Omniscient Reader

Chapter 10 - Yoo Jonghyuk's side quest #9: Compliments are good for the health. [part 7]

Silently standing in front of the bus stop was a tall black-clothed man. The regressor's handsome face was bound to attract bees and buŧŧerflies from all the sides, but thanks to the cold gaze plus the aloof aura he gave off, Yoo Jonghyuk managed to distance the others from himself and the small companion beside him. Additionally, he also easily hid the much more lean figure of the boy behind his towering and muscular frame, but because the regressor was facing the other way he didn't notice the distressed expression on the latter's face.

Yoo Jonghyuk didn't want to be on the limelight, but a certain system seemed to keep testing his already very shallow patience. Even though he saw no notification from the system yet, the regressor was sure everything was its doing. Yes, definitely. There were no other possibilities available.

Kim Dokja looked rather helpless as he softly muttered under his breath. "Hyung doesn't really need to come with me..."

But the regressor gave no other reaction besides a flat response without turning around.

"I do what I want."

With all the burning gazes locking on that fresh piece of meat, Kim Dokja felt a strange sense of déjà vu accompanied by the overwhelming urge to run away and seek shelter. Wherever Yoo Jonghyuk's frigid eyes landed people would avert their gazes, but immediately look again after the scare.

It's almost a given that humans are always gluttonous for eye candies and this can also be considered the 'curse' of being too handsome. No matter where or when, even if they aren't doing anything and just standing still, they'll always draw unwanted attention towards themselves. Just like some overpowered wizard in an MMORPG who keep stealing the aggro because of their insane amount of damage, making the DPS' dealers and tanks nothing more than a joke.

Kim Dokja really wanted to whip out his phone from his pockets to make a quick search: "What to do if my hyung is too handsome? Need answers ASAP!"

Not only the young Kim Dokja felt vexed, but there was also someone else who was feeling even more frustrated than him at this moment. The more he thought about it, the more he felt irked. Yoo Jonghyuk wasn't a man of many words, but now he really wanted to lash out his pent up frustration at least verbally, since killing people is still against the law here. Besides, weren't the hooligans in this neighborhood very abundant? Where are they when needed?

If certain individuals could hear those ruthless thoughts coming from this equally ruthless man... As for those pitiful fellows, there would be no other place left for them to cry but the local hospital.

Unsurprisingly, Yoo Jonghyuks revealed himself extremely popular and the notion of taking the bus was immediately kicked out as Kim Dokja shivered from the intensity of those fierce gazes. In the end, they decided to hail a cab instead of facing that wolfish crowd head-on.

From home to the prison, by taking the bus, the trip would approximately last about one hour or more. Everything was calculated and as per usual Kim Dokja would arrive at the destination always perfectly on time for the visiting hours. However, because they took a cab this time, the trip was relatively cut short and they could only wait outside the building.

The prison was situated on the outskirts of the city where no other facilities could be open without proper authorization from the higher-ups. But despite the fact that it was a prison situated in a remote area, in this place, there is actually a beautiful forest of gingko trees and now that fall was here, the view became even more breathtaking. Besides, according to recent studies of renowned psychologists, the rural atmosphere was said to further aid the prisoners' rehabilitation process.

The two figures walked together harmoniously under the gentle shadows cast by the golden trees, the silence between them was interrupted only by the eventually rhythmic footsteps while the golden leaves drifted around their path. The branches of the gingko trees swayed gracefully as the cold autumn breeze passed.

The gingko tree was a lonesome existence and it was regarded as a living fossil being the sole survivor after millions of years of natural selection. The tree represented the symbol of unity between contradictions, the strength of determination and undying hope. But most importantly, it represented the changeless past. Although the view was the same, it was unsure what both of them had in mind as they watched the beautiful scenery together.

After the time finally arrived, they both headed inside the building. Kim Dokja could already feel hot gazes directed towards this natural attention magnet again. He couldn't help but sigh as he shoots a resentful glare towards the unshakable giant iceberg beside him. But as he was about voice out his dissatisfaction, a hand gently landed on his shoulder and left after a gentle pat to get noticed.

Kim Dokja flinched and yelped in surprise. But as soon as he saw the familiar face, he politely greeted the woman who suddenly appeared before them. "Daehwa sunbae is also here today?"

"But... Daehwa sunbae won't that be too presumptuous of me? After all, you didn't want to be called Mrs. Song so I thought you preferred another type of honorific."

The policewoman before him furrowed her beautiful brows and looked at Kim Dokja with her glossy and inky eyes, she was making her stand very clear. "Drop that story already, we know each other since the day I was transferred here. Besides, didn't you call the man beside you hyung? He looks like one of my peers so if you won't call him ajusshi then you'll have to call me noona!"

The youth couldn't refuse such a warming approach form the older woman whom he considered a mentor figure in his life. Additionally, it would be rude of him to refuse to oblige such a simple request from the other party.

"Daehwa-noona... Is this ok?"

"Much better now little lad. So who's the handsome man beside you Dokja?" Song Daehwa could internally breathe a sigh of relief after finally being able to ask the pressing question that was troubling her little racing heart.

