On How Abusive Essays Become Sweet Essays

Chapter 168: your mouth is sweet (1)


    "Tomorrow, the young master in the prince's mansion has brought a full moon wine and sent an invitation. Master Chen invited the master to go out on a green tour with a poetry party the day after tomorrow. Master Mo raised two dogs and gave birth to cubs. He said yes To celebrate..."

    Yan Man took a brush and dipped it in ink, "I won't go to the full moon wine. I asked the butler to pick two things from the warehouse and send them over, and the latter ones were pushed."

    "Yes." The boy answered.

    Yanman swiped his brush on the paper, and the elegant and unrestrained words fell on the paper, which was the four words "spring is full of", he picked it up and watched it for a while, and finally he didn't put it any more. The paper is crumpled and thrown on the ground.

    "How about Su Gongzi?"

    When the little servant heard "Master Su", he didn't know who it was at first, but fortunately, he was also clever, and said: "This morning, I heard Brother Gou talk about Master Su. After eating two bowls of porridge, it seems to have a good appetite, and…”

    "What else?" Yan Man didn't like people talking hesitantly, so he was a little impatient.


    The dog's name is Wei Xiu, and it is the servant Yan Man sent to Su Bianyi to serve. What's his name, he said he didn't have a name, but Yan Man said that a cheap name would make a living, so he called him Ergou. That was when he was young, and later he changed his name to Wei Xiu, because Yan Man said Ergou was an unpleasant name.


    While speaking, Yan Man wrote a line of words on the paper, he put the brush beside him, sat on the stool, resting his chin with one hand, "Give him this letter. ."

    The boy took it, "Yes."

    So, that afternoon, Su Bianyi took a letter from Wei Xiu.

    “What is this?” he asked

    "This morning, the son asked me what the city lord likes. The city lord heard it and ordered the villain to send a letter to the son." Wei Xiu said with a straight face, and his character seemed to be honest. .

    When Su Bianyi heard what he said, he suddenly felt that the letter in his hand was hot.

    He knew that what he asked the next person would probably reach Yan Man's ears, but he didn't expect Yan Man to respond to him, and he even ordered someone to send letter paper over.

    "I see." He was a little shy, "You go out first."

    He is not usually a thin-skinned person, but this letter made him feel like he was being heard secretly talking behind his back.

    The people in the room retreated, and only Su Bianyi was left. He stood up and walked around the room, feeling very strange. It was beating violently, as if I had done something wrong, and it was like the excitement and excitement of just finishing a play.

    He closed the door and window and opened the letter.


    The content on the stationery is messy and disorderly, maybe the person who wrote the letter wrote whatever came to his mind. When he wrote about the love of listening to the opera, he talked about the delicious tea in the pear garden.

    Su Bianyi saw this, and the rhythm of her heart beat slowly calmed down.

    He wanted to go back to Liyuan. He sang to make a living, and he really liked it. He was the one who could endure hardship the most since he was a child. Painful, but still do not remember the pain like.

    But he also knew it was unlikely.

    […If you want to know anything, you can ask me directly. 】

    The inscription Yanman was beautifully written, Su Bianyi held the letter and rubbed the ink marks on it with her fingertips.

    He remembered these two meetings, except that night, Yan Man treated him tenderly.


    In the evening, Yan Man, as he said last night, came to give Su Bianyi medicine again. He came here with dinner tonight—clear soup with little water was not his taste.

    It was dark outside, Su Bianyi was sitting on the edge of the bed in the room, reading the playbook with a candle, which was one of the few things he brought, but really, it was all It is Su Fengren's playbook, and none of it belongs to him.


    Seeing the white ointment, he could even recall how Yan Man felt when he put the medicine on him... Maybe that's all.

    He put it on the cabinet beside the bed. When he got out of bed to blow out the candle, the door opened, and the sound of "creaking" was especially obvious at night.

    Su Bianyi was in place.

    Yan Man was wearing a long robe, brocade clothes and jade belts, and a hosta in her hair with fine workmanship. He closed the door, walked straight inside, and saw Su Bianyi who was about to blow out the candles.

    "Going to bed?"

    Su Bianyi: "It's getting late."

