Omniscient Reader

Chapter 5 - Yoo Jonghyuk's side quest #4: Compliments are good for the health. [part 2]

Yoo Jonghyuk sat on the edge of the light-gray colored couch, shutting his eyes in exasperation as he pinched the bridge of his nose. With a jaw visibly clenching up because of the countless despair-filled emotions rioting inside of him. Few were the cases when he had felt so depressed that he had wished to bang his head against a wall until regressing, and this was definitively one of those instances.

「 I can't believe what just happened. 」

「 Such a pathetic display... Such humiliation. 」

「 I won't forget. Uriel. 」

[System notice: love meter too low, random triggering side-effect 90%]

As the corner of his mouth twitched, he couldn't control the frigid aura emanating from every inch of his body. Everything was such a scam. Absurd. This was all absurd. What kind of scenario is this? It is too late to get a refound from the system...

The regressor loomed himself in a gloomy corner, yet he still managed to steal many wary glances from the inquisitive eyes of the young man seated on the other edge. Feeling cautious of the dark vibes that the latter was giving off, the fidgety teen dared not to come any closer.

One moment he was behaving like a contemptuous wife and the next he became like this. What is exactly going on? His hyung doesn't suffer from any kind of bipolar disorder, right? Right?? Mustering some courage, Kim Dokja tried approaching the danger zone.


Yoo Jonghyuk shifted his gaze towards the side with a deadpan expression. The teen prepared a whole speech to give, and the words were on the tip of his tongue too! But as soon as he faced that pair of soulless eyes, like a deflated balloon, all his guts got thrown out the window.

Unbeknownst to the regressor, his husked expression gradually morphed into a deep stare. Kim Dokja hastily averted that penetrating gaze as silence filled the room again. Time kept passing by and in the end, it was still the young one who initiated the talk again. Voicing out just another random thought that came into his mind.

"I don't really feel like going to school..." said the teen dejectedly.

Giving a sidelong glance towards Kim Dokja who dropped his shoulders, the regressor knew that in the following years the apocalypse would be coming and striving for better education to get into a good college wasn't exactly the pinnacle of all major concerns. But still, the time he will spend shouldn't be wasted and other than studying there wasn't really anything else he should be able to accomplish considering his current set of skills.

Raising his chin up, the teen slightly pouted with an unhappy look in his eyes. "But what if they don't have the answer for the questions I got?"

"What question do you have then?"

Kim Dokja's hand reached out pulling a nearby cushion towards his embrace. He propped his chin upon the soft material as he wore a contemplating look. With a little hum, he wondered about what kind of question he should ask. Slowly turning his face towards Yoo Jonghyuk's side while his left cheek still rested on that cushion, unwilling to completely part away from the comfortable sensation of that fluffy texture pressed against his skin. Accompanied by a pair of thoughtful eyes on that slightly squished face, the teen finally decided.

"Does hyung believe that 'Yoo Jonghyuk' and 'Lee Seolhwa' will end up together in the end?"

After hearing that, the person called into question almost choked on his own saliva. Not even in his wildest dreams, he could have imagined Kim Dokja as the gossip-lover type. Truthfully speaking, he hadn't actually seen Lee Seolhwa after their last encounter during the Disaster of Floods scenario. They had parted ways long ago, moreover, at that time his mind had already been too busy trying to comprehend a certain person's existence.

"I don't think they will."

Raising his head up, Kim Dokja's intense stare seemed to bore through the regressor's skin.

"Hyung really thinks so?"

Unconsciously nodding his head in response, Yoo Jonghyuk's tacit gesture was easily interpreted as an agreement towards that inquiry. When he realized what he had just done, it was already too late as the teen shoot up from his seat with a wide grin beaming from ear to ear.

「 Sunfish? 」

Lifting an eyebrow towards Kim Dokja's peculiar response, the 'sunfish' dangerously narrowed his eyes and started throwing threatening gazes at the latter. As he crossed one of his long legs above the other, the temperature inside the room appeared to be mysteriously dropping down again.

