Interlude story. After killing the Thunder God

The thunderbolt subsides.

The sound of thunder, which seemed to fill the world, had degenerated to the sound of a loud drum, and the god of thunder, which fell as if to split Claudia on a waterfall of clouds, was screaming with only small thunderbolts left behind.


The Thunder God’s roar is gradually diminishing. Inversely proportional to that, the citizens of Claudia who came out to watch cheered.


The cries of countless humans are so strong as to send the Thunder God flying back into the sky. In comparison, the Thunder God who looked down on humans so arrogantly struggled desperately while being buried in the clouds. It is not clear who is God and who is human.

Shay muttered disgruntledly, tucking her damp hair behind her.

“It’s strange. Obviously, what I am killing is a false idol, but it just looks like bullying the weak.”

If the god of thunder is a god, then what is Shay who eats her clouds by stepping on them?

The thunderbolt is swallowed by Jizan. Thunder is cut by cherry blossoms. Nothing of the Thunder God can harm Shay, who wields the earth and sky in both hands. Rather, her very existence is melting into her power.

The Thunder God stretched out her hand in resentment and roared.


“You keep shouting something, but I can’t understand what you’re saying. So just give up.”

Shay held the handles of Jizan and Cheon-Ang facing each other and listened.

A lightning bolt is a line that travels between heaven and earth. All thunderbolts are contained beneath it. The Thunder God, who had reigned in the heterogeneous palace of the Cloud Falls until now, has come to adapt to his true nature.

Cheonji Geomgon, Thunderbolt.

The entire body of the god of thunder permeates through the brief gap between the angel and the jizan. No matter how much it faded away, it was a form of thunderbolt. Its power is enormous… The gap between the two demons has more than enough energy to contain them all.

The tiny thunderbolts that make up the new model, the torrents of power that extend to your fingers and toes. All of that becomes a huge stream and flows into Shay’s two swords. Existence dissolves.

[…] .]

The cry of the Thunder God, which seemed to tear the world apart, gradually diminished. The Thunder God, who had been moaning in pain, was now small and weak and pitiful. Even so, he stretched out his arm eagerly as if he was looking for something. As if I left something precious down there.

But it doesn’t reach. Surrounded by lightning towers, this cloud city only uses lightning strikes, rejecting the rest. A single bolt of lightning that fell from the god of thunder hit the lightning tower and was extinguished.

“Come in.”

Shay twisted the angel. Even though she didn’t really raise her energy, she naturally had a thunderbolt between Cheon-Aeng and Ji-Zan. At the same time, all the remnants of the Thunder God were sucked in between them.

From now on, Cheonang and Jizan are bound by an invisible string of lightning. Shay would be able to move the other with just one of them.

Shay sighed heavily. The satisfaction of completing a task, the sense of achievement of taking a step forward, the pride of helping a village in trouble. In addition to that, she also gained the full support of the Thunder Society, so the future will be solid.

Only the cheering sounds of the people below remain. More excited than ever, Shay came down bright.

“Whoa. It’s over! No more brain gods!”

At the lightning tower, Tyrkanjaka was waiting. Tir Khan Zhaka, who had been watching him with his fists clenched since he destroyed the god of thunder, was cheering for Shay more than anyone else.

“That’s great. To serve the servants of the heavenly gods with your own power! This is an unprecedented feat, and an act that has disgraced the face of a heavenly god!”

“Uh, I didn’t mean to do that….”

Although the reason was a little different. Shay, having trouble answering, looked around her openly.

“By the way, what about thunderstorms?”

“They suddenly disappeared saying they had business to do. Other than this sight in front of me, I have no idea what else to do.”

“What happened? Has there been a burglar in your house?”

“Is that the only reason? If a thunder god enters the city more dangerous than a thief in a house.”

Shay agreed. What thief could be more dangerous than a god wielding a thunderbolt?

So it was. If the thunderstorm disappeared, there must be a reason, but Shay couldn’t even guess why. Above all, this is the first time in all episodes.

Shay muttered to himself involuntarily.

“That’s strange. I’ve never had anything like this before.”

“An enemy like this?”

Shay, who used to travel alone without her companions, didn’t care much about others hearing her story. It wasn’t until Tir Kanja Ka questioned, and after a while, he shook her hand and made an excuse.

“Oh, no. Because it’s so unexpected. If you’re the ruler of the city, you’ll have to watch until the end to defeat the god of thunder.”

