Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

Chapter 488. Episode 93 – Omniscient Author's Viewpoint (2)

[Your ■■ is ■■.]

When Jeong Hui-Won first heard that message, she felt a bit weirded out. She recalled what Kim Dok-Ja told her some time ago. He said that each individual had a specific ending reserved for them. So, she believed that she too would have something like that as well.

However…. it was ■■?

Jeong Hui-Won knew someone that suited such description far better than her.

The person she fought alongside the closest than anyone.

The person she wouldn’t hesitate to become a sword for.

The person who treated his comrades preciously. The person who always sacrificed himself first.

⸢That’s why, a person she couldn’t help but resent.⸥

Jeong Hui-Won broke past the waves of ‘Nameless Ones’ and ran. Venomous liquid exploded nearby and splashed onto her thigh, boiling her flesh dark. She urgently pulled out the internal healing salve Yi Seol-Hwa gave her earlier and applied it on the wound, then started running again. She shook off the Constellations trying to interfere with their outpouring of attacks, and leapt up by stepping on the Nameless Ones surrounding Kim Dok-Ja as if to protect him.

She could see ‘something’ far away. Something that used to be ‘Kim Dok-Ja’.


And now, the being that had become the ⸢Enemy of the Story⸥.


Yi Hyeon-Seong managed to get to her and grabbed her shoulders.

“Hold on-!”

Even before he could continue with his words, a message popped up first, instead.

[The Final Scenario’s streaming to all locations will begin!]

Every channel within <Star Stream> was now opening up.

Tsu-chut, chuchuchut….!

The scenario message flickered about unstably.

[Everyone, don’t panic and just focus on the scenario. This scenario will be the final one for you. Once you hunt down the Outer God King, your long journey will come to an end as well.]

[This story shall be recorded on the ‘Final Wall’, and the journeys of the stars will become the ‘epic tale’ that shall be handed down for all eternity!]

Great Dokkaebis greedily shouted out. Their eyes were burning with naked desire to record the Fable they had guided till here on the Final Wall.

[Great Fable, ‘Brilliance of the Ancient Dawn’, dreams of the final story!]

[Great Fable, ‘Master of Asgard’, dreams of the final story!]

Great Fables were writhing viciously now. To remain as the ‘One Single Fable’, these Great Fables were urging on the Constellations and Incarnations.

[Constellation, ‘Spear that Draws the Borders of the Oceans’, is pulling out his weapon!]

[Constellation, ‘Master of Abydos’, is incarnating into the scenario!]

[Constellation, ‘River Nile’s Monster Bird’, is roaring out viciously!]

However, not everyone was being led around by that urging.

Despite the orders from the first-seat god Zeus, several gods from <Olympus>, including Dionysus, were hesitating to attack. It was the same story for the Incarnations, as well.

“….Do we really need to kill that person?”

The one to say that was the Japanese Incarnation, ‘Asuka Ren’.

“The ‘Kim Dok-Ja’ I met was not a villain.”

“She’s right! Kim Dogeza is not a bad person!”

They were people who received help from Kim Dok-Ja’s companions during the fight against other Japanese that chose to become the calamities of the [Peaceland].

Besides them, several Incarnations affiliated with <Emperor> and <Olympus> agreed with them.

[Quite a few Constellations agree with the opinions of the Incarnations!]

[<Star Stream>’s Probability is falling into unrest!]

Once they detected the Probability moving towards a suspicious direction, the Great Dokkaebis quickly stepped forward to rectify that.

[Do not forget, everyone. He’s the ‘Enemy of the Scenario’.]

[You may not be aware of this, but from the beginning, ‘Kim Dok-Ja’ had been clearing the scenarios with the purpose of ruining this world-line.]

Quite unlike themselves, these usually-arrogant Great Dokkaebis began speaking in a polite tone of voice. And as the footages of Fables began playing in the vast skies above, the Dokkaebis’ speciality began as well.

