Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

Chapter 538. The Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (3)

The sentence floated up to the air. When she heard the voice that utterly ignored spelling rules or word spacing, Han Su-Yeong grew deeply flustered.

“Y-you are….?”

She did hear some things about this voice from Kim Dok-Ja in the past.

– Right, that guy can also speak.

– ….A skill can talk??

– Well, I admit it kinda talks in a funny way, but you can still more or less understand it.

She had no idea that one day she’d get to hear that voice herself.

“The 4th Wall??”

When called out, the spinning circle began to cackle.

⸢Y o u lot ca nn ot pa ss he re the great one do es n’t wa nt it⸥

….’The great one’?

She had heard of that title somewhere before.


The Probability’s sparks wildly exploded and the companions all screamed out. The vicious storm of aftermath even managed to blow away the ‘Hounds Chasing After the Abyss’ outside the subway.

[‘The Final Wall’ is not permitting your group’s entry.]

[Your group does not have the qualifications to meet the ‘Most Ancient Dream’.]

The pain akin to their bodies being shredded apart into tiny bits slammed into them. This was no doubt a ploy to push the companions outside the subway.

⸢T his is t h e fi nal stop⸥

One of Han Su-Yeong’s knees was bent in an abnormal direction. However, she didn’t even scream once and simply glared at the pitch-black circle right before her eyes.

“I’ll decide when and where I get off.”

⸢The 1865th turn’s Han Su-Yeong didn’t select the ‘Abyssal Black Flame Dragon’.⸥

An unbelievable level of forceful aura flooded out from her entire figure.

⸢Han Su-Yeong became a Constellation on her own.⸥

[Constellation, ‘Architect of the False Last Act’, is revealing her Status!]

It was the same Modifier that the 1863rd turn’s Han Su-Yeong had acquired.

She unleashed every bit of Fable she had been saving up until now. Brilliantly-pure blue rays of light swirled violently from one of her irises.

[Exclusive skill, ‘Eye of Truth’, has been activated!]

Back during the 1863rd turn, this skill failed to penetrate past that wall. However, Han Su-Yeong of this regression turn was a different being altogether.

[Fable, ‘Revision Specialist’, has begun its storytelling!]

In this turn, she had been diligently acquiring a lot more Fables related to ‘writing’ than before.


Just like how the foundations of other characters were a collection of sentences, it should be the same story for [The 4th Wall], as well. As long as this world was a novel, this wall must’ve been made up of words and sentences.

Even if she failed to decipher its foundation, there should still be sentences left behind somewhere that helped her make a guess.

[The 4th Wall] cottoned on to what Han Su-Yeong was planning to do and ballooned up its overall thickness.

⸢U s e le ss⸥

[‘The 4th Wall’ is increasing its thickness even more!]

The spinning black circle grew even more robust.

The 4th Wall. The mind defence skill that couldn’t be penetrated by the existences found within the ‘Ways of Survival’.

Han Su-Yeong didn’t try to forcibly penetrate the wall. Instead, she quietly stared at it.

[Fable, ‘Guide of the Line Spacing’, has begun its storytelling!]

⸢Some things would grow even more obvious the more you try to hide them.⸥

Han Su-Yeong scanned the outer appearance of the wall. There were plenty of scratches and cracks visible on it. Its past history of not sparing itself when trying to protect Kim Dok-Ja was left behind as fully-visible traces all over the wall.

⸢That great one must be protected.⸥

Why did this wall hide that sentence in the most secretive place of all?

⸢That is the last favour the god asked of me.⸥

In that very moment, Han Su-Yeong’s lips began trembling.

As pulsing migraine assaulted her, sentences above the wall flashed past her brain.



“If, by chance, something happens to me, then you…”

“Please don’t say things like that.”

“If you really see me as your ‘god’, then….”⸥

A middle-aged man wearing a fedora was looking up at her with a committed, loyal look on his face.

⸢”Protect that guy, no matter what.”⸥

The existence that knew the ‘Ways of Survival’ just as well as the original author, herself.

The existence that remained even more indifferent to the tragedies of this world than her, and…

And, the existence that lived for the sole purpose of ‘completing the story’.

⸢The existence that opened the ‘scenario’ in this world, and the one who connected the two world-lines as one.⸥

[The 4th Wall] spoke up instead of Han Su-Yeong’s trembling lips.

