Lightning Didn’t Fall From the Sky – 9

The most dangerous moment is not when the future is dark, when you are agonizing between options, or when your mind is full of doubts. .

On the contrary, when everything feels clear, you are convinced that there is only one way left for you, and your heart is filled with faith. At that time, humans become more dangerous than anything else. He is both to himself and to this world.

Wu Le Hui-ju chose her faith at the end of her troubles.

Since she couldn’t be killed with lightning alone, she brought out a knife that was rarely used. Taking advantage of the gap in her fog, I ambushed her from behind. Filled with her faith, she was an angel acting on behalf of the will of heaven, so the king of men could not cope and was incapacitated. A bolt of lightning that ran down the blade shook his body.

For a moment, the thunderbolt disappears in vain. It is the ability to discharge lightning. All that remains is the blade. Uraehoeju infused more strength into her hand holding her sword to handle it perfectly.

At that time, the blade broke like a can of millet. The steel that stood sharp above the blade crumbled and disappeared.

And that’s not all. The space is engulfed by an eerie energy. It is dangerous to others, but it is the energy of Jannok that is even more lethal to the Lord of Thunder, who has a perfect body. The force that destroyed the structure came crashing down from the blade to the thunderstorm.

Thunder Huiju raised the power of thunder to protect his body. Because the power of the thunder would be discharged if he touched her, she had no choice but to leave his body. His unbalanced body slumped forward as the blade pierced his stomach.

The attack was lethal, but I am not dead yet. If you want to kill confirmed, you have to move quickly. Uraehoeju said to Peru.

[Relieve your strength, Jannokhoeju.]

Peru looked at the obviously strange thunderstorm with a look of disbelief.

“… Why? Lord Urea, why did you ask him?”

[He’s dangerous. It must be removed for the future of the city.]

“… It can’t be, isn’t it? How to kill… It will be for the future, right?”

It is clearly a wary attitude. It’s natural to stab someone in front of your eyes. Wu Le Huiju used her little patience to persuade her.

[If you are a politician, you will know. Some secrets can easily break this world. The golden bell you have. Disclosure of all of them will not make this country any safer. Rather, it will become more dangerous.]

“… Is that a reason to kill?”

[He is the king of humans. Representative of all human beings. The secret he learns will someday belong to all humans. Just as the king represents humans, humans also follow their kings.]

Wu Le Hui Zhu stretched out his hand. She felt a bolt of lightning shoot out of her hand, and she groped for the ground and rock and pulled out a piece of iron that was dormant in it.

Claudia is the largest city in the nations. Abandoned Alchemy River hides between the ground. Thunder Huiju swiped the piece of iron she was attached to with her hand once. She is also the lord of the nations. Her thunderbolt alchemy wiped away rust and grime and forged a sharp blade.

The angel of thunder aimed once more at the sword containing the thunderbolt. To the king of men who fell bleeding.

[Even if it goes beyond the golden sutra that has already been revealed to the world, I can’t let you know the secret of the lightning thief. One day it will make all humans suspicious. I will make you groan in agony.]

Peru panicked.

The king of humans. I’ve heard of vampires, saints, and the king of beasts, but I haven’t heard of the king of humans. Maybe there might be, but it was a problem that could be thought about once after solving all the problems of life facing Peru.

However, he may have been traveling with the progenitor at such an existence.

Convinced, Peru quietly nodded. Recognizing that appearance as a sign of positivity, Woorehoeju said in a bright color.

[Do you understand? That’s good. Then….]

The blade that scattered the spirits lost its luster again. Thunderstorm tried to shed a thunderbolt, but the lightning that flowed through the broken blade was not strength, but a burden. The blade snapped from the middle and broke.

Peru, who broke his sword in an instant, sighed deeply.

“… I am an alchemist. What I believe in and follow is only the law of value. There is no value in killing him.”

[Even if you kill him to protect the nations, and even this future?]

