The third uncle suddenly felt that things were not simple, and immediately said to Wu Xie, "Wait for this silk book, and go check what's going on at the Huo family recently!"


the other side.

After receiving the reply, Huo Xiuxiu arranged the bricks in order, just as she moved the last brick into place.


After a light sound, there was a sound of the mechanism being activated.


Seeing the giant stone gate slowly opening, Huo Xiuxiu was a little speechless in addition to being uneasy.

Who is the owner of this shop...

As the stone gate opened, dust fell.

Looking at the dirty clothes on her body, Huo Xiuxiu's good feelings and expectations for the mysterious blind date were almost gone.

After the dust had almost dissipated, Huo Xiuxiu walked over cautiously.

Passing through a narrow passage, Huo Xiuxiu's heart shuddered at what she saw.


I saw a huge open space, as if in some order, neatly placed ten black yin coffins!

There are also censer and tribute in front of the coffin.

Although Huo Xiuxiu was born in a family of tomb robbers, she has been running her own business. She has never seen such a scene before, and her scalp felt numb for a while!

At this moment, the sound of "Da Da Da Da!" was suddenly heard in the originally silent secret room.

The sound was getting louder and denser.

Huo Xiuxiu covered her mouth tightly, looked at the scene in front of her in horror, and stepped back cautiously. .

At this time, one of the coffins seemed to have something to rush out of it, and the coffin board kept shaking, and the amplitude was getting bigger and bigger.

The rest of the coffins also began to tremble under its influence.

The next second, the lid of a coffin suddenly bounced up and flew straight towards her.


Huo Xiuxiu hurriedly dodged to one side, and was about to run away.

At this moment, she glanced out of the corner of the eye, and her whole body froze.

I saw the corpse in the coffin sitting up straight!


Why is this corpse moving? !

Could it be the legendary zongzi?

Why would someone raise dumplings under their own shop? !

But these are not important now, Huo Xiuxiu hurriedly grabbed the phone and ran towards the passage where she came.

I thought maybe that stone gate could block this monster!


Just when she was not far from the entrance, a vision suddenly appeared!


The coffin in front of her suddenly flew up, directly blocking the entrance of the passage.

At the same time, the coffin board fell down with a sound of "Bang!".

The thing inside jumped out like this, and her only escape route was blocked.

In fact, there is a passage in this secret room, which should be connected to the outside world.

But it was also blocked by the giant stone gate, and she did not find a mechanism to open the stone gate.

In other words, all her escape routes are blocked now, and there is nowhere to escape!

At this time, Huo Xiuxiu stood stiffly in place, her back already wet with sweat.

She stared unblinkingly at the zombie in front of her whose face had already rotted for the most part, not daring to act rashly.


Not long after, the two zombies rushed towards Huo Xiuxiu as if they had negotiated.

At this time, Huo Xiuxiu didn't care anymore, and took off the high heels under her feet and threw them on them.

But obviously it didn't work, Huo Xiuxiu tried to dodge their attack.

Their speed was much faster than she thought, and when one of the zombies rushed over, Huo Xiuxiu threw the bag in her hand.

Don't underestimate the weight of the girl's bag. This time, the zombies were stunned.

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