Omniscient Reader

Chapter 16 - Yoo Jonghyuk's side quest #15: Compliments are good for the health. [part 12]

"I don't want to waste any more time with you." Kim Dokja was getting impatient but his voice still remained unperturbed like an unrippled lake.

Kim Sunri evilly chuckled, satisfied with this small victory she accomplished. However, she should really try to understand that even if she the legitimate child of his father, she's now the bastard child of karma only bound to endless jinxes and misfortune.

"And why should I tell-"

She was in the midst of laughing but the sudden knocking on the front door interrupted her small theatre. The young man whipped his head back and looked intently at the door while disregarding any ominous feeling the girl behind him was experiencing.

"Finally..." Kim Dokja heaved a big sigh of relief. He couldn't bring himself to interact with this kind forbidding woman anymore.

As the door clicked open, the figure of an unknown man wearing a surgeon mask leaning leisurely against the doorframe came into view. He was two head taller than Kim Dokja... Well, most of the people are taller than Kim Dokja's small frame anyway. This advantage allowed Jun to easily see past the short young man. And as he entered the house, the dark locks that almost entirely covered his forehead swayed as he lightly nodded to the teen before casting a shallow glance towards the startled girl.

It was difficult to discern any emotions from those dull yet piercing eyes. The mysterious guest remained still for a few seconds before showing a disgruntled expression on his half-covered face. Displaying his unwillingness to get closer to the foolish-looking maiden standing before them as if her presence alone stained the surroundings.

"Are you two related? How can a cute little fox have any blood relationship with this kind of rotten fruit?"

"R-Rotten...!" Kim Sunri was left tongue-tied as she subconsciously retreated a few steps, accidentally hitting the sofa behind her with one leg causing her to stumble and lose balance. Her sorry figure ended up clumsily landing on the undeserving soft mattress.

"Not only rotten... Also clumsy and retarded. How sad."

Kim Sunri felt vexed. Not only he openly insulted her, but now they also have the galls to merrily chat together as if nothing was concerning them. And all this while they treated her existence as something less important than mere air!

"I heard everything you know?" Jun said in a lighthearted manner.

Kim Dokja had a strained smile while the corner of his mouth uncontrollably twitched. "Jun-ssi, did you put spying devices in my house?"

Responding to that inquiry, the masked man spoke in a rather matter-of-fact tone while leisurely crossing his arms. "No, not in your house but in your phone. I only managed to install the trojan horse because you opened the file~"

Kim Dokja sighed and couldn't help but massage the twitching temples of his aching forehead. There isn't anyone normal around him. The teen wasn't sure why, however, Jun started giving him some meaningful glances after seeing him so distressed.

"Don't worry though. I didn't tape any of your deeds~"

"What are you even talking about..."

As the young man heaved another exasperated sigh. With his eyes closed shut in annoyance, he turned his head sideways and when he reopened them again, the still frozen girl entered inside his field of vision. He paused a few seconds to realize that the foolish girl was about to make another rash move. Kim Sunri is a girl with a lot of temper issues. But maybe there was just too much adrenaline rushing through her brain and muddled her judgment.

"I- I am still here!"

The courage of the fool was short-lived as it was immediately shot down by another piercing glare. Unfortunately for Kim Sunri, she wasn't the only one having a weird temper, but compared with her paper tiger growls, the other party's temper isn't as harmless. The masked man is someone with a very volatile mood and no one knows when he'll rampage next time. It could be a small matter or it may be nothing at all that angered him, but one thing is for sure. He isn't sane and shouldn't be trifled with.

"And no one will miss you if you shut up." Having said that, Jun turned around and took out something out from his jacket while the teen beside him was giving him skeptical looks.

Jun looked unconcerned as he skillfully handled the pistol in his left hand, just a weapon which he recently acquired from a guy unlucky enough to get robbed on the road. The firearm was a Colt M1911, a rather common weapon used by the police force. It was a shame that they don't have any tracking device installed in them.

Jun used the tip of the gun to lift the chin of the frightened girl, thus allowing them to make proper eye contact. "Aren't you a pitiful one?"

"How idiotic."

Although a sense of looming dread bore down on her, Kim Sunri still couldn't understand when to yield. But when she suddenly felt something cold and metallic pressed against her skull, everything she wanted to say clogged inside her throat. She could swear that crazy man laughed at her before slowly pulling away the gun. The girl started shuddering before slowly glancing upwards, her eyes gradually widened when she found herself face to face with the glaring darkness of the muzzle positioned just a few inches away from her head.

"You don't even realize that your oh-so-beloved father already sold you off to a devil."

