Dr. Ohki’s eyes were full of shock.

Because of what appears in front of people.

He Ran was the one he had seen in ancient books, the creation god Arceus!

That’s right.

It’s Arceus!!

Dr. Ohki was a little incoherent at this time.

Petrified Arceus!

What a discovery this would be!!

At this time, Li Changsheng also became a little incredible.

Looking at the petrified Arceus, he naturally knew.

Know the existence of Arceus!

It is also known that Arceus is the most powerful being in this Pokémon world after all.

But I really didn’t think of it.

Will meet Arceus at this place!

Then Li Changsheng’s gaze turned to Qingluan next to him.

Qingluan actually frowned slightly, looking at Arceus in front of him.

Look at this strange Pokémon.

The Rift Void Seat trembled even more at this moment, and finally it was also included in the Royal Beast Space Ring.

He didn’t dare to imagine.

I actually met Arceus this time!

It’s just that it’s in the stage of petrification now.

When he met Arceus, the fear that came from the depths of his soul.

It is absolutely impossible to cover up!

It’s just that the Rift Empty Seat is still a little confused, after all, the feeling that Arceus brings him is still a little strange now.

Why did Arceus appear in this place?

And still sealed.

Most importantly, the petrified Arceus gave the Rift Seat a strange feeling!

But he couldn’t describe that feeling.

It can’t be described either.

Qingluan just quietly looked at Arceus in front of him.

Finally, slowly speak:

“This Pokémon, he has a level 80 level, but he is not active in this world, so the detection is not very clear!”

“I guess that’s the reason…”

Li Changsheng nodded at the same time, and he also noticed Arceus in front of him.

I can almost feel the energy level in his body!

It is estimated that there are more than 70 levels of SS-level job changers!

It’s just that it still makes Li Changsheng feel a little strange.

If it’s just like this, Qingluan won’t show such a state, and there must be something he doesn’t know.

Qingluan then continued to explain: “But he is lacking!!” ”

As the words fell, Dr. Ohki’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he started introducing the two!

The story of Arceus’ life treasure…

Just a month or two ago, after establishing diplomatic relations with the Dragon Kingdom, Dr. Ohki also thought a lot.

About the policy for those mythical beasts!

At the same time, it also collects information on 913 many sacred beasts!

As the creation god of the world, Pokémon, Arceus.

Although it is unlikely to appear, Ohki still collects a lot of information.

Just in case.

But I didn’t expect that the information I collected now came in handy at this moment!

Although Li Changsheng knows the story of Life Baoyu, it is not clear what exactly happened.

As Dr. Ohki narrates.

Li Changsheng also nodded.

If this is the case, Arceus in front of him should be at the level of incompleteness!

If he makes up for his 5 stone slabs, I’m afraid his strength will also soar to about level 80 SS!

But Li Changsheng still felt a little puzzled.

If it were just that, the blue plover would not stop, and.

With such a reaction…

Li Changsheng also knew about this period of life.

It is absolutely impossible for Qingluan to have such a big reaction because of a little thing.

Qingluan still silently looked at Arceus, who had already been petrified in front of him, and after being silent for a long time, he spoke:

“It’s just a doppelganger of him!”

As the words fell.


Shocking waves!

Even Li Changsheng became a little incredible at this moment, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

He remembered a setting of Arceus!

That is, Arceus in the elven world is just a doppelganger.

The essence of Arceus cannot come to this world!

Because this world cannot carry his power…

At first, Li Changsheng didn’t care very much, after all, it was too exaggerated to say this.

But with the point of the blue plover now.

Ideas are constantly gushing at this moment.

The vague memory becomes exceptionally clear!

It must be so.

Li Changsheng understood it all.

It was precisely in this way that alleviated the doubts in his heart just now.

Since the technology of the Dragon Kingdom has tested the elven world.

Li Changsheng had a doubt lingering in his heart.

Is Arceus really only at that level?

After all, this world was created by him, and the priesthood in this world was assigned to these first-level gods!

What does this mean?

This shows that their power level is definitely not at the same level!

And the crack seat that appears, etc., that is about seventy level A level transferees!

It’s just level 80 SSS, even if it’s level 80 SSS, then their strength level is always at one level!

And not like that kind of detached level of existence!

Dr. Ohki was also completely dumbfounded at this moment.

