Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

Chapter 379. Three Methods (3)

I stared at the queen wearing Han Su-Yeong’s face.

That person was definitely not her. But then, how could she possibly know what my name was?

The queen was still smiling away.

“I’m sure you’re curious as to how I know your name.”

She was the character from this worldview, and she was merely an existence that acted according to the rules set out by the ‘Great Fable’. So, it was impossible for a person like that to recognise me not as ‘Ricardo’, but as ‘Kim Dok-Ja’.

On top of that, she spoke of things that didn’t align with the worldview, yet the sparks of Probability weren’t suppressing her at all.

[Worldview is considering the possibility of expanding the genre types.]

[Great Fable, ‘Kaixenix Archipelago’, is condoning the current situation.]

[Probability restrictions imposed on some words has been relaxed.]

[Meta words related to the worldview have been acknowledged!]

I wordlessly stared at the queen before activating my skill.

[Unique Skill, ‘Character List’, has activated!]


<Character Information>

Name: ???

Age: 50

Overall Rating: the applicable individual holds hatred towards you.


The queen’s info still didn’t want to appear.

I thought that was because it was Han Su-Yeong in the beginning. I figured that, as a person not registered with the Character List, her possession of the host would make it impossible to check out the information on the queen herself.

But, what if I was wrong?

“Are you Han Su-Yeong?”

“I used to be called that once upon a time.”

“What do you mean by that?”

The queen slowly blinked her eyes and continued on with her story. “Do you know the tale of a certain woman who tried to endure decades upon decades of time with nothing but her ultimately empty hope?”

“I do know of a man with a similar story.”

It was Yu Joong-Hyeok who replied in my stead, as he unsheathed his [Dark Heavenly Demon Sword].

The smile remained on the queen’s lips as she spoke. “Oh, my pitiful former lover, it seems that you’ve come to your own execution ground.”

“Our engagement has been annulled already. Call me that one more time, and I shall slice your head off.”

Almost at the same time, the figures of both people disappeared from view. And then, these two incredible existences collided against each other, as the ear-shattering sounds of explosions rang out. The ceiling of the training grounds blew away; the sword winds and magical energy clashed to create a rising pillar of destructive winds kissing the heavens above.

At a casual glance, they seemed to be evenly matched, but if one were to look deeper into the flow of the battle itself, then that was definitely not the case.

After they exchanged dozens of moves in the blink of an eye, Yu Joong-Hyeok was left with a slight injury on his left arm. On the other hand, there was not one scratch on the queen.

Yu Joong-Hyeok was being pushed back. That inconceivably strong dude wasn’t quite powerful enough to contend with the queen of this worldview.

On top of that, Han Su-Yeong’s speciality, [Dark Flame]’s aura was rising up from the queen’s left arm, as well.

“Dok-Ja-ssi! You must get out of there!”

Yi Hyeon-Seong protected me from the royal guards trying to rush in.


It seemed that Jeong Hui-Won too had somehow regained her wits. Sadly, though, there was no time to pay them any mind right now.

The seconds ticked by and the previously-even balance of the battle rapidly tilted away from Yu Joong-Hyeok’s favour. Because his opponent today just so happened to be none other than the ‘Triple Master’.

“Han Su-Yeong! You need to wake up!”

I brought forth the power of the ‘Great Fable’ without hesitation.

[Great Fable, ‘Demon World’s Spring’, has begun its storytelling.]

The Fable I shot into the air above with all my power created a gap in the fighting in an instant. I didn’t miss that opening and jumped into the battlefield.

The queen grinned and opened her arms wide.

“Oh, the ‘Demon King of Salvation’. The woman you’re searching for has died a long time ago.”

“Stop making me laugh. Han Su-Yeong would never speak in that manner.”

“Are you aware of what the lifetime of 50 years means to a person?”

No, I had no idea. I hadn’t lived that long yet, after all.

[Great Fable, ‘Kaixenix Archipelago’, has begun its storytelling.]

The entire world seemed to wiggle around, and the figure of Han Su-Yeong living in this land floated up on the empty air.