    "Can I take medicine today?" Yan Man's eyes fell on the ointment on the bedside cabinet, and then turned back to Su Bianyi's face.

    Su Bianyi felt a little guilty when she met those black eyes with a hint of a smile, he said, "It's already on."

    "Really?" Yan Man asked, "Didn't you lie to me?"

    This kind of childish question doesn't quite match the rumored city lord.

    Su Bianyi nodded.

    Yan Man: "Let me check."

    Su Bianyi: "…"

    I didn't want to have this disaster at all. He stood there and didn't move, as if he was rooted.

    "Do you know the consequences of those who lied to me?" Yan Man was still smiling, but there was a deep meaning in his words.

    But Su Bianyi was nervous at the moment, didn't hear the deep meaning of his words, her earlobes turned red, looking a bit pitiful.

    "I..." His voice was barely noticeable.


    Su Bianyi hurriedly supported his shoulder, and before he let the other party put him down, the other party had already put him down, so he had to follow his will and lie down On the bed, he buried his head between his arms, holding his breath, a thin red spread from the roots of his ears.

    Yan Man probed his wound, but there was no trace of medicine, "Bian Yi, you lied to me."

    Su Bianyi only felt that the voice in his ear was a little far away, he bit his lip, "Let the city master handle it."

    "I said it yesterday, don't call me the city lord." Yan Man opened the ointment slowly.

    He doesn't like others to lie to him, this is not a lie, but his tolerance for Su Bianyi is temporarily greater than others, and it is in the matter of drug use, so he can not be held accountable —

    "Hmm..." Su Bianyi's pupils tightened, biting his lower lip, "Yan...Yan Lang, can you be lighter..."

    There were tears in the corners of his eyes, not too painful, but too sudden.

     Yan Man's lips overflowed with a chuckle, "Does it hurt you?"

    Su Bianyi: "…"

    He didn't raise his head, but he could feel that Yan Man was taking the medicine lightly, but his tense body could not relax.

    After the medicine was finished, Su Bianyi was sweating profusely, as if she had been salvaged from the water, her hair was sticking to her face, Yan Man sat beside the bed, holding a handkerchief He wiped off the ointment in his hand, got up and went out and ordered someone to bring water.

    He washed his hands, took the handkerchief he wiped his face and put it into another clean basin. The warm water soaked the handkerchief, he wrung the handkerchief and walked to the bedside, fiddled with it The ink hair on Su Bianyi's face wiped his face for him.

    Su Bianyi lowered his eyes and didn't dare to look at him, raised his hand to get the veil, but just put his hand in his hand, he said, "I... come by myself."

    The rash on her face has not disappeared, and others will find it ugly, not to mention Yan Man, Su Bianyi inexplicably does not want him to take a closer look at this face.

    Yan Man rested his joints on his chin, raised his head, slender fingertips with a little moisture, wiped the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief, and suddenly found Su Bianyi's drooping eyelashes are very long, long and curled.


    The bright moonlight fell on that face, as if adding some illusory light and shadow to the outline, long hair and high bundles, soft and tenacious.

    Yan Man said: "No one can let me serve you like this."

      Good-looking, there is a feeling of wanting to talk, and the lip color is as beautiful as petals.

    Su Bianyi held her breath and wanted to turn her head away, but was firmly imprisoned in Yan Man's hands. At this time, Yan Man's eyes were deep, giving Su Bianyi a kind of say no clear pressure.

    And his words made Su Bianyi feel a special kind of special, which made him uneasy and made him a little uneasy.

    His Adam's apple rolled, Yan Man touched his lips for a long time, just when he thought Yan Man would do something, Yan Man turned to wash the hijab.

    Su Bianyi pursed his lips and bit the place where he touched, which seemed to be stained with the fragrance of Yan Man's fingertips, he looked at Yan Man's back.


    Yan Man wiped the sweat from his body, let him lie on the bed, and covered him with a quilt, "Don't catch a cold."

    "Yes." Su Bianyi responded in a low voice.

    Yan Man said a few words to him, then got up to blow out the candle, the sound of "crunch" sounded again, and the room returned to peace.