⸢D on t be so su rpri sed ev en I rea lis ed it ju st now⸥

“What did you say?”

⸢I al so di dn’t kn ow who I w as⸥

There were some existences without a fleshed-out past that had to simply ‘exist’ until belatedly, they were permitted to acquire their histories. Beings that didn’t ‘exist’ until the author decided to give them a backstory.

⸢I be ca me com ple te be cau se of y o u⸥

The scenes from the moments when the ‘paid service’ got underway brushed past her mind. The moment when the two world-lines of reality and fiction became one, and the 1863rd turn’s Dokkaebi King standing right in the middle.

⸢W h y I ha d to bec ome a w a l l di vid ing the wo rld⸥

The Dokkaebi King became the wall that divided the world.

⸢W h y I ha d to pro tec t Kim Dok Ja⸥

And then, it carried out the last favour its ‘god’ had asked of it.

⸢Y o u di dn’t re mem ber m e⸥

The existence that repeated one single story for a long, long time, and the one who became addicted to that story, constantly lusting after it.

The existence that had read the ‘Ways of Survival’ even before Kim Dok-Ja did, was right before her eyes.

This world’s most ancient reader.

⸢I too di dn’t re mem ber y o u⸥

The Dokkaebi King filled the void left behind by Han Su-Yeong and became this world’s chronicler.

⸢T hi s st ory is n o w mine⸥

And eventually, it succeeded in completing the story.

“It was I who asked you in the first place. So, stop this right now.”

The existence that continued to uphold an order for a very long time had eventually become the order itself.

⸢Y o u are not my g o d any mo re⸥

She who had lost her position as the original author was no longer the creator, as well.

Han Su-Yeong stared at her own fingertips. The ‘Ways of Survival’ her other self had written went on to become a novel spanning 3149 chapters. That novel left her hands and reached its reader.

“You’re right, this world’s god is no longer me, but the reader.”

That would be Kim Dok-Ja beyond this spinning circle, slumbering and dreaming away in eternity.

“So, let’s ask that god, then. Let’s ask if he really wishes to remain in this place, or….!”

Han Su-Yeong swallowed a Life and Death Pill and righted her broken knee. And then, she walked forward step by step before extending her hands.

“….Or, if he wants to get out of here with us.”

Blinding sparks of flames exploded on the tips of her hands.

As if to reject her approach, the spinning circle’s speed grew faster and faster. Blood splattered from both of her hands. Not even Fables could protect her. However, even while suffering from the cruel pain akin to her hands being grounded into fine dust, Han Su-Yeong didn’t stop.

“Kim Dok-Ja! Say something!”

There were some people who, despite wishing to be saved, couldn’t bring themselves to ask others to save them.

Han Su-Yeong always wanted to write certain sentences for people like that. To write sentences for those people who couldn’t say or write anything.

Just like how it always had been for her, all she could do was to write ‘sentences’.

But, as long as she could cross over to the other side of this circle…

As long as she could get rid of this full stop, then…

⸢The idiot that unquestioningly took the lemon candy offered as a joke and sucked on it.⸥

“Kim Dok-Ja!”

Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough.

She couldn’t reach the other side of the wall with only the sentences she possessed.

It was then, yet another hand was laid on top of Han Su-Yeong’s.

It was Yu Sang-Ah.

Mandalas were unfurled on both sides of her as she began loading her Fable. While wiping away the blood trickling down her nose, she smiled weakly.


⸢The man who hid in the cabinet alone to read the ‘Ways of Survival’.⸥

Yu Sang-Ah’s sentences were now calling out to Kim Dok-Ja.

As if they were grabbing at a door knob, their hands reached out and grabbed the spinning circle. However, the circle’s speed didn’t decrease in the slightest. They were still short on the sentences. But then, hands from two more people were laid on top of the two women’s.

“I shall hold onto the inside!”

“I’m on the left!”

Jeong Hui-Won and Yi Hyeon-Seong letting out a loud, spirited yell began clinging onto the circle as well.

⸢The man who silently listened to the boring stories from the military.⸥

Yi Hyeon-Seong yelling out unleashed his Fable, and Jeong Hui-Won next to him matched his timing.

