I took my time studying the person before my eyes. My heart rate sped up greatly, and my breathing became ragged, as well. Something touched a box of memories that shouldn't be touched, and words began leaking out from this box buried deep within the recess of the darkness.

⸢"Where is the Arondight? Are you the one hiding it?"⸥

That was the first time I encountered that dude. While firmly holding me by my collars, he asked me that question.

⸢"If you're not planning to answer me, then I shall use force to find out."⸥

The golden [Eye of Sage] gleaming brightly just like back then was right there, waiting.
A migraine assaulted me, and my view distorted like that of an abstract painting. The voice from the memories continued on in the meantime.

⸢"That 'world' you've shown me, does it really exist?"⸥
⸢Applicable individual isn't a 'Character'.⸥

There existed certain memories that should never be forgotten even if one wanted to, and perhaps the memories of that regression turn were precisely 'that' for me.
I failed to save Yu Jung-Hyeok of that turn. He left for the next turn, still wearing the white coat.
I had never forgotten the sight of his back, surrounded by bright light and leaving me and Han Su-Yeong of the 1863rd turn behind in complete freedom.
"You are...."
For the longest time, I lost myself and stared at the 'Yu Jung-Hyeok' sitting on the throne. The scar on his sunken cheeks, those dark, deeply withdrawn eyes – everything belonged to the 1863rd turn Yu Jung-Hyeok that I remembered.
However, my shock didn't end there.

[Constellation, 'Secretive Plotter', is looking at you.]

….The Secretive Plotter??
Only then did I finally discover the ominous, evil aura rising up from that Yu Jung-Hyeok's entire figure. This 'evil' was different from that of the Demon Kings. No, this was Chaos that the didn't recognise as either 'Good' or 'Evil'.
I was about to say something, but then, something emitted bright light from within my inner pocket.

[Exclusive Attribute, 'Scenario Interpreter', is activating!]

[Great Fable, 'Season of Light and Darkness', is reacting to your Attribute.]

As if it was waiting for this moment, the Fable began telling its story. Two Yu Jung-Hyeoks were in a certain place.

⸢[Go back. You can't save anyone.]⸥

⸢"....The Secretive Plotter?"⸥

As if they were stuck in fast-forward, scenes sped along in my mind. They were fragmented information, sure, but still, they were also plenty enough for me to figure out the current situation.
….So, that's what happened.
I began to gradually understand what was going on here.
Next up was the sight of Yu Jung-Hyeok crashing, Yi Ji-Hye catching him, and finally, the Ark leaving the Isle. It seemed that the had safely escaped from the 'Isle of Reincarnators'.

[Great Fable, 'Season of Light and Darkness', has stopped its storytelling.]

I sighed softly under the breath and shifted my gaze over to the existence atop the throne. The 'Secretive Plotter' looked down at me from his spot at the same time.

['The 4th Wall' is strongly activating!]

My heart calmed down and my reasoning returned to me bit by bit. I sucked in a couple of quick but deep breaths and opened my lips to speak. "If you were planning to make me panic using that appearance, then well, congratulations, you succeeded splendidly."
[Have you not used polite speech towards me earlier?]
"I'm merely treating you the way that fits with your choice to appear as Yu Jung-Hyeok."
I appeared completely unflustered by his aura, and as if he was amused by it, the Plotter's lips twitched slightly. Not caring whether he did or not, I simply continued on. "The 'Secretive Plotter'. I suggest we do the 'Three Divine Questions and Answers'."
[And why would I agree to do that?]
"There's no way that you're the 1863rd turn Yu Jung-Hyeok. It's impossible, actually."
[What makes you think that?]
"You wish to know? As an aside, there are three reasons, you see."
A faint flash of light flickered in the 'Secretive Plotter's eyes.
"So, are you interested or not?"
[Although tempting, it's not a fair trade, is it.]
The 'Secretive Plotter' stared at me with a pair of quiet, contemplative eyes. He seemed to be thinking about something, and also, maybe a bit angry, as well.
Just how long passed by like this? His left eyebrow quivered rather greatly. I suddenly recalled a certain passage from the 'Ways of Survival' just then.

