[Currently, BY-9158's picture transmission is in a temporary suspended state.]
Biyu must've done that voluntarily. It might be because of Bihyung's death, or maybe there was a problem trying to transmit from within the ark itself. Whatever the case might have been, it was a good thing for us.
It'd been so much nicer if only the person before our eyes wasn't there, though.
"Anna Croft."
I stared at the prophet's blonde hair fluttering in the wind. I also sensed additional presences within the dense forest. They probably were the squad under her direct supervision, the 'Zarathustra'.
- Why isn't this pebble or rock or whatever not working on her?
I didn't reply to Han Su-Yeong. Didn't have enough time now to explain everything that happened in the 'Isle of Reincarnators', anyhow.
Rather than patiently wait for my answer, though, Han Su-Yeong simply gripped my wrist hard. And then, she pointed at Anna Croft with her free hand. Vicious licks of [Black Flame] danced on the tip of her pointing finger.
"Move outta way or die."
Their gazes collided in the air.
Eerie, bluish ghostly aura permeated within Han Su-Yeong's irises as she activated [Predictive Plagiarism]. At the same time, the eyes of Anna Croft, wielder of [Great Demon's Eye], also swirled in a crimson aura. Faint sparks danced in the air as the gazes of these two capable of reading the future collided.
The latter maintained this tense stand-off for a bit before opening her mouth. "Kim Dok-Ja, do you want to escape from this floor?"
Han Su-Yeong's complexion changed colours and she growled unhappily. "Hey, you. You ignoring me now?"
"I can help you."
"Weren't you trying your hardest to kill us not too long ago?"
As Han Su-Yeong's words came to an end, I sensed the movements of the Constellations in the surroundings. I even noticed a few that began destroying the terrain indiscriminately in order to locate us.
It would be hard to buy more time here.
"I didn't have a choice. If we sided with you back then, we'd all have been wiped away."
"And the current situation is different how?"
"Are you really going to waste your time this way? I'm pretty sure it's you people feeling the urgency, not me."
"Do we have a reason to trust you?"
"Are you the type to trust someone even with a good enough reason?"
In any other circumstances, I'd have gladly accepted her help. However, Anna Croft was someone who signed a direct contract with the whole Nebula.
"You're the Nebula <asgard>'s Incarnation."
[Nebula, <asgard>'s Great Fables are waking up from their ancient slumber!]
And the current floor just so happened to be the cabin where <asgard>'s Constellations resided.
Anna Croft readily admitted to that and nodded her head. "True. I'm their Incarnation. In that case, don't you find this even more strange? I'm right here, looking at you both, yet why haven't they rushed here yet?"
I too had been keeping an eye on the Constellations loitering around our vicinity. It looked as if they couldn't even hear our conversation. Quite likely, she resorted to some kind of an unknown method to block their gazes somehow.

"What are you scheming?"
I stared into Anna Croft's deep, mysterious eyes.
[Exclusive skill, 'Reading Comprehension', is activating!]
⸢More than anyone out there, the Incarnation Anna Croft places importance in realistic causes.⸥
In a certain sense, this world's most righteous person could be none other than Anna Croft. If Yu Jung-Hyeok's cause was built upon rage and hatred, then Anna Croft's was built upon the foundation of righteousness.
The survival of the absolute majority.
Her aim was to safely preserve the city of her birth, Las Vegas, the United States of America, and on top of that, Earth itself during the hell of scenarios.
⸢However, America was destroyed during this world-line.⸥
Her home vanished on the same day that the great apocalypse began. All that remained were the small number of 'Zarathustras' following after her. Even then, her complexion wasn't as gloomy. No, her expression seemed to be filled with a certain fervour, instead. It was an expression of a person getting nearer to the world she wanted to see.
While feeling the gentle vibration spreading within the entirety of the ship, I opened my mouth. "You're thinking of taking over this ark, aren't you."
Right then, Han Su-Yeong next to me gasped out as if she had reached the same conclusion as me.
Anna Croft grinned refreshingly. "How wonderful it is that you're so quick on the uptake."
"It won't be easy to drive out the Constellations and take over the ark."
"However, it is the last chance given to humanity."
Her plan was quite clear.
The 'Final Ark' was a Great Fable weapon designed to transport Fable seeds to another world-line. If she managed to defeat the Constellations and acquire the controlling authority of this ark, then she should be able to transport humanity to a brand new world-line.
And everything would begin anew in that place.
"Not one Constellation can be left alive. Even if that includes you."
While listening to her, I recalled an ancient text from the 'Ways of Survival'.
⸢Anna Croft's ■■ is 'Perfect Night'.⸥
A world of darkness where not one starlight shined – Anna Croft wished for humanity to live freely again under that darkness. If it was the world she dreamed of, then my companions should be able to survive as well. I felt slightly lonely as I opened my mouth again.