Looking down at her was the ruthless gaze of the masked man. His words shook her to the core. Her heart sank because the truth she had been searching for was given by the man threatening her life and not by the person she had trusted. Kim Sunri wanted to doubt him, but his words were akin to a bucket of ice-cold water which brought her back to her senses.

Staring at the cold metallic black barrel pointed at her forehead, Kim Sunri immediately knew that she wasn't getting out unscathed from this situation. While the heavy pressure in the air kept slowly suffocating her. The fear of death was now looming over her heart. Not yet... She wanted to live and ask him why at least... She didn't want to die with such regrets.

Kim Sunri felt every strand of hair on her back tense up as cold sweat trickled down every inch of her skin. But fortunately for her, Kim Dokja still wanted to ask her more questions. The young man glanced sideways at the masked man and clearly stated his intentions to the latter.

"Jun-ssi, I want her to continue what she left unsaid before."

"... Sure."

Kim Sunri's eye lit up. She wanted to speak, there was no reason for her not to. But the tension was so high that she ended up stumbling with her words.

"You know that speaking gibberish is acceptable only if you're a baby or cute. And unfortunately for you." The masked man's lips curved into a cold grin under the mask, cheerfully talking as if the subject was today's weather.

"You don't fit in neither of those categories."

" N-N... No! Wait! I- I'll s-speak...!"

Jun's looked at the trembling girl with a pair of apathetic eyes, placing a finger on the trigger and pulling it fully to the rear, the masked man's wicked grin was hidden underneath that white surgeon mask. He casually lifted the gun as if it was nothing but another mundane miscellaneous task for him. The cold barrel of the gun was pressed against the fair skin of her sweaty forehead. Kim Sunri now trembled as the unceremonious voice of the man ringed in her ears like a death sentence.

"Too late."

He stepped back a few steps while still pointing the end of the barrel in her direction.

And then, with a loud 'bang', he fired the shot.


A bullet flew into the air, it would have been a sure shot, but Kim Dokja's hand managed to push away the arm holding the gun in time, making him miss the target only by a hair.

As a small streak of smoke came out from the muzzle of Jun's gun, on the wall behind, a hole bored through just a few centimeters away from where her head could have burst. The sound of the firing gun had been definitely loud enough to alarm some neighbors. However, Kim Dokja sincerely hoped for no one to step inside the house. For their safety, it is better to restrain their curiosity.

"I don't want a corpse in my house, thank you very much!"

The masked man just shrugged his shoulders and laughed it off. After carefully putting the weapon away, Jun rummaged through the pockets of the fainted girl searching for the item he needed. The masked man grunted and scoffed. It wasn't there.

"Do you know where her phone is?"

"Try to look in the toilet..." Kim Dokja hand motioned towards upstairs as he grumpily talked.

Just when he was about to step on the stairs, the masked man abruptly stopped and turned back. "Kim Sungwoo had people tailing the man beside you for days now and the moment he stepped outside that door, he will be a dead man!... That is what she wanted to say."



Jun fiddled with the pink phone in his hands before taking out his own to write something down. He will later send another text to bait the snake out, the one sent with Kim Sunri's phone will cover some of his doubts. But in the end, he's still relying on Kim Sungwoo's natural greedy nature for the following plan.

The masked man sat at the kitchen table while mumbling to himself. On the other side of the living room, Kim Dokja brought a wet towel and tended at the motionless lass on the sofa. How bothersome... Is what he thought while wiping away the sweat from that pale face. Only because he didn't want another ghost haunting his house meant that he also had to tend her too.

After Jun finished his business, he threw the phone on the ground and raised the gun to shot it into smithereens. The sudden noise startled the teen who jolted in surprise and dropped the wet towel on Kim Sunri's face.

"What are you doing! Stop shooting will you? Do you want cops on the door or what?!"

The masked man just blankly stared at the fussy teen reprimanding him. A small seed of worry began sprouting immediately after he felt satisfied by accomplishing the first step of his master plan.

"Little fox what if my plan A doesn't work?"

Kim Dokja just sighed and lifted the towel from the unconscious girl's face who frowned a little. Seeing that she's was starting to rouse up again, the teen sighed in relief and threw the towel away before answering Jun's question.

"Then just make a plan B."



"You are a genius little fox!"


After that, Kim Dokja felt a solid hit behind his head. His vision starting to blur and his body began swaying unsteadily before falling down on the cold floor.

"That's indeed a genius idea~"

Everything unfolded before Kim Sunri's hazy vision, all she could see was a blurry silhouette falling down before her. She squirmed while trying to get up, but before she could do that, she was hit on the head with the handle of the gun that Jun just put away. The masked man hummed in joy and delight.

"Hope you call the police after that. I want more people to come and witness Kim Sungwoo public execution~"

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