⸢Whenever Yu Jung-Hyeok makes a serious decision, his left eyebrow would quiver.⸥

The Secretive Plotter spoke. [I'll put forth a condition.]
"What kind?"
[I'm sure you're curious as to why I brought you here.]
I nodded my head. Of course I was curious.
[However, you can't ask me about that. Because, I can't tell you. Some answers can only be resolved by you actively searching for the right question first.]
"What kind of a Buddha-like utterance is that??"
[I shall agree to the 'Three Divine Questions and Answers' now. You can ask me about three things, but you can't ask me a question related to 'why you've been brought to here'.]
"Is that your condition?"
[One other thing. When you're done with the Three Questions, you must figure out the 'reason you had to be brought' here.]
Now that was something I didn't expect at all and I momentarily panicked. "What if I fail to do that?"
The 'Secretive Plotter' didn't reply. Instead, he raised his lengthy finger and rested it on the armrest of his throne.
Just that simple action alone sent a chill down my spine.

⸢Can I defeat him in my current condition?⸥

I began inspecting all the Fables I possessed, from the legendary grade one all the way to the Great Fables….
"It'll be better for you to stop doing something foolish."
It was none other than the kkoma Yu Jung-Hyeok number [999] standing next to me who said that. I smirked and looked down at him. "Are you worried about me?"
"It's annoying to remove a corpse, that's all."
"....What are you exactly, anyway?"
[Are you using your allotted questions, then? Good.]
"No, hang on a minu..."
Before I could finish my sentence, though, messages began floating up.

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- Three Divine Questions and Answers has begun.

- Both sides can exchange three questions and three answers.

- Both sides can refuse to answer one question each.

- Questions and Answers will not end until both sides have asked a question and answered it properly.

- You are now using your right to ask the first question.

I caught the kkoma Yu Jung-Hyeok number [666] grinning slyly on the side. Sons of bitches.
Still, now that things had ended up like this, I figured it'd not be so bad to hear their story now.
[They are my dependents.]
"I hope you aren't planning to end your answer like that. I'd prefer for you to be a bit more in-depth now that you're planning to tell me things anyway. I'd be eternally grateful if you so graciously explain yourself properly on what your definition of dependents are, whether it's something like [Avatar] or if it's something similar to the dependents Demon Kings have."
I spoke as cautiously as possible to make sure that what I said didn't sound like the second question. That prompted the kkoma Yu Jung-Hyeok number [777] to sigh in admiration and speak up. "He sure talks a lot, doesn't he."
"I wasn't talking to you."
[They are beings that have received my memories.]

- You have acquired the first answer.

"So, it's similar to the [Avatar] skill, then."
[It's my turn. Tell me the first reason why I can't be the '1863rd turn Yu Jung-Hyeok'.]
"If you were really Yu Jung-Hyeok from the 1863rd turn, then there's no way you'd be wearing that white coat."
[....Why not?]
"The Stigma 'Regression' only sends back one's soul. It doesn't send back the items in your possession. The coat I gave to the 1863rd turn's Yu Jung-Hyeok was destroyed as he regressed. So, if you're really from the 1863rd turn, you shouldn't be wearing that coat."
[Interesting. However, this is merely an item I personally purchased.]
"Yu Jung-Hyeok doesn't wear the colour white often."
[....Ask your second question.]

- You are now using your right to ask the second question.

I didn't hesitate and spoke up. "My second question. Are you the '1863rd turn Yu Jung-Hyeok'?"
My question caused the Secretive Plotter's complexion to waver ever so slightly. [....Are you trying to mess with me?]
"No, I'm being dead serious."
[I am Yu Jung-Hyeok who had experienced the 1863rd turn.]
"In the past tense, is it."
[I'm merely the 'Secretive Plotter' now, that's why.]

- You have acquired the second answer.

