It was near noon, and Yingnan High School had not finished classes yet. The huge campus was very quiet. The weather was cold in November, and the plane trees by the trail fell to the ground.

    Today's weather is not good, it's cloudy, and the wind is blowing. In the office on the second grade floor, only the head teacher of the class is correcting the test papers, and he finds the office and knocks on the door. .

    "Teacher Yan." He was wearing a black trench coat, calm and graceful.

    The head teacher who marked the test paper raised his head.

    The other party is about forty years old, wearing a pair of glasses, and his expression is very bluffing when he is stern. He is Yu Han's class teacher, surnamed Yan.

    Yu Han called him an hour ago and said that there was something going on at the school, and asked him if he could come over and help him. Yu Han said lightly that he had a fight with a classmate in the class.

    Bo Liang also came to know that the person who fought with Yu Han was Shen Lin.

    The classmates are all in class at the moment, Shen Lin and Yu Han are also in the class, Teacher Yan first talked to Bo Wang about the situation.

    In the last physical education class, two boys didn't know what friction and collision happened, and they fought in the playground. The classmates saw it. At that time, the two were far away from each other and could not tell Who moved the hand.

    "Are you Yu Han's brother?" Teacher Yan asked, "Looks a little familiar."

    When Bo Huang came, he introduced himself as Yu Han's family. He would hear Teacher Yan ask this question and say, "That's right."

    He smiled, "I studied here before, and I may have met Teacher Yan."

    He didn't bother much about this topic, and instead asked Teacher Yan how they were doing.

    Mr. Yan didn't get into it.

      , I just don't know what kind of conflict he has with Shen Lin. The two usually seem to have a bad relationship... I just want you to care about it in private. They don't want to say something to the teacher. My brother should be willing to communicate."

    This matter is not that serious when it comes to seriousness. On Shen Lin and the others, a fight is nothing, but on Yu Han, it is worth attracting the teacher's attention.

    Mr. Yan was going to the classroom to call Yu Han, Bo Wang stopped him and said that he could wait for them to finish class here, and it was only ten minutes before the end of get out of class.

    Bo Wang sat in the office for a while, then went to the corridor outside. He found a position with a good view, where he could see Yu Han without attracting attention.

    There are more than 30 students in the class, the desks and chairs are loosely arranged, making the classroom very spacious, Yu Han is sitting in the penultimate position by the window, the window is half open, and Bo Wang is in the corridor Behind him, only the back of his head can be seen.

    He didn't intend to disturb him, so he just stared at the back of his head for a few minutes, it seemed that he had been watching for a long time, Yu Han seemed to feel something, and turned his head unexpectedly.

    The hallway was empty and no one was there.

    Yu Han was stunned for a moment, and his heart was also empty. He knew what he was expecting, wanted to see him coming, but was afraid of him coming.

    This is a small test by Yu Han.

    He…don't want to imitate others anymore.

    The get out of class bell rang, the teacher had finished the class, Yu Han tidy up the books on the table, everyone in the classroom was almost gone, Yu Han was still sitting in the classroom with his back straight , and inexplicably seem lonely.

    He sat in the seat for a while, and then took out a test paper from the neat stack of books next to him, holding a pen in his hand, looking at the questions on the test paper.

    Bo Wang was sitting behind Yu Han, holding his cheeks to see when he turned around, he came in when they were almost gone in the classroom, but Yu Han knew nothing about it. I couldn't bear to turn my head back.

    The corners of Boliang's mouth silently evoked a smile, he saw that Yu Han still had to write the test paper, he raised his hand behind him, stretched out his index finger, and drew down his back from top to bottom.

    The itchy and numb feeling spread all over Yu Han's back.

    The black water-based pen made a long mark on the test paper.

    "Student Yu Han, you are so hardworking, look at me." The magnetic deep voice spoke cynically.

    It ignited the hot flame in Yu Han's heart.


    Bo Wang took people out of the classroom to eat, Yu Han lowered his head and looked extremely ashamed, but Bo Wang was so close to him, he could see the boy's fair cheeks and upper lip when he looked sideways The arc of the horns really didn't feel his shame, instead, it was full of excitement like a bird out of its cage.

    They didn't go out to eat. The canteen of Yingnan High School has a lot of dishes. They ordered two meals and found a seat to sit down.

    Yu Han usually shares his grades and life with Boliang, and Boliang has nothing to say, he chatted a few words and went straight to the topic: "Why fight?"

    The cafeteria was noisy, and the two of them sitting in a small corner were not very conspicuous.

