This is a chaotic situation.

Valdamir, the Elder Red Blood Ball, who has mastered Blood Sculpture to the limit, polished his Qigong, and accepted all the years he was given as experience. He’s obviously a formidable foe.

However, Seonghwangcheong was a group that always won a decision victory against such vampires. Against vampires who do not die and become wiser with each passing year, they have enjoyed success while fighting multi-faceted battles with other cultists.

In a way, it is natural. Because the future belongs to the saintess.

Precisely, it must be because he uses the future better than anyone else. Same thing. Because the saintess is the only one in the world who can see the future.

From noble mtl dot com

“It would be better if everyone were martyred right here. With that, order would have been established.”

The Saint of Steel is invincible. No matter what the world is like, no matter how strong the vampires are. She is not harmed to the extent of her dust.

In other words, everything about her except her could be ruined. The place where the steel saint shines is the fierce battleground on all sides. Fer-El always comes back to life covered in her blood, which is not her own. Even in her worst situation, she can foresee her own survival.

Therefore, the Saint of Steel only heads for such battlefields. Where she doesn’t mind if everyone but herself dies.

“But what if we neglect this side? It’s too obvious. If you want to stop the slaughter, you’d have been better off leaving the red blood balls alone, too?”

If your goal was to save them, you wouldn’t have brought them in the first place. The future that the steel saint can see is limited to herself, but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t predict the least.

The Saint of Steel didn’t care even when her true intentions were revealed.

“Don’t dig into the devil. There is no treasure in a tightly closed box. Only the sins and tragedies that curiosity will bring will overflow. The demons you dug up will make humans miserable.”

“Makes people miserable? Is there anything more miserable than death?”

“Death is miserable because life is noble. However, the demon you uncovered destroys the value of life, faith, and soul. Like those vampires, they will break down the boundary between life and death and reduce humans to inferior beings. This is a warning, a request, and a request at the same time.”

Perel spoke in a tone that I did not know who he was talking to, but I knew that it was directed at me. That this was the saintess’ own persuasion.

The mere presence of vampires puts humans in the position of prey. Vampires who demand human blood are predators, and humans have no choice but to become food and livestock. In addition, the races of reverse heaven overcome even death and enjoy eternal life. Seonghwangcheong did not hate vampires for nothing.

The secret of the thunder demon is probably more than blood manipulation. The secret that the lightning thief wanted to keep even while hiding the lightning is so dark and deep. The Seonghwangcheong, including the Steel Saint, were wary of that.

No matter how true it is, the saintess is trying to convince me? That’s interesting.

Thank you for being considerate, but there and I’m standing in a different place.

“Vampires are human too.”

A word with multiple meanings. Maybe it was a natural fact, and maybe it was a new touching comment for Tyr.

However, it approached the saintess differently.

“… Even the fact that humans corrupt themselves is human karma. Do you even approve of that?”

Because it was a euphemistic but clear refusal. I smiled and nodded at him, and Fer-El drooped his shoulders as if grieved.

At that moment, Ferel moved.

No, she didn’t move. However, in my mind reading, Ferel had already moved. Fer-El had foreseen her move, and she knew it was the future that would never change, and she was destined to come.

The steel saint rushes. She throws out a fist that crushes anything. Her bare fists passed through my chest, stopping behind my back like the wind.

-This hasn’t even started yet, but the promised future no matter what I do.

I thought he would foresee my death right away just because he refused. It’s not persuasion, it’s an ultimatum, right?

Rather than that, can I avoid this?

While I was grumbling inside, Ferel finished his wisdom.

For every result, there is a process leading to it. Even though Valdamir’s movements were amazing, if you look closely at each one, it was the result of a meticulous combination of skill and power.

However, the wisdom of the saintess is of a different class. She observes the outcome in advance and forcibly follows the process. In particular, Fer-El’s self-knowledge possessed the power to be called absolute, as the scope of her foreknowledge was extremely reduced. Even the invincible ability that earned her the nickname of the Saint of Steel is just one feature.

Her blessing Fer-El received was the Force of Foresight. The Iron Prophecy has put an end to me.

The fabric that wrapped around her fists snapped, revealing Fer El’s bare fists. Her wisdom is a double-edged sword. It is sharper than anything when aiming the blade at an opponent, but at the same time, it has the power to cut through itself. Up until now, he had limited his power, but, unfortunately, he revealed his power to kill me.

Her own future, which she foresaw, will ‘definitely’ come true. Since the result was promised, the observed Ferel is invincible. No obstacle can stand in the way of her future….

Even time.

Fer El foresaw her movements beyond her limits. She twists reality with the power of her magnetism and her foreknowledge, at a speed that the human beast could never achieve.

The process has disappeared. To spur the ground, to give strength, to push the body, to go through the wind. By omitting all such processes, only the results that Fer-El foresaw were fulfilled. For an instant, Fer-El was present everywhere in her that she foreknowledge. Dot to dot connects, painting the path black.

An absolute power that even a saint must handle with care. Without any omens, only the results predicted by the lofty heavenly gods came true. The world is modified to carry out foreknowledge, and the aftermath alone brings storms and roars. A miracle beyond the concept of speed, only to kill one person.

Ripping the world apart, Ferel’s fist pierced my body….