“… Death is the loss of value. In any way, no matter how.”

[It’s a step back for everyone to move forward.]

“… Different. Different from retreat. Value once lost does not change into something else. Never… not coming back.”

Because it was a jannokhoeju with the ability to eliminate value, those words had extraordinary weight. Confident that Peru would not get out of the way, Wu Lehuiju shook his head mournfully.

[I can’t help it. I tried to make it into a golden ball, leave this country in charge, and establish order.]

Ureahoeju threw a broken sword. The knife, already broken and rusty, made no sound. Wu Le Hui-ju, who had become empty-handed, spread his palms toward the sky.

Thunderstorm is the strongest within Claudia. All the power she stretches across Claudia is hers, unless she is discharged with a cowardly number. The seeds of her thunderbolt, seeping between her clouds, responded to her, with her hand of her thunderbolt serving as a lightning rod.

[I’m not going to try to kill you. Know how to survive. I don’t know how long she can endure with her broken body.]

Thundercatcher. Grabbing her thunderbolt, she slashed her hand down. Lightning flashed in the clouds, and lightning connected the sky and the earth. A torrent of power overturns the land and shakes heaven and earth.

After the deafening explosion dissipated far away, and the pile of earth that had risen was pushed back by the clouds and settled. The place where the lightning had passed through was revealed. Upon seeing the faces of her victims, Woore Hoeju frowned.

Sharp iron spikes stood out as if to surround them. Zhannokhoeju coped with it with her alchemy. It has a good attitude to deal with lightning strikes, but a lightning rod of that size cannot block the aftermath of the lightning strike.

However, it was not the improvised lightning rod that stopped the lightning strike.

“Ahahahaha! Father, after making fun of your lower body, you ended up getting stabbed in the stomach by a woman? I knew this day would come!”

Hilde appeared out of nowhere and was standing with a white light in her hand.

Hilde, who casually blocked her thunderbolt, looked around at her fallen Hughes. Her abdomen is pierced, causing her blood to flow, and she appears unconscious. She was fatally wounded, but was it enough to lose her consciousness….

At that time, she saw the direction of the outstretched hand of the fallen Hilde. She holds tight to the kite that clings to her thunder god’s back. Snorting her snort, she sighed and placed her hand over his wound.

“Eh~. No answer, no fun. As expected, my father probably liked the contents more than the shell. Seeing them collapsed makes me feel shabby and pitiful.”

Then the white light faded, and his wounds went back to normal as if they were rewinding.

Uraehoeju knew what it was. He had never seen him in his entire life, but that too was related to his faith. Even though no one taught him, he realized what kind of skill it was and what it required, as if he had known it from the beginning.

[Divine Power?]

Healing takes time. Hilde kindly explained to buy her time.

“Yes. ‘I’, even after looking at it like this, I have a devout faith~. Can you read the entire Bible? The first saintess anointed her hands with oil and caressed those who were sick. May her wounds be healed and her illnesses healed. If you remember that verse and pray with all your heart, my God! The whole universe steps in and creates a miracle!”

[I know! Why are you healing him? You must know that this is the will of the heavenly gods….]

Urehoeju, who had been muttering, exclaimed after being informed of another fact.

[Baekmyeonin (白面人)! That apostate!]

“Apostate? Nonsense. How can a person who has abandoned his faith use his divine power~?”

This is common sense. Only people with devout faith can use divine power. Because divine power is the ideal power that the heavenly gods look down on and bestow on humans. Therefore, humans who lack faith and cannot follow the heavenly gods cannot use divine power….

… So, Hilde became a taboo of the Seonghwangcheong.

Hilde was an actress before becoming a sword master, and she plays the real thing with strong immersion towards the role. Even the ‘Holy Sword Belt’, which uses divine power with faith.

So, the Holy Sword Corps, which was once more promising than anyone else, was dispatched to a place no one could find. To not even give a thought to what that means.