“… It’s not surprising.”

‘Whoa. It was dangerous. I’ll have to be careful. I’m not particularly a saint, but I can’t show that I can see the future. Because I am treated as a saint.’

Tirkanjaka looked suspiciously at him, but Shay didn’t care too much about him. We’ve become quite close now, but a few episodes ago, it was an irresistible disaster, and in some episodes, it was an opponent, and in other episodes, it was a comrade who exchanged interactions with each other at the end of the world.

For Shay, humans are polyhedrons in which the past and the present coexist. What is the way to deal with an existence that was an insurmountable wall, an enemy of humans, and an irreplaceable colleague?

The answer is not to care. No, should I say that I can’t pay close attention to detail? While her emotions of others are ever-changing, she doesn’t even have mind-reading skills for Shay.

There was no way her colleagues would gather with that mindset, but at least this time things went well.

‘At least with Hughes, dealing with people is easy, so it’s comfortable. Compared to before, the number of times he threatens people with a knife has decreased. In the past, every time I persuaded someone, I had to wield a cherry blossom or Jizan and cut something…. I’ll have to treat her better next time.’

It was in the middle of reflecting on the gratitude of the regressor.

At the top of the lightning tower, the pulley that hung the elevator turned round and round. At the same time, the elevator surged at breakneck speed. A familiar figure staggered down from the elevator that reached the top of the lightning tower as if it was almost colliding.

Shay recognized the face and was puzzled.

“Huh? Hughes?”

Blood flows from her torn head. A drop of blood dripped down to his chin. Staggering as if he was injured, he hurriedly ran, glancing behind him as if something was chasing him.

Tirkanjaka asked as he went out to meet him.

“Whew? What happened? Has anyone even attacked you?”

“Yes…. Rather, wait a minute. I have something to say to Mr. Shay!”

“Dear Shay? Do you have anything to say to me?”

It was Tir Khan Jakar who asked a little bit sadly, but she too was surprised to hear her continued words.

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“About the identity of the Thunderstorm! She’s not just a hoeju!”

It was the first word I heard throughout all regressions. As Shay quickly jumped down the lightning tower, she thought of a possibility and said:

“A while ago, the thunderstorm jumped down to the ground. Did you have another accident?”

“Ghm, should I say that? I’d say no.”

“It was you! Thunderstorm suddenly asked why!”

Shay approached him with a troubled look on his face as he scolded him for stuttering her words. She had no boundaries whatsoever. She sees her face every day, and it would be strange for her to be wary. Like Claudia and the Thunder God, her familiarity makes her wary.

“By the way, what is the identity of Thunderstorm?”

“Tir… It’s a bit difficult to say, though.”

“Are you bullying only me?”

As if he couldn’t get past this, Tyrkanjaka openly showed his displeasure. Seeing her gaze, he sighed as if he couldn’t help it.

“You can’t hide such an important thing. I’ll confess. Ureahoeju, she is actually a holy sword.”

“The Holy Sword… big?”

Shaydo and Tyrkanjaka had no choice but to react to the bombshell statement that exploded out of the blue.

Holy sword stand. A unit under the direct control of the Seonghwangcheong. To Tyrkanjaka, they would be insects that would appear endlessly no matter how many times they were killed, but to Shay, they would be irreplaceable companions.

At one time, Shay acted as the Sacred Sword. It was a title given nominally by Seonghwangcheong, but she learned many things from it, including the secrets of the world and the existence of demons. Although she did not know all of the holy sword belts spread throughout the world, she had quite a bit of interaction with her direct unit.

Still, I was surprised to learn that the Uraeju was actually the Holy Sword Corps.

Unaware of Tir Khan Jhaka’s displeasure oozing out in her face, Shay gave a slight welcome, she said.

“Sacred sword belt? As for whether it was real, how did you know?”

“That’s me…. Ugh.”

While talking, drops of blood fall into his eyes. Blinded, he stumbled. His center collapsed, and his body leaned toward Shay.

He is taller. It is normal for him to fall towards Shay when he approaches. And since we’ve been together for a long time, we’ve developed a sense of intimacy with each other. Shay accepted his body without question….

That moment. Chun Ban-kyung reacted.

The silver light flashed. Shay threw her hips back, released her energy, and spurred her to the ground, widening the distance. Her two lines of scratches were carved long over the lightning tower.