    On the bed, Su Bianyi let out a long sigh of relief, only to feel a feverish head and a little awake.


    The maids who were idle in the yard sat under the corridor and broke their mouths.

    "I don't know when this Young Master Su's face will heal."

     "That's right, I heard it was stunning, and it looked pretty good, but it couldn't be called stunning."

    "It's just a matter of hearing the rumors, do you still take it seriously?"

    Several people let out crisp laughter.

    "What do you think the city lord likes him? Look at that Xiao Li, is he much prettier than him..."

    "Young Master Su looks better, but the rash on his face... You like Xiao Li, right?"


    "Is there nothing to do?" A deep male voice interjected.

    Three or four maids stood up in a hurry, and when they turned around, they saw two people standing on the corridor, one was the "Young Master Su" they had just discussed, and the other was next to Su Bianyi Little servant Wei Xiu.

    The maids stood in a row with their heads bowed and silent.

    "Give me down." Wei Xiu scolded in a low voice, "Let me hear you again, and I will report to the city lord."

    "That's it." Su Bianyi said, holding a tray in his hand with a porcelain bowl on it, in which was tender tofu brain.

    The maids saluted and trotted away one by one.

    "Send it for me." Su Bianyi handed the tray to Wei Xiu.

    Wei Xiu looked at the tray, hesitated a little, and said, "Young master, this is very inappropriate. We will be in the study in front of you. You have to convey your thoughts by yourself, so that the city lord can feel it."

    Su Bian thought about it and felt the same way.

    Yan Man sat in the study, handling official business, and asked the servant next to him, "What else is there for tomorrow?"

    "Master forgot? The day before yesterday, you let the junior generals push all the arrangements." The servant replied rubbing ink.

    Yan Man rubbed his eyebrows, "Really?"


    After a while, Su Bianyi appeared at the door. He was wearing a moon-colored robe with cloud patterns embroidered on the cuffs of his waist. He had a refined temperament. Calm.

    Yan Man waved his hand and let the person next to him go out.

    The servant who served him was a clever man, and he didn't forget to close the door when he went out.

    Su Bianyi stood in front of the desk, holding the tray and didn't move. After a while, he asked, "Are you hungry?"

    "For me?" Yan Man laughed, got up and walked in front of him, taking the things in his hand.

    He took the spoon in the bowl and stirred it.

    Su Bianyi: "You said earlier that you like to eat tofu, and I remembered this. When I was in Liyuan, I liked it very much."

    Yan Man smiled and looked at the bean curd in the bowl, "It's rare that someone will make this for me, I'll try it."

    He took a bite, the entrance was tender and smooth, and the taste was sweet.

    "Is it delicious?" Su Bianyi looked at him.


    He pulled the corners of his lips and smiled: "Well, it's delicious."

    "Then I'll do it for you next time." Su Bianyi said.

    "You have a taste." Yan Man handed the bowl to him.

    Su Bianyi glanced at him, then lowered his head and took a bite in his hand holding the spoon. He actually ate it. After making it, he tasted two bowls before serving it. come over.

    "I don't need to take medicine today." Su Bianyi whispered, he licked the sweetness remaining on his lips, and said, "I'm fine."

    "I'll take a look at it tonight." Yan Man said.

    Su Bianyi didn't have time to answer, the door was knocked twice, he was like a frightened rabbit, and his back seemed to be blown up, Yan Man thought his reaction was particularly interesting, laughing. out.

    He put the bowl aside and said "Come in".

    The servant who came in first glanced at Su Bianyi, then walked to Yan Man, saluted, and said, "I have something to report."

    Su Bianyi understood why he glanced at him just now, he said, "Then I will..."

    "It's fine." Yan Man said, looking very trusting in Su Bianyi, raised his chin and said, "Speak."

    The servant said: "Outside, Mr. Su's master in Liyuan is asking to see him. There is another person in the company, claiming to be Senior Brother Su, do you want to welcome them in?"

    Su Bianyi heard this, and subconsciously looked at Yan Man, who happened to be looking at him, and said with a smile, "I was negligent, I should take you for three days. It's been six days since I returned home."

