Lightning didn’t fall from the sky – 6

Without Qigong or Innate Magic, it’s a pure body-to-body fight. Of course I lost even that, but I haven’t lost in technology yet.

No matter what the body of Uraehoeju is, he is rescuing a human being. No matter how brilliant a human being is, if he does not have qigong, he cannot structurally attack the enemy from behind. A joint cannot bend backwards on its own, and a little finger cannot overcome arm strength by using a dragon. That is the natural principle of human body structure.

What if you beat my arm with your little finger? Then you just have to lose, what. There’s no way it’s going to be a game to beat my ace with a job card, right? Send me the plate that won’t work.

“This is… !”

“It’s over since I got caught. You can’t win if you can’t use the power of thunder.”

No matter how much I try to draw out the power of thunder, it’s useless. Right now I’m in a state of entanglement with the thunderstorm. Every time she tries to unleash her powers, all the flowing thunderbolts seep into my Mother Earth card. I said, giving more strength to my bent arm.

“If you break it like this, you won’t be able to use your arms forever, right?”

“Do… Let’s see… !”

“You thought I couldn’t? I can break your neck without any hesitation if need be….”

As I gave more strength, I felt something stiff.


Won’t it break? What is this. Can’t it be that I can’t bend my arms even though I use all my arms and legs, and even use the principle of a lever to pull? What unfair.

“… It’s a terrible power for something boastful.”

‘After all the power of thunder has disappeared, I can feel my natural strength now. I should be grateful for this…. Now that I have the confidence to use my power properly.’

Did you feel the Qigong when you did something?

Uraehoeju gave strength slowly. As if recalling a forgotten memory, not the power of thunder… Pure energy fills that gap. Instead of a power that is easier to use, the power of life that is difficult but not taken away.

Damn it! Don’t grow while fighting. My mind-reading and strategy are all messed up! Well, it was more strange that I couldn’t use Qigong while using the power of thunder. Even just the energy that I feel, there is a lot more than me. It will be released soon what about this Should I call Tir too….

It was then.

Rolling over, the lightning tower shook greatly. It was a tremendous shock, as if a thunderbolt had fallen, no, as if the mass had been added to the falling lightning.

The ceiling was visibly tilted, and the walls and ceiling, which should have been firm, shook. The rock was shattered and fell as if the shock had been transmitted to the basement. Ureaju shouted urgently.

“You! What the hell have you done!”

“I didn’t do this?!”

“If not you, who else!”

“How can I break the lightning tower when I can’t even break your joints?”

What the hell is going on? I changed some of the walls to cards so the tower won’t collapse. Could it be that the Thunder God kicked the lightning tower?

Anyway, the building is in danger of collapsing. There is no reason to continue the articulation that does not work anymore. The problem is, even if you let go right away, it’s still dangerous….

“Ooh, Lord Thunder!”

Just then, the sound of small footsteps approached. This is the girl who was taking care of the child in the basement earlier. As the tower shook, the girl felt a sense of danger and ran to find the thunderstorm.

“Lord Thunder, it’s an earthquake! The tower tilted… What?”

The girl who was so anxiously searching for the thunderbolt found what she and I were entangled on the floor with our arms and legs crossed. The girl, lost for words at her unexpected appearance, put on a bewildered expression. Woorehoeju, who seemed to be suffering at the same time, also made a puzzled expression.

“Jerry, Jerry. Now.”

Now. The only time to run away is now!

“Oh must! With Hoeju-nim, it was just a simple physical wrestling! No relationship!”


While the thunderstorms were dense and screaming, each other lost strength for a while. Taking advantage of that gap, I let go of the arm of the thunderstorm and rolled over. Then I ran towards the wall I had turned into a card.

Thanks to the fact that one side of the wall is entirely made of materials and made of cards, the wall disappears and the ground is revealed. Damp silt ran down the collapsed walls. I held the Earthmother’s card in my hand and pushed hard into the mound. With earth magic.

Tung. The enormous pile of dirt is easily pushed away by my gestures. In an instant, a tunnel leading to the ground appeared. I shouted as I put my foot in the hole.

“I’m sorry, everyone. Even if you lift the curtain and peek into the secret, there is no answer you want. I’m leaving!”

“Stand there… !”

Uraehoeju wanted to chase me right away, but… Just then, when he saw the girl with a desperate face, he swallowed his words.

Even if you knew something and deliberately ignored it. It is true that the Lord of Thunder has protected the city. The girl was now looking forward to the Lord of Thunder. I hope that Woorehoeju will continue to show the image that Woorehoeju has shown so far, even at this moment.

At the moment when the thunderstorm stopped for a moment due to the sudden conflict.

That gap is enough. I got out of the basement with earth magic before there was any more trouble.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the outside, and it was a mess. Cheers and screams mingled, and the humans who were watching the thunder god’s murder scene looked around in bewilderment. After digging out of the chaos, I almost got trampled on by the crowd.

“What? A man came out of the ground!”

“It’s a spy! Get out of the way if you don’t want to be treated badly!”

The onlooker above me was startled by the spying declaration and backed away, and in the meantime, I squeezed out of the ground and stood up.

When I came out, things were going strangely.

The Thunder God has already disappeared. The shadow of the Thunder God was nowhere to be seen at Cloud Falls, and he read the thoughts of others to find out that the Thunder God was absorbed by the regressor. It was obviously destroyed so easily that it was pitiful, but what the hell was going on….