This was her Fable. Her history, as she lived in this world.

More specifically, the history as experienced by her host, ‘Yuri di Aristel’.

⸢The beautiful esteemed daughter of an Earl.⸥

⸢A girl brought up for the sake of becoming a new queen.⸥

⸢”Once you turn 18, you shall enter the royal castle.”⸥

The Han Su-Yeong I know could be seen among the chaotically-rising lines of texts.

⸢”Fine. In that case, should I become a Swordmaster before I turn 18?”⸥

She began fighting against the world itself. She was living in this world with a clear, focused expression on her face.

She was experiencing this world with an expression I couldn’t recognise.

⸢”Why is a young girl swinging around a sword?”⸥

⸢”Magic is nothing but an illusion.”⸥

Certain cliches would try to hinder a person with the pretext of being cliches. And the Han Su-Yeong I know hated cliches more than anyone out there.

⸢”Screw it, you think I’ll marry just because you say so?! Bring someone stronger than me, than I’ll marry that person, then!”⸥

Countless men stepped forward to take possession of the Earl’s beautiful daughter. Among them were famed knights of the archipelago as well as renowned magicians.

Han Su-Yeong became stronger and stronger in order to defeat all the potential suitors with her own hands.

At the end of the harsh training soaked in her blood and sweat, she became the Swordmaster, and eventually rose up as the Ninth Circle Archmage, and finally, the master of fear who controlled the powers of an evil dragon.

Her flesh became younger through the power of the Swordmaster, and the aura from the evil black flame enhanced her air of mysteriousness even further.

Ironically, though – the stronger she got, the world grew to desire her even more.

Han Su-Yeong continued to fight against such a world.

She spent a far longer life in this place than she did on Earth, and did her very best to diligently endure that lengthy period of time.

Her Fable carried on with its storytelling, but I couldn’t hear it anymore from a certain point onwards.

It was lonesome. I felt a sense of rebellion. Even though Han Su-Yeong was in this world alongside me….

….It felt as if she was so, so far away.

“This isn’t Han Su-Yeong’s world.”

“Who are you to decide that? You have known her for less than four years, no more than that. And if you count the days you spent with her, it’d be less than one year, even.”

That was probably all true.

“What do you really know about Han Su-Yeong?”

I recalled the Han Su-Yeong that I knew in my head.

A person with a strong pride who didn’t know how to apologise or take back what she said; a person who pursued efficiency, but who’d readily give up on that very efficiency for the sake of her companions.

A person who acted all selfish and the like, but who’d always go “You guys can’t do anything without me” and get ready to risk her life….

….In what kind of manner did she speak?

Was the Han Su-Yeong I knew the real ‘Han Su-Yeong’?

Did she still exist in the story that I know?

“The Han Su-Yeong you knew no longer exists. The past 50 years had moulded her into a brand new existence. And that is precisely me.”

The Great Fable rushing out from behind the queen’s back emitted incredibly dense fighting intent in our direction.

[Great Fable, ‘Kaixenix Archipelago’, is excluding your existences.]

In front of the time spanning 50 years, the memories of the short time Han Su-Yeong and I shared together gradually looked pathetic and insignificant.

To make sure that the memories wouldn’t grow any more insignificant, I forced out a smile and had to open my mouth. “As I thought, you are not Han Su-Yeong. She’s not as serious as you, you know.”

There was a faint trace of agitation in the queen’s expression.

And from that hint of unrest, I became certain of ‘who’ this queen was. Without a doubt, she was infinitely closer to being Han Su-Yeong. However, she could never fully be her.

“You are none other than ‘Yuri di Aristel’, the daughter of the Earl and who just so happened to watch Han Su-Yeong’s life for the longest time. You probably seized the opening created by the Great Fable swallowing Han Su-Yeong up and took over her body.”


“Now, speak. Where is the real Han Su-Yeong?”

Instead of a verbal answer, an incredible Status poured out from her entire body.


As if the intense battle we fought until now was nothing but a warm-up, the waves of Status unshackled from her entire being crashed into us, causing our bodies to become rooted to the spot – Yu Joong-Hyeok, Yi Hyeon-Seong, Jeong Hui-Won, and me.