"Maybe because he doesn't feel the need to hold such emotion."

Giving a wry laugh, Kim Dokja shook his head but still in a great mood, he jokingly said. "Hyung is really starting to sound like the real deal now, you know?"

An almost unnoticeable irk mark appeared on the regressor's forehead as he felt a surge of negative emotions raging up again. He really wanted to forget what just happened a while ago, but that simple sentence brought everything he tried so hard to keep inside the darkest corners of his mind back on the surface again. All he did before became futile when faced with the raw truth... But still!

「 I am the real deal! 」

「 You are clearly the only one who enjoys and dares to impersonate me the most! 」

Kim Dokja gasped as he saw the time displayed on the clock. It wasn't late or anything else, but he just wanted to be early in the case those thugs from yesterday decided to make him a surprise on the road. He quickly began bidding his goodbyes and picked up the backpack as he walked over to the door. The main entrance was actually the only place where the natural light couldn't fully reach, leaving the space near the front door loomed in faint darkness.

Slipping inside his shoes and picking up the keys he had left on top of the cabinet the previous day, Kim Dokja was ready to set off. Looking back one last time, he stared at the regressor's unmoving frame. Pushing down the cold handle of the door, the teen allowed a small streak of light to enter through that little crack. He was just one step away from the outside world, but instead, he stopped in his tracks. As he made a ninety-degree turn to his side, he opened a drawer from that same cabinet and started rummaging through some stuff.


Seeing the flying object moving towards him, the regressor instinctively reached out his hands to receive it. Looking down at that object with a dubious expression, he wanted to inquire more, but as he heard a clicking noise, the door was already being closed and the teen was long gone. Shaking his head, Yoo Jonghyuk could only soothe the incoming headache by massaging his aching temples.

The regressor tried getting rid of the stress by exhaling a great amount of air through his mouth. He could finally relax after dealing with Kim Dokja and his rebellious phase. Also, a chance to go and explore the city was given to him, as the teen left him with a pair of spare keys. Yoo Jonghyuk wished to admonish the young Kim Dokja's behavior very much on this matter. Nevertheless, omitting the amount of trust he was willing to give a stranger that he had just met, leaving his house keys to them was to any extent a very foolish thing to do. If that person had been someone with bad intentions... He couldn't help but visualize the image of a small sheep helplessly bleating for help...

Let's just say that Yoo Jonghyuk, once in his life, felt relieved to be the one.

[Side effect activated: 4 minutes 59 seconds left.]

「 Damn not again! 」

Abruptly standing up with a stiffen expression, Yoo Jonghyuk wasn't going to allow another iteration of the same tragedy again! But no matter how much those intentions were brimmed with his unyielding determination, what he had simply failed to consider was the fact that he had totally no control over the unfolding events. Feeling himself going blank again, the regressor stumbled down as he reached out a hand to grab onto something. As he stabilized himself, a low grunt filled with suppressed emotions escaped from his lips.

Rushing out the door, without forgetting to close it behind, he was still able to catch a glimpse of the fleeting shadow of the teen before it vanished behind a corner. Without second thoughts, he ran to catch up with that figure. Yoo Jonghyuk's entire persona changed from a depressed ice block to a stealthy hunter quietly tailing his unaware prey. Focusing all his attention on that teen, the great regressor, also a soon-to-be-transcendent-being, is using all his hard honed skills to stalk a normal civilian.

The great power of the scenario... What a beautiful wonder indeed...

Yoo Jonghyuk nimbly skimmed through the crowds, yet maintaining enough distance to still clearly see the teen. A sudden small notification sound came from Kim Dokja's pockets, the latter then pulled out a black smartphone and as the screen brightened up, the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile followed by his eyes gleaming in delight. Choosing a random bench to sit down, the teen then started looking at the screen with a constant smile plastered on his face. Pure enjoyment filled his entire spirit as he started to read through the protagonist's adventures. No matter the hardships, the joyous moments or the struggles, he was enjoying every bit of the story!