… , I could tell by raising my head up and looking at the lightning tower.

Darkness spreads. Lightning flashes in it. The power of darkness controlled by the founder Tyrkanjaka and the power of the twin swords wielded by the regressor collide. The aftermath of the fight is so intense that it spreads outside the lightning tower.

People here were only speculating what the hell was going on, but knowing the abilities of the two, I understood the situation more accurately. And groaned.

“Hilde, did you commit it in the end?”

It seems that Hilde has translated a script that only existed in her imagination into reality.

It is natural for Hilde to be suspicious. Even if you estimate the number of giyeon that the regressor monopolized, there are more than ten, and if that’s the case, she can be considered a holy sword squad or a saint. In particular, Hilde, who was a member of the Holy Sword Corps, became suspicious more easily. However, she only held back for a while because she thought maybe she could be a regressor to become her ally.

Isn’t it? Maybe she was aiming for the most perfect timing.

That’s why Tyr and the regressor, who were friendly until yesterday, started fighting? At best, she thought it was all about a bad breakup…. Well, both are not normal. It’s not strange no matter what catastrophe happens.

It’s a pity though. Of course, if the two fight now, who will help me?

It was at that time when I was sighing in my heart.

“I found it! It’s him!”

“There! Please cooperate!”

Thunder Guardians were clearing things up when they found me. Claudia’s elite troops were waiting on the ground at the order of the Lord of Thunder. Those who use the power of thunder came to recognize me, who must have something to do with this situation.

Hmm. I don’t feel any hostility, but… I, until just a little while ago, had a fight with Uraeju. If you get caught and then run into the thunderstorm again, it will be difficult. I have to hide and get out of here….

Then, someone grabbed my arm and shouted.

“This man is a spy! It came out of the ground!”

“Do you believe that nonsense!”

Damn it. Like this naive person. There’s no way a spy can openly call himself a spy! I didn’t have time to explain, so I pushed him away and jumped out.

“Wait! Stand there!”

The Guardians of Thunder chased me through the crowds, but they couldn’t approach me easily because there were so many people. Compared to me, who finds gaps in mind-reading and pushes unwary people with all their might before escaping, the Thunder Guardians, who can’t easily use their strength, are infinitely slower.

Let’s go all the way to the outskirts, when I made up my mind. On the other side, a person different from the Guardian of Thunder found me and chased after me.

“… For a moment….”

The sound of panting breathing caught me up. I was about to shake it off, but when I recognized the owner, I changed my attitude.

“Oh, Peru! I found it!”

“… What did you do. The lightning tower….”

You weren’t on the lightning tower. He seems to have been waiting on the ground like the other Thunder Guardians due to his poor health.

More than that, why are you saying something to me about the tilting of the lightning tower? I don’t have the strength to shake the lightning tower, let alone tilt it! In this situation, it is the most innocent!

From noble mtl dot com

“I’m almost dying of regret why everyone is suspicious of me, but anyway, now is the time we need Peru’s strength. Fix the lightning tower before it completely collapses!”

“… I do, there is.”

Peru took a deep breath and pulled out her bell. I rang the bell of the golden mirror, recalling the majestic appearance of the lightning tower in my head.

The power of the golden sutra answered Peru’s call. The sound of the bell is small, but it spreads clearly and reacts as if steel were hearing it. The power of the golden mirror was so great that he re-established the lightning tower by performing alchemy in reverse order, starting from the bottom receiving the subordinate.

“What a scam! Good job! Oh, while you’re doing it, please hide me too!”

“… From whom?”

I didn’t even have to explain. The Guardians of Thunder, who broke through the crowd, ran straight toward me.

“Stand there!”

Kuk. Dealing with the majority is weak. Can you solve it with words?

It was then. A thunderclap was heard from the lightning tower above. Clumps of darkness bounced off the top of the lightning tower as people screamed and lowered their heads.

It is Tyrkanjaka clad in darkness and the regressor who receives it. The two of them were in free fall from tens of meters in the air, but as if it didn’t matter, they were busy exchanging attacks towards each other.

Tyr swings his arms clad in darkness. You can’t see it well from this far away, but you can feel the power it contains. The power that seems to split the world expresses its anger at random.

The regressor swung Jizan to block it. The arm caught in Jizan bizarrely bends and bounces off in the opposite direction. The body cannot withstand the force so strong that it breaks.

However, Tyr is the ancestor of vampires. Breaking the body is a common occurrence in everyday life. It came back intact as if it was like when. Broken bones and spilled blood all come back.

Instead, the regressor who completely blocked the attack was pushed back by the wind pressure and the raging darkness. Even though it was blocked with Jizan without recoil, the aftermath alone sends a person flying ridiculously.

After an instant collision, the bodies of the two bounced in opposite directions. The body of the regressor falls far away. There is a crackling sound and the sound of something breaking. Soon, Tyr, who had no place to step, fell to the ground headfirst.

Sighs and screams can be heard among the people, but it soon turns to astonishment. Tyr stood up without a scratch and even spoke.

“Come out. There’s no way you’ll just die like this, right?”

“Whoa. That’s right. I forgot. I’m afraid I’ll die… There was no need.”

Shortly after the voice is heard, debris bounces from where the regressor landed. The regressor, who had cleared all the debris with Jizan, bit his teeth and came forward in front of Tyr.

It was only then that the onlookers realized that all these divisions were due to a single fight between the two of them.

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