    Su Bianyi lowered his eyes and said, "No problem."

    He almost forgot that he was not the one who was going to marry in the first place. If this happened first, how could there be a return? Besides, he was not a woman, it was custom, not important.

    Yan Man: "Can you imagine seeing them?"

    Subian pasta hesitated.

    "Whatever you say, I will answer you." Yan Man said.

    Su Bianyi said, "I want to see Master so that he won't worry."

    This matter will certainly not be hidden from his master. At that time, the hi-po said that the master also agreed to this move, but he did not believe it.

    Yan Man didn't ask them to meet right away, he asked Su Bianyi to change clothes, and later he asked someone to find him, Su Bianyi agreed, and Yan Man went to the front hall.

    The bean curd brain was placed on the side of the table, and only took two bites. Su Bianyi picked up the bowl and ate it one bite at a time.

    Wei Xiu entered the study and saw him taking the last bite of the tofu brain, he said "Master Su".

    Su Bianyi said, "Go back first."

    He walked out, Wei Xiu followed, after a long distance, Wei Xiu stepped forward and said, "Young Master Su, don't be too sad."

    Su Bianyi turned to look at him.

    Wei Xiu said: "The city lord was poisoned when he was young. Maybe so, he didn't touch the son's tofu brain, not against you. Never touched it."

    Su Bianyi stomped her feet and froze on her face.

    Yan Man ate, not only ate, but also fed him a mouthful, Su Bian pasta was slightly hot, and pursed his lips.

    Benjue's actions are too intimate, but a little lingering.

    People in the front hall served tea and poured water, and the two people in the hall saluted.

    "I have seen the Lord of the City." Master Su wore a gray robe and led a thin man in a green shirt. The man was wearing a cap.

    "Sit down." Yan Man sat in the upper seat, the maid next to him poured him a cup of tea, he put it on his lips and sipped, and didn't speak again.

    He fell silent, and it was the two people below who were restless.

    Master Su stood up again, "Come today, Caomin has something important to discuss."

    Yan Man raised his eyes: "Oh?"

    The thin man was pushed by his master, he knelt on the ground, kowtowed and said: "The grass-roots sins deserve ten thousand deaths, forget the city master's forgiveness."

    "What's the crime?" Yan Man asked.

    The thin man raised his hand, took off the hood, and the face behind him was revealed. The face is so good-looking, it's a bit boring in comparison.

    "Su Fengren?" Yan Man's lips murmured.

    Su Fengren closed his eyes, "It's down there."

    Yan Man tapped the teacup with his fingertips and sneered: "You are so bold, who gave you the idea to deceive me like this?"

    His voice was neither high nor low, but no one in the hall dared to make any sound, including Su Fengren, Yan Man's eyes fell on him, which was different from the casualness in the theater before, But a stare full of coercion.

    For the first time, he realized that there are really people who can exude such aura.

    He clenched his fists tightly, his shoulders trembled, he must not let Yan Man know that all this was his idea, he saw Master Su take a step out of the corner, he raised his head, with tears in his eyes, "City Lord..."

    He ended with a vibrato, "This matter is what he wanted to do. He saw that the city lord favored me, and he was not angry. He actually put the medicine on that day to stun me..."

    Although Yan Man likes him and won't do anything to him, he is still safe, he is also for the brothers of Liyuan.

    Master Su glared at Su Fengren, Su Fengren was usually a little careful, but he didn't know that he could be so vicious!

    If the city owner believes in this matter, how will Bianyi survive!

    "City Lord—" Master Su was about to speak, but Su Fengren intercepted it again.

    "Wang the city lord to raise your hand, don't put this matter on the children of Liyuan, Feng Ren is willing to bear it!" Su Fengren knelt on the ground, his voice was high.

    Master Su thought of the people in Liyuan, gasped heavily, and took two steps back.




    A figure in brocade appeared at the door, Master Su turned his head and saw Su Bianyi, including the rash on his face, Su Bianyi also saw him, hooked his lips and nodded After a moment, indicating that he was fine, Master Su calmed down a bit.

    The atmosphere inside was a little wrong, Su Bianyi heard Su Fengren's voice from a distance, he saluted and said "City Lord".