The man called in question remained silent during the whole exchange as he didn't saw the need for doing pointless small talks with a stranger. Maybe it was also because chiming in between a conversation isn't what Yoo Jonghyuk usually did anyway. This was simply not his style of doing things. And even after being purposely dragged in the discussion by the sudden inquiry of the woman, Yoo Jonghyuk still feigned being mute.

Scratching the back of his neck rather awkwardly, Kim Dokja could clearly see the unhidden thirsty beast in Song Daehwa's eyes showing interest towards the handsome man beside him. This situation put him in a rather uncomfortable position between the two. Daehwa-noona clearly wanted Kim Dokja to work as a mediator between the two. But the latter felt strangely overprotective towards this newfound hyung of his. Although he had been friends with Song Daehwa for many years, the black-clothed man was a no go even for the Deputy Police Chief!

"This is my hyung, I mean, Jonghyuk-hyung! He's one of my cousins and decided to pay me a visit while he was staying here for work. And he's already engaged."

By simply taking into account the fact that he managed to lie so shamelessly without blinking an eye shows the roots for the future scamm- brilliant man that he'll become.

"Is that so? Can I ask in which field this sir works?"

Song Daehwa looked just like a blooming flower even if she was almost reaching her thirties, nevertheless, one should not think that she was a mȧturė woman. On the contrary, she was rather childish but also a very headstrong woman. How can she even make it as a Deputy Police Chief if she had been just another pretty flower vase?

Just as Kim Dokja's walls were about to fall because of the strong siege, a deep husky voice sounded beside his ear just as the reinforcements arrived on the dire battlefield. The regressor skillfully managed to slip away as he started to speak while dragging away the surprised teen along with him.

"You can say I work in the entertainment circle. But I believe my little 'cousin' has something to do and we shouldn't delay for too long."

"..." I never knew hyung had such eloquence!

As if Yoo Jonghyuk understood the meaning behind Kim Dokja's shocked expressions, he answered almost in a mocking sneer. "Do you think I would waste so much breath just on anyone?"


Seated before a glass panel where form the other side a woman in her mid-thirties wearing an orange jumpsuit was sending a deceitful smile back. "You have come again."

"Yes..." Kim Dokja answered with honesty.

Since the beginning, the teen had forcefully put a cheerful façade but the sudden stillness of his movements couldn't escape the regressor's eyes. One could only wonder how did their relationship ended up like this...

Kim Dokja hid a pained smile while turning his face away to get the food inside the bag for her. After passing the lunchbox to the policeman in charge, Lee Sookyung received her son's homecooked meal. However, as she opened the lunchbox, the fragrant smell and exquisite arrangement of the dishes were something very different from what she had expected. Is not that she didn't put faith in her son's skills, but... The woman raised her head with a meaningful look in her eyes and spoke doubtfully.

"You... Have improved?"

"No! No! Hyung helped me this time! He's a very talented cook!"

Kim Dokja waved his hand anxiously while pulling the other man closer. While he kept bragging about Yoo Jonghyuk's culinary skills with pride as if he was the one who had made the meal.

As she bewilderedly stared at the incredible display of intimacy her son was showing with the latter, Lee Sookyung finally graced her attention to the black-clothed man seated beside the smiling Kim Dokja. And as soon as she saw the unfamiliar handsome appearance of the man, no words were needed to understand how she was feeling. Her son was still so young, he doesn't even have a girlfriend, and yet his legacy was already being sealed away.

No, she won't allow that to happen! The only man allowed in her son's life is that 2D character called Yoo Jonghyuk! At least he won't pose any threat for my future grandchildren!

"Do you think I'll be swayed so easily with some food?"

The woman refused to admit how much the food tempted her, closing her eyes, she picked up a small sample of a random dish with a pair of chopsticks. Lee Sookyung brought the food inside her mouth and started chewing, the flavourful explosion momentarily stunned her. Betrayed by her own body, she kept eating in silence.

Giving a side-eye to her son, Lee Sookyung felt that her eyes couldn't stand that pinkish aura anymore. "Can you two spare some face for this old maid and stop flirting in front of me?"

"M-Mom! What are saying!"

Even more pink flowers were thrown at the single dogs out there. Poor Kim Dokja answered too fast to deny everything, making everything seem even shadier and suspicious.

As mother Lee was thinking about a strategy, an unforeseen ally had joined her camp. The Deputy Police Chief had come in because she needed to talk with Kim Dokja in private, which means there were only two people left here.

Lee Sookyung was giving the cold man an equally icy glare that bore through the thick atmosphere. "Leave my son."

He was unsure if it was because of the strict and authoritative tone which the woman had used or simply that crude rudeness directed at him. But the regressor took it as a challenge and refused to back away.


Hearing such a nonchalant answer angered the woman even further. Clenching her hands on her knees, Lee Sookyung emanated a thick aura filled with hostility as she answered through gritted teeth.

"You don't understand and you don't need to. Being too close with each other will bring danger for both you and my son. And to speak truthfully, I don't care about you. Only about my son."

The expression of the middle-aged woman became gloomy as her whole body became enveloped by a heavy aura of desolation and loneliness.

"Don't be a busybody. Their stories always end tragically."

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