It was as if he had learned today’s news.

Arceus, who created the world, is the creation god Arceus in the eyes of all.

What once appeared in people’s myths was just a doppelganger?!



Moreover, in people’s eyes, it has always been just a myth, and it has always been just a falsely compiled story.

Is it actually true?

Is the whole world really created by the creation god Arceus?

And those first-level divine beasts were really chosen by the creation god Arceus to give authority?!

At this moment, Dr. Ohki’s heart became very heavy.

If so.

After these divine beasts are captured, if Arceus wakes up at that time, or rather.

After being known by the ontology Arceus!

What kind of waves will that make?

No one knows.

Don’t guarantee it!

Dr. Ohki thought of this possibility.

My heart suddenly sank, and I was worried for a while, not knowing what to do.

If Arceus wakes up and is very angry, what about the people of the elven world?

Li Changsheng asked with some curiosity at this time:

“Then this Arceus, what level of strength is the body?”

Qingluan held his chin and carefully looked at the doppelganger Arceus in front of him.

After a long silence, he slowly spoke:

“It should be level 140 or above!”

When the words fell, Li Changsheng was a little confused.

Level 140?

Listening to the meaning of this, will the original Arceus strength be so strong?

Although Li Changsheng did not know what the current strength of the Dragon Kingdom was, he did not ask specifically.

But a level 140 copy, the Dragon Kingdom can also clear the level without injury!

Of course, there are many props, but it is enough to illustrate one thing…

The strength of the Dragon Kingdom is very strong and strong!

However, Li Changsheng still had some doubts:

“Level 140?”

Qingluan nodded, and after a long silence, he finally spoke:

“At level 140, there will be a transfer mission, and after that transfer mission…”

“All directions will usher in sublimation!”

“And before the transfer mission, it will be the judgment of the two!”

“It will also be the hardest hurdle to cross!”

Li Changsheng suddenly became a little curious, looking at the Qingluan in front of him,

Why would she know so well?

Finally, I couldn’t help but ask.

After a moment of silence, Qingluan: “I’m level 139!” ”

“Trapped in a level 140 transfer mission!!”

Li Changsheng was also silent after learning the news.

Qingluan actually has level 139? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Li Changsheng was silent for a long time, and finally asked curiously:

“Then you and Arceus should be very close in rank, so why didn’t this space he created collapse?”

Qingluan held his chin and slowly spoke:

“Because the moment I step into this world, I seal my power, which is a natural skill of mine!”

“I can completely viccend another world, so the power I can exert now is only around level 100!”

“Moreover, the elven world created by this is also extremely solid, it should be integrated into his origin, and it is also divided into a doppelganger…”

After hearing this, Li Changsheng also nodded, and he also had some thoughts in his heart.

They did not awaken the sleeping Arceus.

At least.

In Li Changsheng’s thoughts.

It’s not time to awaken Arceus!

After that, several people continued to set out to capture the rioting beasts.

After half a day, Dr. Ohki was already numb!


It’s so fast!

In just half a day, Dr. Ohki watched them.

Constant flickering appeared, after capturing a divine beast.

Soon appeared in front of the next divine beast, and did not even say hello.

Directly suppress, stunned, taken away!

One-stop service.

Pokémon who have felt this service say yes!

But it didn’t give them a chance to say badly.

Dr. Ohki was seeing the scene.

At this moment, the whole person was also completely messy in the wind, full of confusion.

This is special…

Give him the feeling of a speedrun version!

That’s right.

That’s how it feels.

It’s like I worked hard for many years to complete my journey and become the champion of the Kanto region.

And then.

Li Changsheng took himself and pushed all the way, just half a day.

It’s the end of your life’s journey!

Even, I still have a journey that I can’t reach!

Dr. Ohki was completely numb.

At the time of parting, Dr. Ohki even felt a little trance, which must have been a dream.

Can follow.

His communicator rang quickly.

As he looked at his communicator, the call records there were almost exploded!


He was in a hurry, and he forgot to take the communicator with him in his hand, so he hurriedly went with Li Changsheng and them to capture the divine beast.

To the last time.

Li Changsheng also specially left a few divine beasts, and also gave them additional props.

[Slave Scroll]: After using the slave scroll on the designated target, you will not be able to resist orders and become a faithful slave! (Level limit 80 or less!) )

As for whose orders to listen to, it is naturally to listen to Dr. Ohki’s orders!