[He betrayed this world-line and made deals with the ‘Outer Gods’.]

Inside the screen, Kim Dok-Ja was making a deal with the ‘Secretive Plotter’. Since there was no voice being transmitted, his expression came across as especially sinister.

That wasn’t all. Everything he had done so far was now being laid bare to the rest of the world. From when he released the grasshoppers in the subway and didn’t try to save anyone else, to when he didn’t do anything back in the Geumho station even though he could’ve saved many others….

This collection of only the worst moments of someone was trying to create a brand new Kim Dok-Ja in this world.

[If he achieves his goal, then only the pure destruction awaits this world.]

Soon, the screen changed to that from the ⸢Journey to the West⸥.

The Great Fable ⸢Liberator of the Forgotten Ones⸥.

It was the scene of him, surrounded by the Outer Gods, liberating the ‘Nameless Ones’ trapped inside the scenario. Unfortunately, perhaps due to the Dokkaebis’ interference, him inside the Fable no longer looked saintly. No, he truly looked like the leader of a cult freeing demons in order to really destroy this world.

[He acquired the knowledge of the future through uncommon means, and he used that for his own benefit.]

Kim Dok-Ja holding onto his smartphone was now ordering his companions around.

[Him becoming the ‘Demon King of Salvation’, then the ‘Watcher of Light and Darkness’, they were all simply part of his plan.]

The storytellers worked together to drag Kim Dok-Ja’s position down from ‘protagonist’ to the villain. They were changing his Fable into a sly and cowardly one.

[<Star Stream>’s Probability is mobilising!]

This action definitely went against the nature of the storytellers themselves. Even then, these Great Dokkaebis didn’t hesitate one second. Because, these storytellers also desired their own ■■, as well.

[And now, he has become the ‘Outer God’ Monarch to destroy this world.]


The public sentiment within <Star Stream> was rapidly changing.

Asuka Ren’s complexion paled greatly. Anna Croft and her unreadable expression walked past the Japanese woman’s side and muttered to the latter.

“It’s too late now.”

‘Zarathustras’ began advancing forward, and those Constellations greatly hesitating also joined in the battle.


The ‘Nameless Ones’ screaming in pain collided against the front of the Constellations.

⸢All the creatures related to Kim Dok-Ja were pointing their blades at each other.⸥

And Jeong Hui-Won found herself in the middle of this battlefield, watching Kim Dok-Ja’s fight.

Even if she didn’t help him out, there were plenty of ‘Outer Gods’ fighting alongside him next to him. They were huge cephalopod-type monsters, Outer Gods with baby-like bodies yet with heads of giant flowers, etc.

Even if Jeong Hui-Won borrowed Uriel’s powers and went all out, she’d not be able to win. Standing among them, Kim Dok-Ja truly looked like the great calamity trying to end this world-line.

⸢Jeong Hui-Won thought that she understood Kim Dok-Ja.⸥

She didn’t know the conclusion Kim Dok-Ja truly wanted. However, she believed that she knew without being told what it was. She thought that the end of the world she wanted was the same as what he wanted.

⸢However, could this be the end he truly wished for?⸥

Maybe, there was no such thing as comrades to him?

[Constellation, ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’, is….!]

She knew. Jeong Hui-Won knew better than anyone what Uriel was trying to say. She also knew that Kim Dok-Ja treasured his comrades. Perhaps too much, and that’s why he was capable of doing something like this.

Kim Dok-Ja, he was planning to sacrifice himself and allow his companions to see the end of this world.

⸢No matter how far she reaches out, she just couldn’t touch him.⸥

It was as if a huge wall was standing before her eyes. And this wall was preventing her from getting nearer to him.

“Just how….”

Perhaps, Jeong Hui-Won was too exhausted now to long for the desired conclusion.