The scene of the murder of the Thunder God was warm and peaceful. Right after that was over, there was a sense of tension. Shay glared at him, holding the hem of his clothes torn by his blade with his hand.

“… You.”

“Oops~. I was thinking of hurting you a bit. The reaction is too fast.”

“He” Wasn’t Hughes.

One sweep of the forehead erases the blood stains. Her skeleton shrivels and shrinks, and her hair is released and scattered widely.

After unlocking her transformation, Hilde flirted and glanced at Shay with fox-like eyes.

“Is that combat foreknowledge? Or, is it just a yes?”

“It’s a skill I learned to deal with like you.”

“No way. Is this the skill of those who want to reach the sky with qigong?”

I never thought that the story would come out here. Shay crumpled her face.

Shay had many enemies and many allies. However, there were no ‘enemies’ that had dug in so far, and the allies weren’t even this far.

She should have been a little more vigilant. Younggue of the Military Intelligence Department, Sieghurund. She is now called Hilde and takes the position of a mischievous companion, but she is a general and is the one to be most careful of in the military.

Hilde, who saw the crumpled expression, said in amazement.

“I heard there is such a thing. I can’t believe it’s true. Hmmm, that’s amazing~. Anyway!”

Clapping, she clapped her hands and turned her body towards Tir Khanjaka.

“Tirkanjaka. There’s one more thing you need to know!”

“I thought it was a bit strange for Hugh, but it turned out to be you. The joke is too much.”

“It’s ‘me’, it’s because I resemble my father! But are we really going to do just that prankster over there?”

She smiled cheerfully and stretched out the silver knife that had cut Shay’s chest. Thanks to its quick response, the knife barely managed to cut through one piece of her clothes. There is no blood, but the intended purpose has been achieved.

Because from the beginning, the knife was meant to cut Shay’s clothes.

“Look! ‘I’ personally cut it so that you can take a good look!”

Shay felt a sense of emptiness belatedly.

Shay’s clothing was the kind of fabric that allowed her energy to pass through, for she was too strong to be a prison to which she entangled herself. The same goes for her opponent. The blade blown into her qigong cut through Shay’s clothes without much effort.

That’s all. She wasn’t hurt, and she reacted with a thousand radii, so her chest was only torn. The result is infinitely shabby to be the result of the surprise of conversion.

But… I mean, it was the chest.

“Hey, look! Surprisingly, Shay, whom we all knew was a handsome boy!”

She was hit at the most fatal timing. It’s just that the hem of her dress is torn, and this in itself isn’t much of a problem… The real problem is that her ‘lies’ hidden under her clothes are exposed.

Through the gap in her torn dress, you can see the Cheonjamsa thread across her chest. A bandage encircling the equator of her upper body, beneath which there is a rounded outline revealing an obvious presence.

Cheonjam Temple. A precious fabric that is durable and does not stretch easily. Shay, who moved wildly during her battles, would wrap her cheonjamsa to keep her breasts from shaking. If you tie it a little tight, you can wear it as a man.

And the cloth tied around her chest only seems to be for that purpose. Especially if you can clearly see the woman’s curves.

“It was a woman!”

Hilde shouted as she spread her arms like an actor in charge of a climax.

… In a way, even this is not such a big problem. It’s just that you’re hiding your gender. However, both Shay and Tyrkanjaka knew that the trap of the Zero Ark did not end here.

“She went through what she hadn’t been through, knew what she shouldn’t have known, and was well versed in all sorts of secrets,” She said. Even how old are you? Besides, she forcibly hid her gender to infiltrate Tantalus, right? Why did you do that?”

This is why she had to be alone.

There are so many dangerous things to do together. This is true even if that person betrays and turns into an enemy, but even if that person is an ally. If her allies with whom she shared her heart deserted her, or if they were divided in quarrels and disappointments.

… Even if her body returns due to her return, the heart she gave her is cut.

“Everyone knows, right? Her answer is, she must be hiding the fact that she is a saint! Yes, Shay! He, no, she! She is a saint!”

It doesn’t matter how she got caught. The most important thing right now is the one who hated her saintess the most and had a fierce murderous intent.

Shay faced Tyrkanjaka with firm determination.

At some point, Tir Khan Jhaka gave up asking her questions and watched her with a parasol on her shoulder… She was staring at Shay with a terribly expressionless expression.

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