On How Abusive Essays Become Sweet Essays

Chapter 12: I'm not good at chasing

    The venue that is intoxicated with money can easily make people lose themselves. The light and shadow of the people at the banquet are intertwined, like a huge cage, isolating Yu Han from the outside. He is in it, but he is out of place.


    Different from the perverseness in the face of Shen, now Yu Han is very docile.

    Bo Wang took Yu Han and left the venue ahead of schedule.


    Lazily looking at the scenery passing by the window.

    Yu Han, who was sitting beside him, was in a completely different situation.

    The driver was driving in front, there was no human voice and there was only a small murmur in the car.

    "Stop." Boli suddenly said.

    Yu Han's heart skipped a beat.

    The driver found a parking space and stopped.

    "Are you hungry?" Bo Wang turned his head and asked Yu Han, his tone was as gentle as ever, but before Yu Han could answer, he continued, "It's almost ten o'clock, and you didn't have any at the banquet. How to eat, it's time to be hungry."


    When he went out, his neatly combed hair fell a little on his forehead. When he raised his peach blossom eyes, there seemed to be a pool of spring water in his eyes, which caused people to drown. Yu Han temporarily forgot his nervousness. I got out of the car with him and entered the hotel.


      Bo Wang has been there from the beginning, so now in Bo Lang's eyes, he has subverted his previous weak image, but looking at his attitude, it seems that there is no difference from usual.

    After calming down, Yu Han suddenly remembered that time, when he was completely stunned, Bo Wang said to him "come here", did he say... In fact, he didn't hear anything.

    Bo Wang saw Yu Han's unease, did not disturb his thoughts, gave him enough time to think, and waited for the dish to be served before he said: "This dish is on the sweet side. You should like it."

    Yu Han was stunned, and subconsciously looked at the dish in front of her.

    "Sweet and sour fish and braised pork, try it." Bo Huang held a chopstick for him.

    "Okay." Yu Han replied in a low voice, with a light smile, at least on the surface, he could no longer see nervousness.

    Yu Han was eating and eating, and suddenly remembered that Bo Wang likes spicy food, but most of the dishes he ordered today were his tastes. He restrained his expression and ate it silently. Have a meal.

    When he was almost done eating, Bo Wang took him to get up to check out, Yu Han hesitated several times in the middle, Bo Wang saw it in his eyes, but did not urge him.


    When they returned home, no one mentioned that. Bo Wang went back to the room to take a shower. After blowing his hair, he tapped the keyboard with his notebook. After a long time, there was a knock at the door. Voice.

    The rhythmic keystrokes stop suddenly.

    Bo Wang got up and went to open the door. Outside the door, Yu Han was holding an exercise book, Nong Li's face was tight, her fingertips could not help but squeeze the pen in her hand, her voice was slightly hoarse asked: "Senior, I have a few questions that I don't know, can you teach me?"

    He didn't look into the thin eyes, his eyes fell on the thin lips, moved down again uncomfortably, and saw the man's **** Adam's apple.

    "Come in." His Adam's apple rolled as he spoke.

    Yu Han's heart suddenly lost the beat.

    No matter how calm he is, he is still a young man. When he walked in, he was probably too anxious and panicked. , stretched out his hand to catch it, and the person who had fallen forward jumped straight into his arms.

      The smell of tobacco - Bo Deli has just smoked.

    For some reason, Yu Han's originally turbulent heart gradually calmed down as it appeared on the surface.


    Yu Han took the exercise question and asked Boliang, and Boliang also solved the problem for him. After writing the problem, Yu Han did not say to leave, and Boliang did not urge him.

    Yu Han sat at the desk, Bo Wang sat next to him, took out his phone and swiped the screen when he lowered his head to do his homework.

    "Senior." Yu Han didn't know when to stop writing.

    Bo Wang put down the phone and turned his head to look at him.



    He turned off the phone and said in a calm tone, "If you want, I can pretend I didn't hear anything."

    Yu Han turned his head and looked at him, this time he didn't dodge, he clearly saw his reflection in the other's deep eyes, Yu Han heard the frivolous words the meaning below.

    He was silent for a while, and his eyes flashed: "No."

    He didn't want to pretend that he didn't hear anything.

    Therefore, Bo Liang told him that he started from the sentence Shen Lin said, "the same result is the same when he knows those things", and he heard the end, including Yu Han's one-sided confession.

    "You said you liked me." Bo Yan smiled, "Really?"

    Yu Han didn't say anything, Boarn didn't say a word, he was like a lion waiting for his prey, and the prey stepped into his neighborhood, so he wouldn't let him go so easily.

    Yu Han's heart sank when he heard those words from him. Now when he hears Bo Wang, the first thing he asks is not who he has ever calculated, but whether he is sincere in his confession. He froze for a moment.


    "What do you like about me?" Bo Wang asked him.

    "Because I helped you at school, because I was good to you, or because of my family background? Maybe your liking is just a temporary illusion." Fading, seeing the persistence and purity in his black eyes, his smile spread out, and his eyes flashed with emotions that others couldn't understand, "Yu Han, maybe it's just that you think you like me."

    "No." Yu Han denied it, and he had already started talking. He chose to reveal, "I want you to hug me, I want you to kiss me and touch me."

    Bo Wang was stopped for two seconds by his straightforward words, and said, "This is just the most primitive desire."

    "I also want to see you laugh, including expressions other than laughter, happy, excited, calm and sad, I want to know everything about you, and want to be a lover. By your side, longing for you... possessing me." Yu Han closed his eyes in shame, his eyelashes trembled slightly, he was afraid that if he didn't say these words now, he would have no chance in the future, and his voice was trembling, "I don't care. I clearly like and appreciate, being by your side, I am very afraid, afraid that one day you will suddenly have someone you like."

    He likes to make a person feel inferior, Yu Han always wants to narrow the gap between them, but the gap between them is always so big that he cannot If you are not sure what to say, how can you say it.

    Bo Wang didn't speak, as if he was weighing the truth of what he said, quietly staring at the young man in front of him.

    "I just... like you." The young man said this stubbornly, as if affirming and emphasizing.

    Yu Han lowered his head, he showed his filthy desires and pure love, and there was no way out, he clenched his fists and even breathed softly, waiting for the frivolous reply , as long as the lingering delay.

    "Yu Han, look up."

    He heard the faint voice, paused for two seconds, then raised his head, and saw Boli's expression clearly, there was no consistent smile in his mouth, no emotion in his eyes, like the wind The blown water surface returned to calm after the small waves.

    Bo Wang saw Yu Han's desperate attitude, put his elbows on the table, tilted his head and put his hands on his forehead, "I'm not good at chasing."

    Yu Han: "…"

    Bolly: "But you can try."

    Yu Han gradually came to understand, her breathing stagnated, and her eyes gradually became brighter.

    Bolly: "I'll think about it."

    The corners of his mouth twitched into a smile, with a careless sloppiness, "You can be fine - get to know me."

    The wolf cub has just revealed his claws, which is really surprising.

    Yu Han's heartbeat was completely out of control.

    Everything after the banquet, Bo Wang took care of Yu Han's mood and gave Yu Han a choice. His attitude showed that even if Yu Han did not confess to him, he would not be there There has been a change in treating him.

    Because he didn't care about those, he brought Yu Han with him from the beginning, not for the messy past.

    But Yu Han said these words tonight, then the nature of everything will become different.

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