The sealing technique that utilised the [Sealing Sphere of the Apocalypse Dragon]. This was a similar plan to what the 1863rd turn's Han Su-Yeong had devised.

⸢"It'll stop the time of this place, and Earth will be sealed along with the Apocalypse Dragon. Frozen forever in the 95th scenario."⸥

⸢"And that is the way you can kill Yu Jung-Hyeok."⸥

It was the method of sealing Yu Jung-Hyeok inside the perpetuity of time and stopping his regressions.
I reflexively looked at the 'Secretive Plotter'. I wanted to tell him that now would be a good time to run. Even if it was him, he'd not be able to escape from being sealed in that thing.
However, why are you.... smiling?

[Constellation, 'Secretive Plotter', is looking at his own ■■.]

He was strong enough to survive 1863 lifetimes. But because of that, he was also exhausted enough to crumble at any given moment.
The eternal slumber. In a certain way, that was what he had been wishing for his entire life.
- H-hang on!! Uriel! Please stop!
My words prompted Uriel to look in my direction for the first time.
She seemed to be surprised by the fact that an insignificant being had called out her true name, and opened her mouth to speak.
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[[Who is this soul form? Is it an existence from this world-line?]]
I wasn't sure what to say here.
Before I could, though, the 'Secretive Plotter' seized the initiative first. [[He's a nobody. Let him go.]]
For a moment there, he was looking straight at me. Quite unlike his usual self, his eyes were displaying clear emotions.
He genuinely wished for me to make my escape from here.
However, the situation remained grim – the portal was being shut forcibly by Uriel.
She alternated her gaze filled with the 'Secretive Plotter' and me, her eyes remaining unreadable, before opening her mouth again.
[[Even after you ruined your own turn and messed up someone else's world-line, you still have something you wish to protect?]]
Her power extended out in an instant and captured me. This might be the worst possible situation.
[[Very well. I shall seal this bastard away with you. Enjoy your eternal slumber alongside your comrade, then.]]
- H-hang on a minute! Shouldn't you be listening to my side of the story, too?!
Uriel glared at me as if I was speaking of nonsense.
I didn't back down and shouted back.
- I do understand where you are coming from. I know how wronged you feel after your world-line got distorted, and I get how angry you are. However, this is wrong. This isn't your world-line. What you're trying to do is exactly the same as the one you hate, the 'Secretive Plotter'!
As I urgently made my case, I began sensing this stinging pain on my forehead. My head with no actual physical form was hurting right now. The sensation from the constrictive headband was getting stronger.

- Why don't we stop this? I mean, it's already not enough to pool our strengths together to destroy the , so why should we fight each other like this? Don't you know who the real enemy is? Don't you know where the true cause of all this tragedy.....
[[You want to destroy the ? Why do you wish to do something like that?]]
Now that was an unexpected question.
- That's because, the world of the is....
[[If the disappears, the whole universe will fall into chaos.]]
At that moment, a corner of my chest grew icy cold.
I secretly believed that all my companions wished to witness the same Conclusion as each other. However.... what if that wasn't the case?
After Yu Jung-Hyeok's death, the 999th turn's companions would have carried on to reach the Final Scenario, and cleared it.
What was the end of the world they had reached after all of that?
[[Such a world-line must never be created. That is the way of Evil.]]
Along with her declaration, her Status began to tighten around me.
- .....In that case, it can't be helped. We can only fight, then.
[[Fight? A creature without an Incarnation Body will...?]]
- I'm not the one who'll fight you.
I looked up at the sky and smirked back at her.
- My comrades will.
Powerful sparks exploded in front of my eyes. My head got squeezed tightly as if it'd shatter into pieces, and my vision fell apart. Something was getting closer.
⸢Prajna.... DokJa..... Don't-try.... stay-put-sutra.....⸥
….Here they come.
Accompanied by Biyu's cry, a new portal opened up in the mid-air. Almost right away, the Black Flame Dragon's pitch-black Breath poured out. Uriel quickly discarded me and retreated away from that powerful rush of hot flames.
At the same time, someone snatched away my soul form and flew up.
"Every-freaking-where you go, seriously man..... And why do you look like this now?"
It was Han Su-Yeong.
"I guess only the constrictive headband wasn't enough."
And then, Yu Sang-Ah.
She was carrying my Incarnation Body on her back, currently shackled by the headband. She seemed to have correctly guessed what my current condition was.

[Currently, the binding force of the 'Existence Pledge' is in a weakened state.]