⸢Kim Dok-Ja is a type of person who didn’t listen to anyone.⸥

The grip of the sword in her hand felt cold. This sword that Kim Dok-Ja had personally crafted for her and placed in her grasp. This sword that remained as the symbol of her beliefs from the [Paradise] all the way to here.

[‘Judge’s Sword’ is crying out!]

The sword that should react only in the vicinity of ‘evil’ was now crying out.

The Great Dokkaebis declared as if to make a mockery out of her.

[This is the hidden truth regarding the Enemy of the Story, ‘Kim Dok-Ja’.]

She wanted to confirm it.

If you are truly the ‘Kim Dok-Ja’ that I know.

And, if what you want isn’t the same as what I want, then….

⸢….Then, whether it’d be alright to end him with her own hands.⸥


As if he understood her heart, Yi Hyeon-Seong remained next to her side.

“I shall go with you.”

He literally became a shield of forged steel and ran forward while creating a path. He pierced through the waves of the stars and storms of the Nameless Ones. Just as Jeong Hui-Won had something to confirm, so did Yi Hyeon-Seong.

Something that needed to be confirmed over and over again.


As if riding on the wave itself, the two of them flew up and landed near Kim Dok-Ja’s rear in an instant. Such a thing was only possible because the other Outer Gods were all concentrated on his front.


Was it because of the Ring of Chaos drawn on the back of her hand? The ‘Nameless Ones’ ignored her even after discovering her presence and simply rushed forward.

Kim Dok-Ja standing tall like a huge skyscraper was now before her. Thick, pitch-black liquid dripped from that massive body.

Without even realising it, Jeong Hui-Won reached out and touched that exterior.

It was unfamiliar.

In the past, she got to hold the sleeping Kim Dok-Ja’s hand tightly. It was after he returned from another world, passed out for the whole day in a room the companions had prepared for him. What did his hand feel like back then?

Perhaps he sensed her presence, because the large head of the Outer God King shifted and looked behind himself.


White breath leaked out from that huge head.

“Kim Dok….”

Even though she knew she shouldn’t, Jeong Hui-Won still ended up taking several steps back. His huge jaw was opening towards her.

[Scenario’s Probability is activating!]

[All of your Fables are warning you!]

The Outer God King’s large black eye reflected her current expression.

She didn’t want to make that kind of a face. She didn’t want to look at Kim Dok-Ja with that sort of eyes. Unfortunately, her hands were already moving, independent of her will.


The [Judge’s Sword] cut down the tentacle reaching out to her. As if they were now irreconcilable enemies, her sword moved uncontrollably.

The tentacle burst open noisily and Fable leaked out from it.

⸢”Dok-Ja-ssi, we’re happier now compared to back then, right?”

“…..If you mean now is better than before, then yes, you’re right.”⸥

It was a Fable even she knew well.

⸢”I think so, too.”⸥

She listened to that story while staggering unsteadily no her feet. The story that only Kim Dok-Ja and Jeong Hui-Won remembered managed to grab hold of her mind.

After getting rid of her blurred vision, she got to see the surrounding view. She thought that she managed to cut down quite a number of tentacles so far, yet there didn’t seem like any noticeable wound on his body. And in the meantime, Kim Dok-Ja’s size had ballooned up even more, to an extent that it became hard to believe this used to be a single person.

He now resembled a massive wall standing tall all by himself.


A wall that would never be filled up no matter what was written on it. And as she stood in front of this wall, Jeong Hui-Won despaired.

Who cared about the [Final Wall]? She couldn’t even manage to overcome a wall of just one person.

She then spotted Han Su-Yeong shouting at her in the distance while trying to get here. If it was her, could she be able to cross this wall?

– It must be nice, being a writer and all.

During the <Kim Dok-Ja Company>’s vacation, Jeong Hui-Won lying on the middle of a mountainside said that to Han Su-Yeong.

– What do you mean, nice?

– No, well, a person who can write well also knows how to speak eloquently too, right? I wish I could be like that, too.