    Yan Man beckoned: "Come here."

    Su Bianyi stepped forward, Yan Man asked the servant to bring another stool, and then asked Su Bianyi to sit beside him.

    Being in a high position, what she sees and feels is different from the bottom, Su Bianyi straightens her shoulders and back.

    Yan Man grabbed one of his hands and played with it, Su Bianyi's hand was beautiful, fair and slender, with delicate finger pulps, no moles or scars, but where the clothes were hidden, it was There are some scars.

    Yan Man asked: "Bianyi's rash on his face, do you know why it came?"

    This time it was Master Su who spoke up, he said, "Bian Yi can't eat peanuts since he was a child, and it will be like this when he eats it—"

    "Yeah." Yan Man said, "Why do people who can't eat peanuts eat peanuts? I heard the doctor say that if you eat too much...but you will die."

    He had a smile on his lips, and his voice was soft, but he was very deterrent.

    "Su Fengren, do you know?"

    Su Bianyi glanced at Yan Man, only to see his side face, he was slightly startled, he did eat the cake Su Fengren gave him to get the trick, but he never talked to Yan Man. By the way, how did he know?

    Master Su also reacted at this moment, turning his head sharply to look at Su Fengren, Su Fengren's face turned pale, "It may be that he wants to replace him, but he is afraid of being recognized, so he makes this decision. , the mayor—"

    He raised his head, with tears in his eyes, "Fengren really doesn't know anything."

    Yan Man rested his chin in his hand, "I don't know? Oh, it's really innocent. If you confess that you don't want to get married, I won't force it, so why is it so pretentious, you know, I The most annoying thing is when people lie to me."

    Su Bianyi heard the words and glanced at him again, his hand was still being played with in his hands, as if he was playing with jade, Yan Man's hand was a little cool, a little cold, Su Bianyi Shake it.

    Yan Man paused and turned to look at him.

    "I..." Su Bianyi's subconscious reaction just now, he whispered, "I'll warm your hands for you."

    Su Fengren wanted to say something else, but Yan Man was annoyed, and said to the master, "For Bianyi's face, I can not care about Liyuan."

    "But the premise is that Su Fengren is not from Liyuan." Yan Man said.

    Su Fengren's move really took him as a fool, and this time it wasn't for Su Bian's anger, just because of this.

    As soon as these words came out, the meaning became clear, Su Fengren was stunned, and looked up abruptly, he didn't understand, Yan Man was clearly interested in him a while ago, why today...

    A maid came in tremblingly at the door, "Master, it's time for Young Master Su to drink the medicine."

    "Come in." Yan Man said.

    "Yes." The maid immediately called someone to bring the medicine in.

    The attitude of the maid represents the attitude of the master. In such a scene, I did not forget to remind Su Bianyi to drink the medicine - Su Fengren's eyes widened.

    Yan Man took the bowl from the maid's hand, sniffed and frowned, took another sip, and frowned even deeper: "Why is this medicine so bad to drink?"

    Su Bian commented on his appearance, and the tight strings loosened again, "Good medicine is bitter, don't try it again."

    Yan Man was stopped by him, turned his head and asked the servant to get the candied fruit. After eating it, the bitter taste in the mouth is dispelled a lot, and even the heart is sweet.

    Yan Man made no secret of his love for Su Bianyi, which shocked the two people below, Su Fengren was a little dazed, and recovered.

    Israel’s servants, how can they last for a long time.

    Yan Man didn't stay much longer, got up and left, and let Su Bianyi and his master have a few words.


    He went back to the study, and half an hour later, he heard a servant report that Master Su and Su Fengren had already left.

    He said "understood" and said nothing.

    Su Bianyi went back to the yard and saw his master, and felt a lot more at ease, but when he thought of Su Fengren, he frowned. Su Fengren said a lot of bad things about Yan Man and asked Yan Man Is it bad for him, and wants him to intercede for him and Yan Man...

    Since Yan Man has let go of these words, if he pleads again, won't he refute Yan Man's face, and besides, after this incident, he can no longer treat Su Fengren in the same way as before he is.


    Not long after he returned to the house, a maid came over with something.