    "Did I delay you?" Yu Han asked anxiously, her eyes timid.

    "Yeah—" Bo Liang stretched out the ending, "Do you want me to answer that and go back?"

    Yu Han lowered his head and poked at the rice, whispering: "No."

    "Look up and show me your face." Bo Wang said.

    Yu Han knew that he wanted to see his injury, so he raised his head generously, but he didn't dare to look at Boli.

    The corners of his mouth were red, and there were fine scratches on his cheeks, but they were not serious, and they would get better after three or four days.

    Bo Liang saw that nothing was wrong, so he asked, "What's the reason for the fight? Say it and listen."

    Yu Han took a mouthful of rice, chewing it as if thinking about what to say.

    "He told me to stay away from you."

    "When did your relationship become so good? You can take care of this."

    "No." His words made Yu Han frown, "I don't have a good relationship with him."

    "The last fight was also because of this?" Bo Wang asked.

    Yu Han nodded.

    Bolly: "Did you win?"

    Yu Han thought about it for a while, then nodded: "Win."

    "Really?" Bo arrogantly raised his eyebrows.

    The next moment, he was half convinced.

    Because he saw Shen Lin walking towards them in anger, his face was extremely ugly, and there were more blue spots on his face than Yu Han, Yu Han's mouth turned red, Shen Lin Both sides of Lin were red, and the chin was blue.

    Shen Lin stopped by their dining table and stared at Boliang, "Why are you here!?"

    The old man answered with a smile, "Let's eat."


    Shen Lin looked at Boliang, then at Yu Han, his face was even more ugly, he said to Yu Han: "You complain again."

    As soon as these words came out, the scene was like a kindergarten.


    "What are you angry about, you can also sue." Bo Liang joked, "Looking for your father, looking for your mother, isn't it, kid."

    Hearing the "little boy", Yu Han raised her eyes and glanced at it.

    Shen Lin: "…"

    He blushed: "Sick!"

    "Bolly, I advise you, you'd better stay away from this guy."

    Shen Lin's words fell into Bo Xian's ears, and they were harsh words.

    "Why?" Bo Wang remained calm, trying to provoke Shen Lin to see if he could come up with something.

    Yu Han also tilted his head to look at Shen Lin, his eyes were very calm, Shen Lin and Yu Han's eyes met, and suddenly he couldn't say anything.

      In the meantime, he was guessing, but now he can be sure that something must be happening.

    In the end, Princess Shen was like a defeated cockfight, she came with her head held high, and returned with her head bowed.

     However, as soon as he walked out of Yu Han's classroom door, he ran into someone.

    An unexpected person.

    Meng Qianyun.

    Thanks to his good memory, he recognized him at a glance.

    The boy is slender, with black hair and black eyes, wearing glasses, handsome eyebrows, and looking at Sven and obedient, but compared to the last time Bo Wang saw him, his eyebrows were less energetic.

    Bo Wang glanced at him, but he didn't stop. When he passed by him, he stopped him: "Bo Wang."

    "Is something wrong?" Bo Wang's expression did not change at all.

    In fact, he didn't have a deep feeling about what happened a year ago, and more of it didn't matter.

    "Can you... chat?"

    Bo Li turned sideways and motioned for him to speak.

    Meng Qianyun turned his head to look at the people on both sides, and lowered his head again. After he came to this school, he always had this attitude most of the time. What he felt the most was low self-esteem.

    He lowered his voice and said, "There are a lot of people here, can you go over there?"

    He was referring to the end of the hallway.

    Meng Qianyun is a third-year high school student, and the teaching building is not on this floor.

    "Let's talk about something here." Bo Wan said that he didn't have much time to listen to someone who was not important to say too much.

    "I'm sorry." Meng Qianyun said very quietly, as if he was afraid of being known, his face was red and his voice was trembling. He was not a bold person.

    He didn't follow for a while.

    Boy: "It's okay."

    Because he never cared.

    Meng Qianyun is the one who wrote him an explicit love letter a year ago, but he said that he forced him to write it. Everyone knows that he is gay, and he can roughly guess what he is afraid of and put himself in his shoes.

    However, as one of the protagonists in the incident, Boarn doesn't feel anything, the position is different, and what he suffers and needs to endure is also different.

    Bo Wang can bear the consequences for what he did, but Meng Qianyun chose to push it on others. Bo Wang didn't speak out at the beginning, which was already the biggest face for him.

    As for how he is doing now, it is his own responsibility.

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