The queen slowly made her way towards us as our movements were completely sealed now.

I asked her. “Are you planning to kill us all?”

“Kill you?” A derisive smirk floated up on her lips. “Looks like you still don’t know much about this scenario. Since you all have survived this far, that means none of you will die. I, and… Han Su-Yeong, also wishes for that.”

“However, you tried to execute me earlier, didn’t you?”

“That was your assigned test. And you were scheduled to be rescued by the First Prince, anyway,” the queen laughed as if she was Han Su-Yeong. “And now, the end of this scenario is upon us.”

Sparks danced in the air and the new scenario message could be heard now.

[The deciding moment for the Genre Selection has arrived!]

[You must select this worldview’s genre!]

The queen stared at the air and spoke. “The end of this world has always remained the same.”

A sense of desolation refined through a lengthy period of time brushed past her expression.

The Isle of Reincarnators was a series of islands where the dead Fables were put on display like stuffed animals. It was a grave of Fables that managed to continue existing by supplying suitable stages to other scenarios.

I could more or less guess the life she had lived until now.

The archipelago of Kaixenix must’ve offered up hundreds of ‘possession scenario’ and hundreds of Ricardos and Schweichens must’ve resolved their stories in their own preferred manner.

“The protagonist became a better person by braving all sorts of trials and tribulations, and finally gets his hands on wealth, honour and the love of his life, heading towards the inevitable happy ending. Although the progress of this scenario had been a bit more peculiar….. In the end, the conclusion won’t change. So, let us just end this already.”

She spoke in a fed-up tone of voice. And then, issued an order to me. “Marry me, Ricardo Von Kaixenix.”

Yu Joong-Hyeok stared at me with a dumbfounded expression. Yi Hyeon-Seong and Jeong Hui-Won freaked out and began shouting something in my direction.

I calmly asked a question, instead. “Is that the conclusion of this scenario?”

“That’s right.”

“If I marry you, are you going to let us move on to the next scenario?”

“Also correct, but with the exception of one person.”

One person, she said.

The deep-seated shadow of avarice danced within the eyes of the queen. “Han Su-Yeong must remain in this world. You see, I really like her. And you shall become the tragic lovers saying goodbye inside a scenario.”

[Genre of the applicable scenario is tilting towards ‘Romance’.]

[Scenario clear condition will be fulfilled as soon as the genre has been confirmed.]

This world was negotiating with us for a deal, telling us to abandon Han Su-Yeong.

“Living in this world, and not in her original world, suits her better.”

That might be true as well.

Rather than ‘Han Su-Yeong’ of <Kim Dok-Ja’s Company>, ‘Han Su-Yeong’ of ‘Kaixenix Archipelago’ might be able to enjoy a happier life, instead. The queen arrogantly staring down at me extended her left hand out.

“Stand up and kiss my hand. And say your farewell to your long-time companion.”

It was a white hand; Han Su-Yeong would have fought against this world with that hand.

On the back of her white hand, I could see dozens of scars and calloused skin. Just, for what purpose did she fight so hard like that?

I recalled her book tucked away within my inner pocket and raised my voice. “….Just like you said, I do not know Han Su-Yeong.”

“Indeed, you’ve finally acknowledged it.”

“That is why I definitely can’t let her go.”

“What was that??”

“You see, I haven’t heard the conclusion of this story from her yet.”

I slowly got up from my spot while summoning up every ounce of strength I possessed, in order to resist this world’s Fable.


[Great Fable, ‘Torch that swallowed the Myth’, is roaring out!]

[Great Fable, ‘Demon World’s Spring’, is nodding its head.]

The queen’s expression changed and she glared at me. “You’re ruining a scenario on the verge of completion.”

“Nope, this is the way it’s supposed to go.”

“….What was that?”

“I’ve been curious about this since the beginning. Out of all the potential scenarios out there, why were we thrown into this ‘Kaixenix Archipelago’ in the first place? However, when I thought about it, the reason was actually quite simple.”