"In that case, we'll be temporary allies. We'll work together until we reach the ark's core."
"Until then, I shall lend you the power of my [Precognition]."
Han Su-Yeong next to me sent a message in my direction.
- I've been checking her through Lie Detection, and she hasn't been lying. Doesn't look like she's been using Pokerface, either.
I nodded my head. "Alright. Let's work together."
While going through the Fable Bihyung had left behind, I read the surrounding topography.
⸢The exit at the outside of the forested area is towards the branch reaching out to the heavens.⸥
One thing I realised while following after Anna Croft was that our current area was not a plain, but a 'floor' above a certain tree.
- Gotta admit, their worldview setting is pretty slick.
Han Su-Yeong muttered out, evidently impressed by the sight.
Seeing such a detailed recreation of <asgard>'s worldview, I began to fully realise just how long they had been preparing this Final Ark.
This shouldn't be the whole Universe Tree Yggdrasil. It was probably a mock-up. Even then, this tree was more than wide and expansive enough already. Most likely, the <asgard>'s Constellations would live on while enjoying the vested rights founded upon this Fable in the next world-line.
Anna Croft quietly stared at such Constellations, before shifting her head away and focused on the way ahead instead. Han Su-Yeong observed her and spoke to me.
- By the way, will she be alright? The price of betraying a Nebula should be huge, though?
Before I could answer, though, Anna Croft opened her mouth first. "My situation is not something you should be concerned about."
"....What the hell. You can even eavesdrop on this?
"I only guessed that you were using Midday Tryst since you two haven't said anything for a while."
"Sounds like you have a trusty backer or something?"
Han Su-Yeong's words caused Anna Croft's expression to harden for the first time. "What do you mean?"
"I was wondering if it's logically possible for a measly little Incarnation to block off the gazes from an entire 'Nebula', that's all."
Han Su-Yeong's right; no Incarnation could've pulled that off, regardless of who you were.
I quietly glared at the back of Anna Croft's head.
[Exclusive skill, 'Reading Comprehension's', concentration level is rising up even higher!]
I did have my suspicions. The aura of chaos gently crumbled away behind her. And beyond that, I thought I glimpsed a pair of crimson eyes not too dissimilar to Anna Croft's.
From the get-go, there were only two existences in this world capable of interfering with the channels Constellations watched.
It was right then that lightning suddenly went off in the air. The ground split apart and the surrounding atmosphere began quaking ominously. The sounds of incoming storm could be heard next.
[Constellation, 'One-eyed Father', is slowly blinking its remaining eye.]
Anna Croft's complexion paled instantly.
Even the god of creation 'Ra' we fought back in the 98th scenario didn't possess might of this calibre. As for the Status, it easily exceeded Thor's we encountered earlier by a huge margin.
This worldview's most powerful being had just woken up from his slumber, in other words.
We began running.
Even if <kim dok-ja="" company=""> had grown stronger, it was an act of utter stupidity to fight the Myth-grade Constellation Odin in <asgard>'s turf.
[Constellation, 'One-eyed Father', is now looking at his world.]
A terrifying gaze was sweeping across the entire world. And not too long after that, I felt something was looking at us.
"It's this way! Hurry!"
There was a tree branch leading up to higher floors of Yggdrasil in the place Anna Croft was pointing at. We quickly ran on that branch and almost at the same time, the ground beneath our feet lost strength and began collapsing.
I squeezed out every ounce of my energy and ran, and also activated the wind, as well.
[Exclusive skill, 'Way of the Wind Lv.???', is activating!]
All the Great Fables I've collected so far strengthened the Way of the Wind even more and it added greater momentum to our travelling speed. I wanted to activate [Demon King Transformation] as well and spread out my wings if it was possible, but one of the wings was wounded just before the transmission and I couldn't do that.
Some things was busy chasing us down.
[Constellation, 'God of Harp and Horn', is heeding the father's order.]
[Constellation, 'Goddess of Love and Cats', is answering the father's order.]
[Constellation, 'One Who Lost His Arm to the Wolf of Apocalypse', is howling out!]
[Constellation, 'Guardian of the Great Horn Bridge', has detected someone's presence!]
"We're almost there!"
Anna Croft turned around while saying that, and extended her hands out. Suddenly, the surrounding view changed and the field before her seemed to disappear. It was her speciality, [Phantom Barrier]. Constellations got lost in the darkness suddenly enveloping them and roared in surprise.
Anna Croft's eyes became bloodshot, before blood trickled down from her mouth and ears. It was the cost of going against her own Nebula. Even then, she didn't back down and shouted out.
"Iris! Selena! Lead the allies away!"
The two people running way ahead of us took 'Zarathustras' and ran towards the end of the branch.
"Run! Hurry! It's right in front of us!"
Anna Croft went down on one knee while bleeding profusely. She was in no shape to run by herself now.