⸢Stinking stubborn mull of a damned troublemaker.⸥

“Dok-Ja-ssi! Answer us! You can hear us, right??”

And now, Yi Seol-Hwa and Gong Pil-Du added their hands next.

⸢The man who searched for medicinal herbs throughout the night for the sake of his companions.⸥

⸢The bastard who stole all of my lands.⸥



The two kids also rushed in. The small hands of Shin Yu-Seung and Yi Gil-Yeong were placed on Han Su-Yeong’s one at a time.

⸢The man who always lied to reassure someone else.⸥

⸢However, the man who wasn’t very good at lying.⸥

Right behind them was Yi Ji-Hye wielding her sword. She used her fists to slam into the circle. She hit it, then hit it again and again.

“I can’t say something that cringy, anyway! So, just come out already!!”

⸢Squid ahjussi.⸥

Different memories of everyone from different time and place – all those sentences of every single moment gathered together and wished for one Kim Dok-Ja.

However, the full stop still didn’t want to budge even after the companions called out. No, only their hands ended up as a bloody mess.

Their Fables were being extinguished now. And then, a sentence floated up above the full stop.

⸢Maybe it’s just our greed, wanting to save him?⸥

“Shut up!”

⸢Maybe, he’s not an existence needing to be saved?⸥

The companions also knew it – knew that this action of theirs could be a meaningless one.

That was why they wanted to know.

To ask.

To reach out, and confirm.

“Kim Dok-Ja! I know you’re in there!” Jang Ha-Yeong shouted out. “We talked about this, didn’t we?! Even if we can’t reach each other, even if we can’t meet, we gotta keep pounding on the wall until the end, right?? Even if the wall would never open up, we agreed to keep writing something on it, didn’t we?!”

Even if we can’t reach each other, even if we can’t meet each other, we should continue to pound away on each other’s walls.

Even if that wall would never open up, keep writing something on that wall, anyway.

“When we do that, then maybe, someone might end up seeing our words someday….!”

Then maybe, just maybe, you might finally want to come out of that place.

“Please! Say something! Anything! Please-!”

And so, Jang Ha-Yeong’s palm slammed into the full stop. And in the very next moment…

[‘Wall of Impossible Communication’ is revealing its power!]

The full stop began to shake little by little. For the first time ever, [The 4th Wall]’s aura changed.

⸢Y o u da re⸥

Yu Sang-Ah didn’t miss this opening and shouted out. “Dok-Ja-ssi! We promised to meet during the next life, didn’t we?!”

[‘Wall That Decides Samsara’ is revealing its capability!]

Yi Gil-Yeong also shouted out as if he didn’t want to lose. “Hyung, you always think you are at fault for everything!”

Jeong Hui-Won carried on where the boy’s words ended. “I don’t care whether you’re good or evil, Dok-Ja-ssi! I don’t plan on judging you according to the standards of this world. That’s why…!”

[‘Wall That Divides Good and Evil’ is revealing its theme!]

“….So, please open this door!”

Right next moment, a powerful rebound coming out from the door blew away the companions.

The cacophony of loud exploding noises utterly deafened them. Once the ringing in their ears went away, only the cold silence remained in the surroundings.

The injured companions got up one by one. Before Yi Hyeon-Seong could say something, though, Han Su-Yeong hurriedly placed a finger on her lips.

Just like the way faint, soft drizzle moistened the parched ground, a quiet little noise could be heard.


That noise, it was coming from beyond the full stop.

A place beyond the completion of the story.

Han Su-Yeong was the first to hear that sound.

Knock, knock….

The sound so small and so weak, yet still undoubtedly letting others know of his presence there.

⸢There he was.⸥

Shin Yu-Seung broke down in tears.

⸢Someone was knocking on the door from beyond it.⸥

Han Su-Yeong rushed forward, followed right after by Yu Sang-Ah. Yi Hyeon-Seong and Jeong Hui-Won laid their hands on top of the two women’s, again. Yi Seol-Hwa quickly healed the companions’ wounded hands, while Gong Pil-Du threw his own weight behind them. To fight against the rebound, Yi Ji-Hye stabbed her sword on the floor, while Jang Ha-Yeong supported Han Su-Yeong’s body. Fables from Shin Yu-Seung and Yi Gil-Yeong then began protecting Han Su-Yeong’s hands.