I pulled out a certain sword from my inner pocket and spoke. “That’s because I am the legitimate heir to the throne in this scenario.”

The [Unbreakable Faith] glowed brightly and emitted blinding rays of pure light.

[Worldview is reacting to the Star Relic ‘Unbreakable Faith’!]

[Applicable Star Relic belongs to this particular worldview.]

[Natural abilities of the Star Relic are increasing tremendously!]

The First Ancestor of the Kaixenix Archipelago was the legendary Storm King, Ulysses Kaixenix – and this was his sword.

“T-that sword is….?!”

“That’s the sword of the Storm King!”

The royal guards recognised the sword and they all collapsed down to the ground. The queen fell into a state of panic and began pouring out her powerful physical aura and magical energy in my direction.

Unfortunately for her, though, not even the power of a Swordmaster nor that of an Archmage could do much in front of the [Unbreakable Faith].

[Star Relic, ‘Unbreakable Faith’, is crying out!]

This was the true power of the ‘Star Relic’; it would exhibit a near-omnipotent level of power when inside the Fable where it was created.

My hand gripping the sword began trembling non-stop. Sure, the Star Relic itself might be powerful, but ‘Ricardo Von Kaixenix’ simply didn’t possess enough strength to hold the weapon for too long. That was why I needed to end this as quickly as possible.

I smacked away the queen’s magical energy waves and got closer to her, a step at the time. By the time I reached her, she had fallen on her butt.

She was carrying an expression of resignation ever since she saw the sword.

[You have chosen the route of ‘Dynastic Revolution’.]

[You must kill the queen.]

[Genre of the applicable scenario is tilting towards ‘Fantasy’….]

Han Su-Yeong’s book said that there were three ways to complete this scenario. Unfortunately, she left out the most crucial ‘third method’ in her book.

If I kill the queen now, then Han Su-Yeong would die, as well. But, if I marry her, then she would be left behind. In that case, how should I conclude this tale, then?

What would be the end of the scenario that Han Su-Yeong wanted?

The queen spoke. “Hurry, and kill me.”

“If I do that, then I’d become a true king. And end the scenario right here.”

Han Su-Yeong didn’t tell me the correct answer. As if she was telling me to use my own imagination for something like that.

That was why I decided to carry out what I thought was the correct solution. The method to save Han Su-Yeong without killing the queen and still manage to seize the throne.

“The thing is, though, I’m already the ‘king of a kingless world’, you see.”

“What was that?”

“Not only that, I’m the head representative of <Kim Dok-Ja’s Company>, and the heir of the Underworld, too.”

I looked at the queen’s scar-filled hands. Han Su-Yeong became a Swordmaster and an Archmage through those hands.

The Han Su-Yeong that I knew wasn’t someone who’d set a simple goal of ‘survival’ in this world. Because, she was an author who knew how to look at the bigger picture.

I smiled and raised my voice. “You see, I’m really fed up with being a king.”

[You have chosen a course that has never been thought of before.]

[Worldview is flustered by your selection.]

I held the queen’s hand and slowly helped her up. And rather than kissing her hand, I placed [Unbreakable Faith] in there, instead.

“What are you trying to do? This….”

“Don’t be mistaken. I’m not trying to give you the ruler’s position.”

“Then, what?”

“The one who’ll become the king isn’t you, but my comrade.”

As the queen’s eyes grew wider, I finished what I wanted to say.

“It’ll be Han Su-Yeong from <Kim Dok-Ja’s Company>.”

In the following moment, there was an explosion of scenario messages before my eyes.

[Error has occurred during the scenario’s selection process!]

[Potential genre option, ‘Fantasy’, is falling apart!]

[Potential genre option, ‘Fusion fantasy’, is falling apart!]

[Potential genre option, ‘Romance’, is falling apart!]

[Hidden option, ‘Genre: Kim Dok-Ja’s Company’, is activating!]


And then, someone spoke to me.

⸢You’ve managed to figure it out, haven’t you, Kim Dok-Ja.⸥

<Episode 379: Three methods (3) > Fin.

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