    "For me?" Su Bianyi raised his hand and lifted the cloth above.

    In the first tray is a pair of jade Ruyi, with exquisite workmanship and a very good texture, and he felt bright at first sight, he opened his mouth: "This... is too precious. "


    Su Bianyi's lips moved. She was helpless, happy, and a little nervous. He opened the second tray, which contained a folding fan. He opened it and saw, Above is a landscape painting, very elegant, and there is a poem next to it. The person who signed it is famous, even he has heard a thing or two.

    This was another valuable item, and he was terrified that the third would be the same, and when he opened the cover of the third tray, he was relieved - there was a packet of candied fruit.

    "Do you like Young Master Su?" the maid asked, "The slaves have to go back and reply."

    Su Bianyi's lips overflowed with a smile: "I like it very much - wait a bit."

    He turned around and entered the inner room, and the maids waited. When Su Bianyi came out again, he held a picture scroll in his hand. He handed it to the maids and said, "Please give this to the city lord. Bar."

    "Yes." The maids took it and left one after another.

    Su Bianyi took the candied fruit, opened it and ate one, and pulled away from the discomfort after seeing Su Fengren, her whole body was filled with a relaxed breath.


    "Young Master Su said he likes it very much, and he looks very happy." The maid handed over the picture scroll in her hand, "This is what Master Su asked my servant to give to you."

    Yan Man raised his hand to take it, waved his hand, and the people left, and closed the door by the way. The hand has a strong foundation, and a painting is lifelike, and the two words in the corner cannot be seen unless you look closely.


    A gift in return?

    He laughed. It was the first time he had received such a cheap gift. He rolled up the picture and put it aside. After a while, he picked up the picture and put it on the bookshelf.

    It's beautiful.

    In the night, the weather was a little cold, Yan Man arrived as promised, and when he arrived at Su Bianyi's room, he didn't ask what he said to his masters during the day, just checked his wounds .

    Su Bianyi was lying on the bed, his white underwear outlined his waist and collapsed, he buried his head in the crook of his arms, and heard Yan Man say: "This injury is almost healed, I will replace it today. Your last medicine will not be used tomorrow."

    Su Bianyi buried his head and said "OK".

    He is slender than the average man, with long legs and a thin waist.

    "Do you not like Yu Ruyi?" Yan Man asked.

    Su Bianyi suppressed her voice and said, "I like it."

    Yan Man: "Why don't you show it?"

    Su Bian intends to sing in the theater, and it is not that there are no guests who spend a lot of money, but he used to not accept it, and when he saw others, he did not feel much, but today he feels it is too precious , doesn't seem to fit anywhere.

    He didn't know what to say.

    "Put it out." Yan Man said, "This object is for people to watch."

    "...Okay." Su Bianyi couldn't help but snorted in a low voice.

    "Does it hurt?" Yan Man asked.

    "It doesn't hurt." Su Bianyi shook his head.

    The medicine was finished soon, Yan Man stood up, "You rest."

    No need to take medicine tomorrow, Su Bianyi suddenly realized one thing, since no medicine is needed, will Yan Man still come?

    And the next night, he really didn't see Yan Man again. Later, he fell asleep and woke up to find that the candles in the room were blown out. extinct.

    Yan Man didn't deliberately not go to Su Bianyi's place, but he went there for a few days, Su Bianyi looked quite shy, and Su Fengren's side also rectified, so he didn't go there.

    As for Su Bianyi, Yan Man looked at him and found it pleasing to the eye, and he was willing to pamper him if he could lift his strength.

    In the past few days, he sent all the good things to Su Bianyi, but people never set foot there. Extravagant sound.

    The woman in the hall danced gracefully, Yan Man sat in the upper seat, leaning on the armrest, holding the wine glass in one hand, put it on his lips and drank it, at this time, a person ran in and walked to Yan Man Beside him, he lowered his head and covered his mouth with one hand, whispering in his ear.

    "Master, Su Gongzi was taken away by the old lady's side."

    Yan Man raised his brows lightly, put down the wine glass, "Why?"