I didn't hesitate and jumped back into my body. My vision crumbled again for a bit, and the sensations from my limbs returned. Although my Incarnation Body was not okay, it was still better than not having one.
I saw Uriel activating [Hellfire] through my blurry vision.
Han Su-Yeong next to me had her eyes open up wide. "H-hey, what the heck is this....?!"
"No time to explain. We've got to get out of here, pronto."
Both Han Su-Yeong and 'Sakyamuni's Successor', Yu Sang-Ah, were powerful beings. Unfortunately, our enemy this time was simply too strong. With only these two.....
As if waiting for that moment, [Hellfire]'s flames pounced on my companions.
The waves of incredible heat that couldn't be avoided no matter where you escaped to – its Status was so humongous that Han Su-Yeong's [Black Flame] alone wasn't enough to fight back. It was then, a powerful burst of reddish flames exploded from the same portal Han Su-Yeong had used. It had the exact same colouring as our enemy's flames. Two powerful sources of heat clashed and generated a violent storm of fire.
[What the ■ck? Which mother■cker is it?!]
A certain someone coughed her lungs out and appeared from thick, choking flames. An Archangel waved away the smoke with one hand and revealed herself.
Wearing a black dress and kitted out in a golden anklet, an Archangel I was intimately familiar with was standing there, soot on her cheeks and all.
[Ng?? Which son of a bi■ dares to hurt my Kim Dok....]
Uriel shifted her gaze beyond the [Hellfire] and soon afterwards, her expression became dazed. Then her jaw slackened as she muttered out. [I.... am the bi■?]
….I didn't expect her to be a part of the rescue team. The situation had gotten more complicated this way. Of all things, the two Uriels had to run into each other here.
[[….And you are?]]
It seemed that the Outer God Uriel was just as stunned by this.
[[I see. You are this world-line's....]]
The moment these two Uriels looked at each other, violent sparks exploded in the air.
It was rather obvious that our side was still in an overwhelmingly disadvantageous position. Our Uriel was strong, sure, but that Uriel was someone who had witnessed the end of a world-line.
If we don't find an opening quickly and escape, then.....
An unexpected event happened next.

[ is intrigued by the encounter of these two beings.]

['Disconnected Film Theory' is activating!]

When two Fables met and intertwined with each other in the air, a gigantic backflow of memories occurred.

⸢[Get up, Yu Jung-Hyeok! Hurry!]⸥

Memories from the 999th regression turn were coming through.
Uriel's eyes opened wider at this sudden intrusion of foreign memories. [W-what's this? What's going on?]
Waves of unfamiliar memories were flooding us. Uriel from the 999th turn was fighting with her back pressed against Yu Jung-Hyeok's. Now that was a fine display of what being comrade-in-arms looked like.
Our Uriel couldn't get a hold of herself from the rush of memories flooding in and staggered unsteadily.
That damn theory, again it's.... Before I could complete my train of thought, though, I realised that the situation wasn't as bad as I expected. Because, the exchange of Fables via that theory went both ways. The evidence of that was the 999th turn's Uriel, who not only staggered about, but she actually even plopped down on the ground.

⸢[Kim Dok-Ja! Over here! Sit next to me!]⸥



⸢[One's ID shouldn't be too eye-catching, so.... Right. Let me go with uri9158.... Alright, it's not so obvious now.]⸥

⸢[....'Squid Kim Dok-Ja's Leg' will be given away as a s-special bonus??]⸥

And there were a few Fables that might shock their viewers mixed in among them, too.
[[T-this, this, what is....??]]
999th turn's Uriel was frowning deeply as if she was in pain. Han Su-Yeong didn't miss that opening and, while supporting our Uriel, shouted out. "I don't know what's going on here, but this is good. Let's bounce outta here. I mean, she looks seriously strong even at a glance, right?"
Her judgement was definitely correct. However, she forgot one small detail.
"Hang on. Let's take him with us, too."
I pointed at the 'Secretive Plotter' sagging on the ground.
Perhaps the memories of this world-line proved to be too shocking for her, the sealing sphere Uriel had been constructing had become quite badly tattered.
Han Su-Yeong spoke in pure disbelief. "Are you stupid? Why should we take him with us?!"
"We need to bring him with us. Only then will we reach the correct 'Conclusion'."
"What bullshit are you....."
Indeed, it was a bullshit-like utterance. I was being obstinate, and my actions didn't make much sense. Even then, I continued to speak my piece. "That guy must not die here. He too has the right to see the Conclusion."
⸢All the worlds were simply blaming 'Yu Jung-Hyeok'.⸥
Uriel from the 999th turn, everyone from that world-line, too – as the consequence of spending his entire life to reach his own 'Conclusion', he had to become the enemy of every world-line.
⸢Out of the 1863 regression turns, was there any turn where he got to be happy, at least once?⸥
When I regained my wits, I was already sprinting forward.
999th turn Uriel was slowly regaining her own wits too, and I saw her trying to reignite the [Hellfire].
Han Su-Yeong shouted out. "You crazy fool!! We don't have the time!!"
I gave it my all to activate the [Way of the Wind]. Flames from [Hellfire] began flooding in once more. These dancing flames in the air somehow looked like ancient letters to me.

