finished taking care of the golden mirror, so if I just get rid of the god of thunder, he will be my strong ally in this episode as well. I can also be of help to Elkid.’

Even though the memory of that time is still in the future, the regressor spoke to gain favor again.

“Isn’t Claudia the city where the lightning thief hid the stolen lightning?”

“Learning isn’t short enough to have to hear Claudia’s history from her stranger.”

“Listen to the end. The first thunderstorm captured the lightning thief and returned it to the sky, but the thunder god, who almost disappeared, periodically came down from the clouds and attacked Claudia as a way to vent his anger. Yes?”

“Certainly, that is a difficult problem….”

Wu Le Hui Zhu, who was about to ask if he was going to get rid of her brain god, swallowed her words. For he would only be sarcastic when he asked for the impossible.

But… There was no need to swallow words.

“I will kill the Thunder God.”

The regressor said something more friendly than ever, and more scary than ever.

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