[Apostate steals the power of God and uses it… !]

“Whoops. Are you curious? Are you an apostate or a heretic? How do you steal God’s power? Is that stealing? Is it an omnipotent god that steals something like power?”

Thunderbolts of lightning strike again as Hilde smiles after completing first aid. Uraehoeju, who realized his true identity, poured his strength without hesitation. However.

“Rain and wind, lightning and storm. He couldn’t stop the saintess from coming.”

As Granahilde placed her hand on her chest and recited her prayer, her thunderbolt ‘missed’. It is not enough to simply say that it missed. The lightning suddenly changed direction and hit the floor as if avoiding Hilde.

Something that happened once in the very distant past. A miracle that the first saintess performed herself. The anecdote of crossing the continent through storms and lightning is realized beyond time and in faith.

[Heavenly Protection… !]

“Look~. ‘I’ can definitely use divine power. More skillfully than you! If so, wouldn’t the actions of ‘I’ also be permitted by God?”


Even without the protection of the heavenly spirit, qigong masters who have reached the level are not greatly threatened by lightning. If you achieve Geongon and catch your senses, you can perform feats such as sending thunderbolts down your feet using qigong.

The only way to fight is hand-to-hand combat. Instead of pouring out thunderbolts, the thunderbolt re-entered the body. To directly punish heresy and eradicate barbarism.

Hilde smiled in front of the approaching angel of thunder.

“By the way, ‘I’, is this possible?”

Hilde crossed her hands and caressed her on the shoulder. As if playing her lonely person, with a sad and pitiful face.

“‘My’ faith is a sword. I will cut the evil with the light and light the way. Holy maiden of the beginning, look down on ‘that’.”

Then, Hilde pulled out a blade of light from both of her shoulders. Hilde, who let out her breath deeply, muttered as she twirled her blade.

“Holy sword, mounting sword.”

From noble mtl dot com

The reason why the holy sword belt is called the holy sword belt. Those who forge faith into blades are endowed with blessed weapons. Embraces the Holy Sword with ideal powers in your chest.

Undoubtedly, Hilde is a devout believer. With the faith in her heart, her forged blade proves it….

“Cool, right? How is it? Even with ‘my’ faith, the holy sword comes out!”

[You bastard!]

Thunderbolt’s thunderous fist fell. The destructive power of the fist clad in the power of thunder is beyond that of a thunderbolt. In response, Hilde gently drew her dagger and let go of her fist. She rides her crossed twin swords at an angle and her fists drop.

Hilde took advantage of the gap she had lost her strength and hit the side of the Thunder Lord with her qigong. Wu Le Hui-ju, whose posture has collapsed, is unable to respond. Instead, Wu Lehuiju moved her body as if against her feet. Along with the fierce collision, the energy of the two rebelled and was pushed back.

Hilde brushed her feet and said.

“He hits his leg with his side. Are you saying that if you have a strong body, you don’t need it because it’s a strategy or a skill? Ignorantly.”

[This must also be arranged by heaven. I’m going to root out all the aftereffects here. Both you and the savage.]

“Could that really be the case? ‘I’, because I pulled out the holy sword? Even if there is a vampire right next to it!”

In her travels so far, Hilde has hardly shown her divine power. It was because the Sijo, who would tear apart anything related to the heavenly god next to her, had her eyes wide open. The killing machine dedicated to Seonghwangcheong, who never sleeps, is tenacious, and even powerful, has a strange sixth sense, so it grasps and tracks the signs of divine power like a ghost.

In the first place, no matter how much it was the holy sword, it was not allowed to work in front of her nose. With what kind of confidence did you do it?

There must be someone to offend the anger to. Hilde generously used her divine power to sing her ancestor. In a little while, the vampire will come running and erase everything related to Seonghwangcheong.

However, Uraehoeju replied as if he had already expected everything.

[If you’re talking about Sijo, she can’t come.]

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