- ….Author-nim. Wouldn't it be okay, just one time?

I couldn't quite remember how old this memory was.

- I mean, there are so many regression turns, so, just once wouldn't....

….Did I really say something like that? My memories weren't clear enough. However, just like back then, when all I could do was to type on the keyboard and press the space bar, I could only run forward like crazy right in this moment.

- Isn't it okay for him to be happy?

Maybe, that was me whining to a god responsible for creating this world.

- It seems that you weren't happy with what I have written.

Then, the 'god' replied.

- In that case, what kind of a conclusion would you like to see, Dok-Ja-nim? Which conclusion would be a happy ending for the protagonist?

What did I say back then? I tried, but couldn't remember at all. And even now, I couldn't be sure of what the right answer was. I didn't have the right to speak about someone else's happiness, after all.
However, even if it was someone like me who had no right, there was this one thing I still understood.

⸢This is not a happy ending.⸥

The Secretive Plotter's body was getting sucked into the encroaching heat from the [Hellfire]. With no time to spare, I managed to grab hold of his wrist, and then, began running in the opposite direction.
Han Su-Yeong's complexion grew pale and she hurriedly summoned the [X-grade Ferrarghini]. Meanwhile, Yu Sang-Ah shouted out. "Dok-Ja-ssi! Faster!"
[[You can't!]]
I evaded the rushing flames and placed the Secretive Plotter on my back. The bottom of my feet was growing insanely hot now. I ran with all my might to escape from that crazy heat.
"Argh, screw this shit..... I don't care anymore! Hurry up and get in!"
Han Su-Yeong reached out to me, and I barely managed to jump inside the vehicle. I saw Uriel in the backseat, shivering away. Almost at the same time, a tsunami wave of reddish flames pounced on us.
I inwardly prayed towards the 'Mass Production-type Maker'. I prayed that this vehicle's performance wasn't 'mass-production' in the slightest.

[Constellation, 'Mass Production-type Maker', is grinning brightly.]

With an explosive turn of speed, the [X-grade Ferrarghini] accelerated forward. At the same time, Biyu opened a portal, and we jumped into this dimensional passageway right away.
The horrifying howl made by 999th turn's Uriel chased us from behind. I was scared that she was actually chasing us down. Even if we managed to escape back to Earth unscathed like this, if that Uriel managed to follow us and went on a rampage.....
The 999th turn's Uriel stopped giving chase as the sparks crazily whipped about. While shooting me a terrifying glare, no less.

[ is carefully observing the 'Living Flame'.]

It seemed that she couldn't use this portal. A powerful storm of Probability's aftermath was holding her back. But that made sense. A being possessing such a might actually enjoyed less freedom in the , after all.
However, there was this one thing that kept nagging me. If she was that restrained, how could she appear in the 'N'Gai's Forest' with such good timing?
It was as if someone had instigated this whole thing.
…..Instigating it?

[Great Dokkaebi, 'Heoju', is keeping a close eye on your whereabouts.]

At that moment, a faint little theory entered my head. What if that Uriel's appearance was not a coincidence?

[Great Dokkaebi, 'Heoche', is keeping a close eye on your whereabouts.]

[Great Dokkaebi, 'Baram', is keeping a close eye on your whereabouts.]

What if someone within the wanted it to happen, and they summoned her to this world-line?
There was almost no organisation in this world capable of moving that much Probability.

[, is keeping a close eye on your whereabouts.]

The N'Gai's Forest could be seen through the vehicle's windows. 'Outer Gods' that came from the doomed world-lines were now being extinguished.
Citizens of a small kingdom were saying their goodbyes to their king.
There was more than one Outer God king.
Just like how the 999th turn's Uriel had shown up here, other Kings would undoubtedly appear, too. Surely, the ones trying to interfere with the Conclusion I wanted to see would call them to this world.

[ is looking at you.]

I raised my head to find the world that I need to fight looking at me.
This would be a very tough and arduous fight.
Han Su-Yeong looked at me through the rearview mirror and grumbled about something. Yu Sang-Ah sitting in the front passenger's seat was looking at me. I quietly nodded my head and gazed at the unconscious 'Secretive Plotter' and the still-dazed Uriel.
Quite likely, no one in this universe would stand on our side.
I saw the portal's exit in the distance.

[Your choice has left a profound impact on the ■■.]

[Your ■■ is leaning towards ⸢eternity⸥.]

And so, the time to prepare for the final pages of the world had arrived.


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