    "The maid on the old lady's side said that he was a newcomer, but she didn't come to see her. It was too rude. At that time, Young Master Su was not in the yard, but seemed to be in the kitchen. Those servants didn't stop him."

    Most of the servants here are subordinate to Yu Yanman, except for the few cronies of the old lady.

    "Oh?" Yan Man's voice was hoarse, "I don't know how to behave..."

    I don't know what the etiquette is saying is Su Bianyi, but in fact it is sarcasm Yan Man.

    He hummed, raised his hand and raised the cup, a crisp voice sounded in the hall, and when the music stopped, the dancers also knelt down.


      He looked amiable, but his eyes were sunken, and he seemed to be a bit ruthless.

    Su Bianyi stood below, raised his head, just came out of the kitchen, his body was not clean, there were a few black marks on his face, he was really embarrassed, but this maid wouldn't let him change Body-faced clothes, saying that the old lady was eager to see him.

     "This face is pretty." The old lady said with a smile, her tone sounded friendly.

    The door of the room was open, and the servants guarded it. There were valuables, mahogany tables and chairs, and sandalwood smoked everywhere in the room.

    The old lady was wearing a Buddha bead in her hand, drinking tea with her head down, "Looks like a good boy."

    Su Bianyi: "I wonder what the old lady is looking for?"

    "I heard that your master is from Liyuan?" The old lady said, "I drove out a senior brother a few days ago, and I found out the reason after inquiring. Poor child—"


    The old lady didn't expect people to come so quickly, her face changed a bit.

    Yan Man was dressed in a black robe, embroidered with Begonia patterns, with a tight belt around his waist, with a faint smile on his face, "Greetings to mother."

    The old lady put down the teacup and regained her face, "I don't see you coming to me on weekdays."

    Yan Man: "Busy business."

    This is ironic. The people who listen to music and dance in the hall every day are busy with official business.

    Su Bianyi turned his head.

    The old lady didn't dare to say anything, "The meeting ceremony is ready."

    She asked the servants to bring it up and opened it for Su Bianyi. Inside was a pair of jade pendants, the dragon and the phoenix were auspicious, the design was clever, and there was a hosta.

    "Thank you, mother." Yan Man said with a smile, he turned to look at Su Bianyi, and this glance made him stunned.

    I haven't seen him for a few days, the rash on Su Bianyi's face is gone, but there are still a few black marks on his face, a pair of eyes are looking at him intently, Su Bian thinks that his expression is a bit wrong, and he lowered his head head.

    Yan Man wiped something on his face, his fingertips swept his cheek, Su Bianyi subconsciously ducked, as if afraid, Yan Man did not chase after him and put down his hand.

    "Tomorrow I will go to the lake with my old man, and the weather is starting to warm." The old lady said, "You are busy on weekdays, and my old man wants to ask him to go with me."

    "Even though I'm busy, I have to make time for my mother."

    "I have nothing to do, so I will leave first." Yan Man said to the old lady, and patted Su Bianyi's lower back.

    Su Bianyi also followed: "Bianyi retire."

    After passing this threshold, Yan Man let the follower hold the things.


      All put up.

    "Are you going to swim in the lake tomorrow?" Su Bianyi asked.

    "Want to go?" Yan Man sat down and poured a cup of tea.

    Su Bianyi: "Can you?"

    Yan Man: "Of course you can go, but when have I ever refused your request."

    Su Bianyi pursed her lips and smiled, the black marks on her face were funny, Yan Man smiled too, "Come here."

    Su Bianyi walked in front of him, was pulled by his hand, and fell down on his legs, Yanman wrapped a hand around his waist, and his slender waist was full of hands .

    "Where did you get it on your face?" He raised his hand and wiped it, but it didn't.

    Su Bianyi didn't hide this time, and said, "I got some food in the kitchen, maybe I got it accidentally."


    The voice was a little hoarse, and Su Bianyi didn't dare to move.

    "Is there no cook in the kitchen? Why do I tell you to cook?" Yan Man asked.

    "No." Su Bian Yixu supported his shoulders and said, "I want to make some food."

    "Your hands are a waste of cooking." Yan Man took his hand and rubbed it, then sniffed it around his neck, "But it smells good."

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