Dr. Ohki looked at the few baby balls in his hand, and he was also a little stunned for a while.

Myself… Become a Divine Beast Trainer?

Several divine beasts in his hand not only have second-level divine beasts, but also first-level divine beasts, and there are also third-level divine beasts!

Grade 3 Divine Beast.

It is not in their hands that they hold authority.

It is a race of divine beasts, and the most outstanding existence among them will receive certain blessings from the world!


Similar to the existence of the same race of third-level divine beasts, in Pokémon, it also exists!

For example, there is more than one frozen bird…

That’s it!

Dr. Ohki looked at Kikuko’s mother-in-law on the other side with a somewhat anxious and shocked look.

At this time, I was still in a bit of a trance.

After telling his own experience, he told how many divine beasts he now had on his hands.

Moreover, all those rioting divine beasts were cleaned up by Li Changsheng.

Human beings, don’t be afraid to live!

At this moment, the people on the side of the Elf Alliance also became a little excited.

And after knowing that Dr. Ohki had obtained the ownership of several absolutely loyal divine beasts, the high-level of the Elf Alliance only found out.

It’s just bad envy!

That’s a mythical beast!!

Where has any mythical beast ever become a human Pokémon?

Some are just those divine beast races.

And now, Dr. Ohki has it!

And they have the authority of those gods!

At this moment, carrying these Pokéballs, Dr. Ohki’s heart couldn’t help but become excited.

And all this.

It’s all brought by Li Changsheng!


Li Changsheng handed over those divine beasts to the personnel of the institute to study.

As for himself, Gurado and Gaioka.

After all, Gaioka was kept in the small pool of his villa, and he still looked good.

As for Gurado, it is also a good choice to decorate on the rockery not far from the villa pool.

As for the idea of letting these two divine beasts rule out other ideas?

That’s naturally very simple!

Li Changsheng simply used his physical strength to beat them up a few times, and that was enough.

Inside the Institute.

The researchers in white coats are full of excitement at the moment!

They all graduated from top colleges like Huaqing Jingbei University.

The level is naturally not low!

At least level 70 or so of research materials, they have seen a lot, and even more advanced ones have a lot!

But at this moment, their eyes were full of excitement.

A batch of divine beasts was sent!

Although those divine beasts did not have great strength, they also had such strength.

But before on the body of King Feng.

However, they sensed a trace of the bloodline of the phoenix.

Most importantly, on that Phoenix King’s body, he also vaguely felt the power of the law!

That’s the law of the elven world!

It is also the authority of the elven world…

The research on this authority has also achieved a lot of breakthroughs, and now more experimental subjects are needed.

I didn’t expect that.

There were actually so many divine beasts so quickly?

And most of them have authority, that kind of first-level divine beast!

Because they were not very secure, almost all of them were arrested.

As for this moment, Li Changsheng is in the villa, enjoying his leisurely holiday.

In the pool, Gaioka humiliated and shrunk his figure.

Turned into a swimming fish in the water, constantly swimming, making Li Changsheng happy.

As for Gurado, it just stood there dumbfounded, integrated with the rockery.

It also looks majestic, like a sculpture!

It’s just that he is also miserable at the moment.

But he didn’t dare to make the slightest move!

They have been beaten many times, and now they are completely aware of Li Changsheng’s strength.

There is no resistance!

Even, in their eyes.

The demon healed them with an unknown potion, and then gave them another violent beating!

It’s that scary!!

At this moment, the two divine beasts were in tears.

It’s called a regret in my heart!

When you first fought, why didn’t you pay attention and choose a place where no one was?

The reason why the two were arrested was naturally that they almost destroyed a human town!

This is the moment.

This pair of difficult brothers and brothers, but they can only grit their teeth and tears, making Li Changsheng happy!

It was at this time that Li Changsheng clicked on his data panel and looked at the message that popped up above.

[The gift of the world is triggered, complete the deep contact with the elf plane, achieve the level of deep diplomatic relations, and get the reward: the power of faith! ] 】

[Power of Faith]: The power of faith will be collected to visualize, and the power of faith can be used for various purposes, such as strengthening the body, increasing speed, improving talent, etc.! With him, you will be the most beautiful boy! .

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