– What, so you can write a love letter to Yi Hyeon-Seong?

– No, not that.

Jeong Hui-Won wordlessly stared in Kim Dok-Ja’s direction. Just from that stare alone, Han Su-Yeong seemed to have figured out what her conversation partner wanted to say.

Kim Dok-Ja, struggling so hard in front of his own comrades. The fool that was idiotically trying to carry out a joke-like scenario of [Workers’ day-off] – Han Su-Yeong saw him and replied like this.

– Anyone can write a story.

Jeong Hui-Won raised her head and looked at this creature that used to be Kim Dok-Ja.

She was not a writer like Han Su-Yeong. On the other hand, she was also not an avid reader like Kim Dok-Ja. So, she could neither write like Han Su-Yeong nor read like Kim Dok-Ja.

However, that still didn’t mean she couldn’t write or read anything.

– Who cares if you can’t write well? Just like you said, you aren’t a novelist, right?

For sure, this world could be inside of the novel, the ‘Ways of Survival’. It could very well be a story written by an author living somewhere, and read by someone else.

However, this ‘novel’ was her life.

⸢And that was why she too had the right to write this world’s next sentence.⸥

Jeong Hui-Won slowly lowered her sword and asked. “….Dok-Ja-ssi. Do you remember that time?”

She didn’t know if he was listening or not. Despite that, she still placed her hand on the very small knick she created on this massive, expansive wall. The scenes she experienced together with Kim Dok-Ja leaked out from that knick. There they were, climbing up the heaven’s stairs while kitted out in formal attire.

“I was really happy back then. When we went to the department store together to buy new clothes and visited <Eden> like a bunch of celebs.”

She liked this world. Everything was being destroyed and all she could see was extensive devastation, yet because this was such a world, she got to find her true worth.

“…You said this, didn’t you? That this world is preferable. We’re people like that, aren’t we?”

Kim Dok-Ja’s answer didn’t arrive.

Jeong Hui-Won widened the wound on the tentacle. As if to say, don’t forget this wound, please remember her just as he’d remember this wound.

“That’s why, you are someone who can only do this, right?”

Jeong Hui-Won understood Kim Dok-Ja.

⸢If she doesn’t kill Kim Dok-Ja, this world will perish.⸥

The eye of the massive Outer God King was now looking at her. And it seemed like he was expressing his agreement from the way his head was moving. Jeong Hui-Won looked straight into that eye and spoke.

“How can I even kill you….”

Her vision blurred again, her body shivering.

Kim Dok-Ja’s salvation was cruel. Like rescuing a drowning person with a blade, those saved by him were inflicted an unhealable wound.

“Don’t make me laugh… This is no salvation….”

Jeong Hui-Won tottered as if she was about to lean against the wall.

A world where no one tried to save another. In this world where only victims existed, no, a world where the wounds of the victims were in full display, here was the lone hand full of scars extending out to her.

⸢Kim Dok-Ja was already extending his hand out from there.⸥

It wasn’t just the person reaching out, but the one grasping that hand also required courage to do so.

Courage to hold that scarred hand, courage not to give up.

Even if she knew this wouldn’t heal her, even if she knew that holding that hand would only inflict her with a greater wound – courage to hold that hand in order to live for one more time.

⸢Some salvations aren’t completed by the one giving them out, but by those receiving them.⸥

Jeong Hui-Won’s palm left a deep imprint on the tightly-held Outer God’s skin. She stared at that imprint for a very long time, then slowly raised her head, her hand grasping the sword tightly.

And when she did, a certain message resounded out within her ears.

[Completion of the Incarnation ‘Jeong Hui-Won’s’ ■■ is imminent!]

Just like holding the hand tightly, she strengthened her grip on the sword.

[Your ■■ is ‘Salvation’.]

<Episode 93. Omniscient Author’s Viewpoint (2)> Fin

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