Unless one placed a special condition, one had to speak only the truth during the 'Three Divine Questions and Answers'. If one didn't, then one would be swept up in the storm of Probability's aftermaths immediately.
However, I didn't spot any signs of the storm around the 'Secretive Plotter'.
[Now, speak the second reason why I can't be the '1863rd turn's Yu Jung-Hyeok'.]
"There are just too many inconsistencies for you to be the Yu Jung-Hyeok from the 1863rd turn."
[What kind of inconsistencies?]
"If you're really him from the 1863rd, then why did you send me over there to kill yourself? Logically speaking, it doesn't make sense, does it?"
[That's because that action would create me. It's a simple time paradox. I was Yu Jung-Hyeok from the 1863rd turn, and only by you killing me there would I be reborn as the 'Secretive Plotter'.]
"Sounds like you've been rehearsing that answer for a while there. It sounds so natural, too. Even if I assume that you're being truthful, quite unfortunately for you, you seemed less than satisfied after I succeeded in my mission. Also, you looked quite surprised, too."
[....Ask your next question.]
"No, you go ahead first. I'll ask mine last."
The 'Secretive Plotter' stared at me for a little while before eventually opening his lips. [Fine. What is the final reason why I can't be 'Yu Jung-Hyeok from the 1863rd turn'?]
"I have a special method to find that out. I possess a skill that allows me to read the inner thoughts of the other party, you see."
"But then, the 1863rd turn's Yu Jung-Hyeok became an existence that I can't read anymore."
I clearly remembered the moment that Yu Jung-Hyeok left for the next turn. The moment when he broke free from being a 'Character', and even my exclusive skill, 'Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint' could no longer read him.
[Does that mean you can read my private thoughts?]
"No, I can't read yours also."
[Then, what?]
"However, the reason why I can't is different."

[Activation of the skill 'Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint' has been cancelled!]

[Your degree of understanding on the applicable individual is simply far too inadequate!]

[Your degree of understanding simply can't catch up to the Status of the applicable individual!]

I quietly looked up at the messages floating up in the air.
The 'Secretive Plotter' frowned deeply. [I can't accept that as your reason. You are....]
"I'll ask my last question," said I, not giving him any chance to speak. "Back in the planet where I used to live, there happened to be a novel called 'Three Ways to Survive a Ruined World'."
Almost instantly, the surrounding atmosphere changed. The expression on the Secretive Plotter's face sunk to its coldest yet. His eyes had become cold-blooded, as if he'd murder me at any given second.
I desperately resisted that aura and continued on. This was one question that I wanted to ask all along. "'Secretive Plotter'. Are you someone who knows the epilogue of that novel?"


Yu Jung-Hyeok had a dream.
It was a really old and worn-out dream.
For some reason, he was wearing a white coat inside it.
He held the [Heaven Shaking Sword] that fit him like a glove. While gripping that weighty weapon, he was fighting against someone. When he took a closer look, he realised that the person in front of his eyes possessed the exact same countenance as he did.
It was another Yu Jung-Hyeok, but wearing a black coat, instead.
He wasn't sure of why he had to experience such a dream.
'The 1863rd turn.'
Maybe, it was because he ended up running into that guy. That was probably why he had to dream about something like this.
Yu Jung-Hyeok gritted his teeth. The gap he felt between his and the 'Secretive Plotter's overwhelming Status the moment they clashed remained so vividly etched in his mind even now.
Utterly disregarding his sentiments, though, the memories continued to slowly seep into him. He had become the Yu Jung-Hyeok from the 1863rd turn and was swinging his sword around.

⸢I'll die.⸥

⸢I'll regress.⸥

Every time the swords collided, Yu Jung-Hyeok felt the despair and loneliness of the 1863rd turn. Strangely enough, everything felt so natural to him.
As if those emotions were his all along, since from a long time ago.
Finally, the two swords stabbed deeply into the two stomachs.

⸢This story will come to an end here.⸥

⸢Even then, everything will start from the beginning once more.⸥

Yu Jung-Hyeok wearing the black coat scattered away first, and soon, even himself began scattering as well. The memories dissipated, and the emotions he barely managed to comprehend began abandoning him. He summoned up the last of his remaining energy and looked behind.
His vision blurred and he couldn't see clearly what was there.
However, it felt as if he had seen a bright and pure star.

⸢"I had grown curious of that world's ■■."⸥

⸢"For the next regression...."⸥

Yu Jung-Hyeok's eyes shot open along with the loud noise of 'Beeeeep!'
He panted heavily and spotted the white ceiling of the hospital room. And then, also heard someone's voice, too.
"Finally, our slumbering prince of the forest has woken up."
He turned his head to the side to find Han Su-Yeong and Jeong Hui-Won. The former bit and broke the lollipop before spitting out the stick and began growling at him. "Time to tell us just what happened back there, Dear Good Regressor, sir."


TL: For some reason, TL note section of the chapters 416 & 417 are not working atm. I alerted the relevant parties, but who knows when it'll be fixed. Anyways, I'll publish another chapter later today at 19:00 GMT.

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