"Han Su-Yeong."
Even before I was finished, Han Su-Yeong picked Anna Croft up and ran. It didn't take too long for us to reach the end of the branch. What waited for us there was a mysterious bridge emitting a rainbow of colours.
⸢It's the rainbow bridge leading to other floors, the [Bifrost].⸥
The fantastical bridge only seen within the myth was now laid out before my eyes. Selena and Iris were already halfway across this very bridge.
I decided to activate [Lightning Transformation] and cross this thing in one go using the momentum. But then...
I thought I saw a light flash in the heavens, and then, the centre of [Bifrost] was abruptly cut off. A massive spear that carved up the sky was being summoned back.
I instantly recognised what that spear was: the God-king Odin's weapon, Gungnir.
He chose to eliminate us here by cutting off the bridge leading to another world. I looked back at the group of Constellations hot on our heels and bit my lip.
We'd definitely be defeated if we choose to fight Odin in this place.
In the end, the only answer here was to cross the bridge.
However, the width of the broken-off section was far too wide, and the storm generated by Odin was madly whipping about in the open gap. Even if I activated both [Way of the Wind] and [Lightning Transformation] to their fullest, there was no guarantee of us crossing it safely.
Han Su-Yeong shouted out in frustration. "Hurry! Isn't there another way?!"
She forcibly shook Anna Croft, prompting the latter to reply helplessly while vomiting out blood.
"My Precognition.... isn't perfect... But this time, I.... saw clearly. Four people.... crossing this bridge...."
Four people? I want to ask for clarification, but she had bled far too much and stopped speaking altogether.
But then, a certain scene popped up in my head.
⸢Kim Dok-Ja began thinking. 'Will it work?'⸥
However, there was no other path remaining. I looked up to the sky and was greeted by the deluge of indirect messages from the Constellations panicking from the channel's sudden upheavals.
[Constellation, 'Demon-like Judge of Fire', wishes to see the channel's broadcast!]
[Constellation, 'King Heungmu', complains about the channel's blackout!]
[Constellation, 'Bald General of Justice', is searching for the disappeared Kim Dok-Ja!]
"Biyu! Start the broadcast!"
"Wha?? Are you mad?!"
If we opened the channel now, every Constellation in the ark would learn of my current location. However, the thing I was planning to do would only work with the channel open.
[Many Constellations are surprised by the screen spreading wide open!]
[A portion of Constellations realise that you're in danger and are freaking out!]
[A small number of Constellations feel an odd sense of deja vu at the current situation.]
I knew all too well what that deja vu the Constellations were talking about.
⸢A long time ago, there was an event where they had to cross a cut-off bridge.⸥
The 'deux ex machina' that activated on the broken Dongho bridge.
[The absolute majority of Constellations remember the situation from back then!]
[Nebula, 'Kim Dok-Ja Company's' Great Fables are shifting!]
Along with the gazes from the Constellations, the Probability began writhing wildly.
['Stage Transformation' is activating!]
['Deus ex Machina' is activating!]
The bridge that the Constellations created back then was being recreated right before our eyes.
[Deus ex Machina – Even-numbered bridge]
Description: A bridge of light created by the blessing of a Constellation. Only the 'even' number of people can cross it. When an odd number of people try to cross it, the bridge will be extinguished immediately.
The even-numbered bridge – been a really long time since I last heard that name.
"Han Su-Yeong! Take Anna with you and run!"
"Hurry up!"
I activated [Way of the Wind] on Han Su-Yeong and made her cross the bridge forcefully.
- Hey, you!! Eiii, shit! I don't know anymore...
I confirmed the distancing back of Han Su-Yeong before turning around. Constellations had begun emerging from Anna Croft's [Phantom Barrier] one by one already.
I unleashed my Status towards them while thinking to myself.
⸢The even-numbered bridge can only be crossed by an even number of people.⸥
The distant Han Su-Yeong's voice and Odin's enraged roar entered my ear one after the other.
I unsheathed the [Unbreakable Faith]; I wasn't planning on dying in this place.
⸢Anna Croft said 'four people'.⸥
Just before I was about to unleash the electricity from the [Lightning Transformation] on the incoming Constellations, a loud explosion occurred at the back of the attacking group.
Someone was ramming through the Constellations like a tank while running towards this way.
It was a familiar Fable; there was this one particular guy who got summoned to this floor only about a moment ago. His face revealed itself from beyond the rising murky fog of the Fable.
- Keep running, Kim Dok-Ja.
The dude busy smacking all the enemies away and smashing the skulls of the Constellations, was busy dashing in this direction while carrying a scary light in his eyes.
I could only grin wryly. I didn't mind anyone else, but would've preferred not crossing the bridge with that guy.
- Hey, don't you throw me to the river this time, you bastard.
<episode 95.="" gaecheon/開天="" (1)=""> Fin.

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