No matter how high-powered she is. No matter how majestic and powerful a demon god might protect them, it couldn’t be faster than Ferel’s will.

Because the saintess is also human.

“… !”

There are many ways to deal with the prophecy, but the easiest way is to cheat the prophecy. Even if the prophecy is perfect, the person who reads it can’t be perfect either.

My body collapses. A card with an 8 of spades flying in all directions like a popped balloon. With the power of the golden mirror, the elixir, I turned the clothes and clouds that touched my body into cards. What I thought Ferel had broken was my mistake, which I made hastily with cards.

Fortunately for her, the only thing Fer-El can foresee is her own future. I used all of her powers to pull her body out of the trajectory that Fer-El had foreseen her. My head is dizzy and my ears are full just because I moved too fast, but I was alive anyway.

Ferel shouted.

“Forcing a demon into your body! A taboo to be cursed… !”

You know right away. I answered, trying to ignore the tingling pain in my limbs.

“Are you cursed with just this? What the. Compared to what you’ve done, it’s new blood. Compared to the unknown foreknowledge, what I did is just a catch technique!”

For someone with the ability to force the future to see such a trapping technique and curse it. Are all the curses of the world dead?

Seven of spades, thunderbolt. This card can draw thin lightning bolts and wind them like a skein of thread. Unlike the one Peru used, this thread of lightning is too weak to attack, but… The weak are weak in their own way.

I took this thread of lightning into my body. The thread of the lightning penetrated the nerves that ran throughout my body.

Before meeting the demon, it would have been just self-inflicted madness, but now that I met the lightning thief and found out the secret… You can move your body just by thinking.

… Having said that, it really doesn’t matter.

Originally, the body moves with thoughts. Even if you use the power of a demon, you are simply omitting the process of thoughts being transmitted to your body. Even though I read it with mind reading and said this, I was beaten and almost died.

I’m sure 100 out of 100 would think that way, but strangely the saintess didn’t seem to agree. Ferel glared at me like a demon.

“The Demon God you use will one day lead all humans to ruin. King of men, bear in mind. When the end of man comes, you too will not be the same.”

“Let me know. First of all, I am human, so protect me first.”

Fer El bit his lip. He bit so hard that he could see blood oozing out of his teeth. Even though he is invincible, he must be able to harm himself.

You want to take care of me right away, but you can’t do it anymore. Because darkness has come.

Even in the Cloud Falls, where the visibility was already poor, an alien darkness surged in. The pitch-black darkness that you can’t even see in front of you fills your field of vision. That is the power the vampire gained to fight against the Holy Emperor, and the weight of the pain that the ancestor Tirkanjaka went through.

Darkness is like the inside of Tyr’s body. You cannot see the future where there is no light. Self-precognition is still possible, but it will be a tedious sit-in. Even if he foresaw where he might be, it would be nothing more than floundering in the water if he couldn’t see his surroundings.

“You don’t even know what I’m talking about and you go wild… ! I will make you regret appearing in front of me!”

You showed too much ability. Coming up with a countermeasure isn’t something that Seonghwangcheong alone can do.

Darkness swirls around Ferel. In the darkness where he couldn’t even see his own limbs, Fer El opened his mouth with a miserable face.

“The first saint who blessed this maidservant. Is this really the time allowed for this servant girl….”

In the darkness like a swamp, Ferel muttered. She could no longer envision a fighting future, so she decided to retreat according to her foreknowledge. For me, it was a lucky thing.

“You think you can get away?!”

No, Tyr. Let’s just send some The invincible being will take care of it. Holding her ankle would only hurt her hand.

Before leaving, Ferel, who calmly searched for directions in the darkness where an ordinary person would die from suffocation, warned in this direction.

“The progenitor Tirkanjaka. You’d better not trust the king of men. He can be an ally of a vampire, but… He will never become an ally of the vampire Mann.”

Tyr snorted without paying attention.

“Play the oracle with your chess pieces. Do you know how to be swayed by that?”

“… There is no need for foreknowledge, but the answer comes out if you think about it for a bit. If your heart is closed, you won’t be able to hear my sincere advice.”

Leaving ominous words until the end, Ferel disappeared in the darkness. Even in the darkness where she can’t see anything ahead, she seems to have clearly seen only the future where she can get out of here. She felt her reality warp, and before she knew it, her thoughts of Fer-El had disappeared. She ran away

Even if she suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the continent, in the middle of enemy lines, she could retreat without getting hurt. Someone is arguing not to make enemies! Well, if you have that kind of power, you’ll be safe even if you fight all over the place.

“Huh. It’s like subtle things. If you say you can read the future, all you know how to do is schizophrenia and manipulation.”

“It must have been because it was valid. Did it work this time too? I made a life-and-death decision with Claudia even though there was no other reason.”

I shrugged and looked around.

If you look closely, Seonghwangcheong only managed to capture one member of Uraehoeju. But this much blood was shed. Hundreds of thunderstorm lords and thunder guardians who had been leading and managing Claudia so far are dead, so now, even if no one touches them more, the rings of the silver circle will be entwined and swollen like a snowball.

Fortunately, the nations now have kings who will be both hated and feared.

“… Leave.”

The kings of the nations issued a decree to celebrate us.

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