And then a sudden strong gust of wind came, out of nowhere, blowing everything up in the air. The many colorful autumn leaves that had long fallen onto the ground, uncaringly steeped over by everyone, were now lifted once again up towards the sky. Dancing gracefully in a circular manner as they waltzed through the air, their breathtaking show managed to pull every single person's attention towards them.

Everyone, except two people.

The tall frame of the black-clothed man could be seen leaning on his side against a wall, quietly gazing at the gentle smile spreading on that teen's face. The dancing leaves trapped that slender body inside their looping motions a few times before drifting away, leaving a single red leaf behind caught in between the locks of those raven hair. Kim Dokja hadn't raised his head once at the gasping sounds filled with the wonder of the surrounding people. As the onlookers got fascinated by the natural phenomena of that dancing spectacle, the regressor alone remained mesmerized by another visage.

The wind slowly subdued down and a shower of colors started falling down from the sky. Just as easy their attention got captured, shifting their gazes away they immediately got distracted with their own tasks. That is just how short the human attention spawn really was. As everything got faster and faster, even a small moment of appreciation like this got reduced into mere instants. That once romantic mind of the human being, filled with many inquiries and curiosity, is now nothing more but a tool.

Everything was gray, nor black or white, just gray. All colors are being considered superfluous and as people, they could no longer view the world in the same way as before. And that's why, as a reader, Kim Dokja preferred much more immersing himself into another world. A place where the perception of sight was limited only by the black texts over a white font, a mysterious realm where you don't only see with your eyes, but also with your imagination. He wasn't just a bystander, hypocritically claiming to be only an observer trying to justify his lack of initiative, but as a reader that could only act as an omniscient being learning their way through with the protagonist. If everything seen by the eyes was just a fleeting illusion, then that world perceived through those texts is just as real as this so-called reality.

As if he was the only thing filled with colors amongst the crowd, all surrounding brilliance was attracted solely to him. Yoo Jonghyuk found himself deeply studying the appearance of that person for the first time. White jade-like skin, with long buŧŧerfly-like lashes covering his eyes as he kept his head low, the only splash of color on that white canvas was his thin red lips lifted up in a faint smile. Amongst the moving crowds, only him remained detached from all...

[Side effect ended.]

Yoo Jonghyuk supported himself over the wall with his arm, shutting his eyes as he slowly exhaled and inhaled to calm his nerves down. Not being able to have full control over his body was one of the worst kind of feeling he had ever experienced. Throwing him into the constellation's den was even less stressful than dealing with this scenario.

He allowed himself a brief moment of rest. He wasn't physically tired, only totally drained mentally.

As he looked up again, Kim Dokja was gone. The regressor hadn't thought much and just ȧssumed the norm. He had gone to school. And this is what he had believed when he turned away. Following his memory alone, Yoo Jonghyuk gradually began making his way back.

Step after step, it was not much longer after when a strange ominous feeling started creeping inside of his heart, looming over his thoughts. His sixth sense was urging him to turn back and he was much tempted to do so too. But as his rational self stubbornly refused to comply, his body kept walking straight forward.

[System notice: Target in danger.]

[System notice: Target safety required for scenario conclusion.]

Yoo Jonghyuk's expressionless handsome face turned darker as he faced with the sudden surge of many conflicting emotions inside of him. Faced with such a message should have made him happy. He had finally found a way to end this scenario without waiting for the deadline! This was indeed what came into his mind, and yet he hesitated.

As that pure smile returned to haunt his vexed thoughts, clenching both hands into tight fists as his eyes darkened further, Yoo Jonghyuk hurriedly made his way back. Running onwards as fast as possible before he could start regretting his decision.

「 Kim Dokja! Nothing must happen to you, or else! 」

Gritting his teeth in frustration, the regressor fiercely directed a menacing glare towards the road ahead of him.

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