“Focus all of your powers in one spot!”

Along with the loud ‘Kwa-gagagagak!’ noise, their hands were grounded to bloody dust again.

The full stop’s spinning speed was slowing down. Bit by agonising bit, the worn-down surface of the full stop began developing cracks.

⸢Their Fable was not enough.⸥

The full stop’s size was gradually shrinking down. It continued to get smaller, as if to never permit their entry in this place. It was then, some people suddenly intruded into the subway.

[Constellation, ‘Queen of the Darkest Spring’, is incarnating!]

They were two members of <Kim Dok-Ja Company> who had not revealed themselves up until now.

[My apologies for showing up late.]

One of them was the queen of the Underworld, Persephone. And the other was…


Rather than looking at the full stop, Yi Su-Gyeong was now looking at at the other Kim Dok-Ja plopped down on the floor. He looked back at her in a daze, but then, bit down hard on his lip and grabbed onto her hand.

Fables then began flooding out from both Yi Su-Gyeong and Persephone.

Two Kim Dok-Jas existed for them.

⸢Kim Dok-Ja before the start of the scenario, and Kim Dok-Ja after the scenario got underway.⸥

Two beings that had observed ‘Kim Dok-Ja’ longer than anyone else supported his Avatar and approached the full stop. Han Su-Yeong nodded her head.

⸢The one who imprisoned Kim Dok-Ja inside the wall was himself.⸥

“Kim Dok-Ja.”

Han Su-Yeong realised something as she witnessed his eyelashes tremble weakly. No matter how deeply her novel had influenced Kim Dok-Ja, he was not the ‘Ways of Survival’. No matter how well she understood the ‘Ways of Survival’, it didn’t automatically mean she understood Kim Dok-Ja.

She might be able to write sentences for someone else, but she certainly couldn’t read those words in their stead. No, the role of reading was left up to the god of the new world, the reader.

“….Help us.”

Kim Dok-Ja’s hand touched the full stop.


[‘The 4th Wall’ is increasing its thickness even more!]

Hands were laid on top of hands. [The 4th Wall] was shouting out at them.

⸢Y o u lot mu st fa il h ere⸥

⸢T hi s sto ry h as b een com ple ted th is way al rea dy⸥

Was it forbidden to change a complete story?

Was it forbidden for a single universe to even dare think about being saved just because the rest of the universes were completed in unhappiness?

Han Su-Yeong wrapped Kim Dok-Ja’s hand laid on top of hers tightly and began crying. The memories from the 1863rd turn were going on a rampage.

⸢This story will cycle itself.⸥

Yet another Han Su-Yeong would repeat the 1863rd turn inside this cycle.

Kim Dok-Ja and Han Su-Yeong wouldn’t recognise each other and start fighting again.

Yu Jung-Hyeok would continue with his regressions.

And to save them all, Kim Dok-Ja would become the ‘Most Ancient Dream’ many, many times.

The vast, indescribable time would cycle over and over again, leading them to reach and meet one another, only to part ways again.

Enduring the innumerable lengths of time to meet, then meet again, and create stories.

And with that, this story might become truly complete.

However, if that was the case, just when would they ever be able to taste happiness?

⸢It’s fine if the story is imperfect.⸥

Han Su-Yeong’s hands powerfully gripped onto the circle’s crack.

The surface of the gripped wall began tearing apart.

⸢If that story can make someone happy, then…⸥

The companions’ fables crumbled as an incredible storm exploded. Kim Dok-Ja’s coat was ripped apart, and their weapons shattered to bits and pieces. The blindingly-pure rays of light blanketed their view. Within this incredible explosion of light, Han Su-Yeong thought to herself. [The 4th Wall] was right, the ‘Ways of Survival’ was indeed now over. With his own hands, he brought it to its conclusion.

However, that didn’t mean Kim Dok-Ja’s story had come to an end there, either.


Eventually, the storm died down, revealing the messed-up hands of the companions. Hands, laid on top of each other as if they had fused into one. And these hands had destroyed the ‘completed’ full stop. The crack ran down on the circle’s edge like a tear.

⸢It now resembled a comma.⸥

The door was open.

<Epilogue 4. The Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (3)> Fin.

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